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哈尔滨工业大学复合材料与结构研究所教授,科技部“先进复合材料国际联合研究中心”负责人,博士生导师,****。2017年入选军委科技委首批国防科技“卓越青年计划”和国家“****”科技创新领军人才;2015年入选科技部“中青年科技创新领军人才”;2006 年入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”,2012年黑龙江省杰出青年基金获得者;2013 年获中国青年科技奖,黑龙江省青年科技奖标兵;2014年获“全国优秀科技工作者”、“黑龙江省优秀科技工作者”和“黑龙江省青年科技奖标兵”荣誉称号。



2017 军委科技委首批国防科技“卓越青年计划”

2017 国家“****”科技创新领军人才

2016 ****特聘教授

2015 科技部中青年科技创新领军人才

2014 全国优秀科技工作者、黑龙江省优秀科技工作者、黑龙江省青年科技奖标兵

2013 中国青年科技奖

2012 黑龙江省杰出青年基金

2011 协同创新中心骨干成员

2006 教育部新世纪优秀人才

2017 黑龙江省技术发明一等奖 排名1

2015 黑龙江省技术发明一等奖 排名1

2011 黑龙江省自然科学一等奖 排名1

2011 黑龙江省搞高校学技术奖 排名1

2004 教育部科技进步二等奖 排名2

2002 黑龙江省科技进步二等奖 排名2

? 中央军委科技委生物交叉领域专家委员会成员

? 中央军委科技委主题专家组专家、火箭军突防专家组专家

? 国防科工局评审专家、科技部评审专家

? 装备预研-航天科技联合基金专家组专家

? 科技部“战略性国际科技创新合作重点专项”指南编制专家

? 国家自然科学基金、教育部博士点基金、国家留学基金、黑龙江省自然科学基金、浙江省自然科学基金、天津市自然科学基金等项目的同行评议专家

? 国家级学会:中国材料研究学会理事;中国功能材料学会理事;中国硅酸盐学会薄膜与涂分会理事;中国材料研究学会极端条件材料与器件分会委员

? 省级学会:黑龙江省仿生与生物制造学会副理事长;黑龙江省复合材料学会理事,?黑龙江省化学学会理事;黑龙江省科学技术协会专家委员会成员

? 《Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials》编委

? 《Chemical Rapid Communications》编委

? 《复合材料学报》、《科技导报》、《材料导报》、《表面技术》编委

电  话:** **
邮  编:150001

2002.7- 2005.6哈尔滨工业大学航天学院复合材料研究所,副教授
2005.7- 现今哈尔滨工业大学航天学院复合材料研究所,教授
2006.3-现今 哈尔滨工业大学复合材料与结构研究所 材料学 博士生导师

1991.9-1995.7 哈尔滨工业大学机械制造工艺及设备专业,获学士学位

1995.9-1997.7 哈尔滨工业大学无机非金属材料专业,获硕士学位

1997.9-2000.7 哈尔滨工业大学复合材料研究所材料学专业,获博士学位

2002.4-2005.1 哈工大力学博士后流动站,博士后






新型功能材料的构筑及其微结构控制研究 2011年黑龙江省自然科学一等奖





奖项名称 新型功能材料的构筑及微结构控制研究





















































































1. 基本要求



2. 报考信息



Yongan Niu, Qiuming Zhang, Yao Li, Qinghong Fang, Xin Zhang. "Reduction, dispersity and electrical properties of graphene oxide sheets under low-temperature thermal treatments." Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 28.1 (2017): 729-733. PDF link

Zhongqiu Tong, Yanlong Tian, Hongming Zhang, Xingang Li, Junyi Ji, Huiying Qu, Na Li, Jiupeng Zhao, Yao Li*. "Recent advances in multifunctional electrochromic energy storage devices and photoelectrochromic devices." Science China Chemistry: 1-25. PDF link

Jing Wang, Leipeng Zhang2, Xusong Liu, Xiang Zhang, Yanlong Tian, Xiaoxu Liu, Jiupeng Zhao, Yao Li. "Assembly of flexible CoMoO4@ NiMoO4· xH2O and Fe2O3 electrodes for solid-state asymmetric supercapacitors." Scientific Reports 7 (2017). PDF link

Shuliang Dou, Yi Wang, Xiang Zhang, Yanlong Tian, Xuemei Hou, Jing Wang, Xingang Li, Jiupeng Zhao*, Yao Lia*. "Facile preparation of double-sided VO2 (M) films with micro-structure and enhanced thermochromic performances." Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 160 (2017): 164-173. PDF link


Yongan Niu, Qinghong Fang, Xin Zhang, Panpan Zhang, Yao Li. "Reduction and structural evolution of graphene oxide sheets under hydrothermal treatment." Physics Letters A 380.38 (2016): 3128-3132. PDF link

Xin Zhang, Yongan Niu,* Jiupeng Zhao* and Yao Li. "Self-assembly, structural order and mechanism of γ-Fe2O3@SiO2 ellipsoids induced by magnetic fields." New Journal of Chemistry 40.11 (2016): 9520-9525. PDF link

Xiaoxu Liu*, Erjia Liu, Dongliang Chao, Liang Chen, Shikun Liu, Jing Wang, Yao Li*, Jiupeng Zhao, Yong-Mook Kang* and Zexiang Shen. "Large size nitrogen-doped graphene-coated graphite for high performance lithium-ion battery anode." RSC Advances 6.106 (2016): 104010-104015. PDF link

