陈川,男,工学博士,哈尔滨工业大学教授/ 博士生导师。2013-2014年卡尔加里大学生物科学系博士后研究员。曾先后主持国家自然科学基金2项、国家重点研发计划重点专项子课题1项,国家重点实验室开放课题1项,哈尔滨工业大学科研创新基金1项,作为技术骨干参与国家863、国家自然科学基金、中国工程院咨询项目、重点实验室自主课题等省部级以上项目10余项。获国家科技进步二等奖1项(排名第七),黑龙江省技术发明一等奖1项(排名第五),黑龙江省科技进步三等奖1项(排名第二);研究成果在Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Water Research, Chemical Engineering Journal, Journal of Hazardous Materials等权威期刊发表SCI收录论文56篇,总IF大于200,H因子16,其中第一、第二和通讯作者累计40篇;获已授权国家发明专利13项,参编外文著作1部。2013年和2017年分别入选哈工大青年拔尖人才选聘计划,2015年和2017年获国际知名期刊Bioresource Technology最佳审稿人奖(该期刊最新影响因子为5.651),2016年获台湾化学工程学会期刊“石延平教授论文奖”,2016年获聘山西省专家学者协会城市水资源与水环境学科特聘专家,2017年获中国生态学会“哈宜微生物生态青年科技创新奖”特等奖。主要研究方向为污(废)水生物处理技术及资源化、生物质资源化与能源化、微污染物转化与去除机制、油田硫化氢与管道腐蚀控制等。
名称国际知名期刊Bioresource Technology特别审稿人奖(该期刊最新影响因子为5.651)
名称国际水协会(International Water Association, IWA)会员
简单介绍Water Research, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Bioresource Technology, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, Chemical Engineering Journal, Applied Energy, RSC advance, Chemosphere 等多个国际知名期刊的特约审稿人。
Personal Information
ChuanChen, PhD, Professor
Director, Department of Environmental Science
School of Environment
Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150090, China.
*Postdoctoral fellowship (2013-2014) Department of Biological Science, University of Calgary
2500 university Drive N.W., Calgary, Canada T2N 1N4
E-mail:echo110244@126.com; cchen@hit.edu.cn
B.S. in EnvironmentalEngineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, CHINA, 2005
M.S. in EnvironmentalScience and Engineering, Harbin Institute ofTechnology, Harbin, CHINA, 2007
Ph.D in Environmental Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, CHINA, 2011
Professional Career
2011.07-2013.02Research Assistant,School of Municipal and Environmental Engineering, Harbin Institute ofTechnology, Harbin, CHINA
2013.04-2014.08 Postdoctoralfellowship, Department of Bioscience, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada
2013.03-2013.11 Assistant Professor,School of Municipal and Environmental Engineering, Harbin Institute ofTechnology, Harbin, China.
2013.12-2016.11 Associate Professor, School of Municipal and Environmental Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China.
2016.12-presentProfessor,School of Environment, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China
2017.04-presentExecutive Director,Department of Environmental Science, School of Environment, Harbin Institute ofTechnology
The First Award of the Technology Innovations byHeiLongjiang Province, 2009.
The National Second Award of the Science andTechnology by China, Ministry of Science and Technology, China, 2010.
The Minor Award of Talroad EnvironmentalProtection, Harbin Institute of Technology, 2010.
The Scholarship by Shanghai Tongji GaoTingyao Environmental Science& Development Foundation, 2010.
The Outstanding Graduates of Harbin Institute of Technology, 2011.
The Second Prize of the Fifth Organo(Water and Environment) Scholarship, Research Center for Eco-EnvironmentalSciences, CAS, 2011.
The Special Scholarship of Yuxing Scienceand Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, 2011.
The Outstanding Ph.D. Thesisof Harbin Institute of Technology, 2012.
Selected as Young TopScientists of Harbin Institute of Technology in 2013.
The Third Award of the TechnologyInnovations by HeiLongjiang Province, 2016
The Prize for the Professor Shi yanping Excellent Paper by the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2016.
Research projects
The study on the control strategy of simultaneousdesulfurization and denitrification for the wastewater based on the microbialmolecular ecological technology, 2006.01-2009.01, 500,000 RMB, supported byMinistry of Education of China (New Century Distinguished Young Scientist SupportingPlan)
Transport Phenomena and Mechanisms forHydrogen-producing Biogranules (NO.**), 2009.01-2011.12, 38,000RMB,supported by National Natural Science of Foundation China.
High-rate denitrifying sulfide removal using EGSBreactor, 2009.01-2012.01, 300,000RMB, supported by State KeyLaboratory of Urban Water Resource and Environment.
Transport Phenomena and Mechanisms for themicrobial electricity and hydrogen production (NO.**), 2012.01-2015.12,620,000 RMB, supported by National Natural Science of Foundation China.
The integrated technology of simultaneous removalfor the carbon, nitrogen and sulfur contaminated wastewater coupled with the sulfur reclamation (NO.2011AA060904), 2011.01-2015.12, 7,480,000 RMB, supported by National High-tech R&DProgram of China.
Industrial Research Chair inPetroleum Microbiology. 2012.10-2017.9., 4,000,000 Canadian dollars, supportedby Natural Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada.
Study on mechanism of mechanisms of sulfide inhibition and micro-aerobicenhancement for the performance of denitrifying sulfide removal process (NO.**),2014.01-2016.12, 250000 RMB, supported by NationalNatural Science of Foundation China.
Analysis and control strategy of inhibitory effect of sulfide on sulfidedenitrifying removal process (HIT.NSRIF.**), 2014/01-2015/12, 50000 RMB,supported by Natural Scientific Research Innovation Foundation in HarbinInstitute of Technology.
Kinetics and control strategy of heterotrophic denitrification insimultaneous removal of carbon, sulfur and nitrogen process (AUGA**),2014/01-2016/12, 200000 RMB, supported by Fundamental Research Funds forCentral Universities.
Kinetics of sulfide oxidation by heterotrophic denitrifier Pseudomonas C27 (HC201526),2015/01-2016/12, 50000 RMB, supported by Open Project of State Key Laboratoryof Urban Water Resource and Environment, Harbin Institute of Technology.
Transport Phenomena and Mechanisms for anaerobicbiofilm in microbial electrolysis assisted methane production process(**), 2016/01-2019/12, 650000 RMB, supported by National Natural Scienceof Foundation China.
Highly efficient oil alkanes degradation coupling with methane productionprocess and mechanism for anaerobic bio-granules formation (2015DX04),2015/01-2016/12, 200000 RMB, supported by State KeyLaboratory of Urban Water Resource and Environment.
Transport characteristics and enhancement mechanism in bio-conversion ofnitro-aromatics pollutants to green energy (**), 2017/01-2020/12, 600000RMB, supported by National Natural Science of Foundation China.
Performance and process optimization of bioelectrocatalytic methane production from excess sludge (2016YFC**-2), 2016/07-2020/06, 600000 RMB, supported by National key R&D Program of China
Research interests
New process, technology and methodology for the removal of sulfur,nitrogen and carbon containing pollutants in high strength industrialwastewaters;
Energy and resource recovery from wastewaters.
Souring control in oil field.
