先后担任国际学术杂志Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (2006年),Journal of Synchrotron Radiation (2009年),和High Pressure Research (2010年)的客座主编(Guest Editor),以及Journal of Applied Physics (2011-2012年)副主编(Associate Editor)。
目前担任国际学术杂志American Mineralogist (2012年起)副主编(Associate Editor)。
2007/3至今: 哈尔滨工业大学,教授、博导。基础与交叉科学研究院,理学研究中心。
2009/8--2010/2: 访问科学家(Visiting Scientist)。美国阿贡国家实验室,先进光子源。
2003/9--2007/10: 历任研究助理(Research Associate 2003/9-2005/6),研究科学家(Research Scientist 2005/7-2007/10)。工作单位:美国卡内基研究院,地球物理实验室。工作地点:美国阿贡国家实验室,先进光子源,高压研究团队(HPCAT)。
2002/9--2003/9: 研究科学家(Research Scientist)。美国纽约州立大学石溪分校,矿物物理研究所。
2002/1--2002/8: 访问学者(Visiting Investigator)。工作单位:美国卡内基研究院,地球物理实验室。工作地点:美国布鲁克海文国家实验室,国家同步辐射光源。
2000/1--2001/12: 客座科学家(Guest Scientist),德国马普固体研究所,固态化学系。
1998/12--1999/2: 访问学者(Visiting Investigator)。美国卡内基研究院,地球物理实验室。
1997/9--1999/8: 博士后,中国科学院物理研究所。
Co-Chair of AIRAPT-26 Conference, Beijing, Aug. 18-23, 2017; Co-Chair of LAM-15 Conference, Beijing, Sep. 15-20, 2013.
先后担任国际学术杂志Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (2006年),Journal of Synchrotron Radiation (2009年),和High Pressure Research (2010年)的客座主编(Guest Editor),以及Journal of Applied Physics (2011-2012年)副主编(Associate Editor)。
目前担任国际学术杂志American Mineralogist (2012年- )副主编(Associate Editor)。
79. Sheng-Yi Xie, Luhong Wang, Fuyang Liu, Xian-Bin Li, Ligang Bai, Vitali B. Prakapenka, Zhonghou Cai, Ho-kwang Mao, Shengbai Zhang, Haozhe Liu*,
Correlated high-pressure phase sequence of VO2 under strong compression,
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 9, 2388-2393, 2018.
78. Renfeng Li, Luhong Wang*, Liangliang Li, Tony Yu, Haiyan Zhao, Karena W. Chapman, Yanbin Wang, Mark L. Rivers, Peter J. Chupas, Ho-kwang Mao, Haozhe Liu*,
Local structure of liquid gallium under pressure,
Scientific Reports, 7, 5666, 2017.
77. Renfeng Li, Luhong Wang*, Liangliang Li, Tony Yu, Haiyan Zhao, Karena W. Chapman, Mark L. Rivers, Peter J. Chupas, Ho-kwang Mao, Haozhe Liu*,
Multiple scaling power in liquid gallium under pressure conditions,
Physical Review B, 95, 224204, 2017.
76. Liangliang Li, Luhong Wang*, Renfeng Li, Dongdong Qu, Haiyan Zhao, Karena W. Chapman, Peter J. Chupas, Haozhe Liu*,
Pressure-induced polyamorphism in lanthanide-solute metallic glasses,
Physica Status Solidi - Rapid Research Letters, 11, 6, **, 2017.
75. Liangliang Li, Qiang Luo, Renfeng Li, Haiyan Zhao, Karena W. Chapman, Peter J. Chupas, Luhong Wang*, Haozhe Liu*,
Polyamorphism in Yb-based metallic glass induced by pressure,
Scientific Reports, 7, 46762, 2017.
74. Yang Gao, Mi Zhou, Haiyan Wang, Cheng Ji, C. E. Whiteley, J. H. Edgar, Haozhe Liu, Yanzhang Ma,
The high-pressure compressibility of B12P2,
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 102, 21-26, 2017.