Xusong Liu, Xiaoxuan Ma, Jing Wang, Xiaoxu Liu, Caixia Chi, Shikun Liu, Jiupeng Zhao* and Yao Li*. "The binder-free Ca2Ge7O16 nanosheet/carbon nanotube composite as a high-capacity anode for Li-ion batteries with long cycling life." RSC Advances 6.108 (2016): 107040-107048. PDF link

Lei Pan, Hongbo Xu, Yunyong Sun, Jiupeng Zhao* and Yao Li*. Preparation of Three-Dimensional Photonic Crystals of Zirconia by Electrodeposition in a Colloidal Crystals Template[J]. Crystals, 2016, 6(7): 76. PDF link

Hangchuan Zhang, Huiying Qu, Haiming Lv, Shuai Hou, Kun Zhang, Jiupeng Zhao, Xingang Li, Endres Frank, and Yao Li. Improved Electrochromic Performance of Poly (3, 4‐ethylenedioxythiophene) by Incorporating a Three‐Dimensionally Ordered Macroporous Structure[J]. Chemistry–An Asian Journal, 2016. PDF link

Shikun Liu, Xusong Liu, Jiupeng Zhao, Zhongqiu Tong, Jing Wang, Xiaoxuan Ma, Caixia Chi, Dapeng Su, Xiaoxu Liu and Yao Li. Three dimensional hierarchically porous crystalline MnO 2 structure design for a high rate performance lithium-ion battery anode[J]. RSC Advances, 2016, 6(88): 85222-85229. PDF link

Shikun Liu, Zhongqiu Tong, Jiupeng Zhao, Xusong Liu, Jing wang, Xiaoxuan Ma, Caixia Chi, Yu Yang, Xiaoxu Liu and Yao Li. Rational selection of amorphous or crystalline V2O5 cathode for sodium-ion batteries[J]. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2016, 18(36): 25645-25654. PDF link

Zhongqiu Tong, Hongbo Xu, Guangqun Liu, Jiupeng Zhao, Yao Li*. Pseudocapacitive effect and Li+ diffusion coefficient in three-dimensionally ordered macroporous vanadium oxide for energy storage[J]. Electrochemistry Communications, 2016, 69: 46-49. PDF link

Jing Wang, Shikun Liu, Xiang Zhang, Xusong Liu, Xiaoxu Liu, Na Li, Jiupeng Zhao*, Yao Li* . A high energy asymmetric supercapacitor based on flower-like CoMoO4/MnO2 heterostructures and activated carbon[J]. Electrochimica Acta, 2016. PDF link

KeZhang, HonglinZhang, WenjieLi, YanqingTian, SongLi, JiupengZhao*, YaoLi*. PtOEP/PS composite particles based on fluorescent sensor for dissolved oxygen detection[J]. Materials Letters, 2016, 172: 112-115. PDF link

Jing Wang, Xiang Zhang, Qiulong Wei, Haiming Lv, Yanlong Tian, Zhongqiu Tong, Xusong Liu, Jian Hao, Huiying Qu, Jiupeng Zhao, Yao Li*, Liqiang Mai*. 3D self-supported nanopine forest-like Co3O4@ CoMoO4 core–shell architectures for high-energy solid state supercapacitors[J]. Nano Energy, 2016, 19: 222-233. PDF link

Zhongqiu Tong, Na Li, Haiming Lv, Yanlong Tian, Huiying Qu, Xiang Zhang, Jiupeng Zhao, Yao Li* . Annealing synthesis of coralline V2O5 nanorod architecture for multicolor energy-efficient electrochromic device[J]. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2016, 146: 135-143. PDF link


Jian Hao, Jiupeng Zhao, Yiwen Zhang, Xiaokun An, Xin Liu, Yao Li?, and Frank Endres?. Electrodeposition of Three Dimensionally Ordered Macroporous Germanium from Two Different Ionic Liquids[J]. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2016, 16(1): 777-782. PDF link

Xuemei Hou, Hongbo Xu, Lei Pan, Yanlong Tian, Xiang Zhang, Lihua Ma, Yao Li* and Jiupeng Zhao*. Adsorption of bovine serum albumin on superparamagnetic composite microspheres with a Fe3O4/SiO2 core and mesoporous SiO2 shell[J]. RSC Advances, 2015, 5(126): 103760-103766. PDF link

Zhongqiu Tong, Haiming Lv, Xiang Zhang, Haowei Yang, Yanlong Tian, Na Li, Jiupeng Zhao, and Yao Li*. Novel morphology changes from 3D ordered macroporous structure to V2O5 nanofiber grassland and its application in electrochromism[J]. Scientific reports, 2015, 5. PDF link

Xiaoxu Liu, Dongliang Chao, Qiang Zhang, Hai Liu, Hailong Hu, Jiupeng Zhao, Yao Li*, Yizhong Huang*, Jianyi Lin, and Ze Xiang Shen*. The roles of lithium-philic giant nitrogen-doped graphene in protecting micron-sized silicon anode from fading[J]. Scientific Report, 2015. PDF link

Zhongqiu Tong, Xiang Zhang, Haiming Lv, Na Li, Huiying Qu, Jiupeng Zhao, Yao Li*and Xiang-Yang Liu* . From Amorphous Macroporous Film to 3D Crystalline Nanorod Architecture: A New Approach to Obtain High‐Performance V2O5 Electrochromism[J]. Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2015, 2(12). PDF link