Professional Activities
Reviewer, Water Research (IF=5.528 )
Reviewer, Applied Energy (IF=5.613)
Reviewer, Bioresource Technology (IF=4.494)
Reviewer, Journal of Hazardous Materials (IF=4.529)
Reviewer, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (IF=3.337)
ChuanChen, Nanqi Ren, Aijie Wang, ZhenguoYu, Duu-Jong Lee. Simultaneous biological removal ofsulfur, nitrogen and carbon using EGSB reactor. Appl. Microbiol.Biotechnol. 2008, 78(6): 1057-1063. Impact Factor:3.689.(SCI)
Chuan Chen, Aijie Wang, Nanqi Ren, Hongjing Kan, Duu-Jong Lee. Biologicalbreakdown of denitrifying sulfide removal process in high-rate expangedgranular bed reactor.Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2008, 81(4): 765-770. ImpactFactor:3.689.(SCI)
ChuanChen, Nanqi Ren, Aijie Wang, Zhenguo Yu, Duu-Jong Lee. Microbial community of granules in expandedgranular sludge bed reactor for simulaneous biological removal of sulfate,nitrate and lactate. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2008, 79(6): 1071-1077. Impact Factor:3.689.(SCI)
ChuanChen, Aijie Wang, Nanqi Ren, Xu Zhou, Duu-Jong Lee. Optimal process pattern for simultaneoussulfur, nitrogen and carbon removal. Journal of Biotechnology. Volume136,Supplement1, October 2008, page S653. Impact Factor:3.183. (SCI)
ChuanChen, Aijie Wang, Nanqi Ren, Duu-Jong Lee, Juin-Yih Lai.High-rate denitrifying sulfide removal process in expanded granular sludge bedreator. Bioresource Technology. 2009, 100(7):2316-2319. Impact Factor:5.039.(SCI)
ChuanChen, Aijie Wang, Nanqi Ren, Xuliang Deng, Duu-Jong Lee,Juin-Yih Lai. Optimal process pattern for simultaneous sulfur, nitrogen andcarbon removal. Water Sci. Technol. 2009, 59(4): 833-837. Impact Factor:1.102.(SCI)
Chuan Chen, Nanqi Ren,Aijie Wang, Lihong Liu, Duu-Jong Lee. Functional consortium fordenitrifying sulfide removal process. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2010, 86(1):353-358. Impact Factor:3.689.(SCI)
ChuanChen, Aijie Wang, Nanqi Ren, Qingliang Zhao, Lihong Liu,Sunil S. Adav , Duu-Jong Lee, Jo-Shu Chang. Enhancing Denitrifying SulfideRemoval with Functional Strains Under Micro-aerobic Condition. ProcessBiochemistry. 2010, 45(6): 1007-1010. ImpactFactor:2.414.(SCI)
Chuan Chen, Nanqi Ren,Aijie Wang, Lihong Liu, Duu-Jong Lee. Enhanced performance ofdenitrifying sulfide removal process under micro-aerobic condition. Journal ofHazardous Materials. 2010, 179(1-3): 1147-1151. Impact Factor: 3.925.(SCI)
Aijie Wang, Chuan Chen, Chunshuang Liu, Nanqi Ren, Duu-Jong Lee. An Innovative IntegratedReactor System for Simultaneous Removal of Carbon, Sulfur and Nitrogen Based onBiological Niches. IWA-Water Infrastructure for Sustainable Communities: China and the World.2010, 409-420. (SCI)
Xu Zhou, Chuan Chen, Aijie Wang, Lihong Liu, Nanqi Ren, Duu-Jong Lee. Rapid acclimation ofmethanogenic granular sludge into denitrifying sulfide remobal granules. BioresourceTechnology. 2011, 102(8): 5244-5247. Impact Factor:5.039.(SCI)
Xu Zhou, Lihong Liu,Chuan Chen, Nanqi Ren, Aijie Wang, Duu-Jong Lee. Reduction ofproduced elementary sulfur in denitrifying sulfide removal process.Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2011, 90(3): 1129-1136. Impact Factor:3.689.(SCI)
Donghai Wu, Hong You,Jiaxuan Du, Chuan Chen, DaruiJin. Effects of UV/Ag-TiO2/O3 advancedoxidation on the unicellular green alga Dunaliellasalina: Implications forremoval of invasive species from ballast water. Journal of Environmental Science-China. 2011, 23:513-519. Impact factor: 1.773.(SCI)
Donghai Wu, Hong You, Ran Zhang, Chuan Chen, Duu-Jong Lee. Inactivation of Amphidinium sp. in ballastwaters using UV/Ag-TiO2+O3 advanced oxidation treatment. Bioresource Technology. 2011, 102(21): 9838-9842. Impact factor: 5.039.(SCI)
Donghai Wu, Hong You, Ran Zhang, Chuan Chen, Duu-Jong Lee. Ballast waters treatment usingUV/Ag–TiO2+O3 advanced oxidation process with Escherichiacoli and Vibrio alginolyticus as indicator microorganisms. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2011, 174(2-3): 714-718. Impactfactor: 3.473.(SCI)
Donghai Wu, Hong You, Ran Zhang, Chuan Chen, Jiaxuan Du. Inactivationof Escherichia coli using UV/AgTiO2/O3-mediated advanced oxidation:application to ballastwater disinfection. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology.2011, 86(12): 1521-1526. Impact factor: 2.504.(SCI)
Chunli Wan, Xue Yang,Duu-Jong Lee, Maoan Du, Fang Wan, Chuan Chen. Aerobic denitrification by novelisolated strain using NO2--N as nitrogen source.Bioresource Technology. 2011, 102(15): 7244-7248. Impact factor: 5.039.(SCI)
Chuan Chen, Xu Zhou,Aijie Wang, Donghai Wu, Lihong Liu, Nanqi Ren, Duu-Jong Lee. Elementary Sulfurin Effluent from Denitrifying Sulfide Removal Process as Adsorbent forZinc(II). Bioresource Technology. 2012, 121: 441-444. Impact factor: 5.039.(SCI)
Xijun Xu, Chuan Chen, Aijie Wang, Ning Fang, Ye Yuan, Nanqi Ren, Duu-Jong Lee. Enhanced elementary sulfur recovery in integrated sulfate-reducing, sulfur-producing reactor under micro-aerobic condition. Bioresource Technology. 2012, 116: 517-521. Impact Factor:5.039.(SCI)
Xue Yang, Maoan Du, Duu-Jong Lee, Chunli Wan, ChuanChen, Fang Wan. Enriching polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) producingmicroorganisms by complex organics from quickly alkaline fermentation liquor.Journal of The Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers. 2012, 43(6): 953-957. Impact Factor: 2.084.(SCI)
Chuan Chen, Kuo-Lin Ho, Fa-ChiLiu, Mini Ho, Aijie Wang, Nanqi Ren, Duu-Jong Lee. Autotrophic andheterotrophic denitrification by a newly isolated strain Pseudomonas sp. C27. Bioresource Technology, 2013, 145: 351-356. Impactfactor: 5.039.(SCI)
