

哈尔滨工业大学 免费考研网/2016-03-31

Vogel Doug,管理科学与工程系教授,博士生导师,首席国际学术顾问,外专****,电子健康研究所所长(http://ehealth.hit.edu.cn/)。


Vogel Doug教授
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邮  编:150001



Doug Vogel,国际信息系统协会曾任主席AIS President(2012-2013),院士(AIS Fellow),入选中组部“外专****”,哈工大首席国际学术顾问(管理科学与工程学科)。明尼苏达大学商学博士,加州大学洛杉矶分校计算机科学理学硕士。曾任明尼苏达大学MIS研究中心研究协调员,亚利桑那大学助理教授、副教授,香港城市大学教授、讲席教授。具有资讯系统相关领域45余年经验。在美国Colorado electronics manufacturer公司工作的十年间,历任工程总监、总经理和董事等多个技术和管理职位。致力研究管理信息系统在健康管理、人际交流,群体问题解决,合作学习,跨文化团队生产力,知识管理和电子健康等领域的应用和影响。致力将群决策技术引入个人生活和工作,企业,政府,教育机构和社会中。此外,在移动商务和移动电子学习应用领域等方面也有广泛研究。被认为是亚太地区最引用最多的信息系统学者(2009年)、合作最广泛的MIS学者之一(2002年)、以及群体支持系统领域Top-3和MIS领域Top-10的国际顶尖学者(1998年)。培养超过100名博士研究生,其学生成为国际信息系统协会院士,信息系统领域顶级期刊(如MISQ)高级主编等。在国际上(如美国和欧洲)具很高影响力。主持超过一千五百万港币和九百万美元研究基金。为超过100家企业做过发展咨询和顾问。


2013- presentHarbin Institute of Technology,Professor
2011 - 2013City University of Hong Kong Dept. of IS,Visiting Professor
2000 - 2011City University of Hong Kong Dept. of IS,Chair Professor
1992 -1998University of Arizona Dept. of MIS,Associate Professor


1986 University of Minnesota Business Administration/MIS Ph.D.

1972 U. C. L. A. Computer Science M.S.

1969 Montana State University Electrical Engineering B.S.


MIS Quarterly
Communications of the ACM
Management Science
Decision Sciences
IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication
Group Decision and Negotiation
European Journal of Information Systems
Journal of Strategic Information Systems

Vogel Doug,管理科学与工程系教授,博士生导师,首席国际学术顾问,外专****,电子健康研究所所长(http://ehealth.hit.edu.cn/)。


Vogel Doug教授
电  话:**
传  真:**
邮  编:150001



Doug Vogel,国际信息系统协会曾任主席AIS President(2012-2013),院士(AIS Fellow),入选中组部“外专****”,哈工大首席国际学术顾问(管理科学与工程学科)。明尼苏达大学商学博士,加州大学洛杉矶分校计算机科学理学硕士。曾任明尼苏达大学MIS研究中心研究协调员,亚利桑那大学助理教授、副教授,香港城市大学教授、讲席教授。具有资讯系统相关领域45余年经验。在美国Colorado electronics manufacturer公司工作的十年间,历任工程总监、总经理和董事等多个技术和管理职位。致力研究管理信息系统在健康管理、人际交流,群体问题解决,合作学习,跨文化团队生产力,知识管理和电子健康等领域的应用和影响。致力将群决策技术引入个人生活和工作,企业,政府,教育机构和社会中。此外,在移动商务和移动电子学习应用领域等方面也有广泛研究。被认为是亚太地区最引用最多的信息系统学者(2009年)、合作最广泛的MIS学者之一(2002年)、以及群体支持系统领域Top-3和MIS领域Top-10的国际顶尖学者(1998年)。培养超过100名博士研究生,其学生成为国际信息系统协会院士,信息系统领域顶级期刊(如MISQ)高级主编等。在国际上(如美国和欧洲)具很高影响力。主持超过一千五百万港币和九百万美元研究基金。为超过100家企业做过发展咨询和顾问。


2013- presentHarbin Institute of Technology,Professor
2011 - 2013City University of Hong Kong Dept. of IS,Visiting Professor
2000 - 2011City University of Hong Kong Dept. of IS,Chair Professor
1992 -1998University of Arizona Dept. of MIS,Associate Professor


1986 University of Minnesota Business Administration/MIS Ph.D.

1972 U. C. L. A. Computer Science M.S.

1969 Montana State University Electrical Engineering B.S.


MIS Quarterly
Communications of the ACM
Management Science
Decision Sciences
IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication
Group Decision and Negotiation
European Journal of Information Systems
Journal of Strategic Information Systems


电子健康 (E-Health)

知识管理 (Knowledge Management)

群决策系统 (Group Support Systems)



1. Guo, X; Sun, S. and Vogel, D. “A Data Flow Perspective for Business Process Integration,” ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems (TMIS), conditionally accepted.

2. Zhou, Z.; Jin, X.; Fang, Y. and Vogel, D. “Effects of Supranational Culture in Social Virtual Worlds Continuance,” European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS), conditionally accepted.

3. Phan, D. and Vogel, D. “Business Intelligence and Natural Intelligence Applications in Consumer Communities: A Case Study,” International Journal of E-Business Development (IJED), 3(4), 2013, pp. 159-164.

