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周彬,男,湖北省黄冈市罗田县人。工学博士,哈尔滨工业大学航天学院教授、博导。控制理论与制导技术研究中心副主任。曾获第五届中国青少年科技创新奖和国家自然科学二等奖(4/5)等奖励。2011年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划;2012年获得全国百篇优秀博士学位论文奖;2013年获得国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金资助。研究兴趣为受限控制、时滞补偿、多智能体系统、非线性控制以及航天器控制。发表论文100余篇。出版专著一部 Truncated Predictor Feedback for Time-Delay Systems (Springer, 2014)。申请中国发明专利6项(已授权4项)。


2013/04—现在 哈尔滨工业大学航天学院 博导 2012/12—现在 哈尔滨工业大学航天学院 教授 2010/12—2012/12 哈尔滨工业大学航天学院 副教授 2009/02—2010/12 哈尔滨工业大学航天学院 讲师

2006/03/01—2010/03/24 就读于哈尔滨工业大学航天学院控制科学与工程系 获博士学位2004/09/01—2005/08/27 就读于哈尔滨工业大学航天学院控制科学与工程系 获硕士学位2000/09/01—2004/07/05 就读于哈尔滨工业大学航天学院控制科学与工程系 获学士学位

教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(2011年)Automatica杰出审稿人(Outstanding Reviewer)(2013年)IET Control Theory & Applications杰出审稿人(2015年、2016年)

IET Control Theory & Applications, Associate Editor (2017/09—)Asian Journal of Control, Associate Editor (2016/01—)Cogent Engineering—Systems & Control , Editorial Board Member (2015—) Journal of the Franklin Institute, Guest Editor (2014/10—2015/05)Journal of Applied Mathematics, Editorial Board Member (2014—2017/05)《控制与决策》编委(2017—)《系统科学与数学》编委 (2014—)IEEE CSS Conference Editorial Board, Associate Editor (2013/06/25—)美国《数学评论》评论员 (2010—)IEEE Senior Member(美国电子电器工程师协会高级会员)(2016—) Member of IFAC Technical Committee on Linear Control Systems (IFAC线性控制系统技术委员会成员, 2015—)
Member of IFAC Technical Committee on Non-Linear Control Systems (IFAC非线性控制系统技术委员会成员, 2017—) 中国自动化学会-控制理论专业委员会委员(2017—) 中国自动化学会-信息物理系统控制与决策专业委员会委员(2016—)

自动控制原理 II(本科生学位课,54学时)线性系统 (研究生学位课,42学时) Linear Systems Theory(国际研究生学位课,全英文授课,36学时) 应用非线性控制 (博士研究生选修课,36学时)

Brief Introduction
Bin Zhou is a professor of the Department of Control Science and Engineering at the Harbin Institute of Technology. He received the Bachelor’s degree, the Master’s Degree and the Ph.D. degree from the Department of Control Science and Engineering at Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China in 2004, 2006 and 2010, respectively. He joined the School of Astronautics, Harbin Institute of Technology in February 2009, where he has been a Professor since December 2012.

His current research interests include constrained control, time-delay compensation, distributed control of multi-agent systems, nonlinear control, and control applications in astronautic engineering. In these areas, he has published over 100 papers in archival journals. He is the author of the book Truncated Predictor Feedback for Time-Delay Systems (Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2014).

He is a reviewer for American Mathematical Review and is an active reviewer for a number of journals and conferences. He was selected as the "New Century Excellent Talents in University", the Ministry of Education of China in 2011. He received the "National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award" in 2012 from the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council and the Ministry of Education of PR China.

He is/was an associate editor on the Conference Editorial Board of the IEEE Control Systems Society and an associate editor of IET Control Theory & Applications, Asian Journal of Control, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Journal of System Science and Mathematical Science and Control and Decision (In Chinese). He was awarded a National Natural Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars on 2013.

Working Experience & Education
2012.12—Now Professor, School of Astronautics, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin2010.12—2012.12 Associate Professor, School of Astronautics, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin2009.02—2010.12 Lecturer, School of Astronautics, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin2006.03—2010.04 Ph.D, Dep. of Control Science and Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, PR China2004.09—2006.03 M.Sc, Dep. of Control Science and Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, PR China2000.09—2004.07 B.Sc, Dep. of Control Science and Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, PR China

