

本站小编 Free考研网/2019-05-25

基本信息基本信息科学研究教学与课程国际交流与合作研究生培养团队成员English Version













Cantact Information

Yujie Feng, Ph.D & Prof

Deputy Director

State Key Laboratory of Urban Water Resource & Environment

Deputy Dean, HIT Yixing Academy of Environmental Protection

Room 307, HY Building, 2nd Campus, Harbin Institute of Technology

Box2650, No73 Huanghe Road, Nangang Dist. Harbin 150090, China

Tel: +86-**;**;


E-mail: yujief@hit.edu.cn

1984-1988 B.S. in Chemical Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin, Chian

1990-1993 M.S. in Environmental Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China

1993-1996 Ph.D in Environmental Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China

1998-1999 Post D Research Fellow, Deptment of Civil & Environmental Engineering, The University of Hongkong, Hk

Aug 2002-present Professor of Environmental Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology

Aug1998-July2002 Associate Professor of Environmental Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology

July1994-July1998 Lecturer of Environmental Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology

Aug 2010- present Deputy Dean, HIT Yixing Academy of Environmental Protection. Jiangsu, Yixing, China

Oct 2007- present Deputy Director, State Key Laboratory of Urban Water Resource & Environment(HIT), Ministry of Science & Technology of China

Nov 2006-Dec 2009 Director, Department of Applied Microbial, School of Municipal & Environmental Engineering,

Harbin Institute of Technology, China

May 2005-Nov 2006 Deputy Director, Department of Applied Microbial, School of Municipal & Environmental Engineering,

Harbin Institute of Technology, China

Sep 2009 -Present Visiting Professor, Penn State University, USA

Oct 2008-Aril 2009 Marie Claire Research Fellow, The University of Newcastle

Oct 2006-Oct 2007 Visiting Scholar, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University

Apr 2000- Oct 2000 Research Associate, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The University of Hong Kong

Jan 2004-Apr 2004 Visiting Scholar, Department of Chemical Engineering, The University of New South Walse, Australia

2011 Recipient of National Natural Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, China

2008 Being selected into Creative Research Group, China

2005 Being selected into the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University (NCET), Ministry of Education,


2003 Being granted as Top 100 Excellent Young Teachers (EYT, 2003), Ministry of Education, China

2002 Recipient of Excellent Young Scholar Award, Heilongjiang Province, China

2012 Being granted as 51 Labor Medal of Heilongjiang Province and 51 Women's Medal of Heilongjiang Province

2011 Being granted as Excellent Party member, CCP of HIT

2005 Being granted as Service Award for Returnees, Heilongjiang, China

2004 Being granted as one of the Top Ten Outstanding Youth, Heilongjiang, China


冯玉杰 教授 工学博士/博导

城市水资源与水环境国家重点实验室 副主任

哈尔滨工业大学生态环境研究院 常务副院长


哈尔滨市南岗区黄河路73号 150090



宜兴环保科技大厦 214205

















1984-1988 天津大学化学工程系基本有机化工专业,获工学学士学位 1990-1996 哈尔滨工业大学环境工程专业,1996年3月获工学博士学位 1998-1999 香港大学土木与环境工程系 博士后

1994.07--1998.07 哈尔滨工业大学 应用化学系 讲师

1998.08--2000.06 哈尔滨工业大学 应用化学系 副教授

2000.07--2002.07 哈尔滨工业大学 市政环境工程学院 副教授

2002.08-- 哈尔滨工业大学 市政环境工程学院 教授

2003.04-- 哈尔滨工业大学 博士生导师

2005.05-2006.11 哈尔滨工业大学市政环境工程学院应用生物学系副主任

2006.11-2009.12 哈尔滨工业大学市政环境工程学院应用生物学系主任

2007.10-- 城市水资源与水环境国家重点实验室 副主任

2009.11-- 美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学,兼职教授

2010.08-- 哈尔滨工业大学宜兴环保研究院副院长

2004.01—2004.04 澳大利亚新南威尔士大学化学工程系 访问学者

2000.04-- 2000.10 Research Associate, 香港大学土木与环境工程系

2006.10—2007.10 美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学 访问学者

2008.10- 2009.04 Marie Claire Research Fellow, The University of Newcastle










1.水中污染物定向转化理论与技术: 以水中污染物定向转化、高值利用为目标,开展新材料、新技术、新方法与新装备研究,揭示污染物定向转化机制,实现水处理过程资源化与能源化。

2.水中污染物强化转化理论和技术:以建立低碳、节能水处理新方法为目标,开展 “绿色”+“灰色”耦合的处理技术与耦合模式研究,揭示过程转化机制,建立强化转化工艺及系统调控方法。


1. 2013年,基于废水处理的微生物电化学系统构建与关键问题研究,黑龙江省自然科学二等奖(排名第1)

2. 2013年,生物电化学系统强化污水定向处理与能源回收的过程与机制,教育部自然科学一等奖(排名第2)

3. 2010年. 有毒(有机)工业废水物化/生化组合工艺处理效能与工程应用,黑龙江省技术发明一等奖(排名第1)

4. 2009年. 基于光/电催化氧化的自由基强化生成机制及除污染特性研究,教育部自然科学二等奖(排名第1)

5. 2009年. 燃料乙醇生产关键技术及装备,黑龙江省技术发明一等奖(排名第4)

