

本站小编 Free考研网/2019-05-25

王晓军,男,1981年生,博士,副教授,博士生导师,哈尔滨工业大学材料学院材料科学系、 哈工大镁合金技术研究所-高性能镁基材料组。长期从事高性能镁基材料制备与成型应用基础研究,在高性能镁合金及其复合材料的材料设计理论、组织与性能调控、制备与变形加工技术、强韧化机制以及航天应用等方面开展了广泛的研究。目前共发表SCI论文100余篇,出版中英文专著2部,ESI高被引论文2篇、热点论文1篇,封面SCI论文1篇,包括复合材料顶级期刊Composites Science and Technology和Carbon等,H因子为27,国家发明专利授权15项。主持国家自然科学基金(3项)、黑龙江省科技攻关项目、中国博士后特别资助等项目10余项。作为主要参加人参加镁合金重点研发计划、科技部国际合作重大专项、总装预研项目、国防基础科研和黑龙江省科技攻关等项目。2018年荣获黑龙江省自然科学一等奖(排名第一)。


2003年-2008年, 哈尔滨工业大学, 硕博连读,材料学1999年-2003年, 安徽工程大学, 本科,材料成型及控制工程


中国材料研究学会镁合金分会青年委员会 副主任
国家自然科学基金 通讯评审人




1、孙振明:博士研究生, 研究方向:高体分纳米颗粒增强镁基复合材料

2、丁 超:博士研究生, 研究方向:SiC原位自生碳纳米管增强镁基复合材料(慕尼黑工业大学联合培养)

3、魏帅虎:博士研究生, 研究方向:待定

4、孟令龙:博士研究生, 研究方向:仿生多层次镁基复合材料研究

5、施海龙:博士研究生, 研究方向:碳纳米管增强镁基复合材料的制备技术研究(法国梅兹大学联合培养)

6、李雪健:博士研究生, 研究方向:仿生镁基复合材料

7、向烨阳:博士研究生, 研究方向:纳米镁基复合材料

8、孙振明:硕士研究生, 研究方向:碳纤维增强镁基复合材料


10、张帅: 硕士研究生,研究课题:颗粒镁基复合材料的制备工艺研究
















































担任角色 参与

项目类别 纵向项目

项目状态 进行中









课程英文名称:Mechanical Properties of Metals

总学时:36 讲课学时:36实验学时:0上机学时:0课外辅导学时:0


简介:金属力学性能是材料科学与工程学科是主要专业基础课程之一。本课程的基本体系为:金属力学行为的一般规律、物理本质、性能测试及评价,组织结 构与性能的关系。金属基本力学行为包括弹性变形、塑性变性和断裂。金属应用力学行为包括疲劳、摩擦磨损、蠕变等。课程重点讲述金属力学行为的物理本质,并 在此基础上介绍使用条件下的性能,如疲劳和摩擦磨损。课程的基础理论是以位错理论为基础的塑性变形理论和断裂理论。




截止到2014年底SCI论文发表情况33 SCI Papers as the corresponding author (通讯作者文章)

X.J. Wang, N.Z. Wang, L.Y. Wang, X.S. Hu+, K. Wu+, Y.Q. Wang+, Y.D. Huang + , Processing, microstructure and mechanical properties of micro-SiC particles reinforced magnesium matrix composites fabricated by stir casting assisted by ultrasonic treatment processing, Materials & Design, 2014,57:638-645(SCI:3.171)

C.D. Li, X.J. Wang, W.Q. Liu, H.L. Shi, X.S. Hu+, M.Y. Zheng+, K. Wu+, Effect of solidification on microstructures and mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes reinforced magnesium matrix composite, Materials & Design, 58(2014) 204–208(SCI:3.171)

M.J. Shen, X.J. Wang, C.D. Li, M.F. Zhang, X.S. Hu+, M.Y. Zheng+, K. Wu+, Effect of bimodal size SiC particulates on microstructure and mechanical properties of AZ31B magnesium matrix composites, Materials and Design 52 (2013) 1011-1017(SCI:3.171)