Xijun Xu, Chuan Chen, Duu-Jong Lee, AijieWang, WanqianGuo, Xu Zhou, HongliangGuo, Ye Yuan, Nanqi Ren, Jo-Shu Chang.Sulfate-reduction, Sulfide-oxidation and Elemental Sulfur Bioreduction Process:Modeling and Experimental Validation. BioresourceTechnology. 2013, 147: 202-211. Impact Factor: 5.039.(SCI)
Hongliang Guo, Chuan Chen, Duu-Jong Lee,Aijie Wang, Nanqi Ren. Sulfur-nitrogen-carbon removal of Pseudomonas sp. C27 under sulfide stress. Enzyme and MicrobialTechnology. 2013, 53(1): 6-12. Impact Factor:.2.592.(SCI)
XuZhou, Chuan Chen, Aijie Wang*,Lihong Liu, Wenbo Tan, Xijun Xu, Nanqi Ren, Duu-Jong Lee. Biosorption of Cu(II)by powdered anaerobic granular sludge from aqueous medium. Water Sci. Technol.2013, 68(1): 91-98. Impact Factor:1.102.(Co-first author) (SCI)
Wan-Qian Guo, Jie Ding, Guang-Li Cao, Chuan Chen,Xian-Jiao Zhou, Nan-Qi Ren. Accelerated startupof hydrogen production expanded granular sludge bed with l-Cysteinesupplementation. Energy. 2013, 60: 94-98. Impact Factor:3.651.(SCI)
Xiao-Chi Feng, Wan-Qian Guo, Chuan Chen,Shan-Shan Yang, Wen-Biao Jin, Nan-Qi Ren, He-Shan Zheng, Juan-Shan Du, Bo Liu. Treatability study of 3,3′,4′,5-tetrachlorosalicylanilide (TCS) combinedwith 2,4,6-trichlorophenol (TCP) to reduce excess sludge production in asequence batch reactor. Bioresource Technology, 2013, 143: 642-646. Impact Factor: 5.039.(SCI)
Shuang Gao, Yuan Ye, Chuan Chen*, Aijie Wang.Influence of sulfide to nitrate ratios on denitrifying sulfide removal andelemental sulfur reclamation from wastewater containing high organic carbonconcentration. Advanced Materials Research. 2013, 726-731: 2186-2190.(SCI)
Xijun Xu, Chuan Chen, Aijie Wang, WanqianGuo,Xu Zhou, Duu-Jong Lee*, Nanqi Ren*, Jo-Shu Chang. Simultaneous removal of sulfide, nitrate and acetate under denitrifyingsulfide removal condition: Modeling and experimental validation. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2014, 264: 16-24. ImpactFactor: 3.925.(SCI)
Hongliang Guo, Chuan Chen, Duu-Jong Lee*,Aijie Wang*, Nanqi Ren. Proteomic Analysis of Sulfur-Nitrogen-Carbon Removal by Pseudomonas sp.C27 under micro-aeration conditions. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 2014,56: 20-27. Impact Factor:.2.966.(SCI)
Ye Yuan, Chuan Chen*, Bin Liang, Cong Huang,Youkang Zhao, Xijun Xu, Wenbo Tan, Xu Zhou, Shuang Gao, Dezhi Sun, DuuJong Lee,Jizhong Zhou, Aijie Wang*. Fine-tuning key parameters of an integrated reactor system for thesimultaneous removal of COD, sulfate and ammonium and elemental sulfurreclamation. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2014, 269:56-67. Impact Factor: 4.331(SCI)
Hao Yu, Chuan Chen*, Jincai Ma, Xijun Xu,Ronggui Fan, Aijie Wang. Microbial community functional structure in responseto micro-aerobic conditions in sulfate-reducing sulfur-producing bioreactor.Journal of Environmental Sciences-China. 2014, 26(5): 1099-1107. ImpactFactor:1.922.(SCI)
Chunli Wan, Xue Yang, Duu-Jong Lee, Xiang Liu, SupuSun, Chuan Chen. Partial nitrification of wastewaters with high NaCl concentrations byaerobic granules in continuous-flow reactor. BioresourceTechnology. 2014, 152: 1-6. Impact Factor: 5.039.(SCI)
Chuan Chen, Lihong Liu, Duu-Jong Lee*, Wanqian Guo,Aijie Wang*, Xijun Xu, Xu Zhou, Donghai Wu, Nanqi Ren. Integrated simultaneousdesulfurization and denitrification (ISDD) process at various COD/sulfateratios. Bioresource Technology. 2014, 155: 161-169. Impact Factor: 5.039.(SCI)
Xi-Jun Xu, Chuan Chen, Ai-jie Wang*,Hong-Liang Guo, Ye Yuan, Duu-Jong Lee, Nan-Qi Ren*. Kinetics of nitrate andsulfate removal using a mixed microbial culture with or without limited-oxygenfed. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol, 2014, 98: 6115-6124. Impact Factor: 3.811.(SCI)
Xi-Jun Xu, ChuanChen, Ai-jie Wang*, Hao Yu, Xu Zhou, Hong-Liang Guo, Ye Yuan, Duu-Jong Lee,Jizhong Zhou, Nan-Qi Ren*. Bioreactor performance and functional geneanalysis of microbial community in a limited-oxygen fed bioreactor forco-reduction of sulfate and nitrate with high organic input. Journal ofHazardous Materials. 2014, 278: 250-257. Impact Factor: 4.331.(SCI)
Hao Yu, Chuan Chen*, Jincai Ma, Xijun Xu,Ronggui Fan, Aijie Wang. Geochip-based analysis of the microbial communityfunctional structures in simultaneous desulfurization and denitrificationprocess. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China. 2014, 26: 1375-1382. Impact Factor:1.922.(SCI)
HongliangGuo, Chuan Chen, Duu-Jong Lee, AijieWang, Dawen Gao, Nanqi Ren. Coupled carbon, sulfur and nitrogen cycles ofmixotrophic growth of Pseudomonas sp. C27 under denitrifying sulfide removalconditions.Bioresource Technology. 2014, 171: 120-126. ImpactFactor: 5.039.(SCI)
38.Hongliang, Chuan Chen, Duu-Jong Lee, Lihong Liu, Xijun Xu, Li Wang, Aijie Wang, Dawen Gao, Nanqi Ren. Sulfate reduction and denitrifying sulfide removal as a natural remediation process in an inland river. Ecological Engineering. 2014, 71: 605-609. Impact Factor: 3.041.(SCI)
39. Wen-bo Tan, Zhao Jiang, Chuan Chen, Ye Yuan, Ling-Fang Gao, Hong-Fei Wang, Juan Cheng,Wen-Jun Li, Ai-Jie Wang. Thiopseudomonas denitrificans gen. nov. sp. nov.,isolated from anaerobic activated sludge. International journal of systematicand evolutionary microbiology. 2015, 65: 225-229. Impact Factor: 2.798(SCI)
40.Hongliang Guo, Chuan Chen, Duu-Jong Lee, Aijie Wang, Nanqi Ren. Denitrifying sulfide removal by Pseudomonas sp C27 atexcess carbon supply: Mechanisms. BioresourceTechnology. 2015, 180: 381-385. Impact Factor: 5.039.(SCI)
41.Ye Yuan, ChuanChen, Youkang Zhao, Aijie Wang, Dezhi Sun, Cong Huang, Bin Liang, WenboTan, Xijun Xu, Xu Zhou, Duu-Jung Lee and Nanqi Ren. Influence of COD/sulfateratios on the integrated reactor system for simultaneous removal of carbon, sulfurand nitrogen. Water Science and Technology. 2015, 71(5): 709-716. Impact Factor: 1.212.(SCI)
42.Hongliang Guo, Chuan Chen, Duu-Jong Lee, Aijie Wang, Nanqi Ren. Mixotrophicgrowth of Pseudomonas sp C27 at different C/N ratios: Quantitative proteomicanalysis. Journal of Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers. 2015, 54:91-95. Impact Factor: 3.0.(SCI)