6. 2009年. 变速生流式厌氧处理方法与应用,哈尔滨市科技进步二等奖

7. 2009年. 复合型生物絮凝剂,黑龙江省技术发明二等奖

8. 2004年. 稀土配合物及纳米稀土硼酸盐类极压抗磨剂,黑龙江省科技进步三等奖

9. 2003年. 10万吨燃料酒精生产技术,黑龙江省科技进步三等奖

10. 1999年. 8%扑虱灵农药水面扩散剂国防科工委科技进步一等奖、1999年度“全国高等院校十大科技新进展”

11. 1998年. 特种高频电磁波辐射防护材料的研制,国家发明三等奖

12. 1996年. 特种高频电磁波辐射防护材料的研制,航天部科技进步二等奖

1 任南琪、冯玉杰、陈卫、张照韩等著. 城市水系统污染物转化规律及资源化理论与技术.科学出版社.2012年3月

2 冯玉杰、刘俊峰、崔玉虹等著. 环境电催化材料-结构、性能与制备. 科学出版社.2010

3 冯玉杰、孙晓君、刘俊峰等编著. 环境功能材料. 化学工业出版社. 2009.12

4 冯玉杰、王鑫等译(原著:Bruce E Logan).微生物燃料电池. 化学工业出版社.2009.11(国外优秀科技专著出版基金)

5 冯奇,马放,冯玉杰编著. 环境材料概论. 化学工业出版社. 2007.10(国家出版总局优秀图书)

6 冯玉杰主编,现代生物技术在环境工程中的应用,化学工业出版社,2005.1(国家出版署重点图书)

7 冯玉杰,蔡伟民编著,环境工程中的功能材料,化学工业出版社,2003.10

8 冯玉杰,李晓岩,尤宏,丁凡,电化学技术在环境工程中的应用,化学工业出版社,2002.5;2002年10月第二版

9 马放、冯玉杰、任南琪编著,环境生物技术,化学工业出版社,2003.5

10 孙德智,冯玉杰,于秀娟,环境工程中的高级氧化技术,化学工业出版社,2002.4

1.Yujie Feng*, Xinxin Shi, Xin Wang, He Lee, Jia Liu, Youpeng Qu, Weihua He, S.M. Senthil Kumard, Byung Hong Kim, Nanqi Ren. Effects of sulfide on microbial fuel cells with platinum and nitrogen-doped carbon powder cathodes. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 2012,35(1):413-415

2.Jia Liu, Yujie Feng*, Xin Wang, Qiao Yang, Xinxin Shi, Youpeng Qu, Nanqi Ren. The effect of water proofing on the performance of nickel foam cathode in microbial fuel cells. Journal of Power Sources. 2012,198:100-104

3.Youpeng Qu, Yujie Feng*, Xin Wang, Jia Liu, Jiangwei Lv, Weihua He, Bruce E. Logan. 2012. Simultaneous water desalination and electricity generation in a microbial desalination cell with electrolyte recirculation for pH control. Bioresource Technology. 2012,106 : 89–94

4.Ce Wang, Yujie Feng*, Shanshan Zhao, Bai-Lian Li. A dynamic contaminant fate model of organic compound: A case study of Nitrobenzene pollution in Songhua River, China. Chemosphere. 2012, 88: 69-76

5.Ce Wang, Yujie Feng*, Qingfang Sun, Shanshan Zhao, Peng Gao, Bai-Lian Li. A multimedia fate model to evaluate the fate of PAHs in Songhua River, China. Environmental Pollution. 2012, 164: 81-88

6.Wang Ce, Feng Yujie*, Gao Peng. Simulation and prediction of phenolic compounds fate in Songhua River, China. The Science of the Total Environment. 2012, 431:366-374

7.Qiao Yang, Feng Yujie*, Bruce E. Logan. Using cathode spacers to minimize reactor size in air cathode microbial fuel cells. Bioresource Technology. 2012, 110:273-277

8. Qiao Yang, Feng Yujie*, Xin Wang, He Lee, Jia Liu, Xinxin Shi, Youpeng Qu, Nanqi Ren. Electricity generation using eight amino acids by air-cathode microbial fuel cells technology. Fuel. 2012, 102: 478-482

9. Xinxin Shi, Yujie Feng*, Xin Wang, He Lee, Jia Liu, Youpeng Qu, Weihua He, S.M. Senthil Kumar, Nanqi Ren. Application of nitrogen-doped carbon powders as low-cost and durable cathodic catalyst to air–cathode microbial fuel cells. Bioresource Technology. 2012,108:89–93

10.Youpeng Qu, Yujie Feng*, Xin Wang and Bruce E. Logan. Using a co-culture to enable current production by Geobacter sulfurreducens. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2012, 78(9):3484-3487

11. Z. Zhang, Y. Feng*,P. Gao, J. Liu, N. Ren. Comparing the adsorption and desorption characteristics of 17a-ethinylestradiol on sludge derived from different treatment units. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. 2012,9(2): 247-256

12. Gao P., Feng Y. J.*, Zhang Z. H. Effect of heavy metals and surfactants on the adsorption of phenolic compounds on sediment. International Journal Of Environmental Science and Technology. 2012, 9(4): 671-678

13. Cui Yu-Hong, Feng Yu-Jie*, Liu Junfeng. Comparison of various organic compounds destruction on rare earths doped Ti/Sb-SnO2 electrodes. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2012,239: 225-232

14. Peng Gao, Yujie Feng*, Zhaohan Zhang, Junfeng Liu, Nanqi Ren. Kinetic and thermodynamic study of phenolic compounds adsorption on river sediment. Soil and Sediment Contamination. 2012, 21(5): 625-639