M.J. Shen, X.J. Wang, C.D. Li, M.F. Zhang, X.S. Hu+, M.Y. Zheng+, K. Wu+, Effect of submicron size SiC particles on microstructure and mechanical properties of AZ31B magnesium matrix composites, Materials & Design, 2014, 54: 436-442(SCI:3.171)

K.B. Nie, X.J. Wang, L. Xu, K. Wu+, X.S. Hu+, M.Y. Zheng+, Influence of extrusion temperature and process parameter on microstructures and tensile properties of a particulate reinforced magnesium matrix nanocomposite, Materials & Design 2012,36: 199-205(SCI:3.171)

X.J. Wang, K.B. Nie, X.S. Hu+, Y.Q. Wang+, X.J. Sa, K. Wu, Effect of extrusion temperatures on microstructure and mechanical properties of SiCp/Mg-Zn-Ca composite, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2012,532:78-85(SCI:2.726)

C.D. Li, X.J. Wang, W.Q. Liu, K. Wu+,Distribution and integrity of carbon nanotubes in carbon nanotube/magnesium composites, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2014, 612: 330-336 (SCI:2.726)

K.B. Nie, X.J. Wang, L. Xu, K. Wu+, X.S. Hu+, M.Y. Zheng+, Effect of hot extrusion on microstructures and mechanical properties of SiC nanoparticles reinforced magnesium matrix composite, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2012, 512: 355-360(SCI:2.726)

K.B. Nie, X.J. Wang, K. Wu+, L. Xu, M.Y. Zheng+, X.S. Hu+, Processing, microstructure and mechanical properties of magnesium matrix nanocomposites fabricated by semisolid stirring assisted ultrasonic vibration, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2011,509: 8664-8669 (SCI:2.726)

M.J. Shen, X.J. Wang, M.F. Zhang,High-compactness coating grown by plasma electrolytic oxidation on AZ31 magnesium alloy in the solution of silicate–borax, Applied Surface Science, 2012,259:362-366 (SCI:2.538)

X.J. Wang, X.S. Hu+, Y.Q. Wang+, K.B. Nie, K. Wu+, M.Y. Zheng+, Microstructure evolutions of SiCp/AZ91 Mg matrix composites during hot compression, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2013, 559 :139–146 (SCI:2.409)

X.J. Wang, X.S. Hu+, K.B. Nie, K.K. Deng, K. Wu+, M.Y. Zheng+, Dynamic recrystallization behavior of particle reinforced Mg matrix composites fabricated by stir casting, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2012, 545:38- 43 (SCI:2.409)

X.J. Wang, K.B. Nie, X.J. Sa, X.S. Hu+, K. Wu+, M.Y. Zheng+, Microstructure and mechanical properties of SiCp/Mg-Zn-Ca composites fabricated by stir casting, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2012, 534: 60-67 (SCI:2.409)

X.J. Wang, L. Xu, X.S. Hu+, K.B. Nie, K.K. Deng, K. Wu+, M.Y. Zheng+, Influences of extrusion parameters on microstructure and mechanical properties of particulate reinforced magnesium matrix composites, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2011,528:6387-6392 (SCI:2.409)

C.D. Li, X.J. Wang, W.Q. Liu, K. Wu+, H.L. Shi, C. Ding, X.S. Hu+, M.Y. Zheng+, Microstructure and strengthening mechanism of carbon nanotubes reinforced magnesium matrix composite, Materials Science and Engineering: A, ,2014, 597:264-269 (SCI:2.409)

M.J. Shen, X.J.Wang , M.F.Zhang, X.S.Hu+, M.Y. Zheng+, K.Wu+,Fabrication of bimoda lsize SiCp einforced AZ31B magnesium matrix composites, Materials Science and Engineering A, 601 (2014) 58–64 (SCI:2.409)

K.B. Nie, X.J. Wang, K. Wu+, X.S. Hu+, M.Y. Zheng+, Development of SiCp/AZ91 magnesium matrix nanocomposites using ultrasonic vibration, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2012 ,540: 123- 29 (SCI:2.409)

