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基本信息Homepage of Ai-Min Guo





2000.09 - 2004.06,中南大学/理学学士2004.09 - 2007.05,中南大学/理学硕士2007.09 - 2010.06,南京大学/理学博士

2010.06 - 2011.04,浙江工业大学/讲师2011.04 - 2011.10,加州州立大学北岭分校/博士后2011.10 - 2015.01,中国科学院物理研究所/博士后2015.01 - 至今, 哈尔滨工业大学/研究员


纳米体系、介观体系的量子输运理论DNA、蛋白质、纳米管等体系的自旋输运理论低维无序系统的局域化现象和金属-绝缘体转变 发表37篇SCI论文,包括1篇一作Physical Review Letters,1篇一作美国科学院院刊PNAS和18篇Physical Review。

The full list of publications can be found in my researcherid and google scholar.

Ai-Min Guo and Qing-feng Sun, Spin-dependent electron transport in protein-like single-helical molecules, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 111, 11658-11662 (2014). (pdf) Ai-Min Guo, E. Diaz, C. Gaul, R. Gutierrez, F. Dominguez-Adame, G. Cuniberti, and Qing-feng Sun, Contact effects in spin transport along double-helical molecules, Physical Review B 89, 205434 (2014). (pdf) Ai-Min Guo, X. C. Xie, and Qing-feng Sun, Delocalization and scaling properties of low-dimensional quasiperiodic systems, Physical Review B 89, 075434 (2014). (pdf) Zhi-qiang Bao, Ai-Min Guo, and Qing-feng Sun, Orbital Kondo effect in a parallel double quantum dot, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 26, 435301 (2014). (pdf) Ai-Min Guo, Shi-Jie Xiong, X. C. Xie, and Qing-feng Sun, Universal scheme to generate metal-insulator transition in disordered systems, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25, 415501 (2013). (pdf) Ai-Min Guo and Qing-feng Sun, Sequence-dependent spin-selective tunneling along double-stranded DNA, Physical Review B 86, 115441 (2012). (pdf) Ai-Min Guo and Qing-feng Sun, Enhanced spin-polarized transport through DNA double helix by gate voltage, Physical Review B 86, 035424 (2012) (Selected as Kaleidoscope). (pdf) Ai-Min Guo and Qing-feng Sun, Spin-Selective Transport of Electrons in DNA Double Helix, Physical Review Letters 108, 218102 (2012). (pdf) Ai-Min Guo and Shi-Jie Xiong, Suppression of localization in a two-leg ladder model with correlated binary disorder, Physical Review B 83, 245108 (2011). (pdf) Ai-Min Guo, Zhi Yang, Hong-Jun Zhu, and Shi-Jie Xiong, Influence of backbone on the charge transport properties of G4-DNA molecules: a model-based calculation, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 22, 065102 (2010). (pdf) Ai-Min Guo and Shi-Jie Xiong, Effects of contact and efficient charge transport in G4-DNA molecules, Physical Review B 80, 035115 (2009). (pdf) Ai-Min Guo and Shi-Jie Xiong, Violation of the single-parameter scaling hypothesis in human chromosome 22 with charge transfer models, Physical Review E 79, 041924 (2009). (pdf) Ai-Min Guo, Shi-Jie Xiong, Zhi Yang, and Hong-Jun Zhu, Enhancement of transport in DNA-like systems induced by backbone disorder, Physical Review E 78, 061922 (2008). (pdf) Ai-Min Guo, Long-range correlation and charge transfer efficiency in substitutional sequences of DNA molecules, Physical Review E 75, 061915 (2007). (pdf)

Personal Information

Ai-Min Guo, Professor

Department of Physics

Harbin Institute of Technology

Contact Information
Email: amguo@hit.edu.cn

Addr.: Department of Physics,

Harbin Institute of Technology,

92 Xidazhi St., Nangang Dist.,

Harbin 150001, P. R. China

相关话题/理学 哈尔滨工业大学 博士后 博士 中南大学