基本信息教学与科研发表论文English Version
1975年12月至1979年8月 哈尔滨工业大学精密仪器系,工人1984年8月至1986年10月 哈尔滨工业大学基建处, 助理工程师1986年10月至2001年3月 哈尔滨工业大学建筑工程系(后为建筑工程与设计学院),讲师、副教授2001年3月至今 哈尔滨工业大学能源学院航空航天热物理所,副教授、教授、博士生导师
2001年7月至2001年8月 美国政府International Visitor Program,国际访问学者
1979年9月至1984年7月 哈尔滨建筑工程学院城市建设系供热与通风专业 攻读工学学士学位 1990年9月至1993年3月 哈尔滨工业大学动力工程系工程热物理专业 攻读工学硕士学位 2000年9月至2006年8月 哈尔滨工业大学能源学院工程热物理专业 攻读工学博士学位
热辐射传输与耦合换热表面辐射特性和粒子辐射特性理论与实验研究目标红外热像理论建模空气调节理论与系统设计和设备 主要研究方向:
谢鸣, 李玉秀, 谈和平. “建筑物温度场理论建模研究及逐时计算”. 工程热物理学报, 2004.11, 25 (6): 1013-1015 (EI)Ming Xie, Yu-xiu Li, He-ping Tan.“Geometry model construction in infrared image theory simulation of buildings ”. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,Jun 2004, 11 (3): 270-274 (EI)谢鸣, 徐辉, 谈和平. “花岗岩表面双向反射分布函数实验研究”. 工程热物理学报, 2005.07, 26 (4): 683-685 (EI)Li-ming Ruan, Ming Xie, Hong Qi, He-ping Tan.“Development of a finite element model for coupled radiative and conductive heat transfer in participating media”. J. of Quant. Spectrosc. And Radiative Transfer, Nov 2006, 102 (2): 190-202 (SCI, EI)Ming Xie, Hu Ren, Yong Zou, Li-ming Ruan, He-ping Tan.“A contrastive study of the theory and experiment of random surface BRDF”. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology. Dec 2006, 13 (6): 671-674 (EI)Ming Xie, Hu Ren, Yong Zou, Ying Li, He-ping Tan.“The Check and Error Analysis of the BRDF Experiment Bench”. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology. Dec 2007, 14 (6): 784-787 (EI)谢鸣, 李颖, 谈和平. “复合材料表面双向反射分布函数实验研究”, 材料科学与工艺, 2007.12, 15 (6): 819-822 (EI)Hongliang Yi, Ming Xie, Heping Tan. “Transient Coupled Heat Transfer in an Anisotropic Scattering Composite Slab with Semitransparent Surfaces”. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. Dec 2008, 51 (25-26): 5918-5930 (SCI, EI)Hongliang Yi, Ming Xie, Heping Tan. “Ray-Tracing Method for Radiative Heat Transfer in a Two-Layer Anisotropic Scattering Medium”. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A - Applications. Jan 2008, 54 (5): 481-506 (SCI, EI)穆猷, 谢鸣, 刘林华. “干湿状态对花岗岩表面双向反射特性影响实验研究”. 工程热物理学报. 2009.3, 30 (3): 495-497 (EI)谢鸣, 穆猷, 夏新林. “基于粗糙度形貌数据的花岗岩表面双向反射特性研究”. 红外毫米波学报. 2009.4, 28 (2): 119-123 (SCI, EI) Ming Xie, Xiaochen Xie, Huanhuan Zhao, Xiaochun Wang, Heping Tan. “Study on Comparison Experiment of the Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) of Surface of Exterior Decorative Materials for Buildings under Dry and Wet Condition”. in Proceedings of the 14th International Heat Transfer Conference, vol. 5. Washington DC, USA, Aug 8-13, 2010. pp: 837-845 (EI)谢鸣, 黄勇, 王晓春, 赵欢欢, 谈和平. “建筑材料表面红外双向反射分布函数实验分析”. 哈尔滨工业大学学报. 2011.3, 43 (3): 49-53 (EI) Mao Qian-jun, Xie Ming, Shuai Yong, Tan He-ping. “Distribution of Radiation Flux in Focal Plane for a Parabolic Dish Solar System”. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology. Apr 2012, 19 (2): 5-8 (EI) Ming Xie, Hai-qiang Wang, Xiao-chen Xie, Xiao-chun Wang, He-ping Tan. “Comparative Study on the Infrared Radiance Field of Building Surface under Sunshine Conditions and Rainfall Conditions”. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series). 2013, 20 (4): 7-13 (EI)毛前军, 谢鸣, 帅永, 谈和平. “太阳辐射强度对太阳能腔式吸热器热流密度的影响”. 太阳能学报. 2013.3, 34 (10): 1818-1822 (EI)Qianjun Mao, Ming Xie, Heping Tan. “Effects of Material Selection on the Radiation Flux of a Tube Receiver in a Dish Solar System”. Heat Transfer Research. 2014, 45 (4): 339-347 (SCI, EI)Xudong Chen, Ming Xie, Huaibin Wang, Yingxi Xue, Zhangqi Li. “Preparation of Silica by Alkaline-Heating and Precipitation Method from Corn Straw Ash”. BioResources. Nov 2014, 9 (4): 6719-6734 (SCI, EI)Ming Xie, Qing Ai, Xiaochen Xie, Liu Yang, Heping Tan. “The Influence of Carbon Fiber Composite Material Structures on the Spectral Attenuation Properties of Thermal Radiation”. in Proceedings of the 15th International Heat Transfer Conference, Kyoto, Japan, Aug. 10-15, 2014.史亮, 谢鸣, 韩万金, 颜培刚. “管道网络算法在涡轮内冷叶片换热计算中的应用”. 航空动力学报. 2015.9, 30 (9): 2088-2099 (EI)杨柳, 谢鸣, 艾青. “碳纤维结构对其辐射光谱性质的影响研究”. 工程热物理学报. 2015.12, 36 (12): 2721-2725 (EI)
Basic Information
Dr. Ming Xie
Department: School of Energy Science and Engineering
Job Title: Professor
E-Mail: xieming@hit.edu.cn
Telephone: +86 **
Address: School of Energy Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, China, 150001
A Brief Introduction
Ming Xie was born in Heilongjiang, China, in 1958. He received the B.Eng. degree in heating and ventilation from Harbin Institute of Technology, China in 1984; the M.Eng. degree in thermal physics from Harbin Institute of Technology, China in 1993; the PhD degree in thermal physics from School of Energy Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, China in 2006.
