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基本信息科学研究教学研究论文专著招生信息检测与控制研究中心English Version
孙明健,男,1980年生,台湾大学博士后,副教授,博士生导师。目前担任哈工大(威海)信息科学与工程学院副院长、 海峡两岸生物医学超声与光学成像研究中心主任 、哈工大(威海)检测与控制研究中心主任、威海火炬高技术开发区科技副主任。













2008.03 - 2011.12 哈尔滨工业大学 控制科学与工程,工学博士,导师:沈毅 2003.09 - 2005.07 哈尔滨工业大学 流体机械及工程,工学硕士,导师:王庆超。 1999.09 - 2003.07 哈尔滨工业大学 自动化,工学学士。


2016.04 至今 哈尔滨工业大学 控制科学与工程系, 博士生导师 。

2014.06 至今 哈尔滨工业大学(威海)信息与电气工程学院,副院长。

2013.09 至今 哈尔滨工业大学(威海)信息与电气工程学院,副教授、博士后,合作导师:李百祺。

2012.04 至今 哈尔滨工业大学(威海)信息与电气工程学院,硕士生导师。

2007.09 - 2013.08 哈尔滨工业大学(威海)信息与电气工程学院,讲师。

2006.01 - 2007.08 哈尔滨工业大学(威海)信息与电气工程学院,助教 。




科尔图诺夫·维亚切斯拉夫·伊万诺维奇:乌克兰工程院院士,国际导航与运动控制科学院院士,教授,博士生导师。 研究方向:无人机控制系统设计、无人驾驶车辆实时任务的数学模拟、数字控制系统中的信息处理过程等。

冯乃章: 教授,博士生导师。 研究方向:信号检测与处理、医学超声成像、水下探测与声纳成像、工业无损探伤等

马立勇: 副教授,硕士生导师。 研究方向:智能检测与控制、医学超声成像、工业无损探伤等。

井岩: 讲师,博士。 研究方向:智能检测与控制、智能信号处理与故障诊断、水下探测与成像等。

杜海: 讲师,博士。 研究方向:智能检测与控制、无人机自主控制及应用、水下探测与成像等。
高蕾:讲师,博士 研究方向:信号检测与处理、水下探测与声纳成像、工业无损探伤等。

[1] 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,**,高铁钢轨表面缺陷的光声无损检测方法研究,2013.1-2015.12,完成,负责。

[2] 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,适应于不透明介质的超分辨光声成像方法研究,2015.03-2017.01,在研,负责。

[3] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,**,基于压缩感知的超宽带和多分辨光声成像方法研究,2014.01-2017.12,在研,参与。

[4] 国家重点研发计划,多模态跨尺度显微内窥镜成像系统,2018.8-2021.6,在研,负责。

[5] 国家重点研发-政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项,基于光声温度测量的新型光热治疗方法的合作研究,2018.7-2021.6,在研,负责。

[6] 国家自然科学基金(面上),基于紧聚焦的复用光涡旋耦合系统关键技术研究,2019.1-2022.12,在研,参与。

[7] 山东省重点研发计划(军民融合)项目,水下无人机智能检测平台制备关键技术及应用,2016.11-2019.11,在研,负责。

[8] 山东省重点研发计划,适用于肿瘤分子影像的稀疏量化光声成像方法与系统研究,2018.1-2019.12,在研,负责。

[9] 企业横向项目,基于超声导波的身管无损检测方法研究,2018.7-2019.12,在研,负责。


[10] 中科院-威高计划,基于小型光化源的光声/超声一体化消化内窥镜,2017.4-2020.4,在研,负责。

[11] 企业横向,有缆式水下无人机推进控制系统研发,2017.1-2017.12,完成,负责。

[12] 山东省自然科学基金面上项目,适用于乳腺癌早期诊断的光/超声一体化成像方法与系统研究,2017.8-2020.6,在研,负责。

[13] 企业横向,光伏电站无人机自动运维技术及系统研发,2017.1-2017.12,完成,负责。

[14] 航天科技支撑基金,航空发动机表面缺陷光声无损检测方法研究,2017.1-2017.12,完成,负责。
[15] 威海市计划专项,水下无人机智能检测装备关键技术研发,2017.1-2018.12,在研,负责。