Xuemei Hou, Yanlong Tian, Xiang Zhang, Shuliang Dou, Lei Pan, Wenjia Wang, Yao Li, Jiupeng Zhao* . Preparation and characterization of Fe3O4/SiO2/Bi2MoO6 composite as magnetically separable photocatalyst[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015, 638: 214-220. PDF link

Xiaoxu Liu, Dongliang Chao, Yao Li*, Jian Hao, Xusong Liu, Jiupeng Zhao, Jianyi Lin, Hong Jin Fan*, Ze Xiang Shen* . A low-cost and one-step synthesis of N-doped monolithic quasi-graphene films with porous carbon frameworks for Li-ion batteries[J]. Nano Energy, 2015, 17: 43-51. PDF link

Y.P.Li*, Y.F.Yu, Y.F.Huang, R.A.Nielsen, W.A.Goddard, Y.Li, L.Y.Cao* "Engineering the Composition and Crystallinity of Molybdenum Sulfide for High-Performance Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution", ACS Catalysis, 2015, 5, 448-455. PDF link

X.S.Liu, J.Hao, X.X.Liu, C.X.Chi, F.Endres, Y.Zhang, Y.Li*, J.P.Zhao* "Preparation of Ge nanotube arrays from an ionic liquid for lithium ion battery anodes with improved cycling stability", Chem. Commun., 2015, 51, 2064-2067. PDF link

J.Hao, X.Liu, X.S.Liu, X.X.Liu, N.Li, X.X.Ma, Y.Zhang, Y.Li*, J.P.Zhao* "Ionic liquid electrodeposition of Ge nanostructures on freestanding Ni-nanocone arrays for Li-ion battery", RSC ADVANCES, 2015, 5(25), 19596-19600. PDF link

Z.Q.Tong, H.W.Yang, N.Li, H.Y.Qu, X.Zhang, J.P.Zhao*, Y.Li* "Versatile displays based on a 3-dimensionally ordered macroporous vanadium oxide film for advanced electrochromic devices", JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C, 2015, 3(13), 3159-3166. PDF link

C.X.Chi, H.B.Xu, K.Zhang*, Y.B.Wang, S.H.Zhang, X.S.Song, X.Liu, J.P.zhao, Y.Li* "3D hierarchical porous graphene aerogels for highly improved adsorption and recycled capacity", MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING B-ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL SOLID-STATE MATERIALS, 2015, 194, 62-67. PDF link

J.Hao, N.Li, X.X.Ma, X.X.Liu, X.S.Liu, Y.Li, H.B.Xu*, J.P.Zhao* "Ionic liquid electrodeposition of germanium/carbon nanotube composite anode material for lithium ion batteries", MATERIALS LETTERS, 2015, 144, 50-53. PDF link

H.Y.Qu, H.C.Zhang, N.Li, Z.Q.Tong, J.Wang, J.P.Zhao*, Y.Li* "A rapid-response electrochromic device with significantly enhanced electrochromic performance", RSC ADVANCES, 2015, 5(1), 803-806. PDF link


C.H.Zhou; Z.Y.Zhang; Q.M.Zhang; Y. Li* "Comporison of the hot corrosion of nanostructured and microstructured thermal barrier coatings", MATERIALS AND CORROSION, 2014, 65(6), 613-618. PDF link

X.X.Liu, D. Zhan, D.L.Chao, B.C.Cao, J.H. Yin, J.P.Zhao, Y.Li, J.Y.Lin*, Z.X.Shen* "Microwave-assisted production of giant graphene sheets for high performance energy storage applications", JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, 2014, 2(31), 12166-12170. PDF link

J. Hao,Liu, X.X .Liu, N. Li, X.S.Liu, X.X. Ma,Y. Zhang, Y.Li*, J.P.Zhao* "Ionic liquid electrodeposition of 3D germanium–acetylene black–Ni foam nanocomposite electrodes for lithium-ion batteries", RSC ADVANCES, 2014, 4(104), 60371-60375. PDF link

L.Pan, Y.Wang, H.B.Xu, Y.B.Ding, Y.Li*, J.P.Zhao* "Synthesis of Silica Particles with Precisely Tailored Diameter", CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 2014, 27(5), 563-567. PDF link

H.Y.Qu, X.Zhang, L.Pan, Z.Gao, L.H.Ma, J.P.Zhao*, Y.Li "One-pot preparation of crystalline-amorphous double-layer structured WO3 films and their electrochromic properties", ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 2014, 148, 46-52. PDF link

Y.A.Niu, X.Zhang, J.P.Zhao, Y.Q.Tian, X.Q. Yan, Y.Li* "Fabrication, structure and mechanism of reduced graphene oxide-based carbon composite films", JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, 2014, 2(27), 10505-10507. PDF link

Y.A.Niu, X.Zhang, J.P.Zhao, Y.Q.Tian, Y.Li* "Preparation, characterization and properties of amine-functionalized silicon carbide/polyimide composite films", RSC Advances, 2014, 4(54), 28456-28462. PDF link

K.Fu, Y.P.Li, M.Dirican, C.Chen, Y.Lu, J.D.Zhu, Y.Li, L.Y.Cao, P.D.Bradford, X.W.Zhang* "Sulfur gradient-distributed CNF composite: a self-inhibiting cathode for binder-free lithium–sulfur batteries", CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 2014, 50(71), 10277-10280. PDF link

