

哈尔滨工业大学 免费考研网/2016-03-31


2009年4月于哈尔滨工业大学获得博士学位;曾获国家留学基金委的资助,在美国加州理工学院土木与力学系公派留学一年;在香港理工大学土木与结构工程系合作研究一年;国际结构健康监测协会会员;目前从事结构健康监测的结构损伤识别与数据压缩采样等领域的研究;参加了国家973计划,国家杰出青年科学基金,国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划),国家科技支撑计划等项目的研究工作。获得国家自然科学基金面上项目,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,全国博士后科学基金,博士后特别资助,黑龙江省博士后基金,哈尔滨工业大学科研创新基金的资助。发表论文50余篇,其中包括《Mechanical System and Signal Processing》、《Structural Health Monitoring-An International Journal》,《IEEE Sensors Journal》等16篇SCI论文,大会报告2篇,邀请报告各3篇;获黑龙江省自然科学一等奖(排名第3);参编交通部结构健康监测技术规程一部;获得国家发明专利2项,软件著作权1项,申请国家发明专利2项。



鲍跃全 博士、副教授、博士生导师
电  话:**
传  真:**
邮  编:150001



2014.4.30-2015.4.30美国加州理工学院计算与应用数学系Visiting Associate




Research Associate









(1) 国际期刊Journal of Smart Cities 编委

(2) 国家自然科学基金通信评审专家

(3) 结构抗振控制与健康监测青年委员会副主任委员、兼秘书长

(4) 国际结构健康监测(ISHMII)协会会员

(5) 美国土木工程师协会(ASCE) 会员

(6) IEEE 会员

(7) 国际光学工程学会(SPIE)会员

(8) 哈尔滨工业大学土木工程学院青年科协会员




(1)期刊审稿人:《ASCE Jounal of Bridge Engineering》;《Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing》;《Journal of Sound and Vibration》; 《Advances In Structural Engineering》; 《IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing》, 《Journal of Computer Networks and Communications》,《Structural Control and Health Monitoring》,《Smat Structures and Systems》;《IEEE Sensor Journal》;《Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring》等多个国际期刊审稿人,以及《地震工程与工程振动》,《振动与冲击》等国内期刊审稿人。

(2) 学术会议分会场副主席:4th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring,5-7, December 2012, Melbourne, Australia;

(3) 学术会议分会场副主席:The International Symposium on Innovation and Sustainability of Structures in Civil Engineering (ISISS- 2013), Harbin, China.

(4) 学术会议分会场副主席:The 9th International Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials Smart Structures Technology (ANCRiSST 2013), Ulsan, Koera.

(5) 会议组委会成员:The International Symposium on Innovation and Sustainability of Structures in Civil Engineering (ISISS- 2013), Harbin, China.

(6) 亚太智能结构暑期学校教学,Asia-Pacific Summer School on Smart Structures Technology (APSS), KAIST, Koera, 2013。


2009年4月于哈尔滨工业大学获得博士学位;曾获国家留学基金委的资助,在美国加州理工学院土木与力学系公派留学一年;在香港理工大学土木与结构工程系合作研究一年;国际结构健康监测协会会员;目前从事结构健康监测的结构损伤识别与数据压缩采样等领域的研究;参加了国家973计划,国家杰出青年科学基金,国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划),国家科技支撑计划等项目的研究工作。获得国家自然科学基金面上项目,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,全国博士后科学基金,博士后特别资助,黑龙江省博士后基金,哈尔滨工业大学科研创新基金的资助。发表论文50余篇,其中包括《Mechanical System and Signal Processing》、《Structural Health Monitoring-An International Journal》,《IEEE Sensors Journal》等16篇SCI论文,大会报告2篇,邀请报告各3篇;获黑龙江省自然科学一等奖(排名第3);参编交通部结构健康监测技术规程一部;获得国家发明专利2项,软件著作权1项,申请国家发明专利2项。



鲍跃全 博士、副教授、博士生导师
电  话:**
传  真:**
邮  编:150001



2014.4.30-2015.4.30美国加州理工学院计算与应用数学系Visiting Associate




Research Associate









(1) 国际期刊Journal of Smart Cities 编委

(2) 国家自然科学基金通信评审专家

(3) 结构抗振控制与健康监测青年委员会副主任委员、兼秘书长

(4) 国际结构健康监测(ISHMII)协会会员

(5) 美国土木工程师协会(ASCE) 会员

(6) IEEE 会员

(7) 国际光学工程学会(SPIE)会员

(8) 哈尔滨工业大学土木工程学院青年科协会员




(1)期刊审稿人:《ASCE Jounal of Bridge Engineering》;《Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing》;《Journal of Sound and Vibration》; 《Advances In Structural Engineering》; 《IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing》, 《Journal of Computer Networks and Communications》,《Structural Control and Health Monitoring》,《Smat Structures and Systems》;《IEEE Sensor Journal》;《Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring》等多个国际期刊审稿人,以及《地震工程与工程振动》,《振动与冲击》等国内期刊审稿人。

(2) 学术会议分会场副主席:4th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring,5-7, December 2012, Melbourne, Australia;

(3) 学术会议分会场副主席:The International Symposium on Innovation and Sustainability of Structures in Civil Engineering (ISISS- 2013), Harbin, China.

(4) 学术会议分会场副主席:The 9th International Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials Smart Structures Technology (ANCRiSST 2013), Ulsan, Koera.

(5) 会议组委会成员:The International Symposium on Innovation and Sustainability of Structures in Civil Engineering (ISISS- 2013), Harbin, China.