[16] 企业横向,光伏电站无人机自动运维技术及系统研发,2016.10-2018.12,在研,负责。

[17] 山东省重点研发计划,适应于肿瘤分子影像的手持式超/光声一体化成像系统研究,2016.01-2017.12,在研,负责。

[18] 威海市科技发展计划,基于激光声信号的水下目标空中遥测技术,2016.01-2017.12,在研,负责。

[19] 山东省重点研发计划,2015GGX103016,用于癌症早期诊断的多模态光声显微成像系统研究,2015.01-2016.12,完成,负责。

[20] 企业横向,超声超快成像系统开发,2014.12-2018.11,在研,参与。

[21] 企业横向,超声心脏组织运动量化分析软件开发,2014.06-2016.06,完成,参与。

[22] 企业横向,彩色超声血流成像技术软件开发,2013.12-2017.11,在研,参与。

[23] 哈工大科研创新基金,高铁钢轨表面缺陷的光声无损检测方法研究,2012.01-2013.12,完成,负责。

[24] 山东省自然科学基金,基于振动和声频信号非负张量分解的高速铁路钢轨探伤方法研究,2011.07-2014.07,完成,参与。

[25] 企业横向,超声4D成像系统开发,2011.04-2013.12,完成,参与。

[26] 山东省优秀中青年科研基金,基于振动模态能量分布和声频信号瞬时频率特征的高铁探伤方法研究,2011.01-2013.12,完成,参与。

[27] 威海市科技计划,高分辨率声纳成像与目标识别技术研究,2010.07-2012.12,完成,参与。

[28] 企业横向,基于EMD和SVM理论的机内测试与故障诊断方法研究,2010.05-2012.05,完成,参与。

[29] 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,**,高分辨率光声成像方法研究,2009.01-2011.12,完成,参与。

[30] 山东省科技攻关项目,2009GG**,全自主技术数字医用超声设备研究,2009.01-2011.12,完成,参与。

[31] 企业横向,彩色超声成像系统研究,2008.01-2011.12,完成,参与。

[32] 山东省自然科学基金重点项目,Y2007G07,数字医疗超声谐波成像方法研究,2007.01-2009.12,完成,参与。

祝贺蔺祥伟同学文章被SCI期刊ACS和Chinese Optics Letters接收

由孙明健副教授指导的博士生蔺祥伟在乳腺转移癌光声成像实验研究领域取得了重要进展,其中一篇文章发表于SCI期刊ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces(影响因子8.097);另一篇文章发表于SCI期刊Chinese Optics Letters(影响因子1.948),并被评为该期杂志封面。






乌克兰院士科尔图诺夫 维亚切斯拉夫莅临无人机实验室,并将在此进行为期三个月的科研工作,与实验室的同学共同研发一款能实现垂直升降并过渡为水平飞行的无人机。



2006 至今 控制系统设计。本科生必修课,每年春季学期开课,44课时。 2007-2009 科技英语。本科生必修课,30学时,已停课。 2009-2016 集散控制与现场总线。本科生必修课,每年春季开课,24学时。 2014 至今 数字超声成像系统。研究生课程,16学时。 2014 至今 多传感器数据融合技术。研究生课程,26学时. 2015 至今 无人机自主飞行器创新设计。本科生创新研修课,30学时。

张扬,蔡春伟,孙明健.S7 - 200 PLC 原理系统设计,机械工业出版社(普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材、21世纪高等院校电气信息类系列教材)


[1]Sun Mingjian, Liu Ting, Cheng Xing-Zhen, Chen De-Ying, Yan Feng-Gang, Feng Nai-Zhang *, Nondestructive detecting method for metal material defects based on multimodal signals, Acta Physica Sinica, 2016, 65(16): 343-352 (2016 IF:0.624,JCR4区,中科院4区)

[2]Sun Mingjian* , Cheng Xing-Zhen, Wang Yan, Zhang Xin, Shen Yi, Feng Nai-Zhang*,Method for detecting high-speed rail surface defects by photoacoustic signal, Acta Physica Sinica,2015, 65 (3): 038105-1-10 (2015 IF:0.677,JCR4区,中科院4区)

[3]Mingjian Sun*, ZhenghuaWu, Ting Liu, Jiajun Hu, Guanqun Wu, and Naizhang Feng, Time Reversal Reconstruction Algorithm Based on PSO Optimized SVM Interpolation for Photoacoustic Imaging, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015, 795092: 1-9 (2015 IF:0.644,JCR3区,中科院4区)

[4]Sun Mingjian*, Feng Naizhang, Shen Yi, Li Jiangang, Ma Liyong, Photoacoustic image reconstruction based on Bayesian compressive sensing algorithm, Chinese Optics Letters, 2011, 9(6): 061002-1-4 (2011 IF:0.967,JCR2区)

[5]Sun Mingjian*, Feng Naizhang, Shen Yi, Shen, Xiangli, Ma Liyong, Li Jiangang, Wu Zhenghua, Photoacoustic imaging method based on arc-direction compressed sensing and multi-angle observation, Optics Express, 2011, 19(16): 14801-14806 (2011 IF:3.587,JCR1区)


[1]Xiangwei Lin,Chengbo Liu, Zonghai Sheng,Xiaojing Gong,Liang Song, Ruifang Zhang,Hairong Zheng,and Mingjian Sun*,Highly Sensitive Fluorescence and Photoacoustic Detection of Metastatic Breast Cancer in Mice Using Dual-Modal Nanoprobes[J]. ACS applied materials & interfaces, 2018, 10(31): 26064-26074. (2018 SCI,IF: 8.097,JCR1区,中科院1区)