43. Cong Huang, Youkang Zhao, Zhiling Li, Ye Yuan, Chuan Chen, Wenbo Tan, Shuang Gao,Lingfang Gao, Jizhong Zhou, Aijie Wang. Enhanced elementary sulfur recoverywith sequential sulfate-reducing, denitrifying sulfide-oxidizing processes in acylindrical-type anaerobic baffled reactor. Bioresource Technology. 2015, 192:478-485. Impact Factor: 4.494.(SCI)
44.Xi-Jun Xu, Chuan Chen*, Hong-Liang Guo,Ai-jie Wang, Nan-Qi Ren, Duu-Jong Lee*. Characterization of anewly isolated strain Pseudomonas sp C27 for sulfide oxidation: Reactionkinetics and stoichiometry. Scientific Reports. 2016, 6: 21032. Impact Factor: 5.578.(SCI)
45.FanChen, Ye Yuan, Chuan Chen, You-KangZhao, Wen-Bo Tan, Cong Huang, Xi-Jun Xu, Ai-Jie Wang*. Investigation of colloidal biogenic sulfur flocculation: Optimizationusing response surface analysis. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2016, 42:227-235. Impact Factor: 2.208.(SCI)
46. Wen-BoTan, Cong Huang, Chuan Chen, BinLiang, Ai-Jie Wang*. Bioaugmentation of activated sludge with elemental sulfur producingstrain Thiopseudomonas denitrificans X2 against nitrate shock load.Bioresource Technology. 2016, 220: 647-650. Impact Factor: 4.917.(SCI)
47.Cong Huang, ZhilingLi, Fan Chen, You-Kang Zhao, Ling-Fang Gao, Chuan Chen, Ji-Zhong Zhou, Ai-Jie Wang*. Efficient regulationof elemental sulfur recovery through optimizing working height of upflowanaerobic sludge blanket reactor during denitrifying sulfide removal process.Bioresource Technology. 2016, 200: 1019-1023. Impact Factor: 4.917.(SCI)
48.Tekle-Tafese Fida, Chuan Chen, Okpala Gloria, Gerrit Voordouw*. Implications ofLimited Thermophilicity of Nitrite Reduction for Control of Sulfide Productionin Oil Reservoirs. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2016, 82(14):4190-4199. Impact Factor: 3.823.(SCI)
49.Nan-Qi Ren, Lei Zhao, Chuan Chen, Wan-Qian Guo, Guang-Li Cao. A review onbioconversion of lignocellulosic biomass to H2: Key challenges andnew insights. Bioresource Technology. 2016, 215:92-99. Impact Factor:4.917. (SCI)
50.Xi-Jun Xu, Chuan Chen*, Ai-jie Wang, Bing-JieNi, Wan-Qian Guo, Ye Yuan, Xu Zhou, Dong-Hai Wu, Duu-Jong Lee, Nan-Qi Ren*. Mathematical modelingof simultaneous carbon-nitrogen-sulfur removal from industrial wastewater. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2017, 321: 371-381. Impact Factor:6.065.(SCI)
51. Cong Huang, Qian Liu, Chuan Chen, Fan Chen,You-Kang Zhao, Ling-Fang Gao, Wen-Zong Liu, Ji-Zhong Zhou, Zhi-Ling Li,* Ai-JieWang*. Elemental sulfur recovery and spatial distribution of functionalbacteria and expressed genes under different carbon/nitrate/sulfide loadings inup-flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactors. Journal of Hazardous Materials,2017, 324: 48-53. Impact Factor: 6.065(SCI)
52.Chuan Chen*, Yin Shen, DongshanAn, Gerrit Voorouw. Use of acetate, propionate and butyrate for reduction ofnitrate and sulfate and methanogenesis in microcosms and bioreactors simulatingan oil reservoir. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2017, 83 (7):e02983-16. Impact Factor: 3.807.(SCI)
53. Chuan Chen, Xi-Jun Xu*, Peng Xie, Ye Yuan, Xu Zhou,Ai-jie Wang, Duu-Jong Lee, Nan-Qi Ren*. Pyrosequencing revealsmicrobial community dynamics in integrated simultaneous desulfurization anddenitrification process at different influent nitrateconcentrations. Chemosphere, 2017, 171:294-301. Impact Factor: 4.208(SCI)
54.Chuan Chen, Ruo-Chen Zhang, Xi-Jun Xu, Ning Fang, Ai-jieWang, Nan-Qi Ren, Duu-Jong Lee*.Enhanced performance of denitrifying sulfideremoval process at high carbon to nitrogen ratios under micro-aerobiccondition. BioresourceTechnology. 2017, 232: 417-422. Impact Factor: 5.651.(SCI)
55.Xi-Jun Xu, Chuan Chen*, Xun Guan, Ye Yuan,Ai-jie Wang, Duu-Jong Lee, Zi-Feng Zhang,Jian Zhang, Ying-Juan Zhong, Nan-Qi Ren*. Performance and microbial community analysis of a microaerophilic sulfateand nitrate co-reduction system. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2017, 330:63-70. Impact Factor: 6.216(SCI)
56.Gloria N. Okpala, Chuan Chen, Tekle-Tafese Fida, Okpala Gloria, Gerrit Voordouw*. Effect of thermophilicnitrate-reduction on sulfide production in high temperature oil reservoirsamples. Frontiers in Microbiology.2017, 8:1573. Impact Factor: 4.076.(SCI)
57.SongCao, Xu Zhou, Wen-Biao Jin, Feng Wang, Ren-Jie Tu, Song-Fang Han, Hong-Yi Chen, Chuan Chen, Guo-Jun Xie, Fang Ma. Improving of lipidproductivity of the oleaginous microalgae Chlorella pyrenoidosa via atmosphericand room temperature plasma (ARTP).Bioresource Technology. 2017, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2017.05.039. Impact Factor: 5.651.(SCI)
1. Aijie Wang, Chuan Chen, Chunli Wan, Dazhong Du, Chunshuang Liu, Hongjing Kan, Lingfang Gao and danSun. A screening method of autotrophic strains for nitrate and sulfide removal. Filed NO.: **81. 2008, China
2. Aijie Wang, Chuan Chen,Nanqi Ren, Xu Zhou and Li Zhang. A novel fluidized loop reactor for the simultaneous removal of sulfur, nitrogen and carbon coupled with the reclamation of sulfur produced from wastewaters. GrantedNO.: ZL**97. 2009, China
3. Nanqi Ren, Chuan Chen,Aijie Wang, Guoling He and Li Zhang. A strain of heterotrophic denitrifier for thesimultaneous removal of sulfide, nitrate and organic carbons. Granted NO.: ZL**18. 2009, China
4. Aijie Wang, Li Zhang, Nanqi Ren, Chuan Chen and Xu Zhou. A method of the simultaneous biological removalof sulfur, nitrogen and carbon under micro-aerobic conditions. Granted NO.: ZL**84. 2010, China
5. Aijie Wang, Chunshuang Liu, NanqiRen, Hongjun Han andChuan Chen. A method of the simultaneous removal ofsulfur and nitrogen from inorganic wastewaters. Granted NO.: ZL**9.3. 2008, China.