Y.A.Niu, X.Zhang, J.Wu, J.P.Zhao*, X.Q.Yan, Y.Li* "Catalytic and enhanced effects of silicon carbide nanoparticles on carbonization and graphitization of polyimide films", RSC Advances, 2014, 4(80), 42569-42576. PDF link

L.Pan; Y.Wang; X.J.Wang; H.Y.Qu; J.P.Zhao; Y.Li*, A.I.Gavrilyuk* "Hydrogen photochromism in Nb2O5 powders", PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 2014, 16(38), 20828-20833. PDF link

Zhang X, Niu Y, Li Y, et al. Preparation and thermal stability of the spindle α-Fe< sub> 2 O< sub> 3@ SiO< sub> 2 core–shell nanoparticles[J]. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2014, 211: 69-74. PDF link

H.C.Zhang; X.Ben; Y. Li*, Y.Y.Guo "Heat Transfer Characteristics of an Innovative Thermal Protection System Based on Photonic Crystals", HEAT TRANSFER ENGINEERING, 2014, 35(6-8): 583-588. PDF link

Y.H.Zhan; X.F.Li*; D.Y.Lei; S.L.Wu; C.H.Wang; Y.Li* "Enhanced Photoresponsivity of a Germanium Single-Nanowire Photodetector Confined within a Superwavelength Metallic Silt", ACS Photonics, 2014, 1(6), 483-488. PDF link

Zhang B, Chakoli A N, Zang W, et al. A comparative study on effect of aromatic polyimide chain conformation on reinforcement of carbon nanotube/polyimide nanocomposites[J]. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2014, 131(13). PDF link

Z.Q.Tong; H.M.Lv; J.P.Zhao; Y.Li* "Near infrared and multicolor electrochromic device based on polyaniline derivative", CHINESE JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE, 2014, 3(5), 1040-1051. PDF link

X.Zhang; Y.A.Niu; Y. Yu; Y.Li; J.P.Zhao* "Preparation and magnetic properties of gamma-Fe2O3@SiO2 core shell ellipsoids with different aspect ratios", NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, 2014, 28(9), 4351-4356. PDF link

Y.Wang; L.Pan; Y.Li*; A.I.Gavrilyuk* "Hydrogen photochromism in V2O5 layers prepared by the sol-gel technology", APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2014, 314, 384-391. PDF link

B.D.Zhang*, M.H.Lee, A.N.Chakoli, W.C.Zang, K.Zhang, Y. Zhang, G.L.Song, C.H.Chen, X.D.Li*, Y.Li* "Carbon nanotube-induced morphological transformation for toughening of benzoxazole-containing semi-crystalline polyimide", RSC ADVANCES, 2014, 4(27), 14024-14030. PDF link

B.D.Zhang*; A.N.Chakoli; W.C.Zang; Y.Q.Tian; K.Zhang; C.H.Chen; Y.Li* "A Comparative Study on Effect of Aromatic Polyimide Chain Conformation on Reinforcement of Carbon Nanotube/ Polyimide Nanocomposites", JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE, 2014, 131(13). PDF link

X.Zhang; Y.A.Niu; Y.Li; Y.Li; J.P.Zhao* "Preparation and thermal stability of the spindle alpha-Fe2O3@SiO2 core-shell nanoparticles", JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY, 2014, 211, 69-74. PDF link

Y.A.Niu*, X. Zhang, W.Z.Pan, J.P.Zhao,Y. Li* "Enhancement and wettability of self-assembled GO sheets as interfacial layers of CF/PI composites", RSC ADVANCES, 2014, 4(15), 7511-7515. PDF link

Z.Q.Tong, J.Hao, K.Zhang, J.P.Zhao*, B.L.Su, Y.Li* "Improved electrochromic performance and lithium diffusion coefficient in three-dimensionally ordered macroporous V2O5 films", JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C, 2014, 2(18), 3651-3658. PDF link

Z.Q.Tong, Y.N. Yang, J.Y.Wang Jiayu, J.P.Zhao*, B.L.Su, Y.Li* "Layered polyaniline/graphene film from sandwich-structured polyaniline/graphene/polyaniline nanosheets for high-performance pseudosupercapacitors", JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, 2014, 2(13), 4642-4651. PDF link


X.Liu, J.P.Zhao*, J.Hao, B.L.Su, Y.Li* "3D ordered macroporous germanium fabricated by electrodeposition from an ionic liquid and its lithium storage properties", JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, 2013, 1(47), 15076-15081. PDF link

X.Liu, J.P.Zhao, Y.W.Zhang, X.K.An, Y.B.Ding, Y.Zhang, Y.Li*, F.Endres* "3D Ordered Macroporous Ge/Al and Ge/Si Bilayer Films Made by Electrodeposition from Ionic Liquids", ZEITSCHRIFT FUR PHYSIKALISCHE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY & CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 2013, 227(12), 1731-1739. PDF link

Y.H.Zhan, X.F.Li, Y. Li*, "Numerical Simulation of Light-Trapping and Photoelectric Conversion in Single Nanowire Silicon Solar Cells", IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, 2013, 19(5). PDF link

I.Gofman, B.D. Zhang, W.C.Zang, Y. Zhang, G.L. Song, Y.Li "Specific features of creep and tribological behavior of polyimide-carbon nanotubes nanocomposite films: effect of the nanotubes functionalization", JOURNAL OF POLYMER RESEARCH, 2013, 20(10). PDF link

