董永康 研究员
电 话:**-316
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邮 编:150080
2007年 获“哈尔滨工业大学正在进行的优秀博士论文”奖
2013年获“the best report presented at the 11-th Russian-Chinese symposium on laser physics and laser technologies”, May 2013.
2003年-2008年, 就读于哈尔滨工业大学航天学院物理电子学专业, 硕博连读研究生1999年-2003年, 就读于哈尔滨工业大学航天学院电子科学与技术系, 本科
担任以下国际知名期刊特约审稿人:Optics Letters, Optics Express, Applied Optics, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE Journal of Sensors, Optical and Quantum Electrics,Optics Communication。
董永康 研究员
电 话:**-316
手 机:
邮 编:150080
2007年 获“哈尔滨工业大学正在进行的优秀博士论文”奖
2013年获“the best report presented at the 11-th Russian-Chinese symposium on laser physics and laser technologies”, May 2013.
2003年-2008年, 就读于哈尔滨工业大学航天学院物理电子学专业, 硕博连读研究生1999年-2003年, 就读于哈尔滨工业大学航天学院电子科学与技术系, 本科
担任以下国际知名期刊特约审稿人:Optics Letters, Optics Express, Applied Optics, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE Journal of Sensors, Optical and Quantum Electrics,Optics Communication。
祝贺徐鹏柏博士获留学基金资助赴澳大利亚墨尔本大学进行联合培养学习;祝贺徐鹏柏博士荣获2015年度光华奖学金;2015年10月25日到31日,董永康教授应邀参加在杭州举办的5th Advances in Optoelectronics and Micro/nano-optics (AOM)和2015 IEEE/8th International Conference for Advanced Infocomm Technology (ICAIT 2015),并作特邀报告;2015年9月28日到10月2日,董永康教授、徐鹏柏博士参加在巴西库里提巴举办的第24届国际光纤传感大会,课题组共有4篇文章被大会录用;2015年8月29到31日,董永康教授应邀参加在深圳举办的IEEE Optoelectronics Global Conference (IEEE OGC),并作特邀报告;2015年7月27日天津大学973首席专家刘铁根教授到光纤课题组参观、交流;2015年6月国家青年千人特聘教授王鹏飞教授和国家优青获得者南京大学徐飞教授到光纤课题组交流;2015年6月24日美国纽约州立大学石溪分校博士后李浩宇博士来光纤课题组交流并作"Next-generation Super-resolution Optical Imaging Technologies."报告;祝贺徐金龙博士获得国家公派留学资格,赴英国剑桥大学进行联合培养学习;2015年5月,课题组“高空间分辨率分布式布里渊光纤应变/温度分析仪”获首届“中国光学工程学会科技创新奖”。 2015年5月,课题组参展“第七届中国(北京)国际光电展”正式推出厘米级超高空间分辨率分布式布里渊光纤温度/应变传感仪。 2015年5月,董永康参加“第四届中国(北京)国际光纤传感技术及应用研讨会”并作特邀报告。 2015年2月,加拿大皇家科学院院士、加拿大光子技术首席科学家、渥太华大学鲍晓毅教授与光纤课题组签署全面合作协议,双方将在人才培养、科学研究和光纤传感产业化等方面开展全面合作。 2015年1月28号到31号,上海交通大学国家青年千人特聘教授樊昕昱教授到光纤课题组访问、交流并作报告。 2015年1月26号,深圳大学国家杰青获得者王义平教授访问光纤课题组并作报告。 2015年1月董永康参加在济南举办的International Conference on Fiber-Optic and Photonic Sensors for Industrial and Safety Applications(OFSIS2015),并在会上推出高空间分辨率(5cm)分布式布里渊光纤应变/温度分析仪样机。
2014年12月董永康参加在深圳举办的5th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Structural Health Mornitoring并作特邀报告。2014年10月董永康参加在北京举办的Photonics Asia国际会议并做特邀报告。2014年9月董永康,徐鹏柏博士和姜桃飞博士参加在大连举办的2014年中国光纤传感学术会议暨产业化论坛,董永康做特邀报告,徐鹏柏博士和姜桃飞博士做大会口头报告。祝贺王培宇获得美国康奈尔大学 offer,赴美攻读研究生。祝贺姜桃飞、周登望获得2014年度优秀硕士论文,王培宇、王本章获得2014年度优秀本科毕业设计。2014年7月董永康参加在英国剑桥大学举办的Cambridge Conference on Fibre Optic Sensing in Civil Infrastructure,并做特邀报告High-spatial-resolution and dynamic distributed Brillouin optical fiber sensors and their applications。2014年6月董永康参加在西班牙桑坦德举办的23d International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors,投稿论文Ultrahigh Resolution Optical Spectrometry Based on Brillouin Dynamic Grating受到国际同行的广泛关注。2014年5月加拿大皇家科学院院士鲍晓毅教授访问光纤课题组实验室。
