

本站小编 Free考研网/2019-05-25

李光皓/ Guanghao Li
1995年09月- 2000年07月 哈尔滨工业大学建筑学专业建筑学学士

2000年09月 - 2003年07月 哈尔滨工业大学建筑设计及其理论专业建筑学硕士

2003年09月 - 2009年03月 哈尔滨工业大学建筑设计及其理论专业工学博士


- Bachelor of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology,1995 -- 2000

- Master of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology, 2000 -- 2003

- Doctor of Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, 2003 -- 2009

2003年09月- 2005年12月 哈尔滨工业大学建筑学院助教

2005年12月- 2014年12月 哈尔滨工业大学建筑学院讲师

2014年12月- 至今 哈尔滨工业大学建筑学院 副教授 / 硕士研究生导师

2015年- 至今 国家自然科学基金委员会通讯评审专家

2015年- 至今 科技部国家科技专家库通讯评审专家



- Assistant Professor, School of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology, 2003 - 2005

- Lecturer, School of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology, 2005 - 2014

- Associate Professor & Master Instructor, School of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology, 2014 - present

- Review Expert of National Natural Science Foundation Committee Communications, 2015 - Present

- Review Expert of National Ministry of Science and Technology, 2015 - Present

- Member of China Architecture Society

- Member of China Urban Planning Society

- Member of China Landscape Architecture Society

低能耗城市建筑研究 ;景观生态都市研究


- The Architecture of The City With Low-Energy

- Landscape Urbanism

1. 基于虚拟地理环境的寒地城镇生态化开发策略模拟研究, 国家自然科学基金面上项目


2. 基于能源景观理论的寒地村镇体系生物质能空间规划研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目

(**),2016 - 2019(排名第三,在研,72万)

3. 寒地流域城市生态化开发策略研究与示范,住房和城乡建设部软科学研究项目

(2013-R2-10),2013 - 2014(主持,结题,20万)

4. 基于生态过程的松花江流域城市景观格局,中央高校基本科研专项资金


5. 北方寒冷地区重污染河道原位修复技术研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金,


6. 寒冷地区湿地的生态水文特征分析研究,黑龙江省自然科学基金


- Simulation study on ecological development strategy of cold towns based on virtual geographical environment,

National Natural Science Foundation of China (**), 2015-2018

- Research on Biomass Energy Spatial Planning of Cold Regions and Towns System Based on Energy

Landscape Theory, National Natural Science Foundation of China (**), 2016 - 2019

- Research and demonstration of urban ecological development strategy in cold land basin,

Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (2013-R2-10), 2013 - 2014

- Ecological landscape-based urban landscape pattern of Songhua River Basin,

Fundamental Research Fund for Central Universities (HIT.NSRIF.**), 2013-2015

- Research on in-situ remediation technology of heavily polluted rivers in cold regions of northern China,

National Natural Science Foundation of China(**), 2014-2016

- Analysis of ecological hydrological characteristics of wetlands in cold regions,

Heilongjiang Natural Science Foundation (QC2013C040), 2013-2014

设计获奖Design Award
1. 1998年全国大学生建筑设计竞赛 佳作奖

2. 2001年“建筑师杯”首届全国家具设计大赛 佳作奖

3. 2002年2008北京奥林匹克公园及五棵松体育中心规划设计竞赛 优秀奖(排名第四)

4. 2004年全国青年学生室内设计竞赛 优秀导师奖

5. 2005年第三届中国环艺设计学年奖 最佳指导教师奖

6. 2006年第四届中国环艺设计学年奖 最佳指导教师奖

7. 2006年哈尔滨工业大学本科优秀毕业设计优秀指导教师奖

8. 2012年第十届中国环境设计学年奖优秀指导教师奖

9. 2013年伊春市寒地水城生态住区建筑方案初步设计,黑龙江省优秀勘察设计建筑设计方案,一等奖 (排名第一)

10. 2015年伊春市寒地住区控制性详细规划及城市设计,黑龙江省城乡规划优秀勘察设计,三等奖(排名第一)


- Masterpiece Award, National College Student Architecture Design, 1998
- Masterpiece Award, ‘Architectural Cup’first national furniture design competition, 2001
- Outstanding Award (ranked fourth), 2008 Beijing Olympic Park and Wukesong Sports Center Planning and Design
Competition, 2002
- Mentor Award , National Youth Student Interior Design Competition Excellent, 2004
- Best Instructor Award , The 3rd China Environmental Art Design Year Award, 2005
- Best Instructor Award, The 4th China Environmental Art Design Year Award , 2006
- Outstanding Instructor Award, Harbin Institute of Technology Undergraduate Excellent Graduation Design, 2006
- Outstanding Instructor Award, Tenth China Environmental Design Year Award, 2012
- The first prize, the architectural design of Heilongjiang Province , Concept and preliminary design of the
eco-residential settlement in the cold water city of Yichun City, 2013
- The third prize, of urban and rural planning in Heilongjiang Province , Controlled detailed planning and urban design
of the cold residential area in Yichun City, 2015