15. Luan, Yunbo, Jing, Liqiang, Xie, Mingzheng, Shi, Xin, Fan, Xuxin, Cao, Yue, Feng, Yujie*. Synthesis of efficient N-containing TiO2 photocatalysts with high anatase thermal stability and the effects of the nitrogen residue on the photoinduced charge separation. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2012, 14(4):1352-1359

16.Luan, Yunbo, Jing, Liqiang, Meng, Qingqiang,Nan, He,Luan, Peng,Xie, Mingzheng,Feng, Yujie*. Synthesis of Efficient Nanosized Rutile TiO2 and Its Main Factors Determining Its Photodegradation Activity: Roles of Residual Chloride and Adsorbed Oxygen. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2012, 116(32): 17094-17100

17. Yujie Feng*, Qiao Yang, Xin Wang, Yankun Liu, He Li, Nanqi Ren. Treatment of biodiesel production wastes with simultaneous electricity generation using a single-chamber microbial fuel cell. Bioresource Technology. 2011,102(1): 411-415

18. Yujie Feng*, Chao Li, Dawei Zhang. Lipid production of Chlorella vulgaris cultured in artificial wastewater medium. Bioresource Technology. 2011,102(1): 101-105

19. Yujie Feng*, Yanling Yu, Xin Wang, Youpeng Qu, Dongmei Li, Weihua He, Byung Hong Kim. Degradation of raw corn stover powder (RCSP) by an enriched microbial consortium and its community structure. Bioresource Technology. 2011, 102(2): 742-747

20. Yujie Feng*, Jiangwei Lv, Junfeng Liu, Na Gao, Hongyan Peng, Yuqiang Chen. Influence of boron concentration on growth characteristic and electro-catalytic performance of boron-doped diamond electrodes prepared by direct current plasma chemical vapor deposition. Applied Surface Science. 2011, 257(8): 3433-3439

21. Yuhong Cui, Yujie Feng*, Xiaoyan Li. Kinetics and Efficiency Analysis of Electrochemical Oxidation of Phenol: Influence of Anode Materials and Operational Conditions. Chemical Engineering and Technology. 2011, 34(2):265-27222.

22. Peng Gao, Yujie Feng, Ce Wang, Zhaohan Zhang, Junfeng Liu, Nanqi Ren. Study on the photolysis, biodegradation, and sorption behaviors of three selected phenolic compounds with surface and sediment of rivers. Journal of Environment Engineering. 2011,137(12): 1114–1121

23. Peng Gao, Yujie Feng*, Zhaohan Zhang, Junfeng Liu, Nanqi Ren. Comparison of competitive and synergetic adsorption of three phenolic compounds on river sediment. Environmental Pollution. 2011,159(10):2876-2881

24. Jia Liu, Yujie Feng?, Xin Wang, Xinxin Shi, Qiao Yang, He Lee, Zhaohan Zhang, Nanqi Ren. The use of double-sided cloth without diffusion layers as air-cathode in microbial. Journal of Power Sources. 2011,196: 8409-8412

25. Wang X, Feng Y*, Liu J, Lee H, Ren N. Performance of a batch two-chambered microbial fuel cell operated at different anode potentials. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. 2011, 86: 590-594

26. Yanling Yu, Yujie Feng*, Chen Xu, Jia Liu, Dongmei Li. Onsite biodetoxification of steam exploded corn stover for cellulosic ethanol production. Bioresource Technology. 2011, 102(8): 5123–5128

27. Zhaohan Zhang, Yujie Feng*, Peng Gao, Ce Wang and Nanqi Ren. Occurrence and removal efficiencies of eight EDCs and estrogenicity in a STP. Journal of Environmental Monitoring. 2011,13(5):1366-1373

28. Jinzhi Wei, Yujie Feng*, Xiaojun Sun, Junfeng Liu, Limin Zhu. Effectiveness and Pathways of Electrochemical Degradation of Pretilachlor Herbicides. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2011, 189(1-2):84-91

29. Zhang zhaohan, Feng yujie*,Wang lu, Liu yu, Ren nanqi. Influence of coexisting substances on the photodegradation behaviors of 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE2) in the UV/H2O2 process[J]. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology. 2011,05: 31-36.

30. A.P. Borole, G. Reguera, B. Ringeisen, Z.W. Wang, Y.J. Feng, B.H. Kim. Electroactive biofilms: Current status and future research needs. Energy & Environmental Science. 2011, 4 (12): 4813-4834.

31.Yujie Feng*, He Lee, Xin Wang, Yaolan Liu, Weihua He. Continuous electricity generation by a graphite granule baffled air-cathode microbial fuel cell. Bioresource Technology. 2010, 101(2): 632-638.

32. Yujie Feng*, Qiao Yang, Xin Wang, Bruce E. Logan. Treatment of carbon fiber brush anodes for improving power generation in air-cathode microbial fuel cells. Journal of Power Sources. 2010, 195: 1841-1844.

33. Yujie Feng*, Zhaohan Zhang, Peng Gao, Hui Su, Yanling Yu, Nanqi Ren. Adsorption behavior of EE2 (17α-ethinylestradiol) onto the inactivated sewage sludge: Kinetics, thermodynamics and influence factors. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2010,175(1-3): 970-976.

34. Yujie Feng*, Ce Wang, Junfeng Liu, Zhaohan Zhang. Electrochemical degradation of 17-alpha-ethinylestradiol (EE2) and estrogenic activity changes. Journal of Environmental Monitoring. 2010. 12(2): 404-408.