[2]Xiangwei Lin, Mingjian Sun*,Yang Liu,Zhiyuan Shen, Yi Shen, Naizhang Feng, Variable speed of sound compensation in the linear-array photoacoustic tomography using a multi-stencils fast marching method, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 44 (2018): 67-74. (2018 SCI,IF: 2.783,JCR2区,中科院3区)

[3]Xiangwei Lin, Chengbo Liu, Jing Meng, Xiaojing Gong, Riqiang Lin, Mingjian Sun, Liang Song, Dual-foci detection in photoacoustic computed tomography with coplanar light illumination and acoustic detection: a phantom study, Journal of biomedical optics 23.5 (2018): 050501. (2018 SCI,IF: 2.367,JCR2区,中科院3区)

[4]Xiangwei Lin, Mingjian Sun*, Naizhang Feng, Depeng Hu, and Yi Shen Monte Carlo light transport based blood vessel quantification using linear array photoacoustic tomography, Chinese Optics Letters, 2017,15(11): 73-77 (2017 IF:1.948,JCR2区,中科院3区)

[5]Xiangwei Lin, Naizhang Feng, Yawei Qu, Deying Chen, Yi Shen, and Mingjian Sun*, Compressed sensing in synthetic aperture photoacoustic tomography based on a linear array ultrasound transducer, Chinese Optics Letters, 2017,15(10): 51-55 (2017 IF:1.948,JCR2区,中科院3区)

[6]Ting Liu, Mingjian Sun*, Jing Meng, Zhenghua Wu, Yi Shen, and Naizhang Feng,Compressive Sampling Photoacoustic Microscope System based on Low Rank Matrix Completion, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2016, 26: 58-63 (2016 IF:2.214,JCR2区,中科院3区)

[7]Ting Liu, Mingjian Sun*, Naizhang Feng, Minghua Wang, Deying Chen, and Yi Shen, Sparse photoacoustic microscopy based on low-rank matrix approximation, Chinese Optics Letters, 2016, 14(9): 091701 (2016 IF:1.948,JCR2区,中科院3区)

[8]Ting Liu, Mingjian Sun*, Naizhang Feng*, Zhenghua Wu, and Yi Shen, Multiscale Hessian filter-based segmentation and quantification method for photoacoustic microangiography, Chinese Optics Letters, 2015, 13(9): 091701:1-6 (2015 IF:1.948,JCR2区,中科院3区)

[9]Fenggang Yan, Zhikun Chen, Mingjian Sun*, Yi Shen, and Ming Jin, Two-Dimensional Direction-of-Arrivals Estimation Based on One-Dimensional Search Using Rank Deficiency Principle, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 2015, 127621: 1-8 (2015 IF:1.378,JCR3区,中科院4区)

[10]Zhenghua Wu, Mingjian Sun*, Qiang Wang, Naizhang Feng, Yi Shen, Compressive sampling photoacoustic tomography based on edge expander codes and TV regularization, Chinese Optics Letters, 2014, 12(10): 1011** (2014 IF:1.948,JCR2区,中科院3区)

[11]Zhi He, Qiang Wang*, Yi Shen, Mingjian Sun*, Kernel Sparse Multitask Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification with Empirical Mode Decomposition and Morphological Wavelet-Based Features, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2014, 52(8): 5150-5163 (2014 IF:4.662,JCR1区,中科院2区)

[12]Zhenghua Wu, Mingjian Sun*, Qiang Wang, Ting Liu, Naizhang Feng, Jie Liu, Yi Shen, Photoacoustic microscopy image resolution enhancement via directionaltotal variation regularization, Chinese Optics Letters, 2014, 12(12): 1217** (2014 IF:1.948,JCR2区,中科院3区)


[1]Zhang Xin*, Cui Yiming, Wang Yan, Sun Mingjian, Hu Hengshan, An improved AE detection method of rail defect based on multi-level ANC with VSS-LMS, Mechanical Systems & Signal Processing, 2018, 99:420-433 (2018 IF:4.116,JCR1区,中科院2区)

[2]Han Gao, Yanhua Han*, Yan Li, Dezhi Zhu, Mingjian Sun, Siyuan Yu, Topological charge measurement of concentric OAM states using the phase-shift method, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 2018, 35(1):A40 (2018 IF:1.621,JCR3区,中科院3区)

[3]Yajing Liu, Yanping Yang, Mingjian Sun, Mengchao Cui , Ying Fu , Yu Lin , Zijing Li*, Liming Nie*, Highly specific noninvasive photoacoustic and positron emission tomography of brain plaque with functionalized croconium dye labeled by a radiotracer, Chemical Science, 2017, 8(4):2710 (2017 IF:8.668,JCR3区,中科院3区)