B.D.Zhang*, A.N.Chakoli, I.Gofman, W.C.Zang, Y.Zhang, G.L.Song, Y.Li* "Morphology evolution induced by carbon nanotubes on thermal and mechanical characters of semi-crystalline aromatic polyimide", POLYMER BULLETIN, 2013, 70(11), 3129-3142. PDF link

D.T.Ge, L.L.Yang, Z.Q.Tong, Y.B.Ding, W.H.Xin, J.P.Zhao, Y.Li* "Ion diffusion and optical switching performance of 3D ordered nanostructured poly aniline films for advanced electrochemical/electrochromic devices", ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 2013, 104, 191-197. PDF link

W.H.Xin, J.P.Zhao, D.T.Ge, Y.B.Ding, Y.Li*, F.Endres* "Two-dimensional SixGe1-x films with variable composition made via multilayer colloidal template-guided ionic liquid electrodeposition", PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 2013, 15, 2421-2426. PDF link

X.Zhang, Y.A.Niu, X.D.Meng, Y.Li*, J.P.Zhao* "Structural evolution and characteristics of the phase transformations between α-Fe2O3, Fe3O4 and γ-Fe2O3 nanoparticles under reducing and oxidizing atmospheres", CrystEngComm, 2013, 15(40), 8166-8172. PDF link

Y.B.Ding, D.T.Ge, L.L.Yang, Z.Y.Li, W.H.Xin, Y.Li, X.H.Wu, J.P.Zhao* "Controllable synthesis of Cu2O petalody octahedral microcrystals and multi-patterned evolution", JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 2013, 392, 151-157. PDF link

X.Zhang, Y.A. Niu, Y.Li, Li Yao, X.M.Hou, Y.B.Wang, R.Bai, J.P.Zhao* "Synthesis, optical and magnetic properties of α-Fe2O3 nanoparticles with various shapes", MATERIALS LETTERS, 2013, 99, 111-114. PDF link

C.H.Zhou, Q.M. Zhang, Y. Li* "Thermal shock behavior of nanostructured and microstructured thermal barrier coatings on a Fe-based alloy", SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY, 2013, 217, 70-75. PDF link

Y.B.Ding, Y.Li, L.L. Yang, Z.Y.Li, W.H.Xin, X.Liu, L.Pan, J.P.Zhao* "The fabrication of controlled coral-like Cu2O films and their hydrophobic property", APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2013, 266, 395-399. PDF link

Z.Y.Li, L.L Yang, Y.Li, Y.N.Yang, C.H.Zhou, Y.B.Dong, J.P.Zhao, Y.Li* "Effects of pore size on the mechanical properties of three-dimensionally ordered macroporous nickel", MATERIALS & DESIGN, 2013, 45, 52-55. PDF link

Y.B.Ding, L.L.Yang, Y.Li, X.H.Wu, Y.Y.Lu, J.P.Zhao* "Two modes in macroporous Cu2O growth through template-assisted electrodeposition method", JOURNAL OF POROUS MATERIALS, 2013, 20(4), 601-605. PDF link


Y.X.Huang*, S.X.Lu, X.B.Tian, S.Q.Yang, F.Ricky, C.K.Paul, J.S.Leng, Y.Li "Effect of physical properties of polymer on ion implantation", ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 2012, 61(10). PDF link

Zhou C H, Zhang Z Y, Zhang Q M, et al. Comparison of the hot corrosion of nanostructured and microstructured thermal barrier coatings[J]. Materials and Corrosion, 2012. PDF link

Y.A. Niu, J.P.Zhao, X.Zhang, X.J.Wang, J.Wu, Y.Li* "Large area orientation films based on graphene oxide self-assembly and low-temperature thermal reduction", APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 2012, 101, 18. PDF link

Z.Y.Li, L.L.Yang, D.T.Ge, Y.B.Ding, L.Pan, J.P.Zhao, Y.Li* "Magnetron sputtering SiC films on nickel photonic crystals with high emissivity for high temperature applications", APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2012, 259, 811-815. PDF link

Z.Y.Li, D.T.Ge, L.L.Yang, X.Liu, Y.B.Ding, L.Pan, J.P.Zhao, Y.Li* "Facile synthesis and improved photoluminescence of periodic SiC nanorod arrays by SiO2 templates-assisted magnetron sputtering method", JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 2012, 537, 50-53. PDF link

W.H.Xin, L.L.Yang, J.P. Zhao*, Y.Li* "Morphology on 3D ordered macroporous metals associated to deposition depth", Applied surface science, 2012, 258, 7059-7063. PDF link

Y.H.Zhan*, J.P.Zhao, C.H.Zhou, X.J.Wang, Y.P.Li, Y.Li* "Surface-Plasma-Coupled Photovoltaic Cell With Double-Layered Triangular Grating", IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL, 2012, 4, 1021-1026. PDF link

Y.H.Zhan, J.P.Zhao, C.H.Zhou, X.J.Wang, Y.P.Li, Y.Li* "Enhanced photon absorption of single nanowire alpha-Si solar cells modulated by silver core", OPTICS EXPRESS, 2012, 20, 11506-11516. PDF link