35. Yujie Feng*, YuHong Cui, Junfeng Liu, Bruce E. Logan. Factors affecting the electro-catalytic characteristics of Eu doped SnO2/Sb electrode. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2010, 178(1-3): 29-34

36. Xin Wang, Yujie Feng*, Jia Liu, Xinxin Shi, He Li, Nan Li, Nanqi Ren. Power generation using adjustable Nafion/PTFE mixed binders in air-cathode microbial fuel cells. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2010,26(2): 946-948

37.Xin Wang, Yujie Feng*, Jia Liu, He Li, Cao Li, Nan Li, Nanqi Ren. Sequestration of CO2 discharged from anode by algal cathode in microbial carbon capture cells (MCCs). Biosensors & Bioelectronics. 2010,25(12): 2639-2643

38. Zhaohan Zhang, Yujie Feng*, Yu Liu, Qingfang Sun, Peng Gao, Nanqi Ren. Kinetic degradation model and estrogenicity changes of EE2 (17 alpha-ethinylestradiol) in aqueous solution by UV and UV/H2O2 technology. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2010, 181(1-3): 1127-1133

39.Cao Chen, Weimin Cai, Mingce Long, Baoxue Zhou, Yahui Wu, Deyong Wu, Yujie Feng. Synthesis of Visible-Light Responsive Graphene Oxide/TiO2 Composites with p/n Heterojunction. ACS NANO. 2010. 4(11):6425-6432

40.Xin Wang, Yujie Feng*, Heming Wang, Youpeng Qu, Yanling Yu, Nanqi Ren, Nan Li, Elle Wang, He Lee and Bruce E. Logan. Bioaugmentation for Electricity Generation from Corn Stover Biomass Using Microbial Fuel Cells. Environmental Science and Technology. 2009, 43(15): 6088-6093.

41.Xin Wang, Shaoan Cheng, Yujie Feng*, Matthew D. Merrill, Tomonari Saito and Bruce E. Logan. Use of carbon mesh anodes and the effect of different pretreatment methods on power production in microbial fuel cells. Environmental Science and Technology. 2009, 43(17): 6870-6874.

42.Yujie Feng*, Qingfang Sun, Peng Gao, Nanqi Ren, Zhaohan Zhang. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface water from the Songhua River of China. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 2009,18(12): 2388-2395.

43.Yankun Liu, Yujie Feng*, Xiaowei Wu. Microwave absorption properties of La doped barium titanate in X-band. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2009, 472(1-2): 441-445.

44.Yuhong Cui, Yujie Feng*, Zhengqian Liu. Influence of rare earths doping on the structure and electro-catalytic performance of Ti/Sb–SnO2 electrodes. Electrochimica Acta. 2009,54: 4903–4909.

45.Xin Wang, Yujie Feng*, Nanqi Ren, Heming Wang, He Lee, Nan Li, Qingliang Zhao. Accelerated start-up of two-chambered microbial fuel cells: Effect of anodic positive poised potential. Electrochimica Acta. 2009, 54:1109-1114.

46.Benjamin Erable, Narcis Duteanu, S.M. Senthil Kumar, Yujie Feng, Makarand M. Ghangrekar and Keith Scott. Nitric acid activation of graphite granules to increase the performance of the non-catalyzed oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) for MFC applications. Electrochemistry Communications. 2009, 11(7): 1547-1549.

47. Yujie Feng*, Xin Wang, Bruce E. Logan and He Lee. Brewery wastewater treatment using air-cathode microbial fuel cells. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2008,78(5): 873-880

48. Yujie Feng*, YuHong Cui, Bruce E. Logan, Zhengqian Liu. Performance of Gd-doped Ti-based Sb-SnO2 anodes for electrochemical destruction of phenol. Chemosphere. 2008,70(9): 1629-1636.

49.Xin Wang, Yujie Feng* , He Lee. Electricity production from beer brewery wastewater using single chamber microbial fuel cell. Water Science and Technology. 2008, 57(7): 1117-1121

50.Chao Li, Yujie Feng*, Xin Wang and Jian Wang. Evaluation of parameters affecting preparation of immunomagnetic beads. Journal of Biotechnology. 2008, 136(S1): S188-S189.

51. Xin Wang, Yujie Feng*, Elle Wang and Chao Li. Electricity generation using nickel foam solely as biocathodic material in a two chambered microbial fuel cell. Journal of Biotechnology. 2008,136(S1): S662.

52.Yujie Feng*, Yanling Yu, Chengwu Wang, Jia Liu and Cong Zheng. Selection of microbial community with high cellulose-degradation ability and its characteristics. 2nd IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering. 2008, 2: 4218-4221.