4. Yan, Z.; Guo, X.; and Vogel, D. “Understanding Dynamic Collaboration in Teleconsultation,” Information Technology for Development, forthcoming, (online at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/**.2013.854730.)

5. Ho, R. and Vogel, D. “The Impact of Social Networking Functionalization on Online Shopping: An Examination of Web Relative Advantage,” International Journal of Business Information Systems, forthcoming.

6. Zhang, X. and Vogel, D. “Understanding the Effect of Organizational Reward on Knowledge Sharing: The Role of Exchange Ideology and Knowledge Sharing Visibility,” International Journal of Information Technology and Management (IJITM), 12 (3), 2013, pp. 148-168.

7. Yan, Z.; Guo, X.; Lee, M. and Vogel, D. “Understanding the Linkage between Technology Features and Technostress in Telemedicine Communication,” Information Technology and People, 26(3), 2013, pp. 283-297.

8. Cheung, R. and Vogel, D. “Predicting User Acceptance of Collaborative Technologies: An Extension of the Technology Acceptance Model for e-Learning,” Computers & Education, 63, 2013, pp. 160-175.

9. Zhou, Z.; Fang, Y.; Vogel, D.; Jin, X. and Zhang, X. “Attracted to or Locked in? Predicting Continuance Intention in Social Virtual World Services,” Journal of MIS, 29(1), 2012, pp. 267-300.

10. Zhang, X.; Vogel, D. and Zhou, Z. “Effects of Information Technologies, Department Characteristics, and Individual Roles on Improving Knowledge Sharing Visibility: A Qualitative Case Study,” Behaviour & Information Technology, 31(11), 2012, pp. 1117-1131.

11. Cheung, R. and Vogel, D. “Designing Web 2.0 Collaboration Tools to Support Project-Based Learning: An Activity-Oriented Approach,” International Journal of Systems and Service-Oriented Engineering, 3(2), 2012, pp. 1-14.

12. Phan, D. and Vogel, D. “Rapid E-Business Development Project Management at Intel,” International Journal of E-Business Development (IJED), 2(3), 2012, pp. 95-100.

13. Chen, Z.; Qin, X. and Vogel, D. “Is Cooperation a Panacea? The Effect of Cooperative Response to Task Conflict on Team Performance,” Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 29, 2012, pp. 163-198.

14. Saunders, C.; Rutkowski, A.; van Genuchten, M.; Vogel, D. and Orrego, J. “Virtual Space and Place: Theory and Test,” MIS Quarterly, 35(4), 2011, pp. 1079-1098.

15. Gu, J.; Yu, L.; Vogel, D. and Tian, W. “What are the Major Impact Factors on Research Performance of Young Doctorate Holders in Science in China - A USTC Survey,” Higher Education, 62(4), 2011, pp. 483-502. (http://www.springerlink.com/content/8r3xn**j1/)

16. Wang, M.; Vogel, D. and Ran, W. “Creating a Performance-Oriented E-Learning Environment: A Design Science Approach,” Information & Management, 48(4), 2011, pp. 260-269.

17. Chen, Z.; Zhang, X. and Vogel, D. “Exploring the Underlying Processes between Conflict and Knowledge Sharing: A Work Engagement Perspective,” Journal of Applied Social Psychology (JASP), 41(5), 2011, pp. 1003–1031.

18. Tian, W.; Yu, A.; Vogel, D. and Kwok, R. “The Impact of Online Social Networking on Learning: a Social Integration Perspective,” International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisation, 8(3/4), 2011, pp. 264-280.

19. Zhang, X. and Vogel, D. “Electronic Commerce in Web 3.0: The Evidence from Emerging conomics,” International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT), 3(3), 2011, pp. 240-254.

20. Cheung, R. and Vogel, D. “Can Facebook Enhance the Communications between Teachers and Students?,” The International Journal of Learning, 17(11), 2011, pp. 385-397.

21. Zhou, Z.; Jin, K.; Vogel, D.; Fang, Y. and Chen, X. “Individual Motivations and Demographic Differences in Social Virtual World Uses: An Exploratory Investigation in Second Life,” International Journal of Information Management (IJIM), 31(3), 2011, pp. 261-271.

22. Tian, W.; Vogel, D.; Ma, J. and Gu, J. “IS-Supported Managerial Control for China’s Research Community: an Agency Theory Perspective,” Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM), 18(4), 2010, pp. 53-81.

23. Yu, A.; Tian, W.; Vogel, D. and Kwok, R. “Can learning be virtually boosted? An investigation of online social networking impacts,” Computers & Education, 55, 2010, pp. 1494-1503.

24. Shroff, R. and Vogel, D. “An Investigation on Individual Students’ Perceptions of Interest Utilizing a Blended Learning Approach," International Journal on E-Learning, 9(2), 2010, pp. 279-294.

25. Phan, D. and Vogel, D. “A Model of Customer Relationship Management and Business Intelligence Systems for Catalogue and Online Retailers,” Information and Management, 47(2), 2010, pp. 69-77.

26. Zhang, X.; Vogel, D.; Chen, Z.; Yuan, M. and Guo, C. “Knowledge Sharing Reward Dynamics in Knowledge Management Systems: Game Theory-Based Empirical Validation”, Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing, 20(2), 2010, pp. 103-122.

27. Mark, K. P. and Vogel, D. “Technology Support for Engagement Retention: The Case of BackPack,” Knowledge Management & E-Learning: An International Journal (KM&EL), 1(3), 2009, pp. 163-179.