73. Liangliang Li, Luhong Wang*, Renfeng Li, Haiyan Zhao, Dongdong Qu, Karena W. Chapman, Peter J. Chupas, Haozhe Liu*,
Constant real-space fractal dimensionality and structure evolution in Ti62Cu38 metallic glass under high pressure,
Physical Review B, 94, 184201, 2016.
72. Chunyu Li, Zhenhai Yu*, Wenli Bi, Jiyong Zhao, Michael Y. Hu, Jinggeng Zhao, Wei Wu, Jianlin Luo, Hao Yan*, Esen E. Alp, Haozhe Liu*,
High-pressure synchrotron Mossbauer and X-ray diffraction studies: Exploring the structure-related valence fluctuation in EuNi2P2,
Physica B-Condensed Matter, 501, 101-105, 2016.
71. Zhenhai Yu, Lin Wang*, Luhong Wang, Haozhe Liu, Jinggeng Zhao, Chunyu Li, Stanislav Sinogeikin, Wei Wu, Jianlin Luo, Nanling Wang, Ke Yang, Yusheng Zhao, Ho-kwang Mao,
Conventional empirical law reverses in the phase transitions of 122-type iron-based superconductors,
Scientific Reports, 4, 7172, 2014
70. Renfeng Li, Liangliang Li, Tony Yu, Luhong Wang*, Jiaxuan Chen, Yanbin Wang, Zhonghou Cai, Jiuhua Chen, Mark L. Rivers, Haozhe Liu*,
Study of liquid gallium as a function of pressure and temperature using synchrotron x-ray microtomography and x-ray diffraction,
Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 105, No. 4, 041906, 2014.
69. Jinggeng Zhao, Haozhe Liu*, Lars Ehm, Dawei Dong, Zhiqiang Chen, Qingqing Liu, Wanzheng Hu, Nanlin Wang, Changqing Jin,
Pressure-Induced Phase Transitions and Correlation between Structure and Superconductivity in Iron-Based Superconductor Ce(O0.84F0.16)FeAs,
Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 52, No. 14, 8067-8073, 2013.
68. Jinggeng Zhao, Haozhe Liu*, Lars Ehm, Dawei Dong, Zhiqiang Chen and Genda Gu,
High-pressure phase transitions, amorphization, and crystallization behaviors in Bi2Se3,
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, Vol. 25, No. 12, 125602, 2013.
67. Lingping Kong, Gang Liu*, Shujun Zhang, Haozhe Liu,
The role of tetragonal side morphotropic phase boundary in modified relaxor-PbTiO3 crystals for high power transducer applications,
Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 114, No. 14, 144106, 2013.
66. Chunyu Li, Zhenhai Yu, Haozhe Liu, Tianquan Lu,
The crystallographic stability and anisotropic compressibility of C54-type TiSi2 under high pressure,
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Vol. 74, No. 9, 1291-1294, 2013.
65.Chunyu Li, Zhenhai Yu, Haozhe Liu, Tianquan Lu,
High pressure and high temperature in situ X-ray diffraction study on the structural stability of tantalum disilicide,
Solid State Communications, Vol. 157, No. 1-5, 2013.
64. Chunyu Li, Zhenhai Yu, Haozhe Liu, Tianquan Lu,
High-pressure powder X-ray diffraction study of Cu5Si and pressure-driven isostructural phase transition,
Philosophical Magazine Letters, Vol. 93, No. 2, 85-92, 2013.
63. Zhenhai Yu, Chunyu Li, Haozhe Liu,
First-principles study of structural and electronic properties of SrLiSb under high pressure,
International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol. 26, No. 29, **, 2012.
62. Zhenhai Yu, Chunyu Li, Haozhe Liu,
High pressure powder X-ray diffraction study of Cr2As and pressure-induced structural phase transition,
Solid State Communications, Vol. 152, No. 6, 509-512, 2012.
61. Zhenhai Yu, Chunyu Li, Haozhe Liu,
In situ high-pressure synchrotron X-ray diffraction study of the structural stability in the intermetallic compound Mn2Sb,
Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Physics, Vol. 249, No. 11, 2239-2243, 2012.