6. Aijie Wang, Chunshuang Liu, NanqiRen, Hongjun Han, Jianpei Bi and Chuan Chen. A new process system forthe simultaneous biological removal of ammonium, sulfate and organic carbonsfrom wastewaters. Granted NO.: ZL**5.0. 2007, China.
7. Aijie Wang, Xuliang Deng, ChunshuangLiu, Nanqi Ren, Lili Rong, Dazhong Du, Zhenguo Yu and Chuan Chen. Theup-flow anaerobic fixed bed reactor for the simultaneous biological removal ofsulfide, nitrate and acetate. Granted NO.: ZL**5.0. 2007, China.
8. Aijie Wang, SuliMa, Ye Yuan, Chuan Chen. A novel sloping plate sedimentation coagulationprocess system for biosulfur reclamation. Filed NO.: **71, 2013,China.
9. Aijie Wang,Youkang Zhao, Chuan Chen, Ye Yuan, Wenying Wang, Shuang Gao. Ananaerobic/micro-aerobic baffled reactor for sulfide-containing wastewatertreatment. Filed NO.: **5, 2015, China.
10. Aijie Wang,Wenbo Tan, Chuan Chen, Ye Yuan, Cong Huang. A facultativelychemoheterotrophic strain for simultaneous removal of sulfide and nitrate.Filed NO.: **4, 2016, China.
11. Chuan Chen, Xijun Xu, Nanqi Ren, Duu-Jong Lee, Aijie Wang, YeYuan, Ruochen Zhang, Yi Wang. A method for rapid acclimation of denitrifyingsulfide removal. Application NO.: CN**3.3, 2015, China.
12. Nanqi Ren, YiWang, Zifeng Zhang, Chuan Chen, Yifang Li, Xijun Xu, Ruochen Zhang, PengXie. A detection method for annular methyl siloxane in sediment. ApplicationNO.: CN**6.9, 2015, China.
13. Nanqi Ren, YiWang, Zifeng Zhang, Chuan Chen, Yifang Li, Xijun Xu, Ruochen Zhang, PengXie. A detection method for annular methyl siloxane in surface water.Application NO.: CN**8.8, 2015, China.
14. Chuan Chen, Xueting Wang, Xijun Xu, Ruochen Zhang, Duu-JongLee, Aijie Wang, Nanqi Ren. A biological compound expanded granular sludge bed(EGSB) reactor based on micro-aerobic enhancement. Application NO.:CN**5.4, 2016, China.
15. Chuan Chen, Xueting Wang, Xijun Xu, Ruochen Zhang, Duu-JongLee, Aijie Wang, Nanqi Ren. A method of simultaneous biological removal of sulfate, nitrate and lactate using a biological compound expandedgranular sludge bed (EGSB) reactor. Application NO.: CN**4.7, 2016,China.
1. Chuan Chen, Nanqi Ren, Aijie Wang, Zhenguo Yu, Duu-Jong Lee. Simultaneous biological removal of sulfur, nitrogen and carbon using EGSB reactor. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2008,78(6): 1057-1063.Impact Factor:3.689.
2. Chuan Chen, Aijie Wang, Nanqi Ren, Hongjing Kan, Duu-Jong Lee. Biological breakdown of denitrifying sulfide removal process in high-rate expanged granular bed reactor.Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2008, 81(4): 765-770. Impact Factor:3.689.
3. Chuan Chen, Nanqi Ren, Aijie Wang, Zhenguo Yu, Duu-Jong Lee. Microbial community of granules in expanded granular sludge bed reactor for simulaneous biological removal of sulfate, nitrate and lactate. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2008, 79(6): 1071-1077. Impact Factor:3.689.
4. Chuan Chen, Aijie Wang, Nanqi Ren, Xu Zhou, Duu-Jong Lee. Optimal process pattern for simultaneous sulfur, nitrogen and carbon removal. Journal of Biotechnology. Volume136, Supplement1, October 2008, page S653. Impact Factor:3.183.
5. Chuan ChenAijie Wang, Nanqi Ren, Duu-Jong Lee, Juin-Yih Lai. High-rate denitrifying sulfide removal process in expanded granular sludge bed reator. Bioresource Technology. 2009,100 (7): 2316-2319. Impact Factor:5.039.
6. Chuan Chen, Aijie Wang, Nanqi Ren, Xuliang Deng, Duu-Jong Lee, Juin-Yih Lai. Optimal process pattern for simultaneous sulfur, nitrogen and carbon removal. Water Sci. Technol. 2009, 59 (4): 833-837. Impact Factor:1.102.
7. Chuan Chen, Nanqi Ren, Aijie Wang, Lihong Liu, Duu-Jong Lee. Functional consortium for denitrifying sulfide removal process. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2010, 86(1):353-358. Impact Factor:3.689.
8. Chuan Chen, Aijie Wang, Nanqi Ren, Qingliang Zhao, Lihong Liu, Sunil S. Adav , Duu-Jong Lee, Jo-Shu Chang. Enhancing Denitrifying Sulfide Removal with Functional Strains Under Micro-aerobic Condition. Process Biochemistry. 2010, 45(6):1007-1010. Impact Factor:2.414.
9. Chuan Chen, Nanqi Ren, Aijie Wang, Lihong Liu, Duu-Jong Lee. Enhanced performance of denitrifying sulfide removal process under micro-aerobic condition. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2010,179(1-3):1147-1151. Impact Factor: 3.925.
10. Aijie Wang, Chuan Chen, Chunshuang Liu, Nanqi Ren, Duu-Jong Lee. An Innovative Integrated Reactor System for Simultaneous Removal of Carbon, Sulfur and Nitrogen Based on Biological Niches. IWA-Water Infrastructure for Sustainable Communities: China and the World. 2010, 409-420.
11. Xu Zhou, Chuan Chen, Aijie Wang, Lihong Liu, Nanqi Ren, Duu-Jong Lee. Rapid acclimation of methanogenic granular sludge into denitrifying sulfide remobal granules.Bioresource Technology. 2011,102(8): 5244-5247. Impact Factor:5.039.
12. Xu Zhou, Lihong Liu,Chuan Chen, Nanqi Ren, Aijie Wang, Duu-Jong Lee. Reduction of produced elementary sulfur in denitrifying sulfide removal process. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2011, 90 (3): 1129-1136. Impact Factor:3.689.
13. Donghai Wu, Hong You, Jiaxuan Du, Chuan Chen, DaruiJin. Effects of UV/Ag-TiO2/O3 advanced oxidation on the unicellular green alga Dunaliellasalina: Implications for removal of invasive species from ballast water. Journal of Environmental Science-China. 2011, 23: 513-519. Impact factor: 1.773.