28. Zhang, X. Vogel, D.; Chen, Z. and Guo, C. “Exchange Ideology as a Moderator of Knowledge Sharing in Virtual Teams: A Social Exchange Theory Perspective,” International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management, 6(1), 2009, pp. 11-28.

29. Wang, M.: Wang, H.; Vogel, D.; Kumar, K. and Chiu, D. “Agent-Based Negotiation and Decision Making for Dynamic Supply Chain Formation,” Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 22(7), 2009, pp. 1046-1055.

30. Vogel, D., Genuchten, M. and Saunders, C. “IS Innovation: Thinking Beyond the Silo,” IEEE Computer, 42(9), 2009, pp. 96-98.

31. Yuan, M.; Zhang, X.: Chen, Z.; Vogel, D. and Chu, X. “Antecedents of Coordination Effectiveness of Software Developer Dyads from Interacting Teams: An Empirical Investigation”, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 56(3), 2009, pp. 494-507.

32. Vogel, D., Kennedy, D. M. & Kwok, R. “Do mobile device applications lead to learning?,” Journal of Interactive Learning Research (JILR), 20(4), 2009, pp. 469-485.

33. Guo, X.; Vogel, D.; Zhou, Z.; Zhang, X. and Chen, H. “Chaos Theory as a Lens for Interpreting Blogging,” Journal of MIS, 26(1), 2009, pp. 101-127.

34. Shroff, R. H. and Vogel, D. “Assessing the Factors Deemed to Support Individual Student Intrinsic Motivation in Technology Supported Online and Face-to-Face Discussions,” Journal of Information Technology Education (JITE), 8, 2009, pp. 59-85. (Online access: http://jite.org/documents/Vol8/JITEv8p059-085Shroff416.pdf)

35. Rutkowski, A.; Vogel, D.; Genuchten, M. and Saunders, C. “Communication in Virtual Teams: 10 Years of Experience in Education,” IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 51(3), 2008, pp. 302-312.

36. Yuan, M.; Zhang, X.; Vogel, D.; Chen, Z. and Guo, C. “National and Organizational Cultural Impact on Intergroup Coordination in Software Development in Mainland China: A Qualitative Analysis,” International Journal of Chinese Culture and Management, 1(2), 2008, pp. 325-342.

37. Vogel, D.; Guo, M.; Zhou, P.; Tian, S. and Zhang, X. “In Search of SecondLife Nirvana”, Journal of Issues in Informing Science & Information Technology, 5, 2008, pp. 11-28. (Online access: http://iisit.org/IssuesVol5.htm)

38. Shroff, R.; Vogel, D. and Coombes, J. “Assessing Individual-level Factors Supporting Student Intrinsic Motivation in Online Discussions: A Qualitative Study,” Journal of Information Systems Education (JISE), 19(1), 2008, pp. 111-126.

39. Gricar, J.; Tan, Y.; Vogel, D. and Wigand, R. “eRegion Emergence and Impact,” Electronic Markets, 17(4), 2007, pp. 233-240.

40. Genuchten, M. and Vogel, D. “Getting Real in the Classroom,” IEEE Computer, 40(10), 2007, pp. 106-108.

41. Chan, S.; Vogel, D. and Ma, L. “Mobile Phone Communication Innovation in Multiple Time and Space Zones: The Case of Hong Kong Culture,” International Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM), 15(3), 2007, pp. 79-85.

42. Shroff, R.; Vogel, D.; Coombes, J. and Lee, F. “Student e-Learning Intrinsic Motivation: a Qualitative Analysis,” Communications of the AIS, 19, 2007, pp. 241-260. (http://cais.isworld.org/contents.asp).

43. Rutkowski, A.; Saunders, C.; Vogel, D. and Genuchten, M. “Is it Already 4 AM in your Time Zone? Focus Immersion and Temporal Dissociation in Virtual Teams,” Small Group Research, 38(1), 2007, pp. 98-129.

44. McNaught, C. and Vogel. D. “The Fit Between e-Learning Policy and Institutional Culture,” International Journal of Learning Technology, 2(4), 2006, pp. 370-385.

45. Wickramasinghe, N.; Misra, S.; Jenkins, A. and Vogel, D. “The Competitive Forces Facing E-Health” International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics (IJHISI), 1(4), 2006, pp. 68-81.

46. Qureshi, S.; Liu, M. and Vogel, D. “The Effects of Electronic Collaboration in Distributed Project Management,” Group Decision and Negotiation, 15(1), 2006, pp. 55-75.

47. Davison, R.; Vogel, D. and Harris, R. “The E-Transformation of Western China,” Communications of the ACM, 48(4), 2005, pp. 62-66.

48. Cheung, K. and Vogel, D. "Complexity Reduction in Lattice-based Information Retrieval," Information Retrieval, 8(2), 2005, pp. 285-299.

49. Genuchten, M.; Vogel, D.; Rutkowski, A. and Saunders, C. “HKNET: Instilling Realism into the Study of Emerging Trends,” Communications of the AIS, 15, 2005, pp. 357-370. (http://cais.isworld.org/contents.asp).

50. Wang, M.; Wang, H.; Xu, D.; Wan, K. and Vogel, D. “A Web-Service Agent-Based Decision Support System for Securities Exception Management,” Expert Systems With Applications, 27(3), 2004, pp. 439-450.