60. Zhenhai Yu, Chunyu Li, Haozhe Liu,
Pressure-induced structural phase transition in RbAu,
Physica B-Condensed Matter, Vol. 407, No. 4, 805-807, 2012.
59. Zhenhai Yu, Chunyu Li, Haozhe Liu,
Compressibility anomaly in the superconducting material Nb3Al under high pressure,
Physica B-Condensed Matter, Vol. 407, No. 17, 3635-3638, 2012.
58. Chunyu Li, Zhenhai Yu, Tianquan Lu, Haozhe Liu,
Structural stability of intermetallic compound YCu studied by ab initio total energy calculation,
Physica B-Condensed Matter, Vol. 407, No. 18, 3916-3919, 2012.
57. Lingping Kong, Luhong Wang, Shujun Zhang, Oliver Tschauner, Yusheng Zhao, Wenge Yang, Haozhe Liu*, Ho-kwang Mao,
In situ structure characterization of Pb(Yb1/2Nb1/2)O3-PbTiO3 crystals under high pressure-temperature,
Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 101, No. 6, 062904, 2012.
56. S. J. Zhang, J. L. Zhang, X. H. Yu, J. Zhu, P. P. Kong, S. M. Feng, Q. Q. Liu, L. X. Yang, X. C. Wang, L. Z. Cao, W. G. Yang, L. Wang, K. K. Mao, Y. S. Zhao, Haozhe Liu, X. Dai, Z. Fang, S. C. Zhang, and C. Q. Jin*,
The comprehensive phase evolution for Bi2Te3 topological compound as function of pressure,
Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 111, No. 11, 112630, 2012.
55. Jiuhua Chen*, Haozhe Liu*, Naurang L. Saini*,
Preface to Special Topic: Selected Papers from the International Conference on the Study of Matter at Extreme Conditions, SMEC 2011,
Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 111, No. 11, 112501, 2012.
54. Luhong Wang, Haozhe Liu*, Jiang Qian, Wenge Yang, Yusheng Zhao,
Structural stability and compressibility study for ZnO nanobelts under high pressure,
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 116, No. 3, 2074-2079, 2012.
53. Jinggeng Zhao, Haozhe Liu*, Lars Ehm, Zhiqiang Chen, Stanislav Sinogeikin, Yusheng Zhao, Genda Gu,
Pressure-induced disordered substitution alloy in Sb2Te3,
Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 50, No. 22, 11291-11293, 2011.
52. Jiuhua Chen*, Haozhe Liu, and Jennifer Girard,
Comparative in situ x-ray diffraction study if San Carlos olivine: Influence of water on the 410 km seismic velocity jump in Earth’s mantle,
American Mineralogist, Vol. 96, No. 0506, 697-702, 2011.
51. Qingqing Liu, Xiaohui Yu, Xiancheng Wang, Zheng Deng, Yuxi Lv, Jinlong Zhu, Sijia Zhang, Haozhe Liu, Wenge Yang, Lin Wang, Ho-kwang Mao, Guoyin Shen, Zhong-Yi Lu, Yang Ren, Zhiqiang Chen, Zhijun Lin, Yusheng Zhao, and Changqing Jin*,
Pressure-induced isostructural phase transition and correlation of FeAs coordination with the superconducting properties of 111-type Na1-xFeAs,
Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol. 133, No. 20, 7892 - 7896, 2011.
50. J. L. Zhang, S. J. Zhang, H. M. Weng, W. Zhang, L. X. Yang, Qingqing Liu, S. M. Feng, X. C. Wang, Richeng Yu, L. Z. Cao, Lin Wang, Wenge Yang, Haozhe Liu, W. Y. Zhao, Shoucheng Zhang, X. Dai, Zhong Fang, and Changqing Jin*,
Pressure-induced superconductivity in topological parent compound Bi2Te3,
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 108, No. 1, 24-28, 2011.
49. Haozhe Liu*, Luhong Wang, and Przemyslaw Dera,
Crystallography at high pressure,
High Pressure Research, Vol. 30, No. 2, 221-223, 2010.