(6) 亚太智能结构暑期学校教学,Asia-Pacific Summer School on Smart Structures Technology (APSS), KAIST, Koera, 2013。


结构健康监测 主要研究方向:





硕士招生: 每年招收1-2名硕士研究生,欢迎报考。博士招生: 每年招收1-2名博士研究生,欢迎报考。
结构损伤诊断的不确定性理论与方法(编号: HIT.NSRIF.**)校科研创新基金2010年1月~2011年12月负责人纵向项目
重要建(构)筑物安全监测与控制物联网技术研究及应用示范(编号: 2011BAK02B02)国家科技支撑计划2010年9月~负责人纵向项目





Y Yu, F. Han,Y Bao, J Ou. A Study on Data Loss Compensation of Wi-Fi-based Wireless Sensor Networks for structural health monitoring, IEEE Sensors Journal, (Submitted) (SCI EI) 2015

C.Z. Wen, Y. Bao, H Li, Generation of Rayleigh-Wave Dispersion Images from Multichannel Seismic Data Using Sparse Signal Reconstruction,Geophysical Journal International. (2015) 203, 818–827(SCI, EI)

Wentao Wang, Hui Li, Chonghe Wang, Wensong Zhou and Yuequan Bao, An efficient algorithm for damage localization based on compressive sampling theory and ultrasonic computed tomography technique, Structural Health Monitoring, 2014 (Submitted) (SCI, EI).

Zhicheng Chen, Hui Li, Yuequan Bao, Na Li and Yao Jin. Identification of spatio-temporal distribution of vehicle loads on long-span bridges using computer vision technology, Structural Control & Health Monitoring, 2015,(Accepted) (SCI, EI)

Yuequan Bao, Hui Li, Zhicheng Chen, Fujian Zhang, Anxin Guo, Sparse l1 optimization-based identification approach for distribution of moving heavy vehicle loads on cable-stayed bridges, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 23(1): 144-155, 2016. (SCI, EI).

Yuequan Bao, Yan Yu, Hui Li, Xingquan Mao, Wenfeng Jiao, Zilong Zou, Jinping Ou, Compressive sensing-based lost data recovery of fast-moving wireless sensing for structural health monitoring, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 2015, 22(3): 433-448. (SCI, EI) 2014.

Yuequan Bao, Hui Li, Jinping Ou, Emerging Data Technology in Structural Health Monitoring: Compressive Sensing Technology, Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, 2013, 4(2):77-90, 2014 (Invited by Prof. Aftab Mufti).

Zilong Zou, Yuequan Bao, Hui Li, Billie F. Spencer, Jr., Jinping Ou, Embedding Compressive Sensing based Data Loss Recovery Algorithm into Wireless Smart Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring, IEEE Sensors Journal. 11/2014, 15(2): 797-808, (SCI, EI).

LI, Shunlong; Xu, Yang; Zhu, Songye; Guan, Xinchun; Bao, Yuequan, Probabilistic Deterioration Model of High-strength Steel Wires and Its Application to Bridge Cables, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, DOI: 10.1080/**.2014.94846, (SCI, EI)

Zilong Zou, Yuequan Bao, Fodan Deng and Hui Li, An approach of reliable data transmission with random redundancy for wireless sensors in structural health monitoring, IEEE Sensor Journal, 11/2014, 15(2):809-818. (SCI, EI)

Yuequan Bao, Hui Li, Xiaodan Sun, Jinping Ou, Compressive sampling based data loss recovery for wireless sensor networks used in civil structural health monitoring, Structural Health Monitoring-An International Journal, 12(1):78-95, 2013.(SCI, EI), (IF: 1.500)

Li Hui, Bao Yuequan, Li Shunlong Chen Wenli, Laima Shujin and Ou Jinping, Monitoring, Evaluation and Control for Life-cycle performance of Intelligent Civil Structures, Advances in Science and Technology Vol. 83 (2013) pp 105-114. (EI)

Hui Li, Dongwang Tao, Yong Huang, Yuequan Bao, A data-driven approach for seismic damage detection of shear-type building structures using the fractal dimension of time-frequency features, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 2013, 20(9): 1191-1210 (SCI, EI)

Yuequan Bao, Hui Li, Jinping Ou, Emerging Data Technology in Structural Health Monitoring: Compressive Sensing Technology, The ISHMII Monitor, 7(2), 2012. (Invited membership notes of ISHMII)

Yuequan Bao, Yong Xia, Hui Li, You-lin Xu, Peng Zhang, Data fusion-based structural damage detection under varying temperature conditions, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 12(6) (2012): **-1:27 (SCI, EI) (IF: 0.45)

Deyi Zhang, Yuequan Bao, Hui Li, Jinpiang Ou, Investigation of Temperature Effects on Modal Parameters of the China National Aquatics Center, Advances in Structural Engineering, 2012: 15(7): 1139-1153. (SCI, EI). (IF: 0.324)

Yuequan Bao, Hui Li, Yonghui An, Jinping Ou, Dempster-Shafer evidence theory approach to structural damage detection, Structural Health Monitoring-An International Journal, 11(1): 13-26, 2012, (SCI, EI) (IF: 1.500)

Hui Li, Yong Huang, Jinping Ou, Yuequan Bao, Fractal dimension-based damage detection method for beams with a uniform cross-section, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 26(3): 190-206 (2011) (SCI, EI) (IF: 3.17)

Yuequan Bao, James L. Beck, Hui Li, Compressive sampling for accelerometer signals in structural health monitoring, Structural Health Monitoring-An International Journal, 10(3):235-246, 2011 (SCI, EI)(IF: 1.500)

Hui Li, Yuequan Bao, Jinping Ou, Structural damage identification based on integration of information fusion and Shannon entropy. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 22 (2008) 1427-1440. (SCI, EI) (IF: 1.762)


马坚伟,徐杰,鲍跃全,于四伟,压缩感知及其应用:从稀疏约束到低秩约束优化,信号处理,28(5): 609-614, 2012李爽, 谢礼立, 鲍跃全. 直接基于单元平衡的变截面梁反应分析方法. 计算力学学报, 2009, 26(2): 226:231. (EI)周述美,鲍跃全*,李 惠,基于结构灵敏度分析与稀疏约束优化的结构损伤识别方法,振动与冲击,2015,已录用

李惠, 鲍跃全, 李顺龙, 张东昱. 结构健康监测的数据科学与工程. 工程力学. 2015, 32(8),1-7 (EI)