51. Saunders, C.; Van Slyke, C. and Vogel, D. “My Time or Yours? Managing Time Visions in Global Virtual Teams,” Academy of Management Executive, 18(1), 2004, pp. 19-31.

52. Lee, F.; Vogel, D. and Limayem, M. “Virtual Community Informatics: A Review and Research Agenda,” Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application (JITTA), 5(1), 2003, pp. 47-62.

53. Rutkowski, A.; Vogel, D.; Genuchten, M.; Bemelmans, T. and Favier, M. “E-Collaboration: The Reality of Virtuality,” IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 45(4), 2002, pp. 219-230.

54. Kwok, R.; Ma, J. and Vogel, D. “Effects of Group Support Systems and Content Facilitation on Knowledge Acquisition,” Journal of MIS, 19(3), 2002, pp. 185-229.

55. Rutkowski, A.; Vogel, D.; Bemelmans, T. and Genuchten, M. “Group Support Systems and Virtual Collaboration: The HKNET Project,” Group Decision and Negotiation, 11(2), 2002, pp. 101-125.

56. Kwok, R.; Ma, J.; Vogel, D. and Duanning, Z. “Collaborative Assessment in Education: An Application of a Fuzzy GSS,” Information and Management, 39(3), 2001, pp. 243-253.

57. Vogel, D.; Davison, R. and Shroff, R. “Sociocultural Learning: A Perspective on GSS Enabled Global Education,” Communications of AIS, 7(9), 2001, pp. 1-41. (http://cais.isworld.org/contents.asp)

58. Vogel, D.; Genuchten, M.; Lou, D.; Verveen, S.; van Eekhout, M. and Adams, T. “Exploratory Research on the Role of National and Professional Cultures in a Distributed Learning Project,” IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 44(2), June, 2001, pp. 114-125.

59. Genuchten, M.; Van Dijk, C.; Scholten, H. and Vogel, D. “Industrial Experience in Using Groupware for Software Inspections,” IEEE Software, 18(3), May/June, 2001, pp. 60-65.

60. Qureshi, S. and Vogel, D. “Adaptiveness in Virtual Teams: Organisational Challenges and Research Directions,” Group Decision and Negotiation, 10(1), 2001, pp. 27-46.

61. Vogel, D. and Klassen, J. “Technology Supported Instruction: a Perspective on Status, Issues and Trends in Delivery,” Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 17(1), 2001, pp. 104-111.

62. Davison, R.; Qureshi, S.; de Vreede, G.; Vogel, D. and Jones, N. “Group Support Systems through the Lens of Action Research: Experiences in Organisations,” Journal of Global Information Technology Management, 3(4), 2000, pp. 6-23.

63. Ma, L.; Vogel, D. and Wagner, C. “Will Virtual Education Initiatives Succeed?” Information Technology and Management, 1(4), March 2000, pp. 209-227.

64. Davison, R. and Vogel, D. “Group Support Systems in Hong Kong: an Action Research Project,” Information Systems Journal, 10(1), 2000, pp. 3-20.

65. Dean, D.; Orwig, R. and Vogel, D. “Facilitation Methods for Collaborative Modeling Tools,” Group Decision and Negotiation, 9(2), 2000, pp. 109-128.

66. Davison, R.; Vogel, D.; Harris, R. and Jones, N. “Technology Leapfrogging in Developing Countries: An Inevitable Luxury?” Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, http://www.is.cityu.edu.hk/research/ejisdc/vol1/v1d5.pdf, 2000.

67. Morrison, J. and Vogel, D. “The Impacts of Presentation Visuals on Persuasion,” Information

68. and Management, 33, 1998, pp. 125-135.

69. Vogel, D. and Gricar, J. “Using Electronic Commerce To Focus A Country: The Case of Slovenia,” International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 2(3), Spring, 1998, pp. 19-30.

70. Romano, N.; Nunamaker, J.; Briggs, R.; and Vogel, D. "Architecture, Design and Development of an HTLM/Javascript Web-Based Group Support System," Journal of the American Society for Information Science (JASIS), 49(7), May, 1998, pp. 649-667.

71. Dennis, A.R., Tyran, C.K., Vogel, D.R., and Nunamaker, J.F. “An Evaluation of Group Support Systems for Strategic Planning,” Journal of MIS, 14(1), Summer, 1997.

72. Alavi, M.; Yoo, Y.; and Vogel, D. “Using Information Technology to Add Value to Management Education,” Academy of Management Journal, 40(6), 1997, pp. 1310-1333.

73. Mejias, R.; Sheppard, M.; Vogel, D.; and Lazaneo, L. “Consensus and Perceived Satisfaction Levels: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of GSS and non-GSS Outcomes Within and Between the U.S. and Mexico,” Journal of MIS, 13(3), Winter, 1997, pp. 137-161.

74. Nunamaker, J.; Briggs, R.; Mittleman, D.; Vogel, D. and Balthazard, P. “Lessons from a Dozen Years of Group Support Systems Research: A Discussion of Lab and Field Findings,” Journal of MIS, 13(3), Winter, 1997, pp. 163-207.

75. Orwig, R.; Chen, H.; Vogel, D.; and Nunamaker, J. "A Multi-Agent View of Strategic Planning Using Group Support Systems and Artificial Intelligence" Group Decision and Negotiation, 5(1), 1996, pp. 37-59.