[4]Jing Meng, Zibo Jiang, Lihong V.Wang, Jongin Park, Chulhong Kim, Mingjian Sun, Yuanke Zhang, Liang Song. High-speed, sparse-sampling three-dimensional photoacoustic computed tomography in vivo based on principal component analysis, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 2016, 21(7): 076007 (2016 IF:2.53,JCR2区,中科院3区)

[5]Qiang Wang, Zhenghua Wu*, Mingjian Sun, Ting Liu, Bo Li, Naizhang Feng, and Yi Shen, Single-image super-resolution using directional total variation regularization and alternating direction method of multiplier solver, Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2015, 24(2): 023026: 1-9 (2015 IF:0.616,JCR4区)

[6]Naizhang Feng*, Mingjian Sun, Liyong Ma, Zhenghua Wu, Compressive sensing photoacoustic imaging based on multi-view error gradient fusion, IET Optoelectronics, 2012, 6(2): 117-120 (2012 IF:0.849,JCR4区)


[1]Sun Mingjian, Leng Guanji, Fu ying, Liu Yang, Yang Keke, Lin Xiangwei, Feng Naizhang*, A Fast Sparse Sampling Photoacoustic Microscopy System, 14th International Conference on Photonics and Imaging in Biology and Medicine (PIBM), Suzhou, 2017/9/23

[2]Mingjian Sun*, Shengmiao Lv, Xue Zhao, Ruya Li, Wenhan Zhang and Xiao Zhang Defect Detection of Photovoltaic Modules Based on Convolutional Neural Network, International Conference on Machine Learning and Intelligent Communications (MLICOM), Weihai, 2017/7/5

[3]Mingjian Sun*, Xingzhen Cheng, Guangnan Wan, Ting Liu, Ying Fu, Yan Wang,Multimode Nondestructive Detecting Method for High-speed Rail Defects,International Symposium on Surface Topography & Optical Microscopy (IS2TOM), Harbin, 2015/7/24

[4]Mingjian Sun*, Ying Fu, Ting Liu, Xingzhen Cheng, Guanji Leng, Naizhang Feng,Nondestructive Inspection for Internal Defects of Rail based on Photoacoustic Elastography,International Symposium on Surface Topography & Optical Microscopy (IS2TOM), Harbin, 2015/7/24

[1]Mingjian Sun*, and Pai-chi Li, Imaging 3D Cell Culture Systems Using an Optical Resolution Photoacoustic Microscopy, 2014 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings, Chicago, 2014/9/5

[5]Sun Mingjian, Wang Yan, Zhang Xin, Liu Yipeng, Wei Qiang, Shen Yi, Feng Naizhang*, Feature selection and classification algorithm for non-destructive detecting of high-speed rail defects based on vibration signals, IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Montevideo, 2014/5/13

[6]Mingjian Sun*, Xiangwei Lin, Zhenghua Wu, Yipeng Liu, Yi Shen, Naizhang Feng, Non-destructive photoacoustic detecting method for high-speed rail surface defects, IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Montevideo, 2014/5/13

[7]Feng Naizhang, Fu Ying, Wang Tong, Sun Mingjian*, Photoacoustic Elasticity Imaging for Soft Tissue-mimicking Phantom, 14th International Conference on Photonics and Imaging in Biology and Medicine (PIBM), Suzhou, 2017/9/23

[8]Xiangwei Lin, Jing Meng, Depeng Hu, Guanji Leng, Shaoheng Yu, Yang Liu, Riqiang Lin, Xiaoyang Liu, Chengbo Liu, Xiaojing Gong*, Mingjian Sun*, Circular scanning photoacoustic tomography based on a coplanar light illumination and ultrasonic detection, 14th International Conference on Photonics and Imaging in Biology and Medicine (PIBM), Suzhou, 2017/9/23

[9]Xiangwei Lin, Mingjian Sun*, Naizhang Feng, Guangsong Wang, Yang Liu, Ying Fu, Ge Qu, Reduction of acoustic distortions by multi-stencils fast marching method in the linear array transducer based photoacoustic tomography, 14th International Conference on Photonics and Imaging in Biology and Medicine (PIBM), Suzhou, 2017/9/23

[10]Ying Fu, Naizhang Feng, Yahui Shi, Ting Liu, Mingjian Sun*, Sparse Photoacoustic Microscopy Reconstruction Based on Matrix Nucler Norm Minimization, International Conference on Machine Learning and Intelligent Communications(MLICOM), Weihai, 2017/7/5

[11]Xiangwei Lin, Guanji Leng, Yi Shen, Wang Yan, Miao Zhang, Mingjian Sun*,Photoacoustic tomography based on a novel linear array ultrasound transducer configuration, IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), Torino, 2017/5/22

[12]Naizhang Feng*, Mingjian Sun, Liyong Ma, A real-time photoacoustic imaging system with high density integrated circuit, IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing Systems, Yantai, 2011/8/27

[13]Naizhang Feng*, Mingjian Sun, Liyong Ma, Jiachen Ma, Curvelet based image fusion for ultrasound contrast harmonic imaging, International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Kyoto, 2009/9/12


[1]孙明健,沈毅,李超等. 一种基于相干激光的水下目标声信号探测方法和装置[P]. 山东:CN**A,2018-04-27.