48. Jiuhua Chen*, Helene Couvy, Haozhe Liu, Vadym Drozd, Luke L. Daemen, Yusheng Zhao, and Chichang Kao,
In situ x-ray study of ammonia borane at high pressures,
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 35, No. 20, 11064-11070, 2010.
47. Xianghui Xiao*, Haozhe Liu, Luhong Wang, and Francesco De Carlo,
Density measurement of samples under high pressure using synchrotron microtomography and diamond anvil cell techniques,
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, Vol. 17, No. 3, 360-366, 2010.
46. Krystle Catalli*, Sang-Heon Shim, Vitali B. Prakapenka, Jiyong Zhao, Wolfgang Sturhahn, Paul Chow, Yuming Xiao, and Haozhe Liu, Hyunchae Cynn, William J. Evans,
Spin state of ferric iron in MgSiO3 perovskite and its effect on elastic properties,
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Vol. 289, No. 1-2, 68-75, 2010.
45. Haozhe Liu*, Tom Duffy, Lars Ehm, Wilson Crichton, and Katsutoshi Aoki,
Advances and synergy of high-pressure sciences at synchrotron sources,
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, Vol. 16, No. 6, 697-698, 2009.
44. Shijia Zhang, X. C. Wang, R. Sammynaiken, John S. Tse, L. X. Yang, Z. Li, Qingqing Liu, S. Desgreniers, Y. Yao, Haozhe Liu, and Changqing Jin*,
Effect of pressure on the iron arsenide superconductor LixFeAs (x=0.8, 1.0, 1.1),
Physical Review B, Vol. 80, 014506, 2009.
43. R. Selva Vennila, Vadym Drozd, Lyci George, Surendra K. Saxena*, Hanns-Peter Liermann, Haozhe Liu, Ashley C. Stowe, Polly Berseth, Donald Anton, and Ragaiy Zidan,
Structural study of ball-milled sodium alanate under high pressure,
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 473, No. 1-2, 576-578, 2009.
42. Haozhe Liu*, Luhong Wang, Xianghui Xiao, Francesco De Carlo, Ji Feng, Ho-kwang Mao, and Russell J. Hemley*,
Anomalous high-pressure behavior of amorphous selenium from synchrotron x-ray diffraction and microtomography,
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 105, No. 36, 13229-13234, 2008.
41. Jinggeng Zhao, Luhong Wang, Dawei Dong, Zhiguo Liu, Haozhe Liu*, Genfu Chen, Dan Wu, Jianlin Luo, Nanlin Wang, Yong Yu, Changqing Jin*, and Quanzhong Guo,
Structure stability and compressibility of iron-based superconductor Nd(O0.88F0.12)FeAs under high pressure,
Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol. 130, No. 42, 13828-13829, 2008.
40. Bernd Hinrichsen, Robert E. Dinnebier*, Haozhe Liu, and Martin Jansen,
The high pressure crystal structures of tin sulphate: a case study for maximal information recovery from 2D powder diffraction data,
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, Vol. 223, No. 3, 195-203, 2008.
39. Oliver Tschauner*, Boris Kiefer, Haozhe Liu, Stanislas Sinogeikin, Maddury Somayazulu, Sheng-Nian Luo,
Possible structural polymorphism in Al-bearing magnesiumsilicate post-perovskite,
American Mineralogist, Vol. 93, No. 4, 533-539, 2008.
38. Hongwei Sheng, Haozhe Liu, Yongqiang Cheng, Jun Wen, Peter L. Lee, Weikun Luo, Sarvjit D. Shastri, and Evan Ma*,
Polyamorphism in a metallic glass,
Nature Materials, Vol. 6, No. 3, 192-197, 2007.
37. Haozhe Liu*, Hans-Rudolf Wenk, and Thomas S. Duffy,
Rheology and elasticity studies at ultra-high pressures and temperatures-Preface,
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, Vol. 18, No. 25, doi:10.1088/0953-8984/18/25/E01, 2006.
36. Haozhe Liu*, John S. Tse, and Ho-kwang Mao,
Stability of rocksalt phase of zinc oxide under strong compression: Synchrotron x-ray diffraction experiments and first-principles calculation studies,
Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 100, No. 9, 093509, 2006.