76. Nidumolu, R.; Goodman, S.; Vogel, D. and Danowitz, A. “Information Technology for Local Administration Support: The Governorates Project in Egypt,” MIS Quarterly, 20(2), 1996, pp. 197-224.

77. Bemelmans, T.; Genuchten, M.; Heemstra, F. and Vogel, D. “Elektronische vergadersystemen,” Informatie, March, 1996, pp. 30-36.

78. Wheeler, B.; Valacich, J.; Alavi, M.; and Vogel, D. “A Framework for Technology-mediated Inter-institutional Telelearning Relationships,” Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 1(1), http://jcmc.huji.ac.il/vol1/issue1/index.html, 1995.

79. Phan, D.; George, J. and Vogel, D. “Managing Software Quality in a Very Large Development Project,” Information and Management, 29(5), November, 1995, pp. 277-283.

80. Phan, D.; Vogel D. and Nunamaker J., “Empirical studies in software development projects: Field survey and OS/400 study,” Information & Management, 28 (4), 1995, pp. 271-280.

81. Dean, D.; Lee, J.; Orwig, R.; and Vogel, D. "Technological Support for Group Process Modeling," Journal of MIS, 11(3), Winter, 1995, pp. 43-64.

82. Valacich, J.; George, J.; Nunamaker, J. and Vogel, D. "Physical Proximity Effects on Computer-Mediated Idea Generation," Small Group Research, 25(1), 1994, pp. 83-104.

83. Phan, D. and Vogel, D. "Lessons Learned from Management of Resource Dependence in a Very Large Software Project," Software Engineering Strategies, January, 1994, pp. 21-30.

84. Vogel, D., "Electronic Meeting Support," The Environmental Professional, 15(2), 1993, pp. 198-206.

85. Vogel, D. and George, J. "Group Support for Analysis and Design," Informatica, 1(1), December, 1992.

86. Tyran, C.; Dennis, A.; Vogel, D. and Nunamaker, J., "The Application of Electronic Meeting Systems to Support Strategic Management," MIS Quarterly, September, 1992.

87. Morrison, J.; Morrison, M.; and Vogel, D., "Software to Support Business Teams," Group Decision and Negotiation, September, 1992, pp. 91-115.

88. Martz, B.; Vogel, D. and Nunamaker, J., "Electronic Meeting Systems: Results from the Field," Decision Support Systems, April 1992.

89. Vinze, A.; Vogel, D. and Nunamaker, J., "Performance Evaluation of a Knowledge Based System: A Validation Study," Information and Management, 21, pp. 225-235.

90. Nunamaker, J.; Dennis, A.; and Valacich, J. and Vogel, D., "Information Technology for Negotiating Groups: Generating Options for Mutual Gain," Management Science, 37(10), October 1991, pp. 1325-1346.

91. Nunamaker, J.; Dennis, A.; Valacich, J.; Vogel, D. and George, J., "Electronic Meeting Systems to Support Group Work," Communications of the ACM, 34(7), July 1991, pp. 40 61.

92. Dennis, A.; Nunamaker, J.; and Vogel, D., "A Comparison of Laboratory and Field Research in the Study of Electronic Meeting Systems," Journal of MIS, 7(3), Winter 1991, pp. 107 135.

93. Hong, I. and Vogel, D., "Data and Model Management in a Generalized MCDM DSS," Decision Sciences, 22(1), Winter 1991, pp. 1 25.

94. Aiken, M.; Sheng, O., and Vogel, D., "Integrating Expert Systems with Group Decision Support Systems," ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 9(1), January 1991, pp. 75 95.

95. Grohowski, R.; McGoff, C.; Vogel, D.; Martz, B. and Nunamaker, J., "Implementing Electronic Meeting Systems at IBM: Lessons Learned and Success Factors," MIS Quarterly, 14(4), 1990, pp. 368 383.

96. Dennis, A.; Heminger, A.; and Nunamaker, J. and Vogel, D., "Bringing Automated Support to Large Groups: The Burr Brown Experience," Information and Management, 18(3), 1990, pp. 111 121.

97. McGoff, C.; Hunt, A.; Vogel, D. and Nunamaker, J., "IBM's Experiences with GroupSystems," Interfaces, December 1990, pp. 39 52.

98. Vogel, D. and Nunamaker, J., "Group Decision Support System Impact: Multi Methodological Exploration," Information and Management, Winter 1990, pp. 15 28.

99. Vogel, D.; Nunamaker, J.; Martz, B.; Grohowski, R.; and McGoff, C., "Electronic Meeting System Experience at IBM," Journal of MIS, 6(3), Winter 1990, pp. 25 43.

100. Gray, P.; Vogel, D. and Beauclair, R., "Assessing GDSS Empirical Research," European Journal of Operations Research, Spring, 1990.

101. Sheng, O.; Motiwalla, L.; Nunamaker, J.; and Vogel, D., "A Framework to Support Managerial Activities using Office Information Systems", Journal of MIS, 6(3), Winter 1990, pp. 45 63.

102. Nunamaker, J.; Vogel, D. and Konsynski, B., "Interaction of Task and Technology to Support Large Groups," Decision Support Systems, June 1989, pp. 139 152.