K. B. Nie, X. J. Wang, K. Wu+, L. Xu, M. Y. Zheng+, X. S. Hu+. Fabrication of SiC particles-reinforced magnesium matrix composite by ultrasonic vibration. Journal of Materials Science. 2012,47:138–144(SCI:2.305)

K.B. Nie, X.J. Wang, K. Wu+, X.S. Hu+, M.Y. Zheng+, L. Xu, Microstructure and tensile properties of micro-SiC particles reinforced magnesium matrix composites produced by semisolid stirring assisted ultrasonic vibration,Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2011,528:8709-8714 (SCI:2.409)

K.B. Nie, X.J. Wang, K. Wu+, M.Y. Zheng+, X.S. Hu+, Effect of ultrasonic vibration and solution heat treatment on microstructures and tensile properties of AZ91 alloy, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2011,528: 7484-7487 (SCI:2.409)

K.B. Nie, X.J. Wang, X.S. Hu+, L. Xu, K. Wu+, M.Y. Zheng+, Microstructure and mechanical properties of SiC nanoparticles reinforced magnesium matrix composites fabricated by ultrasonic vibration, Materials Science and Engineering A, 528(2011)5278-5282 (SCI:2.409)

K.B. Nie, X.J. Wang, X.S. Hu+, Y.W. Wu, K.K. Deng+, K. Wu+, M.Y. Zheng+, Effect of multidirectional forging on microstructures and tensile properties of a particulate reinforced magnesium matrix composite, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2011,528: 7133-7139 (SCI:2.409)

K.K. Deng, X.J. Wang,, C.J. Wang, J.Y. Shi, X.S. Hu, K. Wu+, Effects of bimodal size SiC particles on the microstructure evolution and fracture mechanism of AZ91 matrix at room temperature. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 2012, 553: 74-79 (SCI:2.409)

K.K. Deng, X.J. Wang, W.M. Gan, Y.W. Wu, K.B. Nie, K. Wu+, M.Y. Zheng+, H.G. Brokmeier+, Isothermal forging of AZ91 reinforced with 10 vol.% silicon carbon particles, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2011,528: 1707-1712 (SCI:2.409)

K.K. Deng, X.J. Wang, M.Y. Zheng+, K. W+u. Dynamic recrystallization behavior during hot deformation and mechanical properties of 0.2 μm SiCp reinforced Mg matrix composite. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 2013, 560: 824-830 (SCI:2.409)

X.J. Wang, X.S. Hu, K. Wu+, M.Y. Zheng+, L. Zhen+, Q.J. Zhai+: The interfacial characterization of SiCp/AZ91 magnesium matrix composites fabricated by stir casting. Journal of Materials Science.2009,44:2759-2764(SCI:2.305)

X.J. Wang, X.S. Hu+, K.B. Nie, K. Wu+, M.Y. Zheng+, Hot extrusion of SiCp/AZ91 Mg matrix composites, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 2012,22: 1912-1917(SCI: 1.001)

Hailong Shi, Xiaojun Wang, Chendong Li, Xiaoshi Hu+, Chao Ding, Kun Wu+,Yudong Huang+, A Novel Method to Fabricate CNT/Mg–6Zn Composites with High Strengthening Efficiency, Acta Metallurgica Sinica-English Letters, ,DOI 10.1007/s40195-014-0144-1(SCI: 0.426)

H. Chang, X.J. Wang, X,S. Hu, Y.Q. Wang, K.B. Nie, K. Wu, Effects of Reinforced Particles on Dynamic Recrystallization of Mg Base Alloys during Hot Extrusion, RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING,2014,43(8): 1821-1825(SCI:0176)

X.J. Wang, K. Wu*, W.X. Huang, H.F. Zhang, M.Y. Zheng+, D.L. Peng+. Study on fracture behavior of particulate reinforced magnesium matrix composite using in situ SEM. Composites Science and Technology. 2007,67: 2253-2260 (SCI: 3.328, citations:31)