Hui Li, Yuequan Bao, Shunlong Li, Wenli Chen, Shujin Laima, Jinping Ou, Advanced sensing technology and data analysis and modeling approaches for life-cycle structural health monitoring, Asia Pacific Network of Centers for Research in Smart Structure Technology (ANCRiSST) Bangalore, India, 2012. (Keynote Lecture)

Hui Li, Yuequan Bao, Jinping Ou and Billie F. Spencer, Jr, Data management, processing and mining for structural health monitoring, First International Conference on Performance-based and Life-cycle Structural Engineering, 5-7 December 2012, Hong Kong, China. (Invited Lecture)Hui Li, Yuequan Bao, Jinping Ou, Compressive sensing based data processing and mining for structural health monitoring, Pacific-Rim Workshop on Innovations in Civil Infrastructure Engineering, January 9-11, 2013, Taiwan. (Invited Lecture)Yuequan Bao, Yan Yu, Hui Li, Xinquan Mao, Wenfeng Jiao, Zhilong Zou, Compressive sensing based lost data recovery of fast moving wireless sensing for structural health monitoring, IStructE Conference on Structural Engineering in Hazard Mitigation, 28-29, October, 2013, Beijing, China. (Invited Presenter)

Zhicheng Chen, Yuequan Bao, Hui Li, Rongrong Hou, Random Field Theory-Based Modeling of the Spatial Distribution of Vehicle Loads on Long-Span Bridges, International Symposium on Reliability of Engineering Systems (SRES2015) ,Hangzhou, China, Oct. 15-17 2015

Yuequan Bao, Hui Li, Investigation of Compressive sensing-based wireless sensor for structural health monitoring, The 6th International Symposium on Innovation & Sustainability of Structures in Civil Engineering, ISISS 2015, July 26-27, Beijing China.


Yuequan Bao, Zhilong Zou, Hui Li , Compressive sensing based wireless sensor for structural health monitoring, SPIE Smart Structures/NDE, 11-15 March, 2014, San Diego, California USA,12-15 March 2014 (EI)

Dongyu Zhang ; Hui Li ; Yuequan Bao, Substructure parameter estimation for shear structures with limited measurements and unknown structural mass, SPIE Smart Structures/NDE, 11-15 March, 2014, San Diego, California USA,12-15 March 2014 (EI)

Yuequan Bao, Hui Li and Jinping Ou, Compressive sensing based data mining for structural health monitoring, The 6th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure Hong Kong , 9-11 December 2013.

Yuequan Bao, Hui Li, Xiaodan Sun, Jinping Ou, Recovery of lost data for wireless sensor network used in structural health monitoring, SPIE Smart Structures/NDE, 11-15 March, 2012, San Diego, California USA, 12-15 March 2012. (EI)Shumei Zhou, Yuequan Bao, Hui Li, Optimal sensor placement based on substructure sensitivity, SPIE Smart Structures/NDE, 11-15 March, 2012, San Diego, California USA,12-15 March 2012, (EI)Yuequan Bao, Li Hui, Application of information fusion and Shannon entropy in structural damage detection. SPIE Smart Structures and Materials & Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, 14th International Symposium. San Diego, California USA. 18-22 March, Vol. 6532, 2007. (EI)Yuequan Bao, Hui Li, Jinping Ou, A Dempster-Shafer evidence theory-based approach for on-line structural health monitoring, SPIE Smart Structures and Materials & Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, 15th International Symposium. San Diego, California USA, 18-22 March, Vol. 6935, 2008. (EI)Yuequan Bao, James L. Beck, Hui Li, Application compressive sampling for accelerometer signals used in structural health monitoring, The 8th International Conference on Damage Assessment of Structures, 3-5 August 2009 Beijing China. (EI)Deyi Zhang, Yuequan Bao, Hui Li, Jinping Ou. Prewarning of the China National Aquatics Center using Johnson transformation based statistical process control. 2nd International Conference on Smart Materials and Nanotechnology in Engineering, 8-11th July 2009, Weihai, China. (EI)Yuequan Bao, Hui Li, Yong Huang, Jinping Ou, Structural damage detection based on non-negative matrix factorization and relevance vector machine, SPIE Smart Structures and Materials & Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, 15th International Symposium. San Diego, California USA, 7-11 March, 2010 (EI)Hui Li, Yuequan Bao, Identification of Structural Damage Location Based on BP Neural Network and Dempster-Shafter Evidence Theory. The 2nd International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure. Shenzhen, China. November 16-18, 2005:1067-1072. (ISTP)Yuequan Bao, Yong Xia, Hui Li, Youlin Xu, Jinping Ou, Structural damage detection by integrating non-negative matrix factorization and relevance vector machine, The 11th International Symposium on Structural Engineering, Guangzhou China, 2010 (ISTP)Yuequan Bao, Yong Xia, Hui Li, Youlin Xu, Multi-sensor information fusion for structural damage detection, The 11th International Symposium on Structural Engineering, Guangzhou, China. June, 2010 (ISTP)Hui Li, Yuequan Bao, Structural damage identification based on information fusion techniques, ASME 2010 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems (SMASIS2010), September 28-October 1, 2010, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. pp. 831-837. (ISTP)Yuequan Bao, Hui Li, Jinping Ou, Study of Two-Stage Structural Damage Detection Combining Both Global and Local information. The Proceeding of 4th China-Japan-US Symposium on Structural Control and Monitoring. October 16-17, 2006. (CD-ROM)Yuequan Bao, Hui Li, Study of Structural Damage Identification Based on Information Fusion and Shannon Entropy. Asia-Pacific Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring. Yokohama, Japanese. December 4-6, 2006.Yuequan Bao, Hui Li, James L. Beck, Jinping Ou, Investigation of compressive sampling for structural vibration data, 4th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring on Intelligent Infrastructure (SHMII-4) 2009, 22-24 July 2009, Zurich, Switzerland.Hui Li, Deyi Zhang, Yuequan Bao, Feng Zhou, A Numerical Investigation of Temperature Effect on Modal Parameters of the China National Aquatics Center, The 7th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM), Stanford University, USA, September 9-11, 2009.Deyi Zhang, Yuequan Bao, Feng Zhou, Hui Li. Modal Identification of Structure under Varying Environmental Conditions, International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences(ICCES’09), Phuket, Thailand, April 2009Y. Xia, B. Chen, Y. Q. Bao, and Y. L. Xu, Thermal Behaviors of Tsing Ma Suspension Bridge, The fifth international conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, July 11-15 2010, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.Yuequan Bao, Hui Li, Wensong Zhou, Jinping Ou, Data compressive sampling for the acoustic emission signal used in structural health monitoring, IABMAS 2012, Italy, 2012. (Submitted)Yuequan Bao, Hui Li, Xiaodan Sun, Jinping Ou, Loss data recovery for wireless sensor network in structural health monitoring, The 6th International Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology, ANCRiSST2011, July 25-26, 2011, Dalian, China.Shumei Zhou, Yuequan Bao, Hui Li, Optimal Placement of Global and Local Sensors for Structural Damage Detection, The 6th International Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology, ANCRiSST2011, July 25-26, 2011, Dalian, China.Yuequan Bao, Hui Li, Jinping Ou, Data Loss recovery for wireless sensor networks based on compressive sampling techniques, The 5th international conference on structural health monitoring of intelligent infrastructure (SHMII-5), Cancun Meixco, 10-15 Dec. 2011.

