1977年-1986年先后在日本京都大学机械工程系获得学士、硕士和博士学位。现为日本京都大学教授、日本学术会议成员;任国际学术期刊《International Journal of Applied Mechanics》编委;任日本机械学会JSME刊物《Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering》编委;担任过日本机械学会《Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers》和日本材料科学学会《The Society of Materials Science》的执行主任。目前主要从事纳米断裂力学方向研究,在国际上发表多篇学术论文,并于2011年发表专著《Fracture Nanomechanics》。先后主持完成了低次元微小构造体的界面破坏、纳米界面的疲劳损伤与断裂破坏等多项课题的研究工作。
电 话:+81-075-383-3618
传 真:+81-075-383-3618
邮 编:606-8501, Japan
通信地址:Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Science, Kyoto, 606-8501, Japan
(1) 1986年 Society AWARD (Best Paper Award)
The Society of Materials Science, Japan
(2) 1988年 Society AWARD (Best Paper Award)
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
(3) 1993年 Society AWARD (Promising Researchers)
The Society of Materials Science, Japan
(4) 1995年 Society AWARD (Best Paper Award)
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
(5) 1997年 Award for Excellent Researchers
Committee of High Temperature Strength
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
(6) 2002年 Award for Excellent Researchers
Committee of Computational Mechanics
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
(7) 2004年 Society AWARD (Best Paper Award)
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
(8) 2003年 Fellow
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
(9) 2006年 Society AWARD (Best Paper Award)
The Society of Materials Science, Japan
(10) 2008年 Award for Excellent Researchers
Committee of Mechanics and Materials
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
(11) 2011年 Society AWARD (Best Paper Award)
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
(12) 2011年 Society AWARD (Best Paper Award)
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
1979年 - 1984年日本电力工业中心研究所
1984年 - 至今日本京都大学
1987年 - 1988年美国宇航局邀请学者
1998年 - 至今日本京都大学教授
2007年 - 2009年京都大学副校长
2006年 - 2008年日本学术成员副成员
2008年 - 至今日本学术会议成员
国际学术期刊 International Journal of Applied Mechanics. 编委
日本机械学会JSME刊物,Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering. 编委
Executive Board Director(担任下面两个重要学会执行主任): Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers(日本机械学会):2007年, 2008年, 2011年, 2012年 The Society of Materials Science(日本材料科学学会):1994年, 1995年, 1999年, 2000年, 2009年, 2010年
1977年-1986年先后在日本京都大学机械工程系获得学士、硕士和博士学位。现为日本京都大学教授、日本学术会议成员;任国际学术期刊《International Journal of Applied Mechanics》编委;任日本机械学会JSME刊物《Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering》编委;担任过日本机械学会《Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers》和日本材料科学学会《The Society of Materials Science》的执行主任。目前主要从事纳米断裂力学方向研究,在国际上发表多篇学术论文,并于2011年发表专著《Fracture Nanomechanics》。先后主持完成了低次元微小构造体的界面破坏、纳米界面的疲劳损伤与断裂破坏等多项课题的研究工作。
电 话:+81-075-383-3618
传 真:+81-075-383-3618
邮 编:606-8501, Japan
通信地址:Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Science, Kyoto, 606-8501, Japan
(1) 1986年 Society AWARD (Best Paper Award)
The Society of Materials Science, Japan
(2) 1988年 Society AWARD (Best Paper Award)
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
(3) 1993年 Society AWARD (Promising Researchers)
The Society of Materials Science, Japan
(4) 1995年 Society AWARD (Best Paper Award)
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
(5) 1997年 Award for Excellent Researchers
Committee of High Temperature Strength
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
(6) 2002年 Award for Excellent Researchers
Committee of Computational Mechanics
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
(7) 2004年 Society AWARD (Best Paper Award)
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
(8) 2003年 Fellow
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
(9) 2006年 Society AWARD (Best Paper Award)
The Society of Materials Science, Japan
(10) 2008年 Award for Excellent Researchers
Committee of Mechanics and Materials
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
(11) 2011年 Society AWARD (Best Paper Award)
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
(12) 2011年 Society AWARD (Best Paper Award)
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
1979年 - 1984年日本电力工业中心研究所
1984年 - 至今日本京都大学
1987年 - 1988年美国宇航局邀请学者
1998年 - 至今日本京都大学教授
2007年 - 2009年京都大学副校长
2006年 - 2008年日本学术成员副成员
2008年 - 至今日本学术会议成员
国际学术期刊 International Journal of Applied Mechanics. 编委
日本机械学会JSME刊物,Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering. 编委
Executive Board Director(担任下面两个重要学会执行主任): Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers(日本机械学会):2007年, 2008年, 2011年, 2012年 The Society of Materials Science(日本材料科学学会):1994年, 1995年, 1999年, 2000年, 2009年, 2010年
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 主要研究方向:纳米断裂力学
xxx: xxx, 研究方向: xxxxxxx.
xxx: xxx, 研究方向: xxxxxxx.