1. 微生物过程优化理论与技术


2. 环境后续资源理论与技术


3. 生物能源与节能减排技术


1. 环境传质学

本课程是环境科学与工程、市政工程学科的硕士研究生学位课,也是哈尔滨工业大学研究生主干课程建设项目,和宾夕法尼亚州立大学Bruce Logan 共建,使用原版英文教材《Environmental Transportation Process》。通过本课程的学习,可使学生在《物理化学》和《环境工程原理》学习的基础上,进一步深入学习化学传质和生物传质理论,深入理解各种均相及非均相混合物分离的单元操作过程,为应用分离工程单元操作解决实际问题打下较坚实的理论基础。在此基础上,深入解析环境工程学中的常见传质过程,学习传质过程的定量数学方法及数学模型,使学生掌握基本分离过程的实质,具备在此领域内进一步深入探讨传质过程单元理论和操作的能力,并能应用传质分离工程的基本理论知识分析实际传质系统且加以运用。

2. 生化反应器原理与设计


1. 环境工程原理


2. 环境生物学


合作1:美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学Bruce E Logan教授
Dr. Bruce Logan,member of National Academy of Engineering, is an Evan Pugh Professor, the Stan & Flora Kappe Professor of Environmental Engineering, and Director of the Engineering Energy & Environmental Institute at Penn State University. His main research efforts are in bioenergy production and the development of an energy sustainable global water infrastructure. Dr. Logan is an Associate Editor of the journal Environmental Science & Technology, and the author or co-author of over 340 refereed publications and several books that have been cited more than 22,000 times (with an h-index of 81, based on Google Scholar). He is a fellow of the International Water Association and the Water Environment Federation, and he has received numerous awards including the National Water Research Institute (NWRI) Clarke Prize (2009).

合作2:美国佐治亚理工John C Crittenden教授
Dr John C Crittenden, member of National Academy of Engineering, member of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Professor of Georgia Institute of Technology, Director of Brook Byers Institute for Sustainable Systems, Hightower Chair and Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar in Environmental Technologies. His main research interests are Pollution Prevention, Physical Chemical Treatment Processes, Transport of Organics in Saturated and Unsaturated Groundwater, Modeling of Fixed-Bed Reactors and Adsorbers, Mass Transfer, Modeling of Wastewater and Water Treatment Processes. He has published more than 300 referenced publications and several books, being cited more than 9000 times.

合作3:英国纽卡索儿大学Eileen H Yu 博士

Dr Eileen Hao Yu is a Lecturer in the School of Chemical Engineering and Advanced Materials at Newcastle University. She has worked as a research fellow at Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, Germany. Dr Yu’s current research focuses on Fuel cells and Biological fuel cells, Biosensors for healthcare devices, biocompatible materials, Protein modification, functionalisation and immobilization, Electrochemical and bioelectrochemical catalysis, Fuel cell configuration and design, Waste treatment and remediation.




崔玉虹, 2002级博士, 副教授









Email:wuxiaowei415@y ahoo.com.cn







Email:Liu**@yahoo .com.cn




张巍, 2004级博士,高级工程师













李冬梅, 2005级博士, 工程师


Email: ldm177110@yahoo.









工作单位:西北大学城市与环境学院 环境工程系





































刘峻峰 博士

刘峻峰,男,汉族,1980年生。博士,硕士生导师;哈尔滨工业大学市政环境工程学院实验中心。2002年哈尔滨工业大学环境科学与工程系毕业,获工学学士学位;2004年哈尔滨工业大学环境科学与工程系毕业,获工学硕士学位;2008年哈尔滨工业大学环境科学与工程系毕业,获工学博士学位。主要研究方向为:有毒有机工业废水预处理和深度处理新技术,环境电化学理论与技术。共发表学术论文31篇,其中SCI收录17篇,EI收录12篇。主持国家航天基金2项,省部级基金项目3项。 获黑龙江省技术发明一等奖1项、教育部自然科学二等奖1项,获国家授权发明专利2项,出版学术专著2部。



先后主持承担国家自然科学基金重点项目、863重点项目、973子项目以及一批省部级重点项目和多项国际合作项目等。 作为第一获奖人:获得国家科技进步二等奖x项,国家技术发明二等奖x项,教育部科技进步一等奖和技术发明一等奖各x项、三等奖x项...



先后主持承担国家自然科学基金重点项目、863重点项目、973子项目以及一批省部级重点项目和多项国际合作项目等。 作为第一获奖人:获得国家科技进步二等奖x项,国家技术发明二等奖x项,教育部科技进步一等奖和技术发明一等奖各x项、三等奖x项...





Wastewater Treatment and Energy Recovery

Environmental Electrochemistry

Microbial Electrochemical System(MES)

Environmental Risk Analysis and Control Technology

Environmental Nano-materials, application and Ecological and environmental risk assessment

1. 2010 First-place Prize of Provincial Science & Technology for the achievements on "Combined technology of physiochemical/biological process and application in toxic wastewater treatment" , Heilongjiang, China (Ranked No.1)

2. 2009 First-place Prize of Provincial Science & Technology for the achievements on " The breakthrough of bio-ethanol production, key technologies and equipments" Heilongjiang, China (Ranked No.4)

3. 2009 Second-place Prize of Natural Science Award for the achievements on "Mechanism of facilitated hydroxy radicals formation based on facial characteristics of catalysts and research on pollutants removal", Ministry of Education, China (Ranked No.1)

4. 2009 Second-place Prize of Provincial Science & Technology for the achievements on "Combined Biological flocculants", Heilongjiang, China (Ranked No.8)

5. 2009 Second-place Prize of Harbin Science & Technology for the achievements on " Anaerobic treatment method and application of variable up-flow velocity", Harbin, China (Ranked No.4)

6. 2007 Being granted Excellent Book Award for the book of " Introduction of environmental materials". National Publication Administration, China

7. 2003 Third-place Prize of Provincial Science & Technology for the achievements on "Technologies of bio-alcohol production". Heilongjiang, China (Ranked No.1)

8. 2004 Third-place Prize of Provincial Science & Technology for the achievements on "Anti-friction materials at Extreme- pressure condition". Heilongjiang, China (Ranked No.1)