X.J. Wang, K. Wu*, D.L. Peng+, H.F. Zhang, M.Y. Zheng+, W.X. Huang. Processing and mechanical properties of SiC particulate reinforced AZ91 composite fabricated by stir casting. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China. 2006, 16:s1840-s1844 (SCI: 1.001)

X.J. Wang, K. Wu*, H.F. Zhang, W.X. Huang, H. Chang, W.M. Gan, M.Y. Zheng+, D.L. Peng+. Effect of hot extrusion on the microstructure of a particulate reinforced magnesium matrix composite. Materials Science and Engineering A. 2007,465: 78-84 (SCI:2.409)

X.J. Wang, X.S. Hu, M.Y. Zheng+, K. Wu*. Hot deformation behavior of SiCp/AZ91 magnesium matrix composite fabricated by stir-casting. Materials Science and Engineering A. 2008, 492:481-485 (SCI:2.409)

20 other papers in Refereed Journals

K.K. Deng, X.J. Wang, Y.W. Wu, X.S. Hu+, K. W+u, W.M. Gan+. Effect of particle size on microstructure and mechanical properties of SiCp/AZ91 magnesium matrix composite. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 2012, 543: 158-163 (SCI:2.409)

X.S. Hu+, X.J. Wang, X.D. He+, K. Wu+, M.Y. Zheng+, Low frequency damping capacities of commercial pure magnesium, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 2012,22:1907-1911(SCI: 1.001)

Y.Q. Wang+ , X.J. Wang, W.X. Gong+, K. Wu+, F.H. Wang+,Effect of SiC particles on microarc oxidation process of magnesium matrix composites,Applied Surface Science, 2013,283: 906-913(SCI:2.538)

Y. Q. Wang*+, X. J. Wang, K. Wu, F. H. Wang. Role of Al18B4O33 whisker in microarc oxidation process of mg matrix composite and protective properties of the oxidation coating. Journal of Materials Science and Technology. 2013, 29(3), 267-272. (SCI: 1.610)

Y. Q. Wang*+, X. J. Wang, T. Zhang, K. Wu, F. H. Wang. Role of β phase during microarc oxidation of Mg alloy AZ91D and corrosion resistance of the oxidation coating. Journal of Materials Science and Technology. 2013, 29(12), 1129-1133(SCI: 1.610)

K.K. Deng+, C.J. Wang, X.J. Wang, M.Y. Zheng, K. Wu. Microstructure and elevated tensile properties of submicron SiCp/AZ91 magnesium matrix composite. Materials & Design. 2012, 38: 110-114(SCI:3.171)

K.B. Nie, K.Wu+, X.J. Wang, K.K. Deng, Y.W. Wu, M.Y. Zheng. Multidirectional forging of magnesium matrix composites: Effect on microstructures and tensile properties. Materials Science and Engineering A. 2010, 527:7364-7368 (SCI:2.409)

K.K. Deng, K. Wu+, X.J. Wang, Y.W. Wu, X .S. Hu, M.Y. Zheng, W.M. Gan, H.G. Brokmeier, Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of a particulate reinforced magnesium matrix composites forged at elevated temperatures. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2010,527: 1630-1635. (SCI:2.409)

K.K. Deng+, J.Y. Shi, C.J. Wang, X.J. Wang, Y.W. Wu, K.B. Nie, K. Wu. Microstructure and strengthening mechanism of bimodal size particle reinforced magnesium matrix composite. Composites Part A, 2012, 43: 1280-1284()(SCI:3.012)

W.M. Gan+, M.Y. Zheng+, H. Chang, X.J. Wang, X.G. Qiao, K. Wu+, B. Schwebke+,H.-G. Brokmeier+, Microstructure and tensile property of the ECAPed pure magnesium. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2009,470:256-262(SCI:2.726)

W.M. Gan+, K. Wu+, M.Y. Zheng+, X.J. Wang, H. Chang, H.-G. Brokmeier+, Microstructure and mechanical property of the ECAPed Mg2Si/Mg composite, Materials Science and Engineering A. 2009,516:283-289 (SCI:2.409)