14. Donghai Wu, Hong You, Ran Zhang, Chuan Chen, Duu-Jong Lee. Inactivation of Amphidinium sp. in ballast waters using UV/Ag-TiO2+O3 advanced oxidation treatment. Bioresource Technology.2011,102(21):9838-9842. Impact factor: 5.039.
15. Donghai Wu, Hong You, Ran Zhang, Chuan Chen, Duu-Jong Lee. Ballast waters treatment using UV/Ag–TiO2+O3 advanced oxidation process with Escherichia coli and Vibrio alginolyticus as indicator microorganisms. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2011, 174(2-3):714-718. Impact factor: 3.473.
16. Donghai Wu, Hong You, Ran Zhang, Chuan Chen,Jiaxuan Du,.Inactivation of Escherichia coli using UV/AgTiO2/O3-mediated advanced oxidation: application to ballastwater disinfection. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 2011, 86 (12), 1521 – 1526. Impact factor: 2.504.
17. Chunli Wan, Xue Yang, Duu-Jong Lee, Maoan Du, Fang Wan, Chuan Chen. Aerobic denitrification by novel isolated strain using NO2--N as nitrogen source.Bioresource Technology.2011, 102(15):7244-7248. Impact factor: 5.039.
18. Chuan Chen, Xu Zhou, Aijie Wang, Donghai Wu, Lihong Liu, Nanqi Ren, Duu-Jong Lee. Elementary Sulfur in Effluent from Denitrifying Sulfide Removal Process as Adsorbent for Zinc(II). Bioresource Technology, 2012,121, 441-444. Impact factor: 5.039.
19. Xijun Xu,Chuan Chen, Aijie Wang, Ning Fang, Ye Yuan, Nanqi Ren, Duu-Jong Lee. Enhanced elementary sulfur recovery in integrated sulfate-reducing, sulfur-producing reactor under micro-aerobic condition. BioresourceTechnology. 2012, 116: 517-521. Impact Factor:5.039.
20. Xue Yang, Maoan Du, Duu-Jong Lee, Chunli Wan, Chuan Chen, Fang Wan. Enriching polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) producing microorganisms by complex organics from quickly alkaline fermentation liquor. Journal of The Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers,2012, 43(6):953-957. Impact Factor:.2.084
21. Chuan Chen, Kuo-Lin Ho, Fa-Chi Liu, Mini Ho, Aijie Wang, Nanqi Ren, Duu-Jong Lee.Autotrophic and heterotrophic denitrification by a newly isolated strain Pseudomonas sp. C27. Bioresource Technology, 2013,145, 351-356. Impact factor: 5.039(SCI收录)
22. Xijun Xu,Chuan Chen, Duu-Jong Lee,Aijie Wang, WanqianGuo, Xu Zhou, HongliangGuo, Ye Yuan, Nanqi Ren, Jo-Shu Chang. Sulfate-reduction, Sulfide-oxidation and Elemental Sulfur Bioreduction Process: Modeling and Experimental Validation. BioresourceTechnology. 2013, 147, 202-211. Impact Factor: 5.039.(SCI收录)
23. Hongliang,Guo, Chuan Chen, Duu-Jong Lee, Aijie Wang, Nanqi Ren. Sulfur-nitrogen-carbon removal of Pseudomonas sp. C27 under sulfide stress. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 2013, 53(1): 6-12. Impact Factor:.2.592.(SCI收录)
24. Hao Yu, Chuan Chen, Li Zhang, Aijie Wang. Effect of Dissolved oxygen on Microbial Community in Simultaneous Removal of Carbon, Nitrogen and Sulfur Process. Journal of Environmental Science-China, 2013,34(6):304-310.
25. Hao Yu, Aijie Wang, Chuan Chen. Structure and Dynamic of Microbial Community in the Denitrifying Sulfide Removal Process. Journal of Environmental Science-China,2013,34(3): 1190-1195.
26. ShuangGao, Yuan Ye, Chuan Chen*, Aijie Wang. Influence of sulfide to nitrate ratios on denitrifying sulfide removal and elemental sulfur reclamation from wastewater containing high organic carbon concentration. Advanced Materials Research. 2013, 726-731: 2186-2190.(EI收录)
27. Xu Zhou, Chuan Chen, Aijie Wang*, Lihong Liu, Wenbo Tan, Xijun Xu, Nanqi Ren, Duu-Jong Lee. 2012. Biosorption of Cu(II) by powdered anaerobic granular sludge from aqueous medium. Water Sci. Technol. 2013, 68(1): 91-98. Impact Factor:1.102. (Co-first author) (SCI收录)
28. Wan-Qian Guo, Jie Ding, Guang-Li Cao,Chuan Chen, Xian-Jiao Zhou, Nan-Qi Ren. Accelerated startup of hydrogen production expanded granular sludge bed with l-Cysteine supplementation. Energy, 2013, 60, 94-98. Impact Factor: 3.651. (SCI收录)
29. Xiao-Chi Feng, Wan-Qian Guo, Chuan Chen, Shan-Shan Yang, Wen-Biao Jin, Nan-Qi Ren, He-Shan Zheng, Juan-Shan Du, Bo Liu.Treatability study of 3,3′,4′,5-tetrachlorosalicylanilide (TCS) combined with 2,4,6-trichlorophenol (TCP) to reduce excess sludge production in a sequence batch reactor.Bioresource Technology, 2013, 143, 642-646.Impact Factor:5.039.(SCI收录)
30. Yuan Ye, Aijie Wang, Suli Ma, Chuan Chen, Youkang Zhao, Wenbo Tan, Cong Huang, Xijun Xu,Dezhi Sun. Distribution characteristics and separation of biological sulfur in denitrifying sulfide removal process. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology. 2014, 46(8):34-39.(EI收录)
31. Xijun Xu, Chuan Chen, Aijie Wang, WanqianGuo, Xu Zhou, Duu-Jong Lee*, Nanqi Ren*, Jo-Shu Chang.Simultaneous removal of sulfide, nitrate and acetate under denitrifying sulfide removal condition: Modeling and experimental validation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2014, 264, 16-24. Impact Factor: 3.925.(SCI收录)
32. Hongliang,Guo, Chuan Chen, Duu-Jong Lee*, Aijie Wang*, Nanqi Ren.Proteomic Analysis of Sulfur-Nitrogen-Carbon Removal by Pseudomonas sp. C27 under micro-aeration conditions. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 2014, 56: 20-27. Impact Factor:.2.966.(SCI收录)