9. 1999 First-class Prize of Science & Technology for the achievements on "Green technology in pesticides fabrication". Ministry of Defense, China (Ranked No.6)

10. 1998 Third-place Prize of National Innovation Award for the achievements on "Advanced functional materials in pollution control". (Ranked No.2)

1. Ren Naqi, Feng Yujie, Chen Wei, Zhang Zhaohan. Transformation Rules of Pollutants and Resource Recovery in Urban Water System. Science Press, Beijing. 2012.02

2. Feng Yujie, Liu Junfeng, Cui Yuhong. Environmental Electrocatalytic Electrodes, Structure, Characteristics and Preparation. Science Press, Beijing. 2010.10

3. Feng Yujie, Sun Xiaojun, Liu Junfeng. Environmental Function Materials. Chemical Industry Press, Beijing. 2009.12

4. Feng Yujie, Wang Xin. et al. Microbial Fuel Cell. Chemical Industry Press, Beijing. 2009.11. Translations

5. Feng Yujie, Liu Junfeng, Ding Haiyang. Analysis and Behaviors of Ti Based SnO2 Electrode and the Function of Rare-earth Doping in Aqueous Wastes Treatment. Chapter in Electrochemistry for the Environment (Chapter 14). Springer Press. 2009

6. Qi Feng, Fang Ma, Yujie Feng. Introduction of Environmental Materials. Chemical Industry Press, Beijing. 2007.10

7. Yujie Feng, Application of Current Biotechnolog in Environmental Engineering. Chemical Industry Press, Beijing. 2005,01 (Key Book by National Press Agency)

8. Yujie Feng, Weimin Cai et a. Functional Materials in Environmental Engineering. Chemical Industry Press, Beijing. 2003.10

9. Yujie Feng, Xiaoyan Li, Hong You, Fan Ding. Application of Electrcochemical Technoques in Environmental Engineering. Chemical Industry Press, Beijing. 2002.10

10. Fang Ma, Yujie Feng, Nanqi Ren. Environmental Biotechnology. Chemical Industry Press, Beijing.2003.05

11. Dezhi Sun, Yujie Feng, Xiujuan Yu. Advanced Technology in Environmental Engineering. Chemical Industry Press, Beijing. 2002.04

For Undergraduated Program

Principals of Environmental Engineering(Environmental Unit Operation) (40 hrs. 2005-)

Environmental Biology (32 hrs. 2001-)

For Graduated Program

Environmental Transportation Process (36 hrs. 2005-)

Theory and Design of Biochemical Reactor(18 hrs, 2003-)

Optimization of Microbial Process(18 hrs, 2005-)

Environmental Sustainable Resources (18 hrs, 2003-)

Bioenergy and Biobased Products (18 hrs, 2003-)

1.Yujie Feng*, Xinxin Shi, Xin Wang, He Lee, Jia Liu, Youpeng Qu, Weihua He, S.M. Senthil Kumard, Byung Hong Kim, Nanqi Ren. Effects of sulfide on microbial fuel cells with platinum and nitrogen-doped carbon powder cathodes. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 2012,35(1):413-415

2.Jia Liu, Yujie Feng*, Xin Wang, Qiao Yang, Xinxin Shi, Youpeng Qu, Nanqi Ren. The effect of water proofing on the performance of nickel foam cathode in microbial fuel cells. Journal of Power Sources. 2012,198:100-104

3.Youpeng Qu, Yujie Feng*, Xin Wang, Jia Liu, Jiangwei Lv, Weihua He, Bruce E. Logan. 2012. Simultaneous water desalination and electricity generation in a microbial desalination cell with electrolyte recirculation for pH control. Bioresource Technology. 2012,106 : 89–94

4.Ce Wang, Yujie Feng*, Shanshan Zhao, Bai-Lian Li. A dynamic contaminant fate model of organic compound: A case study of Nitrobenzene pollution in Songhua River, China. Chemosphere. 2012, 88: 69-76

5.Ce Wang, Yujie Feng*, Qingfang Sun, Shanshan Zhao, Peng Gao, Bai-Lian Li. A multimedia fate model to evaluate the fate of PAHs in Songhua River, China. Environmental Pollution. 2012, 164: 81-88

6.Wang Ce, Feng Yujie*, Gao Peng. Simulation and prediction of phenolic compounds fate in Songhua River, China. The Science of the Total Environment. 2012, 431:366-374

7.Qiao Yang, Feng Yujie*, Bruce E. Logan. Using cathode spacers to minimize reactor size in air cathode microbial fuel cells. Bioresource Technology. 2012, 110:273-277

8. Qiao Yang, Feng Yujie*, Xin Wang, He Lee, Jia Liu, Xinxin Shi, Youpeng Qu, Nanqi Ren. Electricity generation using eight amino acids by air-cathode microbial fuel cells technology. Fuel. 2012, 102: 478-482

9. Xinxin Shi, Yujie Feng*, Xin Wang, He Lee, Jia Liu, Youpeng Qu, Weihua He, S.M. Senthil Kumar, Nanqi Ren. Application of nitrogen-doped carbon powders as low-cost and durable cathodic catalyst to air–cathode microbial fuel cells. Bioresource Technology. 2012,108:89–93

10.Youpeng Qu, Yujie Feng*, Xin Wang and Bruce E. Logan. Using a co-culture to enable current production by Geobacter sulfurreducens. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2012, 78(9):3484-3487

11. Z. Zhang, Y. Feng*,P. Gao, J. Liu, N. Ren. Comparing the adsorption and desorption characteristics of 17a-ethinylestradiol on sludge derived from different treatment units. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. 2012,9(2): 247-256