Research Interests
Spacecraft Control (rendezvous, formation flying, and attitude control with delays and actuator saturations) Time-delay Systems (delay compensation, predictor feedback, stabilization in the presence of actuator saturation)Constrained and Nonlinear Control (actuator saturation, feedforward nonlinear systems, energy constraints)Multi-agent Systems (consensus with delay and/or actuator saturation,observer based output feedback)Time-varying Systems (stability, stabilization, periodic linear systems, time delays, applications)

Professional Activities
2017–Now, Associate Editor, IET Control Theory & Applications2016–Now, Associate Editor, Asian Journal of Control 2015–Now, Associate Editor, Cogent Engineering–Systems & Control 2014–2017, Associate Editor, Journal of Applied Mathematics 2017–Now, Associate Editor, Control & Decision (in Chinese) 2014–Now, Associate Editor, Journal of System Science and Mathematical Science (in Chinese) 2013–Now, Associate Editor, IEEE CSS Conference Editorial Board 2016–Now, IEEE Senior Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), USA2015–Now, Member of IFAC Technical Committee on Linear Control Systems 2017–Now, Member of IFAC Technical Committee on Non-Linear Control Systems2015, Lead Guest Editor, Journal of The Franklin Institute
2014, Program Committee Member, World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA)2013–Now, Program Committee Member, Chinese Control Conference (CCC)2013–Now, Program Committee Member, Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC)2013, Program Committee Member, Asian Control Conference (ASCC)2010–Now, Reviewer for Mathematical Reviews, American Mathematical Socicty (AMS), USARegular Reviewers for more than 90 International Journals and 10 Conferences

Academic Honors and Awards
2016—Outstanding Reviewer, IET Control Theory & Applications2015—Outstanding Reviewer, IET Control Theory & Applications2015—The Second Prize of Chinese Natural Science Award (4/5), China2014—The First Prize of Heilongjiang Natural Science Award (3/4), China2013—The National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars, National Natural Science Foundation of China2013—Outstanding Reviewer, Automatica2012—National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award, The Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council and the Ministry of Education of P. R. China2011—New Century Excellent Talents in University, The Ministry of Education2011—Outstanding Doctoral Dissertations of HIT, Harbin Institute of Technology2008—The 5th China Youth Science and Technology Innovation Awards, China Communist Youth League, All-China Youth Federation & All-China Students Federation2008—"Johnson Motor" Scholarship, Harbin Institute of Technology2004—"Samsung" Scholarship, Harbin Institute of Technology2002—The 2nd prize of "China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling", Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China & China Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

段广仁(团队负责人):教授、****、杰青、IEEE Fellow、国家自然科学二等奖获得者(2008、2015)。

Automatica (SCI, SCIE, EI)
Automation and Remote Control (SCI, SCIE, EI)AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics (SCI, SCIE, EI)Applied Mathematics Letters (SCI, SCIE, EI)
ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control (SCI, SCIE, EI)
Computers & Mathematics with Applications (SCI, SCIE, EI)
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (SCI, SCIE, EI)
IEEE Control Systems Magazine (SCI, SCIE, EI)
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology (SCI, SCIE, EI)
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers (SCI, SCIE, EI)
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs (SCI, SCIE, EI)
IET Control Theory & Applications (SCI, SCIE, EI)International Journal of Control (SCI, SCIE, EI)Journal of Process Control (SCI, SCIE, EI)Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (SCI, SCIE, EI)Linear Algebra and Its Applications (SCI,SCIE, EI)Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems (SCI, SCIE, EI)
Modeling, Identification and Control (SCI, SCIE, EI)
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization (SCI, SCIE, EI)Systems & Control Letters (SCI, SCIE, EI)
Science in China Series F-Information Sciences (SCI, SCIE, EI)

Asian Journal of Control (SCIE, EI)Applied Mathematics and Computation (SCIE, EI)European Journal of Control (SCIE, EI)International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control (SCIE, EI)International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems (SCIE,EI)
International Journal of Computer Mathematics (SCIE,EI)
International Journal of Systems Science (SCIE, EI)IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information (SCIE,EI)Journal of Systems Science and Complexity (SCIE,EI)
Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics (SCIE,EI)
Mathematical and Computer Modelling (SCIE,EI)
Optimal Control, Applications and Methods (SCIE, EI)Transactions of Institute of Measurement and Control (SCIE, EI)

International Journal of Automation and ComputingInternational Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and ControlJournal of Control Theory and Applications自动化学报 (Acta Automatica Sinica)控制与决策控制理论与应用

中国科学引文数据库(CSCD)收录杂志 (2009-2012)
Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics
Journal of Systems Science and Complexity
Journal of Control Theory and Applications
中国科学.信息科学 (Science in China Series F: Information Science)

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