X.Liu, Y.Zhang, D.T.Ge, J.P.Zhao, Y.Li*, F.Endres* "Three-dimensionally ordered macroporous silicon films made by electrodeposition from an ionic liqiud", Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2012, 14, 5100-5105. PDF link

L.L.Yang, D.T.Ge, J.P.Zhao, Y.B.Ding, X.P.Kong, Y.Li* "Improved electrochromic performance of ordered macroporous tungsten oxide films for IR electrochromic device", Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, 2012, 100, 251-257. PDF link

X.D.Meng, J.P.Zhao, H.B.Li, Y.Li*, F.Endres "Enhanced photoluminescence of ordered macroporous germanium electrochemically prepared from ionic liquids", Optics Express, 2012, 20, 9421-9430. PDF link

Y. X.Huang*, B Han, S. X.Lv, J.C.Feng, H.J.Liu, J.S.Leng, Y.Li "Interface behaviours and mechanical properties of filling friction stir weld joining AA 2219", Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 2012, 17, 225-230. PDF link

Y.X.Huang*, J.S.Leng, X.B.Tian, S.X.Lu, Y.Li "The study on adaptability and effect of mesh inducting for plasma immersion ion implantation on non-conductor polymer", Acta Physica Sinica, 2012, 61, 15. PDF link

Y.X.Huang*, J.Gong, S.X.Lv, J.S.Leng, Y. Li "Fluxless soldering with surface abrasion for joining metal foam", MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING, 2012, 552, 283-287. PDF link

Y.X.Huang*, X.B.Tian, S.X.Lu, S.Q.Yang, R.K.Fu, P.K.Chu, J.S.Leng, Y.Li "Ion trajectories and shadow effects in mesh-assisted plasma immersion ion implantation of insulator", Applied surface science, 2012, 258, 2910-2913. PDF link

C.H.Zhou*, H.T.Ma, Y.Li, L.Wang "Eutectoid Magnetite in Wustite Under Conditions of Compressive Stress and Cooling", OXIDATION OF METALS, 2012, 78, 145-152. PDF link

H.C.Zhang, Y.Li* "Spatial discretization error in an artificial benchmark model of oblique laser incidence by finite volume approximation for radiative heat transfer", CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN, 2012, 57, 2046-2050. PDF link

B.D.Zhang, V.Bershtein*, T.Sukhanova, W.C.Zang, C.H.Chen Chunhai, L.Egorova, I.Gofman, G.Gubanova, A. Volkov, M. Vylegzhanina, P.Yakushev, Y. Li* "Aromatic Polyimide/MWCNT Hybrid Nanocomposites: Structure, Dynamics, and Properties", JOURNAL OF MACROMOLECULAR SCIENCE PART B-PHYSICS, 2012, 51, 1794-18149. PDF link

H.C.Zhang*, Y.Y.Guo, Y.Jin, Y.Li "An entropy production method to investigate the accuracy and stability of numerical simulation of one-dimensional heat transfer", Heat Transfer Research, 2012, 43(7), 669-693. PDF link


S.H.Jeong, J.W.Lee, D.T.Ge, K.Sun, T.Nakashima, S.I.Yoo, A.Agarwal, Y.Li, N.A.Kotov* "Reversible nanoparticle gels with colour switching", Journal of Material of Chemistry, 2011, 21, 11639-11643. PDF link

M.Al Zoubi *, R.Al-Salman, S.Z.El Abedin, Y.Li, F.Endres* "Electrochemical Synthesis of Gallium Nanowires and Macroporous Structures in an Ionic Liquid", Chemphychem, 2011, 15, 2751-2754. PDF link

Q.M.Zhang*, X.D.He, Y.Li "Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of a nickel-based honeycomb sandwich aged at 900 degrees C", Materals Science and engineering A-structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Procesing, 2011, 530, 202-207. PDF link

H.C.Zhang, Y.Li*, H.P.Tan "Numerical Uncertainty for Radiative Transfer Equation by an Information Entropy Approach", Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 2011, 25, 635-638. PDF link

Y.X.Huang*, X.B.Tian, S.X.Lu, S.Q.Yang, R.K.Fu, P.K.Chu, J.S.Leng, Y.Li "An undercutting model of atomic oxygen for multilayer silica/alumina films fabricated by plasma immersion implantation and deposition on polyimide", Applied Surface Science, 2011, 257, 9158-9163. PDF link

Y.X.Huang *, B.Han, Y.Tian, H.J.Liu, S.X.Lv, J.C.Feng, J.S.Leng, Y.Li "New technique of filling friction stir welding", Science and Technology of welding and Joins, 2011, 16, 497-501. PDF link

X.J.Wang, Y.Sui*, Y.Li* "Spin glass behavior in Sr(2)Mn(0.7)Fe(0.3)MoO(6)", Journal of Applied Physics, 2011, 109, 07C322(1-5). PDF link

W.H.Xin, J.P.Zhao, Y.B.Ding, Y.Li* "Fabrication of three-dimensionally ordered macroporous Ta2O5 films through aqueous organic gel process", Applied Surface Science, 2011, 257, 10725-10728. PDF link

D.T.Ge, L.L.Yang, Z.Fan, J.P.Zhao, Y.Li* "Effect of templateds on inverse opals fabricated through annular self-assembly/sol-gel method", Mater.Chem.Phys., 2011, 130, 59-62. PDF link