103. Nunamaker, J.; Vogel, D.; Heminger, A.; Martz, B.; Grohowski, R; and McGoff, C., "Experiences at IBM with Group Support Systems: A Field Study," Decision Support Systems, June 1989, pp. 183 196.

104. Dennis, A.; George, J.; Jessup, L.; and Nunamaker, J.; and Vogel, D., "Information Technology to Support Electronic Meetings", MIS Quarterly, 12(4), December, 1988, pp. 591 624.

105. Roger, C.; Vogel, D. and Wetherbe, J., "A Survey of MIS Organizational Structures," Information Management Review, Spring, 1987.

106. Lehman, J.; Van Wetering, J.; and Vogel, D., "Mainframe and Microcomputer Based Business Graphics: What Satisfies Users?," Information and Management, March 1986, pp. 133 140.

107. Brancheau, J.; Vogel, D. and Wetherbe, J., "An Investigation of the Information Center from the User's Perspective," Data Base, Fall 1985.

108. Vogel, D. and Wetherbe, J., "Profile of MIS Research: Methodology and Journal Preference," The Journal of Data Education, Spring 1985, pp. 5 10.

109. Vogel, D. and Wetherbe, J., "University Planning: Developing a Long Range Information Architecture", Planning and Changing, Fall 1984, pp. 177 191.

110. Vogel, D. and Wetherbe, J., "MIS Research: A Profile of Leading Journals and Universities," Data Base, Fall 1984, pp. 3 14.


1. Vogel, D. and Coombes, J. “The Effect of Structure on Convergence Activities Using Group Support Systems,” in Kilgour, D. M. and Eden, C. (Eds.), Handbook of Group Decision and Negotiation, 2010, London: Springer.

2. Vogel, D.; van Genuchten, M.; Saunders, C. and Rutkowski, A. “Virtual Engineering Teams,” in Ubell, R. (Ed.), Virtual Teamwork: Mastering the Art and Practice of Online Learning and Corporate Collaboration, 2010, New York: Wiley.

3. Zhang, X.; Vogel, D.; Chen, Z. and Zhou, Z. “Three Dimensional (3D) Virtual World Success in Mainland China - Second Life vs. HiPiHi,” in Patricia Ordo?ez de Pablos (Ed.), The China Information Technology Handbook, 2009, London: Springer.

4. Vogel, D. and Chu, X. “On Network Learning,” in Huang, W. and Wang, K. (Eds.), On Information Systems Research: Issues and Latest Development, 2009, Tsinghua University Press: Beijing (in Chinese), pp. 313-326.

5. Wickramasinghe, N.; Misra, S.; Jenkins, A. and Vogel, D. “The Competitive Forces Facing E-Health” in Tan (Ed.), Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics: Research and Practices, Chapter XIX, IGI Global, 2008.

6. Kennedy, D. M. and Vogel, D. “Improving the flexibility of learning environments: Developing applications for wired and wireless use,” in J. Filipe, J. Cordeiro, B. Encarnacao and V. Pedrose (Eds.), Web Information Systems and Technologies II, 2008, London: Springer.

7. Harris, R.; Vogel, D. and Bestle, L. “E-Communiy-Based Tourism for Asia’s Indigenous People,” in Dyson, L. Information Technology and Indigenous People, IGI Publishing, 2007.

8. Vogel, D.; Rutkowski, A. and Genuchten, M. “The Influence of National Culture on Knowledge Management in Virtual Teams,” in Pauleen, D. Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Knowledge Management, Libraries Unlimited: London, 2007.

9. Davison, R. and Vogel, D. “Group support systems in Hong Kong: an action research project (Chapter 2),” in: Galliers, R.D., Markus, M.L. and Newell, S. Exploring Information Systems Research: Readings and Reflections, Routledge: London, 2006.

10. Klassen, J. and Vogel, D. “New Issues Arising from E-Education,” in A. Aggarwal, Web-Based Education: Learning from Experience, Information Science Publishing, London, 2003, pp. 36-48.

11. Qureshi, S. and Vogel, D. "Adaptive Processes for Achieving Socio-Technical Fit in CSCW Groups." in: E. Coakes, R. Lloyd-Jones and D. Willis. The New Sociotech Graffiti on the Long Wall, Springer Verlag, London, 2000.

12. Vogel, D.: Nunamaker, J. and Potter, R. “Organizational and International Trends and Implications for Midsize Business,” Advances in the Study of Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Economic Growth, Vol. 9, 1997, pp. 249-283.

13. Nunamaker, J.; Vogel, D. and Potter, R. “Individual and Team Trends and Implications for Business Firms,” Advances in the Study of Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Economic Growth, Vol. 9, 1997, pp. 212-248.

14. Vogel, D.; Nunamaker, J.; Applegate, L.; and Konsynski, B., "Group Decision Support Systems: Determinants of Success," Readings in Decision Support and Executive Information Systems, (originally published in Transactions of the Seventh International Conference on Decision Support Systems, June 8?11, 1987), 1993.

15. Nunamaker, J.; Dennis, A.; Valacich, J.; Vogel, D. and George, J., "Group Support Systems Research at Arizona: Experience from the Lab and Field," in Group Support Systems: New Perspectives, MacMillan, 1993.

16. Nunamaker, J.; George, J.; Valacich, J.; Dennis, A. and Vogel, D., "Electronic Meeting Systems to Support Information Systems Analysis and Design", in Cotterman, W. W. and J.A. Senn (eds.), Challenges and Strategies for Research in Systems Development, New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1992.