[2]孙明健,陈爱军等. 一种基于集群控制的无人机编队方法、装置及系统[P]. 山东:CN**A,2018-04-20.

[3]孙明健,刘婷,李百祺等. 一种光声显微成像系统及方法[P]. 山东:CN**A,2018-03-27.

[4]孙明健,张笑,吕圣苗等. 光伏组件缺陷检测方法及系统[P]. 山东:CN**A,2018-03-23.

[5]孙明健,高利森,冯佳时等. 微型四轴飞行器及其控制方法[P]. 山东:CN**A,2017-11-21.

[6]孙明健,陈誉文,王明华等. 用于无人机测距避障的激光雷达装置和无人机[P]. 山东:CN**A,2017-11-21.

[7]孙明健,张筱磊,刘强等. 一种无人机自学习航点轨迹飞行方法及其系统[P]. 山东:CN**A,2017-11-03.

[8]孙明健,蔺祥伟,史雅慧等. 一种适用于外周血管成像的光声成像系统及方法[P]. 山东:CN**A,2017-09-19.

[9]孙明健,段士奇,姜腾等. 一种多旋翼无人机的自动充电装置及方法[P]. 山东:CN**A,2017-09-08.

[10]孙明健,张筱磊,张文瀚等. 一种用于太阳能自动跟踪的软机器人和系统[P]. 山东:CN**A,2017-08-08.

[11]孙明健,张筱磊,张文瀚等. 一种基于双轴软机器人的太阳能自动跟踪系统及方法[P]. 山东:CN**A,2017-07-21.

[12]孙明健,屈亚威,付颖等. 基于3D打印的超声波立体模型构建方法及装置[P]. 山东:CN**A,2017-06-13.

[13]孙明健,付颖,蔺祥伟等. 一种光声显微成像自适应扫描系统及方法[P]. 山东:CN**A,2017-05-24.

[14]孙明健,杜海,万广南等. 水下发声目标空中探测装置及方法[P]. 山东:CN**A,2017-03-29.

[15]孙明健,张筱磊,段士奇等. 一种无人机有源噪声控制装置[P]. 山东:CN**A,2017-02-15.

[16]孙明健,姜腾,段士奇等. 旋翼无人机的光伏充电装置[P]. 山东:CN**A,2017-02-15.

[17]孙明健,周金山,黄龙瑞等. 一种机器人分布式控制器[P]. 山东:CN**U,2017-02-08.

[18]孙明健,马立勇,李美琪等. 基于面扫描相机的钢轨表面缺陷检测装置及方法[P]. 山东:CN**A,2017-01-04.

[19]孙明健,张锐,李美琪等. 一种用于航测无人机上的相机可快拆装置及航测无人机[P]. 山东:CN**U,2016-12-14.

[20]孙明健,杜海,黄龙瑞等. 一种分布式架构的集群微服务器系统[P]. 山东:CN**U,2016-11-16.

[21]孙明健,万广南,冯佳时等. 一种无人机起落架收放系统及无人机[P]. 山东:CN**A,2016-10-12.

[22]孙明健,周金山,黄龙瑞等. 一种机器人分布式控制器及控制方法[P]. 山东:CN**A,2016-08-03.

[23]孙明健,李百祺,刘婷等. 基于低秩矩阵近似的光声显微成像方法及装置[P]. 山东:CN**A,2016-06-29.

[24]孙明健,刘婷,王明华等. 光声图像去噪方法及装置[P]. 山东:CN**A,2016-06-01.

[25]孙明健,张筱磊,周金山等. 一种基于无人机平台的光伏发电站选址方法、装置及系统[P]. 山东:CN**A,2016-05-25.

[26]孙明健,刘婷,伍政华等. 压缩采样光声显微成像方法及装置[P]. 山东:CN**A,2016-01-13.

[27]刘婷,孙明健,冯乃章等. 光声显微血管图像分割和量化方法及装置[P]. 山东:CN**A,2016-01-06.

[28]孙明健,程星振,马立勇等. 一种基于光声信号的钢轨表面缺陷检测方法及装置[P]. 山东:CN**A,2015-12-02.

[29]孙明健,孟静,刘婷,冯乃章等. 基于二阶广义全变差的光声显微镜高分辨率图像重构方法[P]. 山东:CN**A,2015-12-02.

[30]孙明健,冯乃章,刘婷等. 应用于钢轨探伤的光声弹性成像方法及装置[P]. 山东:CN**A,2015-11-25.

[31]孙明健,程星振,沈毅等. 一种钢轨缺陷的多模态信号检测方法及装置[P]. 山东:CN**A,2015-11-25.