1. 张伶伶,赵伟峰,黄勇,李光皓,两种创作策略的效果——以佳木斯大学校门和松花湖风景区大门为例,

2. 李光皓,张伶伶,整合 生长 共生---葫芦岛龙湾海滨地区核心区城市设计,《建筑学报》,2007. 06

3. 张伶伶,赵伟峰,李光皓,关注过程学会思考,《新建筑》,2007. 06

4. 李光皓,张伶伶,郑迪,公共价值观念下的滨水公共空间开发,《低温建筑技术》,2008. 05

5. 李光皓,张伶伶,孙洪涛,滨江新城的可持续开发策略研究---以吉林苏宁天润城为例,《城市规划》,2008. 08

6. 郑迪,张伶伶,李光皓,建筑地域技术的主体目的,《城市建筑》,2008. 10

7. 黄锰,蔡新冬,李光皓,山·水·林·城——伊春市中心城新区南区城市设计,《城市规划》,2009.11

8. 黄锰,李光皓,张伶伶,城市内河的"蓝带"激活---哈尔滨何家沟水系生态景观概念规划与框架研究,


9. Wu Yuanxiang, Li Guanghao,Liu Xiaoguang, Research on Ecological Disaster and RMM of the Waterfront

Cities along Songhua River Valley, 《GLOBAL RISK FORUM GRF DAVOS / IDRC DAVOS 2010》,2010. 11

10. Guanghao Li, Yu Dong, Waterfront cities' ecological disaster and RMM of the Songhua River Valley,

《Electronics, Communications and Control (ICECC), 2011 International Conference》2011.09

11. Yao Feng, Guanghao Li, Hongyuan Mei, Lusi Zhang, The effect of Magnesium ions on the hydrogen-

producing bacteria in the water,《2nd International Conference on Energy,Environment and Sustainable

Development, EESD 2012》


GASIFICATION,《Oxidation Communications 38(3):1401-1408》2015.01

13. 张一飞,赵天宇,李光皓*,哈尔滨居住建筑南向窗尺寸优化遮阳效果分析,《哈尔滨工业大学学报》


14. Lusi Zhang, Yao Feng, Guanghao Li,Xiaoguang Liu, The revelation of the experience of urban water

landscape used in leisure tourism of the United States to China, 《Environmental Science and Information

Application Technology》2015.06

15. Yifei Zhang, Guanghao Li, Spatial planning pattern of biomass energy developing network in Heilongjiang

province’s village-town system, 《Euro Biomass 2016, Birmingham, UK》2016.08

16. Yao Feng, Jieying Yang, Guanghao Li, Bingmiao Zhu, Research on strategies of safety evacuation

simulation in the urban public space based on virtual simulation technology, 《2015 4th National

Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering》2016.01

17. Lin CHEN, Changhong ZHAN,Guanghao LI,Correction of the Temperatures Measured by Infrared

Thermography Based on Neural Network,《ICCREM 2016 International Conference on Construction

and Real Estate Management,Alberta, Canada》,2016年10月

18. Jin FANG,Changhong ZHAN ,Guanghao LI,Aimin ZHANG,Numerical Study on Improving Thermal

Insulation Performance of Hollow Blocks by Optimizing Holes Configuration,《ICCREM 2016 International

Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management,Alberta, Canada》,2016. 10

19. Yang BAI,Changhong ZHAN, Chongyi CHEN,Guanghao LI,The Optimization of Residential Block

Morphology in Cold Regions Based on the Solar Radiation Utilization Ratio,《ICCREM 2016 International

Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management,Alberta, Canada》,2016. 10

20. 张一飞,李光皓,村镇体系能源景观空间规划布局形态研究,《2017年中国城市规划年会论文集》, 2017.11

21. Xiang Zhang, Chanhong Zhan, Guanghao Li,Zhihan Liu,COMPARISON OF THE QUANTITATIVE


2018 International Conference, Melbourne》,2018.01

22. X. Zhang,C.H. Zhan,G.H. Li,Comparison of Terminal Indicators Scoring Methods between ESGB and

EEWH,《4th International Conference On Building Energy, Environment COBEE2018, Melbourne》,



1. 李光皓,董禹著,《松花江流域典型城市滨江区域开发研究》,中国建筑工业出版社,2013. 10

2. 黄锰, 李光皓,展长虹译著 《建筑- 环境的设计创新》,哈尔滨工业大学出版社,2017.05


2016级硕士研究生 --- 姚梦雪 毕业 《基于 PM2.5分布场的哈尔滨典型空间绿色界面指数研究》

2016级硕士研究生 --- 姜鑫 毕业 《基于季节性土壤理化特征的雨水花园建造与管理策略研究》

2018级硕士研究生 --- 任智慧 在读

2019级硕士研究生 --- 何南 在读

2019级硕士研究生 --- 吴娴 在读


Each year, no more than 2 masters of landscape architecture with architecture, planning, landscape, environment and computer background are enrolled.

相关话题/建筑 哈尔滨工业大学 城市 生态 优秀