专利名称:基于太阳能的无线加速度应变温度数据采集系统,专利号:ZL **0.9,发明人:李惠,鲍跃全,王国乐软件著作权:结构健康监测数据分析与挖掘系统,发明人:李惠,鲍跃全,李顺龙,周文松,赖马树金,刘洋,欧进萍专利名称:基于可移动无线传感器的钢结构健康监测系统,专利号:ZL**8.4,发明人:李惠,鲍跃全,朱晓铖,吴峰


Dr. Yuequan Bao

Associate Professor of Engineering Mechanics
School of Civil Engineering
Harbin Institute of Technology


Short Resume

Dr. Yuequan Bao received his BS and MS degree in Structural Engineering from Harbin Institute of Technology, China in 2003 and 2005 respectively. He subsequently obtained his PhD degree in Disaster Mitigation and Reduction Engineering from the same institute in 2009. He has been a visiting student in the Department of Mechanical and Civil Engineering in California Institute of Technology (Caltech), USA from 2007-2008, a research associate in The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China from 2009-2010 and a visiting associate in Department of Computing and Mathematical Sciences in California Institute of Technology (Caltech), USA from 2014-2015. Currently, he is an associate professor in the School of Civil Engineering of Harbin Institute of Technology. He is a member of the International Society for Structural Health Monitoring and Intelligent Infrastructure (ISHMII), the International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE) and the Institute of Electric and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). His current research interests include compressive sensing based signal processing techniques for structural health monitoring (SHM), structural damage detection and wireless smart sensors.

Contact Information

Dr. Yuequan Bao
Zip code:150001
Postal Address:Room 512, School of Civil Engineering
Harbin Institute of Technology (Campus 2)

202 Haihe Road, Nangang Distric, Harbin, China


2005.10 - 2009.04, Ph.D., School of Civil Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology2007.10 - 2008.10, Visiting student researcher, Division of Engineering and Applied Science, California Institute of Technology, USA2003.09 - 2005.10, M.S., School of Civil Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology1999.09 - 2003.06, B.S., School of Civil Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technolog


2014.4-2015.4, Visiting Associate of Department of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, California Institute of Technology, USA2012.12- Present, Associate Professor of School of Civil Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology2009.06 - 2012.12, Assistant Professor of School of Civil Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology2009.11-2010.11: Research Associate, Civil and Structural Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnique University, Hongkong, China2007.10 - 2008.10, Visiting student researcher, Division of Engineering and Applied Science, California Institute of Technology, USA
Honors & Awards

Session Chair: 4th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring,5-7, December 2012, Melbourne, Australia

Session Chair: The International Symposium on Innovation and Sustainability of Structures in Civil Engineering (ISISS- 2013), Harbin, China

Session Chair: The 9th International Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials Smart Structures Technology (ANCRiSST 2013), Ulsan, Koera.

Lecture of Asia-Pacific Summer School on Smart Structures Technology (APSS), KAIST, Koera, 2013。

Professional Affiliations

Editorial board of Journal of Smart CitiesMember, International Society for Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure (ISHMII) (2009-present)Member, American Society of Civil Engineers (2013-present)Member, IEEE (2014-present)

International Journal Paper

Zhicheng Chen, Yuequan Bao, Hui Li. The Markov random field model of the spatial distribution of heavy vehicle loads on long-span bridges, Structure Safety, (Submitted) SCI EI, 2015

Y Yu, F. Han,Y Bao, J Ou. A Study on Data Loss Compensation of Wi-Fi-based Wireless Sensor Networks for structural health monitoring, IEEE Sensors Journal, DOI:10.1109/JSEN.2015.**, SCI EI. 2015

C.Z. Wen, Y. Bao, H Li, Generation of Rayleigh-Wave Dispersion Images from Multichannel Seismic Data Using Sparse Signal Reconstruction,Geophysical Journal International. (2015) 203, 818–827(SCI, EI)

Wentao Wang, Hui Li, Chonghe Wang, Wensong Zhou and Yuequan Bao, An efficient algorithm for damage localization based on compressive sampling theory and ultrasonic computed tomography technique, Structural Health Monitoring, 2015 (Submitted) (SCI, EI).

Zhicheng Chen, Hui Li, Yuequan Bao, Na Li and Yao Jin. Identification of spatio-temporal distribution of vehicle loads on long-span bridges using computer vision technology, Structural Control & Health Monitoring, 2015,(DOI: 10.1002/stc.1780) (SCI, EI)

Yuequan Bao, Hui Li, Zhicheng Chen, Fujian Zhang, Anxin Guo, Sparse l1 optimization-based identification approach for distribution of moving heavy vehicle loads on cable-stayed bridges, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 23(1): 144-155, 2016. (SCI, EI).