33. Ye Yuan, Chuan Chen*, Bin Liang, Cong Huang, Youkang Zhao, Xijun Xu, Wenbo Tan, Xu Zhou, Shuang Gao, Dezhi Sun, DuuJong Lee, Jizhong Zhou, Aijie Wang*. Fine-tuning key parameters of an integrated reactor system for the simultaneous removal of COD, sulfate and ammonium and elemental sulfur reclamation. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2014, 269, 56-67. Impact Factor: 4.331(SCI收录)
34. HaoYu, Chuan Chen*, Jincai Ma, Xijun Xu, Ronggui Fan, AijieWang.Microbial community functional structure in response to micro-aerobic conditions in sulfate-reducing sulfur-producing bioreactor. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China, 2014, 6:1-9. Impact Factor:1.922.(SCI收录)
35. Chunli Wan, Xue Yang, Duu-Jong Lee, Xiang Liu, Supu Sun, Chuan Chen. Partial nitrification of wastewaters with high NaCl concentrations by aerobic granules in continuous-flow reactor. Bioresource Technology,2014, 152, 1-6.Impact Factor: 5.039.(SCI收录)
36. Chuan Chen,Lihong Liu, Duu-Jong Lee*, WanqianGuo, Aijie Wang*, Xijun Xu, Xu Zhou, Donghai Wu, Nanqi Ren. Integrated simultaneous desulfurization and denitrification (ISDD) process at various COD/sulfate ratios. Bioresource Technology,2014, 155, 161-169. Impact Factor: 5.039.(SCI收录)
37. Xi-Jun Xu, Chuan Chen, Ai-jie Wang*, Hong-Liang Guo, Ye Yuan, Duu-Jong Lee, Nan-Qi Ren*. Kinetics of nitrate and sulfate removal using a mixed microbial culture with or without limited-oxygen fed. Appl.Microbiol.Biotechnol, 2014, 98: 6115-6124. Impact Factor:3.811.(SCI收录)
38. Xi-Jun Xu, Chuan Chen, Ai-jie Wang*, Hao Yu, Xu Zhou, Hong-Liang Guo, Ye Yuan, Duu-Jong Lee, Jizhong Zhou, Nan-Qi Ren*. Bioreactor performance and functional gene analysis of microbial community in a limited-oxygen fed bioreactor for co-reduction of sulfate and nitrate with high organic input. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2014, 278: 250-257. Impact Factor: 4.331.(SCI收录)
39. HaoYu, Chuan Chen*, Jincai Ma, Xijun Xu, Ronggui Fan, Aijie Wang. Geochip-based analysis of the microbial community functional structures in simultaneous desulfurization and denitrification process. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China, 2014, 26: 1375-1382. Impact Factor:1.922.(SCI收录)
40. HongliangGuo, ChuanChen, Duu-Jong Lee, Aijie Wang, Dawen Gao, Nanqi Ren.Coupled carbon, sulfur and nitrogen cycles of mixotrophic growth of Pseudomonas sp. C27 under denitrifying sulfide removal conditions. Bioresource Technology. 2014, 171: 120-126. (SCI, IF: 5.039)(SCI收录)
41. Hongliang Guo, ChuanChen, Duu-Jong Lee, Lihong Liu, Xijun Xu, Li Wang, Aijie Wang, Dawen Gao, Nanqi Ren. Sulfate reduction and denitrifying sulfide removal as a natural remediation process in an inland river. Ecological Engineering. 2014, 71: 605-609. (SCI, IF: 3.041)(SCI收录)
42. Wen-bo Tan, Zhao Jiang, Chuan Chen, Ye Yuan, Ling-Fang Gao, Hong-Fei Wang, Juan Cheng, Wen-Jun Li, Ai-Jie Wang. Thiopseudomonas denitrificans gen. nov. sp. nov., isolated from anaerobic activated sludge. International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology. 2015, 65:225-229. Impact Factor:2.798(SCI收录)
43. Hongliang Guo, ChuanChen, Duu-Jong Lee, Aijie Wang, Nanqi Ren. Denitrifying sulfide removal by Pseudomonas sp C27 at excess carbon supply: Mechanisms .Bioresource Technology. 2015, 180: 381-385. Impact Factor: 5.039.(SCI收录)
44. Ye Yuan, Chuan Chen, Youkang Zhao, Aijie Wang, Dezhi Sun, Cong Huang, Bin Liang, Wenbo Tan, Xijun Xu, Xu Zhou, Duu-Jung Lee and Nanqi Ren. Influence of COD/sulfate ratios on the integrated reactor system for simultaneous removal of carbon, sulfur and nitrogen. Water Science and Technology. 2015, 71(5): 709-716. Impact Factor: 1.212.(SCI收录)
45. Hongliang Guo, Chuan Chen, Duu-Jong Lee, Aijie Wang, Nanqi Ren. Mixotrophic growth of Pseudomonas sp C27 at different C/N ratios: Quantitative proteomic analysis. Journal of Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers. 2015, 54:91-95. Impact Factor: 3.0.(SCI收录)
46. Cong Huang, Youkang Zhao, Zhiling Li, Ye Yuan, Chuan Chen, Wenbo Tan, Shuang Gao, Lingfang Gao, Jizhong Zhou, Aijie Wang. Enhanced elementary sulfur recovery with sequential sulfate-reducing, denitrifying sulfide-oxidizing processes in a cylindrical-type anaerobic baffled reactor. .Bioresource Technology. 2015, 192:478-485. Impact Factor: 4.494.(SCI收录)
47. Xi-Jun Xu, Chuan Chen*, Hong-Liang Guo, Ai-jie Wang, Nan-Qi Ren, Duu-Jong Lee*. Characterization of a newly isolated strain Pseudomonas sp C27 for sulfide oxidation: Reaction kinetics and stoichiometry. Scientific Reports. 2016, 6:21032. Impact Factor: 5.578.(SCI收录)
48.FanChen, Ye Yuan, Chuan Chen, You-KangZhao, Wen-Bo Tan, Cong Hu
49.Wen-BoTan, Cong Huang, Chuan Chen, BinLiang, Ai-Jie Wang*. Bioaugmentation of activated sludge with elemental sulfur producingstrain Thiopseudomonas denitrificans X2 against nitrate shock load.Bioresource Technology. 2016, 220: 647-650. Impact Factor: 4.917.(SCI