17. Nunamaker, J.; Dennis, A.; George, J.; Martz, B.; Valacich, J.; and Vogel, D., "University of Arizona GroupSystems," Computer Augmented Teamwork: A Guided Tour, Van Nostrand Reinhold Publishers, 1992.

18. Dennis, A.; George, J.; Nunamaker, J.; and Vogel, D., "Automated Support for Group Work" in Morell, J.A. and Fleischer, M. (eds.), Advances in the Implementation and Impact of Computer Systems, JAI Press, 1991.

19. Vogel, D., "Research on Electronic Meeting Systems", in Jenkins, M. (ed.), Research Issues in the MIS Field: Setting an Agenda, Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown Publishers, April, 1990.

20. Vogel, D. and Nunamaker, J., "Design and Assessment of a Group Decision Support System" in Intellectual Teamwork: Social and Technical Bases of Collaborative Work, Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum; 1990.


1. Qureshi, S. and Vogel, D. Information Technology Application in Emerging Economies: A Monograph of a Symposium at HICSS-40, January 2007, 72 pages http://www.hicss.hawaii.edu/reports.htm

2. Kennedy, D. M. & Vogel, D. “Integrating Pedagogy, Infrastructure and Tools for Mobile Learning,” in D. Taniar (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Mobile Computing and Commerce, Sydney: Idea Group, 2007.

3. Davison, R.; Harris, R.; Qureshi, S.; Vogel, D. and Vreede, G. (editors) Information Systems in Developing Countries: Theory and Practice, City University of Hong Kong Press, 2005.

4. DeSanctis, G. and Vogel, D. “Computer Supported Cooperative Work,” in Gordon Davis (ed.), Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management, 2005, pp. 57-61.

5. Yu, A.; Vogel, D. and Goldspink, C. “Internet Banking Competitiveness in Hong Kong: Perceptions of Business and IT Professionals,”Transactions in International Information Systems, 3, 2001, pp. 133-147.

6. Vogel, D. “Electronic Commerce for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: Opportunities, Experiences, and Challenges,” in Banerjee, P; Hackney, R; Dhillon, G.; and Jain, R. (eds.), Business Information Technology Management: Closing the International Divide, Har-Anand Publications, Ltd., 1998, 739-792.

7. Vogel, D. and Gricar, J. (eds.) “Small Countries With Large Footprints,” Special issue of the International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 2(3), Spring, 1998.

8. Roche, E. and Vogel, D. (eds.) “International Decision-Making,” Special issue of Group Decision and Negotiation, 1997.

9. Wagner, C.; Vogel, D. and Eden, C. “Wide-and-Open versus Narrow and Deep Group Support: Which Approach is Better?” Group Decision and Negotiation, January, 1997, pp. 109-111.

10. Glasson, B.; Vogel, D.; and Bots, P. (eds.) The International Office of the Future: Design Options and Solution Strategies, Chapman and Hall, 1996.

11. Bots, P.; Glasson, B.; and Vogel, D. (eds.) The International Office of the Future: A Problem Analysis, Technische Bestuurskunde, Delft, Netherlands, 1995.

12. Vogel, D.; Marshall, P.; Glasson, B.; and Verrijn-Stuart, A. (eds.) Local Area Network Applications: Leveraging the LAN, IFIP Transactions, North-Holland, 1993.

13. ogel, D., "Cooperative Work Systems," MacMillan Encyclopedia of Computers, 1992, pp. 195-199.

14. Vogel, D. and Wetherbe, J., "Information Architecture: Sharing the Shareable Resource," Cause/Effect, 14(2), Summer, 1991.

15. Dennis, A.; Nunamaker, J.; and Paranka, D. and Vogel, D., "A New Role for Computers in Strategic Management," Journal of Business Strategy, 11(5), 1990.

16. Vogel, D. and Nunamaker, J., "Health Service Group Use of Automated Planning Support" Administrative Radiology, September, 1989.

17. Vogel, D., "Coordinated Information Brings Meetings to Order", in Executive Report on Work Group Computing, ComputerWorld, June 5, 1989.

18. Phan, D.; Nunamaker, J. and Vogel, D., "The Search for Perfect Project Management," ComputerWorld, September 26, 1988.

19. Dickson, G.; Lehman, J.; and Vogel, D., "Driving the Audience Action Response," Computer Graphics World, August, 1986.

