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国务院学位委员会第六届学科评议组力学组成员国家自然科学基金委员会数理科学部专家评审组成员(2006-2009)中国力学学会常务理事中国力学学会固体力学专业委员会副主任Acta Mechanica Sinica编委International Journal of Aerospace and Lightweight Structures编委固体力学学报编委力学进展编委计算力学学报编委




LZ Wu and SY Du (1995) The elastic field caused by a circular cylindrical inclusion Parts 1 and 2. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics 62: 579-589.

LZ Wu and SY Du (1996) The elastic field in a half-space with a circular cylindrical inclusion. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics 63: 925-932.

LZ Wu, SH Meng and SY Du (1997) The overall response of composite materials with inclusions. International Journal of Solids & Structures 34: 3021-3039.

LZ Wu, SY Du and XD Tan (1998) Interaction between dislocation and two circular cylindrical inclusions. Acta Mechanica Sinica 14: 328-338.

LZ Wu and SY Du (1999) The elastic field with a hemispherical inclusion. Proceedings of the Royal Society A 455: 879-891.

LZ Wu (2000) A crack in a confocal elliptic piezoelectric inhomogeneity embedded in an infinite piezoelectric medium. Journal of International Fracture 104: 1-14.

LZ Wu (2000) Interaction of two circular cylindrical inhomogeneities under antiplane shear. Composites Science and Technology 60: 2609-2615.

YY Feng and LZ Wu (2001) Analysis of interfacial thermal stresses of chip-substrate structure. International Journal of Solids & Structures 38: 1551-1562.

T Zeng, LZ Wu and LC Guo (2003) A damage model for 3D braided composites with transverse cracking. Composite Structures 62(2): 163-170.LZ Wu (2004) The thermoelastic analysis of chip-substrate system. ASME Journal of Electronic Packagings 126(3): 325-332.LC Guo, LZ Wu and T Zeng (2004) Mode I crack problem for a functionally graded orthotropic strip. European Journal of Mechanics A-Solid 23 (2): 219-234.L Ma, LZ Wu, LC Guo and ZG Zhou (2005) On the moving Griffith crack in a non-homogeneous orthotropic medium. European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids 24 (3): 393-405.LZ Wu (2006) Thermoelastic solutions for multilayered electronic assemblies. Thin Solid Films 510(1-2): 203-212.

SD Pan, LZ Wu, YG Sun, et al. (2006) Longitudinal shear strength and failure process of honeycomb cores. Composite Structures 72(1): 42-46.

ZG Zhou and LZ Wu (2007) Basic solutions of two parallel mode-I cracks or four parallel mode-I cracks in the piezoelectric materials. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 74(9): 1413-1435.

HP Wu, AP Liu, LZ Wu, et al. (2008) Orientation dependence of dielectric behavior of ferroelectric bilayers and multilayers. Applied Physics Letters 93(24): 242909.X Jin, LZ Wu, LC Guo, et al. (2009) Prediction of the variation of elastic modulus in ZrO2/NiCr functionally graded materials. Composites Science and Technology 69(10): 1587-1591.

QL He, LZ Wu and HJ Yu (2009) Investigation on thermomechanical fracture in the framework of configurational forces. European Journal of Mechanics A-Solids 28(6): 1064-1071.

B Wang, LZ Wu, X Jin, et al. (2010) Experimental investigation of 3D sandwich structure with core reinforced by composite columns. Materials & Design 31(1): 158-165.

LZ Wu (2010) Bounds on the effective thermal conductivity of composites with imperfect interface. International Journal of Engineering Science 48(9): 783-794.

HJ Yu, LZ Wu, LC Guo, et al. (2010) Interaction integral method for the interfacial fracture problems of two nonhomogeneous materials. Mechanics of Materials 42(4): 435-450.

J Xiong, L Ma, LZ Wu, et al. (2010) Fabrication and crushing behavior of low density carbon fiber composite pyramidal truss structures. Composite Structures 92(11): 2695-2702.

Li M, Wu LZ, Ma L, et al. (2011) Structural response of all-composite pyramidal truss core sandwich columns in end compression. Composite Structures 93(8): 1964-1972.

Wu LZ, Yu HJ, Guo LC, et al. (2011) Investigation of stress intensity factors for an interface crack in multi-interface materials using an interaction integral method. Journal of Applied Mechanics- Transactions of the ASME 78(6): 10.1115/1.**.

Yin S, Wu LZ, Ma L, et al. (2012) Hybrid truss concepts for carbon fiber composite pyramidal lattice structures. Composites Part B-Engineering 43(4): 1749-1755.

Wu LZ, Pan SD (2012) Bounds on effective magnetic permeability of three-phase composites with coated spherical inclusions. Composites Science and Technology 72(12): 1443-1450.

相关话题/力学 基金 结构 固体力学 基础