12. Gao P., Feng Y. J.*, Zhang Z. H. Effect of heavy metals and surfactants on the adsorption of phenolic compounds on sediment. International Journal Of Environmental Science and Technology. 2012, 9(4): 671-678

13. Cui Yu-Hong, Feng Yu-Jie*, Liu Junfeng. Comparison of various organic compounds destruction on rare earths doped Ti/Sb-SnO2 electrodes. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2012,239: 225-232

14. Peng Gao, Yujie Feng*, Zhaohan Zhang, Junfeng Liu, Nanqi Ren. Kinetic and thermodynamic study of phenolic compounds adsorption on river sediment. Soil and Sediment Contamination. 2012, 21(5): 625-639

15. Luan, Yunbo, Jing, Liqiang, Xie, Mingzheng, Shi, Xin, Fan, Xuxin, Cao, Yue, Feng, Yujie*. Synthesis of efficient N-containing TiO2 photocatalysts with high anatase thermal stability and the effects of the nitrogen residue on the photoinduced charge separation. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2012, 14(4):1352-1359

16.Luan, Yunbo, Jing, Liqiang, Meng, Qingqiang,Nan, He,Luan, Peng,Xie, Mingzheng,Feng, Yujie*. Synthesis of Efficient Nanosized Rutile TiO2 and Its Main Factors Determining Its Photodegradation Activity: Roles of Residual Chloride and Adsorbed Oxygen. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2012, 116(32): 17094-17100

17. Yujie Feng*, Qiao Yang, Xin Wang, Yankun Liu, He Li, Nanqi Ren. Treatment of biodiesel production wastes with simultaneous electricity generation using a single-chamber microbial fuel cell. Bioresource Technology. 2011,102(1): 411-415

18. Yujie Feng*, Chao Li, Dawei Zhang. Lipid production of Chlorella vulgaris cultured in artificial wastewater medium. Bioresource Technology. 2011,102(1): 101-105

19. Yujie Feng*, Yanling Yu, Xin Wang, Youpeng Qu, Dongmei Li, Weihua He, Byung Hong Kim. Degradation of raw corn stover powder (RCSP) by an enriched microbial consortium and its community structure. Bioresource Technology. 2011, 102(2): 742-747

20. Yujie Feng*, Jiangwei Lv, Junfeng Liu, Na Gao, Hongyan Peng, Yuqiang Chen. Influence of boron concentration on growth characteristic and electro-catalytic performance of boron-doped diamond electrodes prepared by direct current plasma chemical vapor deposition. Applied Surface Science. 2011, 257(8): 3433-3439

21. Yuhong Cui, Yujie Feng*, Xiaoyan Li. Kinetics and Efficiency Analysis of Electrochemical Oxidation of Phenol: Influence of Anode Materials and Operational Conditions. Chemical Engineering and Technology. 2011, 34(2):265-27222.

22. Peng Gao, Yujie Feng, Ce Wang, Zhaohan Zhang, Junfeng Liu, Nanqi Ren. Study on the photolysis, biodegradation, and sorption behaviors of three selected phenolic compounds with surface and sediment of rivers. Journal of Environment Engineering. 2011,137(12): 1114–1121

23. Peng Gao, Yujie Feng*, Zhaohan Zhang, Junfeng Liu, Nanqi Ren. Comparison of competitive and synergetic adsorption of three phenolic compounds on river sediment. Environmental Pollution. 2011,159(10):2876-2881

24. Jia Liu, Yujie Feng?, Xin Wang, Xinxin Shi, Qiao Yang, He Lee, Zhaohan Zhang, Nanqi Ren. The use of double-sided cloth without diffusion layers as air-cathode in microbial. Journal of Power Sources. 2011,196: 8409-8412

25. Wang X, Feng Y*, Liu J, Lee H, Ren N. Performance of a batch two-chambered microbial fuel cell operated at different anode potentials. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. 2011, 86: 590-594

26. Yanling Yu, Yujie Feng*, Chen Xu, Jia Liu, Dongmei Li. Onsite biodetoxification of steam exploded corn stover for cellulosic ethanol production. Bioresource Technology. 2011, 102(8): 5123–5128

27. Zhaohan Zhang, Yujie Feng*, Peng Gao, Ce Wang and Nanqi Ren. Occurrence and removal efficiencies of eight EDCs and estrogenicity in a STP. Journal of Environmental Monitoring. 2011,13(5):1366-1373

28. Jinzhi Wei, Yujie Feng*, Xiaojun Sun, Junfeng Liu, Limin Zhu. Effectiveness and Pathways of Electrochemical Degradation of Pretilachlor Herbicides. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2011, 189(1-2):84-91

29. Zhang zhaohan, Feng yujie*,Wang lu, Liu yu, Ren nanqi. Influence of coexisting substances on the photodegradation behaviors of 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE2) in the UV/H2O2 process[J]. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology. 2011,05: 31-36.

30. A.P. Borole, G. Reguera, B. Ringeisen, Z.W. Wang, Y.J. Feng, B.H. Kim. Electroactive biofilms: Current status and future research needs. Energy & Environmental Science. 2011, 4 (12): 4813-4834.

31.Yujie Feng*, He Lee, Xin Wang, Yaolan Liu, Weihua He. Continuous electricity generation by a graphite granule baffled air-cathode microbial fuel cell. Bioresource Technology. 2010, 101(2): 632-638.