2013年10月课题组姜桃飞硕士参加在武汉举办的4th Asia-Pacific Optical Sensors Conference (APOS2013)。2013年8月董永康参加在韩国大田举办的8th Workshop on SBS and Nonlinear Optics。2013年6月董永康当选中国光学学会纤维光学与集成光学专业委员会委员2013年5月董永康参加在俄罗斯托木斯克举办的11-th Russian-Chinese symposium on laser physics and laser technologies,并获得最佳报告奖。
1、 超长距离分布式布里渊光纤传感技术
2、 超高空间分辨率分布式布里渊光纤传感技术
3、 布里渊动态光栅理论及其应用
提出了采用光子晶体光纤的高温分布式布里渊光纤传感技术,最高测量温度可达1200℃。(OFS24, Brazil,2015)提出了单模-多模-单模三明治结构传感光纤结构,实现了弯曲不敏感的分布式布里渊光纤传感技术,传感光纤可以在1mm弯曲半径下工作。(Optics Express, 23 (17), 22714-22722 (2015)) 提出了一种基于布里渊动态光栅的高灵敏度分布式横向压力光纤传感技术。(Opt. Lett. 40(21), 5003-5006 (2015))?提出采用分布式布里渊光时域分析技术分析聚合物光纤中模式耦合特性,并探讨了基于聚合物光纤的大应变分布式光纤传感。(Opt. Express, 22 (22), 26510-26516 (2014))提出布里渊动态光栅光谱分析仪方案,该技术可以实现高达4fm(0.5MHz)的光谱分辨率,光谱测量范围可以覆盖S+C+L波段。(Opt. Lett. 39(10), 2967-2970 (2014)) 提出一种基于光学捷变频技术和差分双脉冲技术的高空间分辨率动态布里渊光纤传感,可以用于振动条件下的动态应变测量。(IEEE Photonics Journal, 5 (3), ** (2013))
物理光学(本科生必修课)新型分布式光纤传感技术及其关键技术研究(创新研修课)光纤传感技术及应用(本科生选修课)Introduction to Optical Fiber Communications (硕士留学生课程)
“Chapter 2: Development and application of the long-range distributed fiber sensor based on Brillouin scattering,”in Smart SensoXiaoyi Bao, Yongkang Dong, and Liang Chen2011年6月Nova Science Publishers
“Chapter 5: Characterization of Brillouin grating in optical fibers and their applications”, in Fiber Optic SensorsYongkang Dong, Hongying Zhang, Dapeng Zhou, Xiaoyi Bao, and Liang Chen2012年1月Intech Publisher
全分布式光纤传感技术——5.6 布里渊光栅的产生及传感应用董永康2013年1月科学出版社
2-cm-spatial-resolution and 2-km-range Brillouin optical fiber sensor using a transient differential pulse pairYongkang Dong, Hongying Zhang, Liang Chen, and Xiaoyi Bao2012年3月Appl. Opt.
A novel distributed Brillouin sensor based on optical differential parametric amplificationYun Li, Xiaoyi Bao, Yongkang Dong, and Liang Chen2010年9月J. Lightwave Technol.
Beam self-cleanup by use of self-written waveguide created by photopolymerizationHaoyu Li, Yongkang Dong, P. Xu, Y. Qi, C. Guo, and J. T. Sheridan2015年6月Optics Letters
Bend-insensitive distributed sensing in singlemode-multimode-singlemode optical fiber structure by using BOTDAPengbai Xu, Yongkang Dong,* Juwang Zhang, Dengwang Zhou, Taofei Jiang, Jinlong Xu, Hongying Zhang, Tao Zhu, Zhiwei Lu, Liang2015年10月Opt. Express
Broadband Brillouin slow light based on multi-frequency phase modulation in optical fibersYongkang Dong, Zhiwei Lu, Qiang Li, and Yingfan Liu2008年12月J. Opt. Soc. Am. B.