[32]孙明健,卢致辉,张锐等. 一种多旋翼无人机水陆两用快拆收放起落架[P]. 广东:CN**U,2015-08-05.

[33]孙明健,卢致辉,张锐等. 一种多旋翼无人机装置的落水回收装置[P]. 广东:CN**U,2015-08-05.

[34]孙明健,卢致辉,王威等. 一种基于互感原理的无人机动力监测装置[P]. 广东:CN**U,2015-08-05.

[35]冯乃章,孙明健,沈毅等. 基于压缩感知的单阵元多角度观测光声成像装置及方法[P]. 黑龙江:CN**A,2011-05-25.

[36]孙明健,冯乃章,沈毅等. 基于压缩感知的微波热声成像装置及方法[P]. 黑龙江:CN**A,2011-05-18.

[37]孙明健,马立勇,冯乃章等. 基于相关性分析与经验模态分解的超声信号去噪方法[P]. 山东:CN**A,2010-09-08.

[38]孙明健,马立勇,冯乃章,沈毅. 基于阵列探头的实时光声成像装置[P]. 山东:CN**A,2010-04-07.

[39]孙明健,马立勇,冯乃章,沈毅. 基于多角度观测的高分辨率光声成像方法[P]. 山东:CN**,2010-03-17.

[1]哈尔滨工业大学(威海). 一种基于低秩矩阵近似的光声显微成像设计软件V1.0. 中国, 2016SR093906. 2016年5月4日.

[2]哈尔滨工业大学(威海).一种用于钢轨表面缺陷识别的分类系统V1.0.中国, 2016SR288156. 2016年10月11日.

[3]哈尔滨工业大学(威海).无人机有源噪声控制软件V1.0. 中国, 2016SR304671. 2016年10月25日.


[5]孙明健,一种基于光声信号的钢轨表面缺陷检测软件V1.0,中国软件著作权, 2015/12/16,登记号:2015SR262240

[6]孙明健,一种基于MRPSO算法的高铁有源噪声控制软件V1.0,中国软件著作权, 2015/12/16,登记号:2015SR262222


硕士研究生:2名 博士研究生:1-2名 研究方向:智能检测处理与控制、光声成像技术及应用 、数字超声成像技术、水下探测与声呐成像、无人机自主控制及应用 。






检测与控制研究中心成立于2005年,目前团队共有教授2人,副教授2人,讲师4人,下设哈尔滨工业大学-科比特联合实验室、哈尔滨工业大学太阳能研究所,秉承“规格严格,功夫到家”的校训,主要研究方向有超声检测方向与实现技术(医疗超声成像、工业超声探伤、海洋超声探测);光声成像与检测技 术(光声断层成像、光声显微成像、光声无损检测);飞行器导航与控制技术(系统控制、故障诊断、制导与导航、检测设备、深空探测);海洋监测与目标探测技术(声呐成像、海域目标识别、无人机海洋监测)。团队在人才培养、新技术研究、高水平论文、专利获得、产品研发、国内外合作交流等方面已取得显著效果


中心目前与Georgia Institute of Technology、UCLA、University of Washington、University of Pittsburgh、中科院声学所、台湾大学、复旦大学、上海交通大学、西安交通大学、中国科学院深圳先进研究院、中山大学、南京航空航天大学、澳门大学等国内外知名学校与研究机构开展了广泛的合作。


Dr.Mingjian Sun
Department: Control Science and Engineering

Institute: Harbin Institute of Technology (Weihai)

Position: Associate Professor

E-Mail: sunmingjian@hit.edu.cn

A Brief Introduction

Mingjian Sun, Male, born in 1980, postdoctoral researcher of National Taiwan University, associate professor, doctorial tutor.

He is currently deputy dean at the Academy of electronic information and electrical engineering at harbin institute of technology (weihai), director of Measurement and control research center at harbin institute of technology (weihai), HIT-MMC joint Laboratory and HIT UAV-Lab. Now he is committee member of International uas standardization association, Association of Automation of Shandong province, Chinese Society for Optical Engineering, China Aeropace Institue of optoelectronic technology professional committee and IEEE.He also take charge of deliberative person Department of information science of National Natural Science Foundation of China.

Academic Degrees

Mar.2008-Dec.2011 Harbin institute of technology, Control Science and Engineering, Doctor of Technical Science; Tutor :Yi Shen.
Sep.2003-Jul.2005 Harbin institute of technology, Fluid Machinery and Engineering; Master of Engineering;Tutor: Qingchao Wang. Sep.1999-Jul.2003 Harbin institute of technology, Automation,Bachelor of Engineering.

Professional Experience

Apr.2016–present Harbin institute of technology, Control Science and Engineering, PhD supervisor. Jun.2014–present Harbin institute of technology (wei hai), Academy of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering,Deputy dean. Sep.2013–present Harbin institute of technology (weihai), Academy of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering,associate professor, Post-Doctor. Apr.2012–present Harbin institute of technology (weihai), Academy of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering,MA student adviser. Sep.2007–Aug.2013 Harbin institute of technology (weihai), Academy of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering,lecturer. Jan.2006–Aug.2007 Harbin institute of technology (weihai), Academy of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering,Teaching Assistant.