35. Luhong Wang, and Haozhe Liu*,
The microstructural evolution of Al12Mg17 alloy during the quenching processes,
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Vol. 352, No. 26-27, 2880-2884, 2006.
34. Hongwei Sheng, Evan Ma*, Haozhe Liu, and Jun Wen,
Pressure tunes atomic packing in metallic glass,
Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 88, No. 17, 171906, 2006.
33. C. David Martin*, Wilson A. Crichton, Haozhe Liu, Vitali Prakapenka, Jiuhua Chen, and John B. Parise,
Phase transitions and compressibility of NaMgF3 (Neighborite) in perovskite- and post-perovskite-related structures,
Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 33, No. 11, L11305, 2006.
32. C. David Martin*, Wilson A. Crichton, Haozhe Liu, Vitali Prakapenka, Jiuhua Chen, and John B. Parise,
Rietveld structure refinement of perovskite and post-perovskite phases of NaMgF3 (Neighborite) at high pressures,
American Mineralogist, Vol. 91, No. 10, 1703-1706, 2006.
31. Jingzhu Hu*, Ho-kwang Mao, Jinfu Shu, Quanzhong Guo, and Haozhe Liu,
Diamond anvil cell radial x-ray diffraction program at the National Synchrotron Light Source,
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, Vol. 18, No. 25, S1091-S1096, 2006.
30. Haozhe Liu*, Jiuhua Chen, Jingzhu Hu, C. Dave Martin, Don J. Weidner, Daniel H?usermann, and Ho-kwang Mao,
Octahedral tiltingevolution and phase transition in orthorhombic NaMgF3 perovskiteunder pressure,
Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 32, No. 4, L04304, 2005.
29. HaozheLiu*, Yang Ding, Maddury Somayazulu, Jiang Qian, Jinfu Shu, Daniel H?usermann, and Ho-kwang Mao,
Rietveld refinement study of the pressure dependence of internal structural parameter u in wurtzite phase of ZnO,
Physical Review B, Vol. 71, No. 21, 212103, 2005.
28. Haozhe Liu*, John S. Tse, Jingzhu Hu, Zhenxian Liu, Luhong Wang, Jiuhua Chen, Don J. Weidner, Yue Meng, Daniel H?usermann, and Ho-kwang Mao,
Structural refinement of high pressure phase of aluminum trihydroxide: In situ high pressure angle dispersive synchrotron x-ray diffraction and theoretical studies,
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol. 109, No. 18, 8857-8860, 2005.
27. Jiuhua Chen*, Haozhe Liu, C. David Martin, John B. Parise, and Donald J. Weidner,
Crystal chemistry of NaMgF3 perovskite at high pressure and temperature,
American Mineralogist, Vol. 90, No. 10, 1534-1539, 2005.
26. Yang Ding*, Haozhe Liu, Jian Xu, Charles T. Prewitt, Russell J. Hemley, and Ho-kwang Mao,
Zone-axis diffraction study of pressure-induced inhomogeneity in single-crystal Fe1-xO,
Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 87, No. 4, 041912, 2005.
25. Yang Ding*, Haozhe Liu, Maddury Somayazulu, Yue Meng, Jian Xu, Charles T. Prewitt, Russell J. Hemley and Ho-kwang Mao,
Zone-axis x-ray diffraction of single-crystal Fe1-xO under pressure,
Physical Review B, Vol. 72, No. 17, 174109, 2005.
24. Denis Orosel, Paul Balog, Haozhe Liu, Jiang Qian, and Martin Jansen*,
Sb2O4 at high pressures and high temperatures,
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, Vol. 178, No. 9, 2602-2607, 2005.
23. Jung-Fu Lin*, Viktor V. Struzhkin, Steven D. Jacobsen, Michael Y. Hu, Paul Chow, Jennifer Kung, Haozhe Liu, Ho-kwang Mao, and Russell J. Hemley,
Spin transition of iron in magnesiowüstite in the Earth’s lower mantle,
Nature, Vol. 436, No. 7049, 377-380, 2005.