Characterization of evolution of mode coupling in a graded-index polymer optical fiber by using Brillouin optical time-domain anYongkang Dong,Pengbai Xu, Hongying Zhang, Zhiwei Lu, Liang Chen, and Xiaoyi Bao2014年10月Opt. Express
Characterization of the Brillouin grating spectra in a polarization- maintaining fiberYongkang Dong, Liang Chen, and Xiaoyi Bao2010年8月Opt. Express
Controllable optical delay line using a Brillouin optical fiber ring laserYongkang Dong, Zhiwei Lu, Qiang Li, and Wei Gao2006年4月Chin. Opt. Lett.
Differential Brillouin gain for improving the temperature accuracy and spatial resolution in a long-distance distributed fiber sYongkang Dong, Xiaoyi Bao, and Wenhai Li2009年8月Appl. Opt.
Distributed temperature sensing based on birefringence effect on transient Brillouin grating in a polarization-maintaining photoYongkang Dong, Xiaoyi Bao, and Liang Chen2009年9月Opt. Lett.
Equal-amplitude optical comb generation using multi-frequency phase modulation in optical fibersYuelan Lv, Yongwei Xing, and Yongkang Dong2010年3月Chin. Opt. Lett.
Experimental study on stimulated Rayleigh scattering in optical fibersTao Zhu, Xiaoyi Bao, Liang Chen, Hao Liang, and Yongkang Dong2010年11月Opt. Express
Extending the sensing range of Brillouin optical time-domain analysis combining frequency- division multiplexing and in-line EDFYongkang Dong, Liang Chen, and Xiaoyi Bao2012年4月J. Lightwave Technology
Four-wave mixing analysis of Brillouin dynamic grating in a polarization-maintaining fiber: theory and experimentDapeng Zhou, Yongkang Dong, Liang Chen, and Xiaoyi Bao2011年10月Opt. Express
High sensitivity optical fiber current sensor based on polarization diversity and a Faraday rotation mirror cavityHongying Zhang, Yongkang Dong, Jesse Leeson, Liang Chen, and Xiaoyi Bao2011年2月Appl. Opt.
High-sensitivity distributed transverse load sensor with an elliptical-core fiber based on Brillouin dynamic gratingsYongkang Dong, Lei Teng, Peiling Tong, Taofei Jiang, Hongying Zhang, Tao Zhu, Liang Chen, Xiaoyi Bao, and Zhiwei Lu2015年10月Opt. Lett.
High-spatial-resolution fast BOTDA for dynamic strain measurement based ondifferential double-pulseand second-order sidebandYongkang Dong, Dexin Ba, Taofei Jiang et al2013年6月IEEE Photonics Journal
High-spatial-resolution Time Domain Simultaneous Strain and Temperature Sensor Using Brillouin Scattering and Birefringence in aYongkang Dong, Liang Chen, and Xiaoyi Bao2010年9月IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett.
Long optical delay lines enhanced by ring configuration in optical fibersYongkang Dong, Zhiwei Lu, and Qiang Li2007年6月Chin. Phys. Lett.
Long-range and high-spatial-resolution distributed birefringence measurement of a polarization-maintaining fiber based on BrilloYongkang Dong, Hongying Zhang, Liang Chen, and Xiaoyi Bao2013年6月J. Lightwave Technology
Measurement of nonlinear parameter of an optical fiber based on Brillouin optical time-domain analysisHongying Zhang, Shaopeng Zhang, Zhijun Yuan, Ziye Liu, Yongkang Dong2016年4月J. Opt. Soc. Am. B.
On-line monitoring of the distributed lateral displacement in large AC power generators using a high-spatial-resolution BrillouiYongkang Dong, Liang Chen, and Xiaoyi Bao2011年11月Smart Mater. Struct.
Research on stimulated Brillouin scattering suppression based on multi-frequency phase modulationYingfan Liu, Zhiwei Lv, Yongkang Dong, and Qiang Li2009年1月Chin. Opt. Lett.
Slow light in multi-line Brillouin gain spectrumZhiwei Lu, Yongkang Dong, and Qiang Li2007年2月Opt. Express
Sub-MHz ultrahigh resolution optical spectrometry based on Brillouin dynamic gratingsYongkang Dong, Taofei Jiang, Lei Teng, Hongying Zhang, Liang Chen, Xiaoyi Bao2014年4月Opt. Lett.
System optimization of a long-range Brillouin loss-based distributed fiber sensorYongkang Dong, Liang Chen, and Xiaoyi Bao2010年9月Appl. Opt.
Time-division multiplexing-based BOTDA over 100 km sensing lengthYongkang Dong, Liang Chen, and Xiaoyi Bao2011年1月Opt. Lett.