Y.Li*, B.Ma, J.P.Zhao, W.H.Xin, X.J.Wang* "Excellent mechanical properties of three-dimensionally ordered macroporous nickel photonic crystals", J. Alloys and Compd., 2011, 509(2), 290-293. PDF link

D.T.Ge, Y.Li*, L.L.Yang, Z.Fan, C.Liu, X.Zhang "Improved self-assembly through UV/ozone surface-modification of colloidal spheres", Thin Solid Films, 2011, 519, 5203-5207. PDF link

D.T.Ge, L.L.Yang, Y.Li*, J.P.Zhao, X.Li, H.J.Zhao "Reflective Behavior of Strong Absorption Metallic Photonic Crystals", Synthetic Metals, 2011, 161, 235-240. PDF link

M.Al Zoubi, R. Al-Salman, Y.Li, F.Endres* "Highly Ordered 3D-Macroporous Poly(Para-Phenylene) Films Made by Electropolymerization of Benzene in an Ionic Liquid", ZEITSCHRIFT FUR PHYSIKALISCHE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY & CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 2011, 225, 393-403. PDF link


Y.Li*, B.Ma, J.P.Zhao, Q.Y.Wei, K.Su "Corrosion Resistance of NiCrAl Coatings in the Salt Spray Tests", RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING, 2010, 39, 2181-2184. PDF link

R.Al-Salman, X.D.Meng, J.P.Zhao, Y.Li, U.Kynast, M.M.Lezhnina, F.Endres "Semiconductor nanostructures via electrodeposition from ionic liquids", Pure and Applied Chemistry, 2010, 82(8), 1673-1689. PDF link

X.D.Meng, X.Liu, J.P.Zhao, W.H.Xin, Y.Li* "Semiconductor Electrodeposition from Ionic Liquids", Progess in Chemistry, 2010, 22(2), 277-283. PDF link

D.T.Ge*, L.L.Yang, Y.Li "Aggregation Behavior in the Early Stage of Sol Solutions Formation", Chemical Physics Letters, 2010, 495, 113-116. PDF link


X.J.Wang, Y.Sui, Y.Li, L.Li, X.Q.Zhang, Y.Wang, Z.G.Liu, W.H.Su, J.K.Tang "The influence of the antiferromagnetic boundary on the magnetic property of La2NiMnO6", Appl. Phy. Lett. 2009, 95(25), 252502. PDF link

X.J.Wang, Y.Sui*, J.K.Tang, Y.Li, X.Q.Zhang, C.Wang, Z.G.Liu, W.H.Su "Amplification of magnetoresistance and Hall effect of Fe3O4–SiO2–Si structure", Journal of Applied Physics, 2009, 105, 877-882. PDF link

B.Ma, Y.Li, K.Su "Characterization of ceria-yttria stabilized zirconia plasma-sprayed coatings", Applied Surface Science, 2009, 255, 7234-7237. PDF link

B.Ma, Y.Li*, J.P.Zhao, W.H.Xin "Novel structural functional films based on self-assembly template and electrodeposition: Synthesis and characterization of porous Ni/YSZ films", Thin Solid Films, 2009, 517, 5172-5175. PDF link

D.T.Ge, L.L.Yang, Y.Li*, J.P.Zhao "Hydrophobic and Thermal Insulation Properties of Silica Aerogel/Epoxy Composite", Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2009, 355, 2610-2615. PDF link

Y.Li*, W.H.Xin, J.P.Zhao, X.D.Meng "Fabrication and characterization of three-dimensionally ordered macroporous niobium oxide", Solid State Sciences, 2009, 11, 1625-1630. PDF link

X.D.Meng, R.Al-Salman, J.P.Zhao, N. Borissenko, Y.Li*, F.Endres* "Electrodeposition of 3D Ordered Macroporous Germanium from Ionic Liquids: A Feasible Method to Make Photonic Crystals with a High Dielectric Constant", Angewante Chemie-International Edition, 2009, 4(15), 2703-2707. PDF link


J.P.Zhao, M.H.Quan, Y.Li*, L.S.Qiang "Low Temperature Preparation of Nano-crystalline LiTaO3 Powders by Polymeric Precursor Method", Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2008, 24, 1869-1873. PDF link

J.P.Zhao*, Y.Li, W.H.Xin, X.Li "Preparation and characterization of three-dimensionally ordered macroporous yttria stabilized zirconia by aqueous organic gel route", Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2008, 181, 239-244. PDF link

J.P.Zhao*, Y.Li, Z.Cao, W.H.Xin "Fabrication of three-dimensionally ordered macroporous gadolinia-doped ceria films", New Journal of Chemistry, 2008, 32, 1014-1019. PDF link


Q.M.Zhang*, X.D.He, Y.Li "Design optimization of structural part of machinable glass ceramics", Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2007, 36(s1), 288-291. PDF link

H.X.Zhang*, X.D.He, Y.Li "Synthesis and characterization of SiO2 thermal insulation aerogel doped CNTs", Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2007, 36 (s1), 567-569. PDF link

J.Yi*, X.D.He, Y.Sun, Y.Li "Electron beam-physical vapor deposition of SiC/SiO2 high emissivity thin film", Applied Surface Science, 2007, 253, 4361-4366. PDF link

J.Yi*, X.D.He, Y.Sun, Y.Li "Optical Properties of SiC/SiO2 Composite Thin Film", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2007, 49, 1551-1553. PDF link