Research Interests

Design and application of autonomous formation flight control system of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) Intelligent detection processing and control Photoacoustic imagine and its application Digital ultrasonic imaging technology Underwater imagine sonar detection

Professional Societies

Member,Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), USA committee Member, International uas standardization association(UASA) committee Member, Association of Automation of Shandong province Member ,Chinese Society for Optical Engineering,(CSOE) Member ,China Aeropace Institue of optoelectronic technology professional committee

Selected Publications
First author:

[1]Sun Mingjian*,Liu Ting,Cheng Xingzhen,Chen Deying,Yan Fenggang,Feng Naizhang. Nondestructive detecting method for metal material defects based on multimodal signals. Acta Physica Sinica, 2016, 65(16): 167802-167802(SCI)

[2] Sun Mingjian*,Cheng Xingzhen,Wang Yan,Zhang Xin,Shen Yi,Feng Naizhang*. Method for detecting high-speed rail surface defects by photoacoustic signal, Acta Physica Sinica,2015,65(3):038105-1-038105-10 (SCI)

[3]Mingjian Sun*, ZhenghuaWu, Ting Liu, Jiajun Hu, Guanqun Wu, and Naizhang Feng. Time Reversal Reconstruction Algorithm Based on PSO Optimized SVM Interpolation for Photoacoustic Imaging, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015, 795092: 1-9 (SCI)

[4]Mingjian Sun*, Naizhang Feng, Yi Shen,Xiangli Shen, Jiangang Li, Photoacoustic signals denoising based on empirical mode decomposition and energy-window method, Advances in Adaptive Data Analysis, 2012, 4(1): **

[5]Sun Mingjian*, Feng Naizhang, Shen Yi, Li Jiangang, Ma Liyong, Photoacoustic image reconstruction based on Bayesian compressive sensing algorithm, Chinese Optics Letters, 2011, 9(6): 061002-1-4 (SCI)

[6]Sun Mingjian*, Feng Naizhang, Shen Yi, Ma Liyong, Shen Xiangli, Photoacoustic imaging method based on compressed sensing and multi-angle observation, Journal of Scientific Instrument, 2011, 32(12): 2699-2705

[7] Sun Mingjian*, Feng Naizhang, Shen Yi, Shen, Xiangli, Ma Liyong, Li Jiangang, Wu Zhenghua, Photoacoustic imaging method based on arc-direction compressed sensing and multi-angle observation, Optics Express, 2011, 19(16): 14801-14806 (SCI)

Corresponding Author:

[1]Ting Liu, Mingjian Sun*, Naizhang Feng, Minghua Wang, Deying Chen and Yi Shen. Sparse Photoacoustic Microscopy based on Low-Rank Matrix Approximation [J]. Chinese Optics Letter, 2016, 14(9): 091701.(SCI)

[2]Ting Liu, Mingjian Sun*, Naizhang Feng, Yi Shen, Wenlei Pan, Miao Zhang. Non-Uniform Sampling Photoacoustic Microscope System Based on Low Rank Matrix Completion[C].Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC) Proceedings, 2016 IEEE International.

[3]Jing Yan,Shen Yi,Feng Naizhang,Wan Guangnan,Sun Mingjian*,Bearing estimation based on deterministic compressive sampling veator hydrophone array for ship target[J].Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument,2016,37(6):1267-1276

[4]Jiatong Hou,Wenwu Zeng,Guangnan Wan,Jinshan Zhou,Mingjian Sun*. The analysis and research on the accuracy of WSN node location under the influence of multipath reflection[C].Control Conference (CCC), 2016 35th Chinese. TCCT, 2016: 8352-8355.x

[5]Yan Jing, Yi Shen, Naizhang Feng, Mingjian Sun*. Unambiguous bearing estimation of coherent sources using acoustic vector sensor. International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, 2016, 9(7): 25-32.

[6]Ting Liu, Mingjian Sun*, Naizhang Feng, Minghua Wang, and Yi Shen. Low Rank and Sparse Matrix Completion for Sparse Photoacoustic Microscope Recontruction. Optics Express.(SCI一审在投,IF=3.488,JCR: Q1)

[7]Ting Liu, Mingjian Sun*, Jing Meng, Zhenghua Wu, Yi Shen, and Naizhang Feng,Compressive Sampling Photoacoustic Microscope System based on Low Rank Matrix Completion, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2016, 26: 58-63 (SCI)

[8]Ting Liu, Mingjian Sun*, Naizhang Feng*, Zhenghua Wu, and Yi Shen, Multiscale Hessian filter-based segmentation and quantification method for photoacoustic microangiography, Chinese Optics Letters, 2015, 13(9): 091701:1-6 (SCI)