Yuequan Bao, Yan Yu, Hui Li, Xingquan Mao, Wenfeng Jiao, Zilong Zou, Jinping Ou, Compressive sensing-based lost data recovery of fast-moving wireless sensing for structural health monitoring, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 2015, 22(3): 433-448. (SCI, EI) 2014.

Yuequan Bao, Hui Li, Jinping Ou, Emerging Data Technology in Structural Health Monitoring: Compressive Sensing Technology, Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, 2013, 4(2):77-90, 2014 (Invited by Prof. Aftab Mufti).

Zilong Zou, Yuequan Bao, Hui Li, Billie F. Spencer, Jr., Jinping Ou, Embedding Compressive Sensing based Data Loss Recovery Algorithm into Wireless Smart Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring, IEEE Sensors Journal. 11/2014, 15(2): 797-808, (SCI, EI).

LI, Shunlong; Xu, Yang; Zhu, Songye; Guan, Xinchun; Bao, Yuequan, Probabilistic Deterioration Model of High-strength Steel Wires and Its Application to Bridge Cables, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, DOI: 10.1080/**.2014.94846, (SCI, EI)

Zilong Zou, Yuequan Bao, Fodan Deng and Hui Li, An approach of reliable data transmission with random redundancy for wireless sensors in structural health monitoring, IEEE Sensor Journal, 11/2014, 15(2):809-818. (SCI, EI)

Yuequan Bao, Hui Li, Xiaodan Sun, Jinping Ou, Compressive sampling based data loss recovery for wireless sensor networks used in civil structural health monitoring, Structural Health Monitoring-An International Journal, 12(1):78-95, 2013.(SCI, EI), (IF: 1.500)

Li Hui, Bao Yuequan, Li Shunlong Chen Wenli, Laima Shujin and Ou Jinping, Monitoring, Evaluation and Control for Life-cycle performance of Intelligent Civil Structures, Advances in Science and Technology Vol. 83 (2013) pp 105-114. (EI)

Hui Li, Dongwang Tao, Yong Huang, Yuequan Bao, A data-driven approach for seismic damage detection of shear-type building structures using the fractal dimension of time-frequency features, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 2013, 20(9): 1191-1210 (SCI, EI)

Yuequan Bao, Hui Li, Jinping Ou, Emerging Data Technology in Structural Health Monitoring: Compressive Sensing Technology, The ISHMII Monitor, 7(2), 2012. (Invited membership notes of ISHMII)

Yuequan Bao, Yong Xia, Hui Li, You-lin Xu, Peng Zhang, Data fusion-based structural damage detection under varying temperature conditions, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 12(6) (2012): **-1:27 (SCI, EI) (IF: 0.45)

Deyi Zhang, Yuequan Bao, Hui Li, Jinpiang Ou, Investigation of Temperature Effects on Modal Parameters of the China National Aquatics Center, Advances in Structural Engineering, 2012: 15(7): 1139-1153. (SCI, EI). (IF: 0.324)

Yuequan Bao, Hui Li, Yonghui An, Jinping Ou, Dempster-Shafer evidence theory approach to structural damage detection, Structural Health Monitoring-An International Journal, 11(1): 13-26, 2012, (SCI, EI) (IF: 1.500)

Hui Li, Yong Huang, Jinping Ou, Yuequan Bao, Fractal dimension-based damage detection method for beams with a uniform cross-section, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 26(3): 190-206 (2011) (SCI, EI) (IF: 3.17)

Yuequan Bao, James L. Beck, Hui Li, Compressive sampling for accelerometer signals in structural health monitoring, Structural Health Monitoring-An International Journal, 10(3):235-246, 2011 (SCI, EI)(IF: 1.500)

Hui Li, Yuequan Bao, Jinping Ou, Structural damage identification based on integration of information fusion and Shannon entropy. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 22 (2008) 1427-1440. (SCI, EI) (IF: 1.762)

Chinese Journal

Shuang Li, Lili Xie, Yuequan Bao. Analysis of beam with variable cross-section by using direct element-based equilibrium framework, Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics, 2009, 26(2): 226:231. (EI)Jianwei Ma, Jie Xu, Yuequan Bao,Siwei Yu, Compressive Sensing and its Application: from Sparse to Low-rank Regularized Optimization, Signal Processing, 28(5): 609-614, 2012.ZHOU Shu-mei, BAO Yue-quan, LI Hui, Structural Damage Identification Based on Structural Sensitivity Analysis and Sparse Regularized Optimization, Journal of Vibration and Shock. 2015. accepted.

Hui Li, Yuequan Bao, Shunlong Li, Dongyu Zhang. Data Science and Engineering for Structural Health Monitoring. Engineering Mechanics. 2015, 32(8),1-7 (EI)

Keynote & Invited Lecture

Hui Li, Yuequan Bao, Shunlong Li, Wenli Chen, Shujin Laima, Jinping Ou, Advanced sensing technology and data analysis and modeling approaches for life-cycle structural health monitoring, Asia Pacific Network of Centers for Research in Smart Structure Technology (ANCRiSST)Bangalore, India, 2012. (Keynote Lecture)Hui Li, Yuequan Bao, Jinping Ou and Billie F. Spencer, Jr, Data management, processing and mining for structural health monitoring, First International Conference on Performance-based and Life-cycle Structural Engineering, 5-7 December 2012, Hong Kong, China. (Invited Lecture)Hui Li, Yuequan Bao, Jinping Ou, Compressive sensing based data processing and mining for structural health monitoring, Pacific-Rim Workshop on Innovations in Civil Infrastructure Engineering, January 9-11, 2013, Taiwan. (Invited Lecture)Yuequan Bao, Yan Yu, Hui Li, Xinquan Mao, Wenfeng Jiao, Zhilong Zou, Compressive sensing based lost data recovery of fast moving wireless sensing for structural health monitoring, IStructE Conference on Structural Engineering in Hazard Mitigation, 28-29, October, 2013, Beijing, China. (Invited Presenter)
Conference Proceedings