50.Cong Huang, Zhiling Li, FanChen, You-Kang Zhao, Ling-Fang Gao, ChuanChen, Ji-Zhong Zhou, Ai-Jie Wang*. Efficient regulation of elementalsulfur recovery through optimizing working height of upflow anaerobic sludgeblanket reactor during denitrifying sulfide removal process. BioresourceTechnology. 2016, 200: 1019-1023. Impact Factor: 4.917.(SCI
51.Tekle-Tafese Fida, Chuan Chen, Okpala Gloria, GerritVoordouw*. Implications of Limited Thermophilicity of Nitrite Reduction forControl of Sulfide Production in Oil Reservoirs. Appliedand Environmental Microbiology. 2016, 82(14): 4190-4199. Impact Factor: 3.823.(SCI
52.Nan-Qi Ren, Lei Zhao, Chuan Chen, Wan-Qian Guo, Guang-Li Cao.A review on bioconversion of lignocellulosic biomass to H2: Key challenges andnew insights. Bioresource Technology. 2016, 215:92-99. Impact Factor:4.917. (SCI
53.Xi-Jun Xu, Chuan Chen*, Ai-jie Wang, Bing-JieNi, Wan-Qian Guo, Ye Yuan, Xu Zhou, Dong-Hai Wu, Duu-Jong Lee, Nan-Qi Ren*. Mathematicalmodeling of simultaneous carbon-nitrogen-sulfur removal from industrialwastewater. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2017, 321:371-381. Impact Factor: 6.065.(SCI
54.Cong Huang, Qian Liu, Chuan Chen, Fan Chen,You-Kang Zhao, Ling-Fang Gao, Wen-Zong Liu, Ji-Zhong Zhou, Zhi-Ling Li,* Ai-JieWang*. Elemental sulfur recovery and spatial distribution of functionalbacteria and expressed genes under different carbon/nitrate/sulfide loadings inup-flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactors. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2017,324: 48-53. Impact Factor: 6.065(SCI
55.Chuan Chen*, Yin Shen, Dongshan An,Gerrit Voorouw. Use of acetate, propionate and butyrate for reduction ofnitrate and sulfate and methanogenesis in microcosms and bioreactors simulatingan oil reservoir. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2017, 83 (7):e02983-16. Impact Factor: 3.807.(SCI)
56.Chuan Chen, Xi-JunXu*, Peng Xie, Ye Yuan, Xu Zhou, Ai-jie Wang, Duu-Jong Lee, Nan-Qi Ren*. Pyrosequencing reveals microbial communitydynamics in integrated simultaneous desulfurization and denitrification process at different influent nitrate concentrations. Chemosphere, 2017, 171:294-301. Impact Factor: 4.208(SCI)
57.Chuan Chen, Ruo-Chen Zhang, Xi-Jun Xu, Ning Fang, Ai-jie Wang,Nan-Qi Ren, Duu-Jong Lee*.Enhanced performance of denitrifying sulfide removalprocess at high carbon to nitrogen ratios under micro-aerobic condition. Bioresource Technology. 2017, 232:417-422. ImpactFactor: 5.651.(SCI
58.Xi-Jun Xu, Chuan Chen*, Xun Guan, Ye Yuan, Ai-jieWang, Duu-Jong Lee, Zi-Feng Zhang,JianZhang, Ying-Juan Zhong, Nan-Qi Ren*. Performanceand microbial community analysis of a microaerophilic sulfate and nitrateco-reduction system. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2017, 330: 63-70. Impact Factor: 6.216(SCI
59. Gloria N. Okpala, Chuan Chen, Tekle-Tafese Fida, OkpalaGloria, Gerrit Voordouw*. Effectof thermophilic nitrate-reduction on sulfide production in high temperature oilreservoir samples. Frontiers inMicrobiology. 2017, 8:1573. ImpactFactor: 4.076.(SCI)
60.Song Cao, Xu Zhou, Wen-BiaoJin, Feng Wang, Ren-Jie Tu, Song-Fang Han, Hong-Yi Chen, Chuan Chen, Guo-Jun Xie, Fang Ma. Improving oflipid productivity of the oleaginous microalgae Chlorella pyrenoidosa viaatmospheric and room temperature plasma (ARTP).BioresourceTechnology. 2017, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2017.05.039. Impact Factor: 5.651.(SCI)
王爱杰,陈川,万春黎,杜大仲,周旭,刘春爽,阚洪晶,孙丹,高灵芳.一种除硫脱氮自养菌的筛选方法,2008.05,中国, CN**.
王爱杰,陈川,任南琪,周旭,李笃中等. 一种同步去除硫、氮和碳并回收单质硫的废水处理设备,2011.11.16,中国,ZL**97.
任南琪,陈川,王爱杰,何国领,李笃中等. 一种同步降解硫化物、硝酸盐和有机碳源的异养反硝化菌,2012.05.09,中国,ZL**18.
王爱杰,张莉, 任南琪,陈川, 李笃中等.一种碳氮硫同步脱除的方法及其设备. 国家发明专利,2011.11.16,中国,ZL**84.
王爱杰,刘春爽,任南琪,韩洪军,陈川.同步脱除无机废水中硫和氮的方法. 国家发明专利,2010.12,中国,ZL**93.
王爱杰,刘春爽,任南琪,韩洪军,毕建培,陈川,邓旭亮.一种同步脱除废水中碳氮硫的工艺系统及方法,2012.12,中国, ZL**9.
王爱杰,邓旭亮,刘春爽,任南琪,荣丽丽,杜大仲,于振国,陈川.同步去除废水中有机物、硫化物和硝酸盐的方法及反应器,2010.07,中国, ZL**5.0.
王爱杰,马素丽,远野,陈川.一种硫回收混凝斜板沉淀池装置及利用其进行生物硫分离的方法, 2014.04.09,中国,ZL**7.1.
王爱杰,赵友康,陈川,远野,王文影,诰爽.一种处理含硫废水的厌氧兼微氧折流板反应器. 2015.05.20,中国,ZL**5.
王爱杰,谭文博,陈川,远野,黄聪.一株同步代谢硫化物和硝酸盐的兼性化能异养细菌. 2016.05.18,中国,ZL**4.
陈川,徐熙俊,任南琪,李笃中,王爱杰,远野,张若晨,王艺. 一种快速启动反硝化脱硫工艺的方法. 申请日期:2015.08.17,专利申请号:CN**3.3. 授权日期:2017.04.26,专利授权号:ZL**3.3
任南琪,王艺,张子峰,陈川,李一凡,徐熙俊,张若晨,谢鹏. 一种底泥中环状甲基硅氧烷的检测方法.申请日期:2015.11.06,专利申请号:CN**6.9.
任南琪,王艺,张子峰,陈川,李一凡,徐熙俊,张若晨,谢鹏. 一种地表水中环状甲基硅氧烷的检测方法.申请日期:2015.11.06,专利申请号:CN**8.8;公开号:CN**A,公开日期:2016.01.20.
陈川, 王雪廷, 徐熙俊, 张若晨, 李笃中, 王爱杰, 任南琪. 一种基于微氧强化的生物复合型EGSB反应器. 申请日期:2016.08.1, 专利申请号: **5.4. 授权日期:2017.02.15, 专利授权号:ZL**5.4. (实用新型)
陈川,王雪廷,徐熙俊,张若晨,李笃中,王爱杰,任南琪. 一种基于微氧强化的生物膜复合型EGSB反应器处理含氮含硫废水的方法. 申请日期:2016.08.16.专利申请号: **4.7.公开日期:2016.12.07. 公开号:CN**A.
陈川,王雪廷,徐熙俊,张若晨,李笃中,王爱杰,任南琪. 一种适用于含硫含氮废水微氧强化处理工艺的改进型射流曝气装置. 申请日期:2016.08.05. 专利申请号: **8.1. 授权日期:2017.01.04, 专利授权号:ZL**8.1. (实用新型)
谢鹏,彭晶,陈川,任南琪,徐熙俊,王艺. 微污染物的生物降解反应装置. 申请日期:2016.07.26, 专利申请号:**6.3. 授权日期:2016.12.28,授权号:ZL**6.3(实用新型)
谢鹏,彭晶,陈川,任南琪,徐熙俊,王艺. 高效微藻处理污水反应系统. 2016.07.26, 专利申请号:**8.2. 授权日期:2016.12.28专利授权号:ZL**8.2.(实用新型)
高效降解石油烃类污染物耦合产甲烷技术与厌氧生物颗粒形成机制研究(2015DX04),城市水资源与水环境国家重点实验室自主课题,2015.01- 2016.12。资助额度:20万,项目主要参与人,排名第二。
2018年3月,谢鹏博士参加在伦敦举办的5th International Conference on Recycling and Waste Management,并做邀请报告。
2018年3月与加拿大卡尔加里大学Gerrit Voordouw教授进行为期两周的学术交流
为期8天的课程在挪威斯瓦尔巴大学中心( University Centre inSvalbard (UNIS))进行。