[9]Fenggang Yan, Zhikun Chen, Mingjian Sun*, Yi Shen, and Ming Jin, Two-Dimensional Direction-of-Arrivals Estimation Based on One-Dimensional Search Using Rank Deficiency Principle, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 2015, 127621: 1-8 (SCI)

[10]Ting Liu, Naizhang Feng, Yi Shen, Mingjian Sun*, Stick based Non-local Means Filter for Speckle Reduction in Ultrasonic Images, MATEC Web of Conferences/ICMEE, 2015, 31: 150**

[11]Zhenghua Wu, Mingjian Sun*, Qiang Wang, Naizhang Feng, Yi Shen, Compressive sampling photoacoustic tomography based on edge expander codes and TV regularization, Chinese Optics Letters, 2014, 12(10): 1011** (SCI)

[12]Zhi He, Qiang Wang*, Yi Shen, Mingjian Sun*, Kernel Sparse Multitask Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification with Empirical Mode Decomposition and Morphological Wavelet-Based Features, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2014, 52(8): 5150-5163 (SCI)

[13]Zhenghua Wu, Mingjian Sun*, Qiang Wang, Ting Liu, Naizhang Feng, Jie Liu, Yi Shen, Photoacoustic microscopy image resolution enhancement via directionaltotal variation regularization, Chinese Optics Letters, 2014, 12(12):1217** (SCI)


[1]Jing Meng,Zibo Jiang,Lihong V.Wang,Jongin Park,Chulhong Kim,Mingjian Sun,Yuanke Zhang,Liang Song.High-speed, sparse-sampling three-dimensional photoacoustic computed tomography in vivo based on principal component analysis.Journal of Biomedical Optics, 2016, 21(7): 076007-076007.(SCI)

[2]Qiang Wang, Zhenghua Wu*, Mingjian Sun, Ting Liu, Bo Li, Naizhang Feng, and Yi Shen, Single-image super-resolution using directional total variation regularization and alternating direction method of multiplier solver, Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2015, 24(2): 023026: 1-9 (SCI)

[3]Wu Zhenghua*,Wang Qiang,Liu Jie,Sun Mingjian*,Shen Yi, Compressive Sensing Theory Based on Edge Expander Graphs,Acta Automatica Sinica, 2014, 40(12): 2824-2835

[4]Liyong Ma*, Naizhang Feng, Mingjian Sun, Nonnegative matrix factorization based one class classification, Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research, 2014, 32(6): 7173-7180

[5]Naizhang Feng*, Mingjian Sun, Liyong Ma, Zhenghua Wu, Compressive sensing photoacoustic imaging based on multi-view error gradient fusion, IET Optoelectronics, 2012, 6(2): 117-120 (SCI)

[6]Feng Naizhang*, Sun Mingjian, Ma Liyong, Compressed sensing photoacoustic imaging based on correlation criterion, International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology, 2011, 3(5): 201-207

Proceedings Paper:

[1]Mingjian Sun*, Xingzhen Cheng, Guangnan Wan, Ting Liu, Ying Fu, Yan Wang,Multimode Nondestructive Detecting Method for High-speed Rail Defects,International Symposium on Surface Topography & Optical Microscopy (IS2TOM), Harbin, 2015/7/24

[2]Mingjian Sun*, Ying Fu, Ting Liu, Xingzhen Cheng, Guanji Leng, Naizhang Feng,Nondestructive Inspection for Internal Defects of Rail based on Photoacoustic Elastography,International Symposium on Surface Topography & Optical Microscopy (IS2TOM), Harbin, 2015/7/24

[3] Mingjian Sun*, and Pai-chi Li, Imaging 3D Cell Culture Systems Using an Optical Resolution Photoacoustic Microscopy, 2014 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings, Chicago, 2014/9/5

[4] Sun Mingjian, Wang Yan, Zhang Xin, Liu Yipeng, Wei Qiang, Shen Yi, Feng Naizhang*, Feature selection and classification algorithm for non-destructive detecting of high-speed rail defects based on vibration signals, IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Montevideo, 2014/5/13

[5] Mingjian Sun*, Xiangwei Lin, Zhenghua Wu, Yipeng Liu, Yi Shen, Naizhang Feng, Non-destructive photoacoustic detecting method for high-speed rail surface defects, IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Montevideo, 2014/5/13

[6] Sun Mingjian*, Shen Yi, Zhang Wei, A wavelet threshold denoising method for ultrasonic signal based on EMD and correlation coefficient analysis, International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, Yantai, 2010/10/16

Enrollment Plan

Annual enrolment:

doctoral candidate:2 person Master Degree Candidate:1-2 person Research Area: Intelligent detection processing and control, Photoacoustic imagine and its application,Digital ultrasonic imaging technology,Underwater imagine sonar detection,Design and application of autonomous formation flight

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