Zhicheng Chen, Yuequan Bao, Hui Li, Rongrong Hou, Random Field Theory-Based Modeling of the Spatial Distribution of Vehicle Loads on Long-Span Bridges, International Symposium on Reliability of Engineering Systems (SRES2015) ,Hangzhou, China, Oct. 15-17 2015Yuequan Bao, Hui Li, Investigation of Compressive sensing-based wireless sensor for structural health monitoring, The 6th International Symposium on Innovation & Sustainability of Structures in Civil Engineering, ISISS 2015, July 26-27, Beijing China.Yuequan Bao, Zhilong Zou, Hui Li , Compressive sensing based wireless sensor for structural health monitoring, SPIE Smart Structures/NDE, 11-15 March, 2014, San Diego, California USA,12-15 March 2014 (EI)Yuequan Bao, Zhicheng Chen, Hui Li, Wenhai Sun, Identification of Distribution of Moving Heavy Vehicle Loads on Cable-Stayed Bridges Using Sparse l1 Optimization, 5th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (AWPSHM 2014), December 4-5, 2014, Shenzhen, ChinaZhicheng Chen, Rongrong Hou, Yuequan Bao, Hui Li, The random field model of the spatial distribution of vehicle loads on long-span bridges, 5th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, December 4-5, 2014, Shenzhen, ChinaDongyu Zhang ; Hui Li ; Yuequan Bao, Substructure parameter estimation for shear structures with limited measurements and unknown structural mass, SPIE Smart Structures/NDE, 11-15 March, 2014, San Diego, California USA,12-15 March 2014 (EI)Zhang D-Y, Li H and Bao Y-Q. “A Novel Reduced Model for Damage Detection of Frame Structures,” 9th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, September 10~12, 2013, Stanford university, USA.Zhang D-Y, Li H, Bao Y-Q. “Using Multi-taper Method to Improve the Accuracy of Substructure Identification for Shear Structures,” Proc. SPIE 9061, Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems 2014. (EI)Yuequan Bao, Hui Li and Jinping Ou, Compressive sensing based data mining for structural health monitoring, The 6th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure Hong Kong , 9-11 December 2013.Yuequan Bao, Hui Li, Zhang Fujian and Jinping Ou. "Compressive sampling based approach for identification of moving loads distribution on cable-stayed bridges." In SPIE Smart Structures and Materials+ Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, pp. 86923B-86923B. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2013. (EI)Zhou, Shumei, Yuequan Bao, and Hui Li. "Structural damage identification based on substructure sensitivity and l1 sparse regularization." In SPIE Smart Structures and Materials+ Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, pp. 86923N-86923N. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2013. (EI)Yuequan Bao, Hui Li, Xiaodan Sun, Jinping Ou, Recovery of lost data for wireless sensor network used in structural health monitoring, SPIE Smart Structures/NDE, 11-15 March, 2012, San Diego, California USA, 12-15 March 2012. (EI)Shumei Zhou, Yuequan Bao, Hui Li, Optimal sensor placement based on substructure sensitivity, SPIE Smart Structures/NDE, 11-15 March, 2012, San Diego, California USA,12-15 March 2012, (EI)Yuequan Bao, Feng Wu, Xiaocheng Zhu, Xiaozhe Zhang, and Hui Li. "A mobile wireless sensor-based structural health monitoring technique." In Workshop on Civil Structural Health Monitoring, Berlin, Germany. Nov. 6-8, 2012.Yuequan Bao, Li Hui, Application of information fusion and Shannon entropy in structural damage detection. SPIE Smart Structures and Materials & Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, 14th International Symposium. San Diego, California USA. 18-22 March, Vol. 6532, 2007. (EI)Yuequan Bao, Hui Li, Jinping Ou, A Dempster-Shafer evidence theory-based approach for on-line structural health monitoring, SPIE Smart Structures and Materials & Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, 15th International Symposium. San Diego, California USA, 18-22 March, Vol. 6935, 2008. (EI)Yuequan Bao, James L. Beck, Hui Li, Application compressive sampling for accelerometer signals used in structural health monitoring, The 8th International Conference on Damage Assessment of Structures, 3-5 August 2009 Beijing China. (EI)Deyi Zhang, Yuequan Bao, Hui Li, Jinping Ou. Prewarning of the China National Aquatics Center using Johnson transformation based statistical process control. 2nd International Conference on Smart Materials and Nanotechnology in Engineering, 8-11th July 2009, Weihai, China. (EI)Yuequan Bao, Hui Li, Yong Huang, Jinping Ou, Structural damage detection based on non-negative matrix factorization and relevance vector machine, SPIE Smart Structures and Materials & Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, 15th International Symposium. San Diego, California USA, 7-11 March, 2010 (EI)Hui Li, Yuequan Bao, Identification of Structural Damage Location Based on BP Neural Network and Dempster-Shafter Evidence Theory. The 2nd International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure. Shenzhen, China. November 16-18, 2005:1067-1072. (ISTP)Yuequan Bao, Yong Xia, Hui Li, Youlin Xu, Jinping Ou, Structural damage detection by integrating non-negative matrix factorization and relevance vector machine, The 11th International Symposium on Structural Engineering, Guangzhou China, 2010 (ISTP)Yuequan Bao, Yong Xia, Hui Li, Youlin Xu, Multi-sensor information fusion for structural damage detection, The 11th International Symposium on Structural Engineering, Guangzhou, China. June, 2010 (ISTP)Hui Li, Yuequan Bao, Structural damage identification based on information fusion techniques, ASME 2010 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems (SMASIS2010), September 28-October 1, 2010, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. pp. 831-837. (ISTP)Yuequan Bao, Hui Li, Jinping Ou, Study of Two-Stage Structural Damage Detection Combining Both Global and Local information. The Proceeding of 4th China-Japan-US Symposium on Structural Control and Monitoring. October 16-17, 2006. (CD-ROM)Yuequan Bao, Hui Li, Study of Structural Damage Identification Based on Information Fusion and Shannon Entropy. Asia-Pacific Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring. Yokohama, Japanese. December 4-6, 2006.Yuequan Bao, Hui Li, James L. Beck, Jinping Ou, Investigation of compressive sampling for structural vibration data, 4th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring on Intelligent Infrastructure (SHMII-4) 2009, 22-24 July 2009, Zurich, Switzerland.Hui Li, Deyi Zhang, Yuequan Bao, Feng Zhou, A Numerical Investigation of Temperature Effect on Modal Parameters of the China National Aquatics Center, The 7th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM), Stanford University, USA, September 9-11, 2009.Deyi Zhang, Yuequan Bao, Feng Zhou, Hui Li. Modal Identification of Structure under Varying Environmental Conditions, International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences(ICCES’09), Phuket, Thailand, April 2009Y. Xia, B. Chen, Y. Q. Bao, and Y. L. Xu, Thermal Behaviors of Tsing Ma Suspension Bridge, The fifth international conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, July 11-15 2010, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.Yuequan Bao, Hui Li, Xiaodan Sun, Jinping Ou, Loss data recovery for wireless sensor network in structural health monitoring, The 6th International Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology, ANCRiSST2011, July 25-26, 2011, Dalian, China.Shumei Zhou, Yuequan Bao, Hui Li, Optimal Placement of Global and Local Sensors for Structural Damage Detection, The 6th International Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology, ANCRiSST2011, July 25-26, 2011, Dalian, China.Yuequan Bao, Hui Li, Jinping Ou, Data Loss recovery for wireless sensor networks based on compressive sampling techniques, The 5th international conference on structural health monitoring of intelligent infrastructure (SHMII-5), Cancun Meixco, 10-15 Dec. 2011.