J.Yi*, X.D.He, Y.Sun, Y.Li, M.W.Li "Influence of remaining C on hardness and emissivity of SiC/SiO2 nanocomposite coating", Applied Surface Science, 2007, 253, 7100-7103. PDF link


Y.Li*, J.P.Zhao, X.D.He, "Influence of oxygen pressure on combustion synthesis of zinc ferrite powders", MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING B-SOLID STATE MATERIALS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY, 2004, 106(2), 196-201. PDF link

Y.Li*, J.P.Zhao, J.C.Han "Self-propagating high temperature synthesis of Ni0.35Zn0.65Fe2O4 ferrite powders", Materials Research Bulletin, 2002, 37, 583-592. PDF link

L.P.Shi*, Y.Li, X.D.He "Numerical simulation of residual stress during microlayer composite material processing by EBPVD technique", Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2003, 19, 80-82. PDF link

Y.Li*, J.P.Zhao, J.X.Jiang, J.C.Han "Phase transformation and the mechanism of combustion synthesis of ZnFe2O4 ferrite powders", MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN, 2003, 38, 1393-1399. PDF link

Y.Li*, J.P.Zhao, J.X.Jiang, X.D.He "Influence of pressure on combustion synthesis of ZnFe2O4", Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2003, 82(3), 991-996. PDF link

J.P.Zhao*, Y.Li, X.R.Liu, H.X.Zhang, B.Wang "Preparation and electrical properties of SBN thin films derived from aqueous organic gels", Materials Letters, 2004, 58(9), 1456-1460. PDF link

J.P.Zhao*, Y.Li, B.Wang, L.S.Qiang "Low temperature preparation of strontium barium niobate powders from metal carboxylate gels", Ceramics International, 2004, 30(4), 613-617. PDF link

J.P.Zhao*, Y.Li, L.S.Qiang, B.Wang, H.X.Zhang "Low temperature preparation of strontium barium niobate powders by the aqueous organic gel method". JOURNAL OF INORGANIC MATERIALS, 2004, 19, 75-80. PDF link

Y.Li, H.X.Jiang, J.P.Zhao "X-ray diffraction and M?ssbauer studies of phase transformation in manganese ferrite prepared by combustion synthesis method", Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2004, 87, 91-95. PDF link

L.S.Qiang*, Y.Li, D.Y.Tang, C.Q.Xu, Y.D.Wei "Formation enthalpy calculation of oxygen vacancy defect in doped lithium niobate crystals", Chemical Research in Chinese Uiversities, 2004, 20(1), 65-67. PDF link

Y.Li, J.P.Zhao, L.S.Qiang, J.X.Jiang "Combustion synthesis of zinc ferrite powders in oxygen", Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2004, 373, 298-303. PDF link

Y.Li*,H.P.Zhao, G.Zeng, C.L.Guan, X.D.He "Ni/Ni3Al microlaminate composite produced by EB-PVD and the mechanical properties",Materials Letters, 2004, 58, 1629-1633. PDF link

Y.Li*, J.P.Zhao, B.Wang "Low temperature preparation of nanocrystalline Sr0.5Ba0.5Nb2O6 powders using an aqueous organic gel route", Materials Research Bulletin, 2004, 39, 365-374. PDF link

Y.Li*, J.P.Zhao, J.C.Han, X.D.He "Combustion synthesis and characterization of NiCuZn ferrite powders", Materials Research Bulletin, 2005, 40, 981-989. PDF link

Y.C.Shan*, X.D.He, M.W.Li, Y.Li "Thickness distribution of large scale metallic sheet by EB-PVC on rotating substrate", Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2005, 15(s3), 232-235. PDF link

Q.M. Zhang, X.D. He, Y. Li, Thermal resistance of ceramic films on aluminum alloy by PECC, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2005, 15(S3), 393-397. PDF link

J.C.Han, Y.Li*, X.D.He, S.L.Meng, Z.Gang, H.P.Chen "Preparation and mechanical properties of NiCoCrAlY/NiCr laminates by electron beam physical vapor deposition", Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2005, 15(s3): 53-56. PDF link

L.Ma*, X.D.He, Y.Li "Optimized design and preparation of Ti/TiAl laminated composite", Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2005, 15(s3), 48-52. PDF link

Y.Li*, X.P.Zhang, Y.J.Zhao "Numerical simulation of mechanics of electron beam physical vapour deposition Ni/Ni3Al microlaminates", Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2005, 15(s3), 221-226. PDF link

X.Li*, X.D.He, Y.Li "Numerical modeling for electron-beam evaporated process of magnetic alloy Fe-65%Si", Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2005, 15(s3), 295-298. PDF link

X.D.He*, G.P.Song, X.Lin, Y.Sun, Y.Li "Microstructure and properties of Ni-based superalloy sheet prepared by EB-PVD", Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2005, 15(s3), 216-220. PDF link

M.Teng*, X.D.He, Y.Li "Effects of plasma microarc oxidation on mechanical properties of aluminum alloys", Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2005, 15(s3), 407-410. PDF link

C.L.Guan*, X.D.He, Y.Li "Preparation and mechanical properties of Ni-Cr-Al alloy by EB-PVD", Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2005, 15(2), 275-279. PDF link

C.L.Guan, X.D.He, Y.Li, J.Yi "Oxidation behavior at 1000℃ circle for nanocrystalline Ni-20Cr-0.6Al alloy deposited by EB-PVD", Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2006, 35, 715-718. PDF link

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