32. Yujie Feng*, Qiao Yang, Xin Wang, Bruce E. Logan. Treatment of carbon fiber brush anodes for improving power generation in air-cathode microbial fuel cells. Journal of Power Sources. 2010, 195: 1841-1844.

33. Yujie Feng*, Zhaohan Zhang, Peng Gao, Hui Su, Yanling Yu, Nanqi Ren. Adsorption behavior of EE2 (17α-ethinylestradiol) onto the inactivated sewage sludge: Kinetics, thermodynamics and influence factors. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2010,175(1-3): 970-976.

34. Yujie Feng*, Ce Wang, Junfeng Liu, Zhaohan Zhang. Electrochemical degradation of 17-alpha-ethinylestradiol (EE2) and estrogenic activity changes. Journal of Environmental Monitoring. 2010. 12(2): 404-408.

35. Yujie Feng*, YuHong Cui, Junfeng Liu, Bruce E. Logan. Factors affecting the electro-catalytic characteristics of Eu doped SnO2/Sb electrode. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2010, 178(1-3): 29-34

36. Xin Wang, Yujie Feng*, Jia Liu, Xinxin Shi, He Li, Nan Li, Nanqi Ren. Power generation using adjustable Nafion/PTFE mixed binders in air-cathode microbial fuel cells. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2010,26(2): 946-948

37.Xin Wang, Yujie Feng*, Jia Liu, He Li, Cao Li, Nan Li, Nanqi Ren. Sequestration of CO2 discharged from anode by algal cathode in microbial carbon capture cells (MCCs). Biosensors & Bioelectronics. 2010,25(12): 2639-2643

38. Zhaohan Zhang, Yujie Feng*, Yu Liu, Qingfang Sun, Peng Gao, Nanqi Ren. Kinetic degradation model and estrogenicity changes of EE2 (17 alpha-ethinylestradiol) in aqueous solution by UV and UV/H2O2 technology. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2010, 181(1-3): 1127-1133

39.Cao Chen, Weimin Cai, Mingce Long, Baoxue Zhou, Yahui Wu, Deyong Wu, Yujie Feng. Synthesis of Visible-Light Responsive Graphene Oxide/TiO2 Composites with p/n Heterojunction. ACS NANO. 2010. 4(11):6425-6432

40.Xin Wang, Yujie Feng*, Heming Wang, Youpeng Qu, Yanling Yu, Nanqi Ren, Nan Li, Elle Wang, He Lee and Bruce E. Logan. Bioaugmentation for Electricity Generation from Corn Stover Biomass Using Microbial Fuel Cells. Environmental Science and Technology. 2009, 43(15): 6088-6093.

41.Xin Wang, Shaoan Cheng, Yujie Feng*, Matthew D. Merrill, Tomonari Saito and Bruce E. Logan. Use of carbon mesh anodes and the effect of different pretreatment methods on power production in microbial fuel cells. Environmental Science and Technology. 2009, 43(17): 6870-6874.

42.Yujie Feng*, Qingfang Sun, Peng Gao, Nanqi Ren, Zhaohan Zhang. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface water from the Songhua River of China. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 2009,18(12): 2388-2395.

43.Yankun Liu, Yujie Feng*, Xiaowei Wu. Microwave absorption properties of La doped barium titanate in X-band. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2009, 472(1-2): 441-445.

44.Yuhong Cui, Yujie Feng*, Zhengqian Liu. Influence of rare earths doping on the structure and electro-catalytic performance of Ti/Sb–SnO2 electrodes. Electrochimica Acta. 2009,54: 4903–4909.

45.Xin Wang, Yujie Feng*, Nanqi Ren, Heming Wang, He Lee, Nan Li, Qingliang Zhao. Accelerated start-up of two-chambered microbial fuel cells: Effect of anodic positive poised potential. Electrochimica Acta. 2009, 54:1109-1114.

46.Benjamin Erable, Narcis Duteanu, S.M. Senthil Kumar, Yujie Feng, Makarand M. Ghangrekar and Keith Scott. Nitric acid activation of graphite granules to increase the performance of the non-catalyzed oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) for MFC applications. Electrochemistry Communications. 2009, 11(7): 1547-1549.

47. Yujie Feng*, Xin Wang, Bruce E. Logan and He Lee. Brewery wastewater treatment using air-cathode microbial fuel cells. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2008,78(5): 873-880

48. Yujie Feng*, YuHong Cui, Bruce E. Logan, Zhengqian Liu. Performance of Gd-doped Ti-based Sb-SnO2 anodes for electrochemical destruction of phenol. Chemosphere. 2008,70(9): 1629-1636.

49.Xin Wang, Yujie Feng* , He Lee. Electricity production from beer brewery wastewater using single chamber microbial fuel cell. Water Science and Technology. 2008, 57(7): 1117-1121

50.Chao Li, Yujie Feng*, Xin Wang and Jian Wang. Evaluation of parameters affecting preparation of immunomagnetic beads. Journal of Biotechnology. 2008, 136(S1): S188-S189.

51. Xin Wang, Yujie Feng*, Elle Wang and Chao Li. Electricity generation using nickel foam solely as biocathodic material in a two chambered microbial fuel cell. Journal of Biotechnology. 2008,136(S1): S662.

52.Yujie Feng*, Yanling Yu, Chengwu Wang, Jia Liu and Cong Zheng. Selection of microbial community with high cellulose-degradation ability and its characteristics. 2nd IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering. 2008, 2: 4218-4221.

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