? Structural Health Monitoring for Civil Infrastructures

Structural health monitoring (SHM) systems for the safety of structures have been widely investigated and installed on many of civil infrastructure systems, such as long-span bridges, offshore structures, large dams and other hydraulic engineering structures, nuclear power stations, tall buildings, large spatial structures, and geotechnical engineering structures. The new techniques and key issues for civil infrastructures health monitoring will be focused in our research.

? Compressive Sampling based Wireless Sensors and Sensor Networks

Compressive sensing

Compressive sensing (CS), which is also called compressive sampling, provides a new sampling theory to reduce data acquisition, namely, that sparse or compressible signals can be exactly reconstructed from highly incomplete random sets of measurements.

Lost data recovery for wireless sensors

Wireless smart sensors and networks are the future trend for SHM. Reliable and high efficient data transmission is very important for wireless sensors. However, the data loss during wireless communication is always occurred in actual SHM. In this research, the data recovery methods based on compressive sensing (CS) theory are investigated.

Lost data recovery for fast moving wireless sensing techniques

To develop a fast-moving wireless sensing technique for the SHM of bridges along a highway or in a city, the reliable wireless data transmission between the sensor nodes and the fast-moving base station is investigated. In fast-moving states, the data packet loss rates during wireless data transmission between the moving base station and the sensor nodes will increase remarkably.

? Sparse optimization based data mining, analysis and modeling for SHM

Sparse optimization

For most system identification problems of SHM, the solutions are parse, the sparse optimization method provide an efficient tool to find the sparse solutions based on limited random measurements.

Spatial distribution identification of heavy vehicles on large span bridge

For any bridge, heavy trucks (especially the overloaded trucks) are one of the important factors leading to fatigue damage or even collapse. The spatial distribution of the moving vehicle loads on the bridge is identified based on sparse l1 optimization technique.

Structural Damage Identification

Structure damage is a sparse phenomenon, the damage identification methods based on sparse optimization is investigated.

Ph.D. student/博士生

Zhiyi Tang/唐志一,2016

Master Students/硕士研究生
Wenfan Yao/姚文凡,2015
Xiaoyu Wang/王晓玉, 2014

Alumni / 毕业生

Rongrong Hou/侯榕榕,Master Degree, 2015 graduated. She is currently an Ph.D. student in Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Fodan Deng/邓佛丹, 2014 graduated

(Co-supervisor). He is currently a Ph.D student in North Dakota State University, ND, USA

Wenfeng Jiao /焦文峰, Master Degree, 2014 graduated.

He is currently an engineer in ZTE Corporation.

Feng Wu/吴峰,Master Degree, 2013 graduated

He is currently an engineering in China United Engineering Corporation

Zilong Zou/邹子龙, 2013.5-2014.5,

Currently, he is a PhD student in Duke University, NC, USA


Stuctural Health MonitoringStructural Damge Detection and Health MonitoringModal Analysis and Testing