22. Haozhe Liu*, Wilhelm Klein, Alessandra Sani and Martin Jansen,
Pressure induced phase transition and amorphization of Na3ONO2,
Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics, Vol. 6, No. 5, 881-883, 2004.
21. Haozhe Liu*, Jingzhu Hu, Jian Xu, Zhenxian Liu, Jingfu Shu, Ho-kwang Mao, and Jiuhua Chen,
Phase transition and compression behavior of gibbsite under high pressure,
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, Vol. 31, No. 4, 240-46, 2004.
20. Haozhe Liu*, Jingzhu Hu, Jinfu Shu, Daniel H?usermann, and Ho-kwang Mao,
Lack of the critical pressure for weakening of size-induced stiffness in 3C-SiC nanocrystals under hydrostatic compression,
Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 85, No. 11, 1973-1975, 2004.
19. Haozhe Liu*, Ho-kwang Mao, Maddury Somayazulu, Yang Ding, Yue Meng, and Daniel H?usermann,
B1-to-B2 phase transition of transition-metal monoxide CdO under strong compression,
Physical Review B, Vol. 70, No. 9, 094114, 2004.
18. Haozhe Liu*, Changqing Jin, Jiuhua Chen, and Jingzhu Hu,
Anomalous dynamical charge behavior of nanocrystalline 3C-SiC upon compression,
Journal of American Ceramic Society, Vol. 87, No. 12, 2291-2293, 2004.
17. Robert A. Senter, Cristian Pantea, Yuejian Wang, Haozhe Liu, T. Waldek Zerda*, and Jeffery L. Coffer*,
Structural influence of erbium centers on silicon nanocrystal phase transitions,
Physical Review Letters, Vol. 93, No. 17, 175502, 2004.
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近日,生态环境部下发《关于同意建设国家环境保护河流全物质通量重点实验室的函》(环科财函〔2019〕64号),依托北京大学环境科学与工程学院及北京市环境保护监测中心联合建设的“国家环境保护河流全物质通量重点实验室”(以下简称实验室)获立项建设批准,建设期为两年。这是北大首次获批建设国家环境保护重点实验 ...北京大学通知公告 本站小编 北京大学新闻网 2019-05-24信息学院刘譞哲研究团队获得中国首个国际万维网大会最佳论文奖
2019年5月17日下午,在美国旧金山举行的第28届国际万维网大会(WorldWideWeb,简称WWW)上,北京大学信息科学技术学院、高可信软件技术教育部重点实验室刘譞哲副教授课题组的论文“基于互联网普适语言“绘文字”的跨语言情感分析表征学习方法(Emoji-PoweredRepresentati ...北京大学通知公告 本站小编 北京大学新闻网 2019-05-24“亚洲文明互鉴与中国”学术交流活动在北京大学举行
5月17日,适逢亚洲文明对话大会期间,北京大学区域与国别研究院在燕南园66号院举办了以“亚洲文明互鉴与中国”为主题的学术交流活动。作为亚洲文明对话大会的系列活动之一,本次活动邀请到来自巴基斯坦、老挝、印度尼西亚、斯里兰卡、塔吉克斯坦、泰国、美国等国家的12位专家学者,围绕本国对中国文明建设的认知及文 ...北京大学通知公告 本站小编 北京大学新闻网 2019-05-24现代农学院刘承芳当选美国农业与应用经济学会中国分会主席
***新闻82019年5月17日,美国农业与应用经济学会中国分会宣布,现代农学院刘承芳当选该分会主席(AAEAChinaSectionChair-Elect)。美国农业与应用经济学会(AAEA,Agricultural&AppliedEconomicsAssociation)是美国最大的经济学会之一 ...北京大学通知公告 本站小编 北京大学新闻网 2019-05-24专访中国科协名誉主席、中国科协-北京大学科学文化研究院创始院长韩启德
近日,凤凰卫视《问答神州》节目对中国科协名誉主席、中国科协-北京大学科学文化研究院创始院长韩启德进行了专访。 ...北京大学通知公告 本站小编 北京大学新闻网 2019-05-24