From 1984 to 1986, he worked at the construction office of Harbin Institute of Technology, as an associate engineer. From 1986 to 1994, he was a lecturer at the Department of Civil Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology. From 1995 to 2001, he was an associate professor at the Department of Civil Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, and served as the vice president of this department during 1997 to 2000. From July 2001 to August 2001, he was invited by the U.S. government and visited United States of America as an international visiting scholar.
He is currently a professor of engineering thermal physics at School of Energy Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, China. His research interests are radiative heat transfer and coupled heat transfer, surface radiation and particle radiation characteristics, target infrared model, and air conditioning systems.
Research Interests
Theory analysis and experimental study of surface infrared radiation characteristicsParticipatory media radiative transfer numerical calculation and experimental researchExperimental study of the radiation characteristics of dispersive medium containing particles
Selected Publications
Ming Xie, Qing Ai, Xiaochen Xie, Liu Yang, Heping Tan. “The Influence of Carbon Fiber Composite Material Structures on the Spectral Attenuation Properties of Thermal Radiation”. in Proceedings of the 15th International Heat Transfer Conference, Kyoto, Japan, Aug. 10-15, 2014Qianjun Mao, Ming Xie, Heping Tan. “Effects of Material Selection on the Radiation Flux of a Tube Receiver in a Dish Solar System”. Heat Transfer Research. 2014, 45 (4): 339-347 (SCI, EI)Xudong Chen, Ming Xie, Huaibin Wang, Yingxi Xue, Zhangqi Li. “Preparation of Silica by Alkaline-Heating and Precipitation Method from Corn Straw Ash”. BioResources. Nov 2014, 9 (4): 6719-6734 (SCI, EI)Ming Xie, Hai-qiang Wang, Xiao-chen Xie, Xiao-chun Wang, He-ping Tan. “Comparative Study on the Infrared Radiance Field of Building Surface under Sunshine Conditions and Rainfall Conditions”. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series). 2013, 20 (4): 7-13 (EI)Qianjun Mao, Ming Xie, Yong Shuai, Heping Tan. “Distribution of Radiation Flux in Focal Plane for a Parabolic Dish Solar System”. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology. Apr 2012, 19 (2): 5-8 (EI) Ming Xie, Yong Huang, Xiaochun Wang, Huanhuan Zhao, Heping Tan. “Experimental Analysis of the Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) of Exterior Finishing Surface for Typical Building”. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology. Mar 2011, 43 (3): 49-53 (EI) Ming Xie, Xiaochen Xie, Huanhuan Zhao, Xiaochun Wang, Heping Tan. “Study on Comparison Experiment of the Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) of Surface of Exterior Decorative Materials for Buildings under Dry and Wet Condition”. in Proceedings of the ASME International Heat Transfer Conference - 2010, vol. 5. Washington DC, USA, Aug 8-13, 2010. pp: 837-845 (EI)Ming Xie, You Mu, Xinlin Xia. “Bi-Directional Reflectance Properties of Granite Surface Based on Rough Topographic Data”. Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves. Apr 2009, 28 (2): 119-123 (SCI, EI) You Mu, Ming Xie, Linhua Liu. “Experiment Study on the Bi-Directional Reflection Properties of Granite Surface with Dry/Wet States”. Journal of Engineering Thermophysics. Mar 2009, 30 (3): 495-497 (EI)Hongliang Yi, Ming Xie, Heping Tan. “Transient Coupled Heat Transfer in an Anisotropic Scattering Composite Slab with Semitransparent Surfaces”. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. Dec 2008, 51 (25-26): 5918-5930 (SCI, EI)Hongliang Yi, Ming Xie, Heping Tan. “Ray-Tracing Method for Radiative Heat Transfer in a Two-Layer Anisotropic Scattering Medium”. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A - Applications. Jan 2008, 54 (5): 481-506 (SCI, EI)Ming Xie, Ying Li, You Mu, Liming Ruan, Heping Tan. “Experimental Study of Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function on Surfaces of Several Composites”. Material Science and Technology. Dec 2007, 15 (6): 819-822 (EI)Ming Xie, Hu Ren, Yong Zou, Ying Li, Heping Tan. “The Check and Error Analysis of the BRDF Experiment Bench”. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology. Dec 2007, 14 (6): 784-787 (EI)Ming Xie, Hu Ren, Yong Zou, Liming Ruan, Heping Tan. “A Contrastive Study of the Theory and Experiment of Random Surface BRDF”. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology. Dec 2006, 13 (6): 671-674 (EI)......
本站小编 Free考研网/2019-05-25
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