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    联系方式张相军 副教授电  话:****传  真:**E-mail:xiangjunzh@hit.edu.cnzhangxiangjun@vip.126.com邮  编:150001通信地址:西大直街92号 哈尔滨工业大学 电机楼 10037 基本信息 张相军,男,汉族,1971年生。副教授,
    联系方式张相军 副教授电  话:****传  真:**E-mail:xiangjunzh@hit.edu.cnzhangxiangjun@vip.126.com邮  编:150001通信地址:西大直街92号 哈尔滨工业大学 电机楼 10037 基本信息 张相军,男,汉族,1971年生。副教授,
    研究领域主要研究方向:照明电子技术航天电源及特种电源技术紫外线生物效应及其敏感性研究无线电能传输技术 团队成员王懿杰: 副教授, 研究方向: 照明电子技术、植物工厂人工光源技术、无线电能传输技术、微网储能技术.;哈工大青年领军人才刘汉奎: 副教授, 研究方向: 照明电子技术、航天电源及特种电源技术、
    讲授课程飞思卡尔单片机原理及应用 简介:电气工程专业选修课电力电子系统设计 简介:电气工程专业选修课基于32位 ARM单片机的控制系统设计 简介: 电气工程专业选修课招生信息硕士招生:高频功率变换技术无线电能传输及其空间场理论大功率开关电源技术紫外线生物效应及紫外光源驱动技术
    出版物 出版物作者出版日期出版社 电力电子设备设计和应用(第三版18章)张相军,徐殿国2009年1月机械工业出版社 论文期刊 论文标题作者发表/完成日期期刊名称 A LEDs Lighting System Based on Color Coordinates Feedback for the ...
    哈尔滨工业大学 免费考研网 2016-04-01
  • 哈尔滨工业大学研究生导师简介-张华
    基本信息 张华,女,汉族,1977年生。讲师/博士,硕士生导师;哈尔滨工业大学化工学院食品科学与工程系。 主持国家自然科学青年基金项目1项、主持黑龙江省博士后基金1项、先后参与完成和目前在研包括国家“863”、国家自然科学基金、省自然基金及市级厅局级和校级科研项目和教改类项目10余项;完
    基本信息 张华,女,汉族,1977年生。讲师/博士,硕士生导师;哈尔滨工业大学化工学院食品科学与工程系。 主持国家自然科学青年基金项目1项、主持黑龙江省博士后基金1项、先后参与完成和目前在研包括国家“863”、国家自然科学基金、省自然基金及市级厅局级和校级科研项目和教改类项目10余项;完
    研究领域天然产物与极端环境营养天然产物营养与安全 团队成员王振宇:教授,博士导师研究方向:极端环境防护食品和新资源食品研究,主要研究方向:极端环境营养学、生物活性物质分离、新资源功能食品开发,重点进行天然产物对辐射诱导机体氧化伤害的防护作用机制研究。卢卫红:教授,博士导师研究方向:药食同源功能成分
    出版物 出版物作者出版日期出版社 空间营养学王振宇,卢卫红,程翠林,赵海田,王路,焦岩,马立明,张华2011年12月国防工业出版社 粮食质量安全学马莺,崔杰,汤华成,李志军,李良,井晶,张华2015年6月科学出版社 食品功能原理及评价卢卫红,程翠林,井晶,宋微,张华,王荣春,程丽,樊榟鸾,王晓 ...
    哈尔滨工业大学 免费考研网 2016-04-01
  • 哈尔滨工业大学研究生导师简介-张国旭
    基本信息 Personal Information张国旭 (Name: Guo-Xu Zhang)女 (Gender: Female)汉族 (Nationality: Chinese)哈尔滨工业大学(Harbin Institute of Technology, HIT)化工学院 讲师 联系方式 C
    基本信息 Personal Information张国旭 (Name: Guo-Xu Zhang)女 (Gender: Female)汉族 (Nationality: Chinese)哈尔滨工业大学(Harbin Institute of Technology, HIT)化工学院 讲师 联系方式 C
    研究领域 Research Areas主要研究方向:凝聚态理论与计算材料科学 I am interested in theoretical simulations of various properties of condensed-matter materials.团队成员 Group Membe
    论文期刊 Publications 论文标题作者发表/完成日期期刊名称 A First-principles Investigation into the Ferroelectric and Antiferrodistortive Instabilities of Cubic SrTiO3Y Xi
    国际会议04. 2014 DPG Spring Meeting, Dresden, Germany (Contributed talk)03. 2014 APS Spring Meeting, Denver, Colorado, USA (Contributed talk)03. 2013 DPG ...
    哈尔滨工业大学 免费考研网 2016-04-01
  • 哈尔滨工业大学研究生导师简介-郑中玉
    基本信息郑中玉(1977—),汉族,山东安丘人。社会学博士,副教授,博士生导师;民主同盟成员,哈尔滨市南岗区政协委员。联系方式郑中玉副教授电  话:**传  真: E-mail:zheng_zhyu@163.com邮  编:150001通信地址:哈尔滨工业大学244信箱人文与社会科学学院社会学系 教
    基本信息郑中玉(1977—),汉族,山东安丘人。社会学博士,副教授,博士生导师;民主同盟成员,哈尔滨市南岗区政协委员。联系方式郑中玉副教授电  话:**传  真: E-mail:zheng_zhyu@163.com邮  编:150001通信地址:哈尔滨工业大学244信箱人文与社会科学学院社会学系 教
    讲授课程经济社会学, 本科三年级课程社会学名著选读, 本科三年级课程政治社会学, 本科二年级课程社会学专业导论, 本科一年级课程社会理论名著研读, 硕士生课程旅游社会学理论前沿,博士生课程(预开)研究生招生与毕业生去 ...
    哈尔滨工业大学 免费考研网 2016-04-01
  • 哈尔滨工业大学研究生导师简介-赵博
    个人信息 赵博,男,汉族,1979年生。哈尔滨工业大学微特电机与控制研究所,助理研究员。 联系方式 电  话:**-604传  真:**-600E-mail:zhaobo_ren@163.com邮  编:150001通信地址:黑龙江省哈尔滨市南岗区西大直街92号哈尔滨工业大学350信箱 个人
    个人信息 赵博,男,汉族,1979年生。哈尔滨工业大学微特电机与控制研究所,助理研究员。 联系方式 电  话:**-604传  真:**-600E-mail:zhaobo_ren@163.com邮  编:150001通信地址:黑龙江省哈尔滨市南岗区西大直街92号哈尔滨工业大学350信箱 个人
    研究领域一体化电机系统电机综合物理场分析电机振动噪声分析与抑制团队成员邹继斌,教授,研究方向:一体化电机系统的理论与技术,新型电磁机构的理论与技术。徐永向,教授,研究方向:特种环境永磁电机系统,永磁同步电机新型驱动与控制策略,永磁同步电机无位置传感器技术,多相化/多单元永磁同步电机系统。李 勇,
    讲授课程本科教学:电气工程及自动化学院,本科项目学习平台课《MATLAB在电气工程中应用》指导学生1.硕士生 唐南君. 复合螺旋运动永磁执行器机理分析. 2015年2.本科生 吕亚洲. 200kW永磁同步牵引电动机的电磁设计及分析. 2013年毕业 唐
    出版物 出版物作者出版日期出版社 Ansoft12在电气工程中的应用赵博,张洪亮2010年1月水利水电出版社 论文期刊 论文标题作者发表/完成日期期刊名称 A New End Windings Transposition to Reduce Windings Eddy Loss for 2 MW ...
    哈尔滨工业大学 免费考研网 2016-04-01