Fracture NanomechanicsTakayuki Kitamura, Hiroyuki Hirakata, Takashi Sumigawa and Takahiro Shimada2011年9月Pan Stanford Publishing
Xiaodong Li, Ioannis Chasiotis and Takayuki Kitamura. In situ Scannning Probe Microscopy Nanomechanical Testing. MRS Bulletin, Vol.35, No.5, May 2010Takashi Sumigawa and Takayuki Kitamura. In-situ Mechanical Testing of Nano-component in TEM. The Transmission Electron Microscope (ISBN:978-953-51-0450-6), pp.355-380, ed. by Maaz Khan, published by Intech, (2012)Takahiro Shimada and Takayuki Kitamura. Multi-physics Perperties in Ferroelectric Nanowires and Related Structures from First-principles. Nanowires, Chapter 18 (pp.353-372), ed. by Paola Prete, published by Intech, (3-2010) ISBN 978-953-7619-79-4Journal:
Takashi Sumigawa, Tetsuya Shishido, Tadashi Murakami, Tomio Iwasaki and Takayuki Kitamura. Evaluation on Plastic Deformation Property of Copper Nano-film by Nano-Scale Cantilever Specimen. Thin Solid Films, Vol.518, pp.6040-6047 (2010)Takahiro Shimada, Xiaoyuan Wang, Yoshiaki Kondo and Takayuki Kitamura. Absence of Critical Ferroelectric Size in Ultrathin PbTiO3 Nanotubes. Physical Review Letters, Vol.108, 067601 (2012)Masayuki Kamaya, Yoshihiro Kawamura and Takayuki Kitamura. Three-Dimensional Local Stress Analysis on Grain Boundaries in Polycrystalline. International Journal of Solid and Structure, Vol.44, pp.3267-3277(2007)Hiroyuki Hirakata, Shohei Matsumoto, Masaki Takemura, Motofumi Suzuki and Takayuki Kitamura. Anisotropic Deformation of Thin Films Comprised of Helical Nanosprings. International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol44, pp.4030-4038(2007)Yusuke Kinoshita, Yu Yamayose, Yusuke Doi, Akihiro Nakatani and Takayuki Kitamura. Selective Excitations of Intrinsic Localized Modes of Atomic Scales in Cabon Nanotubes. Physical Review B, 77, 024307 (2008)Masato Yamamoto, Takayuki Kitamura and Takashi Ogata. Influence of microscopically distributed inhomogeneity and anisotropy of grains on high-temperature crack propagation properties of directionally solidified superalloy. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol.75, pp.779-789 (2008)Kittikorn Ngampungpis, Takayuki Kitamura and Hiroyuki Hirakata. Increase of Stress Intensity near Interface Edge of Elastic-Creep Bi-material under a Sustained Load. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol.75, pp.1285-1293 (2008)Yoshimasa Takahashi, Hiroyuki Hirakata and Takayuki Kitamura. Quantitative Evaluation of Plasticity of a Ductile Nano-Component. Thin Solid Films, 516, 1925-1930 (2008)Takahiro Shimada, Yoshitaka Umeno and Takayuki Kitamura. Ab Initio Study on Stress-Induced Domain Switching in PbTiO3. Physical Review B, 77, 094105 (2008)Masato Yamamoto, Takashi Ogata and Takayuki Kitamura. Fluctuation of J-integral Due to Grain Arrangement of Ni-based Directionally Solidified Superalloy. International Journal of Fatigue, Vol.29, pp.1697-1701 (2007)Do Van Truong, Takayuki Kitamura. Cohesive Zone Model Applied to Creep Crack Initiation at an Interface Edge between Submicron Thick Films. International Journal of Damage Mechanics, Vol.19, No.3, pp.301-319 (2010)Takahiro Shimada, Yoshiyuki Ishii and Takayuki Kitamura. Ab Initio Study of Ferromagnetic Single-wall Nickel Nanotubes. Physical Review B, Vol.84, 165452(2011)Takashi Sumigawa, Tadashi Murakami and Takayuki Kitamura. Fatigue strength of Cu/Si Interface in nano-component. Materials Science & Engineering A, Vol.528, pp.5158-5163(2011)Takahiro Shimada, Shogo Tomoda and Takayuki Kitamura. Ab Initio Study of Ferroelectric Closure Domains in Ultrathin PbTiO3 Films. Physical Review B, Vol.81, 144116 (2010)