K. Wu+, K.K. Deng, K.B. Nie, Y.W. Wu, X.J. Wang, X.S. Hu+, M.Y. Zheng+. Microstructure and mechanical properties of SiCp/AZ91 composite deformed through a combination of forging and extrusion process. Materials and Design. 2010, 31:3929-3932(SCI:3.171)

Y.W. Wu, K. Wu+, K.K. Deng, K.B. Nie, X.J. Wang, X.S. Hu+, M.Y. Zheng+. Damping capacities and tensile properties of magnesium matrix composites reinforced by graphite particles. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2010, 527:6816-6821. (SCI:2.409)

Y.W. Wu, K. Wu+, K.K. Deng, K.B. Nie, X.J. Wang, X.S. Hu+, M.Y. Zheng+. Effect of extrusion temperature on microstructures and damping capacities of Grp/AZ91 composite. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2010, 506: 688-692 (SCI:2.726)

Y.W. Wu, K. Wu+, K.K. Deng, K.B. Nie, X.J. Wang, M.Y. Zheng+, X.S. Hu+. Damping capacities and microstructures of magnesium matrix composites reinforced by graphite particles. Materials and Design, 2010,31:4862-4865. (SCI:3.171)

Y.W. Wu, K. Wu+, K.B. Nie, K.K. Deng, X.S. Hu+, X.J. Wang, M.Y. Zheng+. Damping capacities and tensile properties in Grp/AZ91 and SiCp/Grp/AZ91 magnesium matrix composites. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2010, 527:7873-7877 (SCI:2.409)

X.S. Hu+, K. Wu+, M.Y. Zheng+, W.M. Gan+, X.J. Wang. Low frequency damping capacities and mechanical properties of Mg-Si alloys. Materials Science and Engineering A. 2007, 452-453: 374-379 (SCI:2.409)

Y.T. Zhang+, L.D. Miao+, X.J. Wang, H.Q. Zhang+, J.F. Li+, Evolution Behavior of Carbides in 2.25Cr-1Mo-0.25V Steel, MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS, 2009,50: 2507-2511(SCI:0.611)

C. Y. Wang, X.J. Wang, H. Chang, K. Wu+, M. Y. Zheng+. Processing maps for hot working of ZK60 magnesium alloy. Materials Science and Engineering A. 2007,464:52-58. (SCI:2.409)

W. Gan, H.-G. Brokmeier+, M.Y. Zheng+, H. Chang, X.J. Wang, K. Wu, Comparison of microstructure and texture development of ECAPed pure Mg with a Mg-Si alloy, Archives of Metallurgy and Materials, 2008,53:1-6 (SCI:0.763)

Jing Xiao, Dong Wei Shu+, X.J Wang,Effect of strain rate and temperature on the mechanical behavior of magnesium nanocomposites, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2014.10.003(SCI:0.2.061)

Conference papers:

X. J. Wang, Z. Li , K. Wu, C.D. Li, M.J. Shen, C. Ding, W.Q. Li, Production of bulk cost-effective magnesium matrix composites, Proceedings of The 19th International conference on composite materials,Montreal Canada, 2013, 3237-3244

X.J. Wang, K. Wu*, M.Y. Zheng+, H.F. Zhang, W.X. Huang, X.S. Hu. The fracture mechanism of as-cast and extruded SiCp/AZ91composites fabricated by stir casting. Key Engineering Materials. 2007,353-358: 1203-1206

H. Chang, X.J. Wang, M.Y. Zheng and K. Wu+, Effect of ECAP on the Microstructure and Tensile Property of SiCp/AZ91 Magnesium Matrix Composite. Key Engineering Materials. 2007,353-358: 1342-1345

X. Qiu, X.J. Wang, M. Y. Zheng+, K. Wu. Processing, Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of SiCp/AZ91 Mg Matrix Composites Fabricated by Squeeze Casting. Materials Science Forum. 2007,546-549:499-502







出版物名称英文专著《Submicron/Micron SiCp/AZ91 Magnesium Matrix Composite》









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