Truly distributed birefringence measurement of polarization-maintaining fibers based on transient Brillouin gratingYongkang Dong, Liang Chen, and Xiaoyi Bao2010年1月Opt. Lett.
Yongkang Dong,the 2015 IEEE/8th International Conference for Advanced Infocomm Technology (ICAIT 2015),Hangzhou,2015. (invited talk)Yongkang Dong, the OSA Topical Conference AOM 2015, the 5th Advances in Optoelectronics and Micro/nano-optics,Hangzhou,2015.(invited talk)Yongkang Dong, Pengbai Xu, Cheng Fu, Chenglin Zhang, Dengwang Zhou, Taofei Jiang, Hongying Zhang, Zhiwei Lu, Liang Chen, Xiaoyi Bao, “1200°C high-temperature distributed Brillouin optical fiber sensing based on photonics crystal fiber” 24nd International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors, Brazil, Proc. of SPIE9634, 963485 (2015).Pengbai Xu, Hongying Zhang, Zhiwei Lu, Liang Chen, Xiaoyi Bao, and Yongkang Dong, * “Bend-insensitive distributed sensing in singlemode-multimode-singlemode optical fiber structure by using Brillouin optical time domain analysis,” 24nd International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors, Brazil, Proc. of SPIE9634, 96344Y (2015).Dexin Ba, Benzhang Wang, Dengwang Zhou, Hongying Zhang, Zhiwei Lu, Liang Chen, Xiaoyi Bao, and Yongkang Dong, * “Dynamic distributed Brillouin optical fiber sensing based on multi-slope analysis,” 24nd International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors, Brazil, Proc. of SPIE9634, 96344T (2015).Lei Teng, Peilin Tong, Taofei Jiang, Hongying Zhang, Zhiwei Lu, Liang Chen, Xiaoyi Bao, and Yongkang Dong, * “High-sensitive distributed transverse load sensing based on Brillouin dynamic gratings,” 24nd International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors, Brazil, Proc. of SPIE9634, 96346M (2015).Yongkang Dong,IEEE Optoelectronics Global Conference (IEEE OGC),Shenzhen,invited talk;董永康,“高性能分布式布里渊光纤传感器及其产业化”,第四届中国(北京)国际光纤传感技术及应用研讨会,2015年5月,(特邀报告)。 Yongkang Dong, "High-spatial-resolution and dynamic distributed Brillouin optical fiber sensors and their applications"International Conference on Fiber-Optic and Photonic Sensors for Industrial and Safety Applications (OFSIS2015),Jinan,China,2015.(invited talk)Yongkang Dong, "High-spatial-resolution and dynamic distributed Brillouin optical fiber sensors and their applications," 5th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Shenzhen, 2014 (invited talk)Yongkang Dong, and Taofei Jiang, "Very High Resolution Optical Spectral Analysis Based on Brillouin Dynamic Gratings," Photonics Asia 2014, Beijing, China, Proc. of SPIE, 2014. (invited talk)董永康,“哈尔滨工业大学在分布式光纤传感及应用的最近进展,”2014中国光纤传感器学术会议暨产业化论坛,2014年9月,大连。(特邀报告)Yongkang Dong, Hui Li, "High-saptial-resolution and dynamic Brillouin optical fiber sensors and their applications," Cambridge conference on Fibre Optics Sensing in Civil Infrastructure, Cambridge, UK, 2014. (invited talk)Yongkang Dong, Taofei Jiang, Lei Teng, Hongying Zhang, Liang Chen, Xiaoyi Bao, and Zhiwei Lu, "Ultrahigh Resolution Optical Spectrometry Based on Brillouin Dynamic Grating," 23nd International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors, Spain, 2014.Yongkang Dong, Taofei Jiang, Dexin Ba, Dengwang Zhou, Hongying Zhang, Zhiwei Lu,Liang Chen, and Xiaoyi Bao,“High-spatial-resolution fast Brillouin optical fiber sensor for distributed dynamic measurement based on differential double-pulse”4th Asia-Pacific Optical Sensors Conference (APOS2013), Wuhan, China, Proc. of SPIE8924, 892415-1, (2013).董永康,“High-spatial-resolution fast Brillouin optical fiber sensor for distributed dynamic measurement based on differential double-pulse,”2013中国光纤传感器学术会议暨产业化论坛,2013年5月,合肥。(特邀报告)Yongkang Dong, Hongying Zhang, Zhiwei Lu, Liang Chen, and Xiaoyi Bao, “Distributed birefringence measurement of a polarization maintaining fiber with a 20 cm resolution over a 500 m range based on Brillouin dynamic grating,” 22nd International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors, Beijing, China, Proc. of SPIE V.8421, 84211B, (2012). (口头报告)Yongkang Dong, The 4th International Forum on Opto-electronic Sensor-based Monitoring in Geo-engineering (4th OSMG-2012), Suzhou, Oct. 2012. (invited talk)董永康,“光纤传感技术及其在智能电网中的应用”国际研讨会,2012年10月,南京。(特邀报告)Yongkang Dong, Hongying Zhang, Zhiwei Lu, Liang Chen, and Xiaoyi Bao, “Impacts of Kerr effect and fiber dispersion on long-range Brillouin optical time-domain analysis systems,” 22nd International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors, Beijing, China, Proc. of SPIE V.8421, 84219Z, (2012).Yongkang Dong, Hongying Zhang, Zhiwei Lu, Liang Chen, and Xiaoyi Bao, “Distributed Birefringence Measurement of a 500-m Polarization-Maintaining Fiber with a 20-cm Resolution Based on Brillouin Dynamic Grating,” the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2012 (CLEO2012): Science &Innovations, San Jose, US, CF3N.3, (2012). (口头报告)董永康,“高性能分布式布里渊光纤传感器,”2011中国光纤传感器学术会议暨产业化论坛,2011年12月,哈尔滨。(特邀报告)Yongkang Dong, Xiaoyi Bao, and Liang Chen, “2-km-range and 2-cm-spatial-resolution Brillouin optical fiber sensor using a transient differential pulse pair” 2011 IEEE International Conference on Electronics and Optoelectronics, Dalian, China (2011). (口头报告)Yongkang Dong, Xiaoyi Bao, and Liang Chen, “High-axial-resolution distributed lateral displacement measurement based on differential pulse-width pair BOTDA,” 21st International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors, Ottawa, Canada, Proc. of SPIE V.7753, Post-deadline paper 7, (2011). (口头报告)Yongkang Dong, Xiaoyi Bao, and Liang Chen, “High-performance Brillouin strain and temperature sensor based on frequency-division multiplexing using nonuniform fibers over 75-km fiber,” 21st International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors, Ottawa, Canada, Proc. of SPIE V.7753, 77533H, (2011). (口头报告)Yongkang Dong, Xiaoyi Bao, and Liang Chen, “100-km sensing range Brillouin optical time domain analysis based on time-division multiplexing,” 21st International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors, Ottawa, Canada, Proc. of SPIE V.7753, 775308, (2011). (口头报告)Yongkang Dong, Liang Chen, and Xiaoyi Bao, “Distributed birefringence measurement of polarization-maintaining fiber using transient Brillouin grating,” International Conference on Optical Fiber Communication, San Diego,US,OWS3 (2010). (口头报告)Xiaoyi Bao, Hao Liang, Yongkang Dong, Wenhai Li, Yun Li, and Liang Chen, “Pushing the limit of the distributed Brillouin sensors for the sensing length and the spatial resolution,” International Conference on Fiber Optic Sensors and Applications, SPIE V.7677, 767702 (2010). (特邀报告)Yongkang Dong, Xiaoyi Bao, and Liang Chen, “Novel distributed birefringence measurement based on transient Brillouin grating in polarization-maintaining fibers and its application in sensing,” 20th International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors, SPIE V.7503, Post-deadline paper 4 (2009). (口头报告)Yongkang Dong, and Xiaoyi Bao, “High spatial resolution and long-distance BOTDA using differential Brillouin gain in a dispersion shifted fiber,” 20th International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors, SPIE V.7503, Post-deadline paper 10 (2009). (口头报告)Yongkang Dong, Xiaoyi Bao, Wenhai Li, and Yun Li, “Frequency-shifted light storage in a photonics crystal fiber via stimulated Brillouin scattering,” 20th International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors, SPIE V.7503, 75032D (2009). (口头报告)Yongkang Dong, Xiaoyi Bao, and Wenhai Li, “12-km distributed fiber sensor based on differential pulse-width pair BOTDA,” 20th International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors, SPIE V.7503, 75032G (2009). (口头报告)Yongkang Dong, Zhiwei Lu, and Qiang Li, “Broad-bandwidth slow light in multi-line Brillouin gain spectrum,” OSA topical meeting on slow and fast light, JTuA6 (2007).