20. Lehman, J.; Dickson, G.; and Vogel, D., "Business Graphics Trends," Datamation, November 15, 1984.


1. State Specially Recruited Expert, P.R. China -- 2013

2. Association for Information Systems (AIS) President -- 2012

3. Association for Information Systems (AIS) President-elect -- 2011

4. Kappa Delta Pi (International Honor Society in Education) - 2011

5. AIS LEO Committee for 2010 and 2011

6. AIS Fellow Selection Committee – 2009, 2013

7. IEEE Software Advisory Board - 2009

8. Most Cited Author in Pacific Asia – 2009

9. ICIS Doctoral Consortium Co-Chair – 2009

10. ICIS Track Co-Chair – 2009

11. ICIS Doctoral Consortium Faculty - 2008

12. ICIS Track Co-Chair - 2007

13. KMAP Doctoral Consortium Faculty - 2006

14. Association for Information Systems (AIS) Fellow – 2004

15. AIS recognition for Innovation in Education - 2004

16. ACIS Doctoral Consortium Faculty - 2004

17. Ed-Media Outstanding Paper Award – 2004, 2007

18. Information Systems Journal (ISJ) 'Referee Hall of Fame' - 2004

19. Ranked 4th on a global list of most collaborative MIS researchers - 2002

20. ICIS Doctoral Consortium Faculty - 1999

21. Ranked 3rd in DSS journal (Vol. 23) report of top Group Support Systems researchers - 1998

22. Ranked 10th in worldwide list of top researchers in MIS – 1998

23. Governor’s Recognition Award - Faculty Development Committee - 1996

24. Society for Information Management - 2nd Place in paper Competition - 1989

25. International Conference on System Sciences - Runner Up for Best Paper - 1989

26. Beta Gamma Sigma -1986

27. ICIS Doctoral Consortium -1985

28. General Electric Doctoral Research Fellow-1985

29. Patent # 4,268,751 Infrared Breath Analyzer -1981

30. Tau Beta Pi (Engineering Phi Beta Kappa)-1968

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    联系方式张相军 副教授电  话:****传  真:**E-mail:xiangjunzh@hit.edu.cnzhangxiangjun@vip.126.com邮  编:150001通信地址:西大直街92号 哈尔滨工业大学 电机楼 10037 基本信息 张相军,男,汉族,1971年生。副教授,
    联系方式张相军 副教授电  话:****传  真:**E-mail:xiangjunzh@hit.edu.cnzhangxiangjun@vip.126.com邮  编:150001通信地址:西大直街92号 哈尔滨工业大学 电机楼 10037 基本信息 张相军,男,汉族,1971年生。副教授,
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    讲授课程飞思卡尔单片机原理及应用 简介:电气工程专业选修课电力电子系统设计 简介:电气工程专业选修课基于32位 ARM单片机的控制系统设计 简介: 电气工程专业选修课招生信息硕士招生:高频功率变换技术无线电能传输及其空间场理论大功率开关电源技术紫外线生物效应及紫外光源驱动技术
    出版物 出版物作者出版日期出版社 电力电子设备设计和应用(第三版18章)张相军,徐殿国2009年1月机械工业出版社 论文期刊 论文标题作者发表/完成日期期刊名称 A LEDs Lighting System Based on Color Coordinates Feedback for the ...
    哈尔滨工业大学 免费考研网 2016-04-01
  • 哈尔滨工业大学研究生导师简介-张华
    基本信息 张华,女,汉族,1977年生。讲师/博士,硕士生导师;哈尔滨工业大学化工学院食品科学与工程系。 主持国家自然科学青年基金项目1项、主持黑龙江省博士后基金1项、先后参与完成和目前在研包括国家“863”、国家自然科学基金、省自然基金及市级厅局级和校级科研项目和教改类项目10余项;完
    基本信息 张华,女,汉族,1977年生。讲师/博士,硕士生导师;哈尔滨工业大学化工学院食品科学与工程系。 主持国家自然科学青年基金项目1项、主持黑龙江省博士后基金1项、先后参与完成和目前在研包括国家“863”、国家自然科学基金、省自然基金及市级厅局级和校级科研项目和教改类项目10余项;完
    研究领域天然产物与极端环境营养天然产物营养与安全 团队成员王振宇:教授,博士导师研究方向:极端环境防护食品和新资源食品研究,主要研究方向:极端环境营养学、生物活性物质分离、新资源功能食品开发,重点进行天然产物对辐射诱导机体氧化伤害的防护作用机制研究。卢卫红:教授,博士导师研究方向:药食同源功能成分
    出版物 出版物作者出版日期出版社 空间营养学王振宇,卢卫红,程翠林,赵海田,王路,焦岩,马立明,张华2011年12月国防工业出版社 粮食质量安全学马莺,崔杰,汤华成,李志军,李良,井晶,张华2015年6月科学出版社 食品功能原理及评价卢卫红,程翠林,井晶,宋微,张华,王荣春,程丽,樊榟鸾,王晓 ...
    哈尔滨工业大学 免费考研网 2016-04-01
  • 哈尔滨工业大学研究生导师简介-张国旭
    基本信息 Personal Information张国旭 (Name: Guo-Xu Zhang)女 (Gender: Female)汉族 (Nationality: Chinese)哈尔滨工业大学(Harbin Institute of Technology, HIT)化工学院 讲师 联系方式 C
    基本信息 Personal Information张国旭 (Name: Guo-Xu Zhang)女 (Gender: Female)汉族 (Nationality: Chinese)哈尔滨工业大学(Harbin Institute of Technology, HIT)化工学院 讲师 联系方式 C
    研究领域 Research Areas主要研究方向:凝聚态理论与计算材料科学 I am interested in theoretical simulations of various properties of condensed-matter materials.团队成员 Group Membe
    论文期刊 Publications 论文标题作者发表/完成日期期刊名称 A First-principles Investigation into the Ferroelectric and Antiferrodistortive Instabilities of Cubic SrTiO3Y Xi
    国际会议04. 2014 DPG Spring Meeting, Dresden, Germany (Contributed talk)03. 2014 APS Spring Meeting, Denver, Colorado, USA (Contributed talk)03. 2013 DPG ...
    哈尔滨工业大学 免费考研网 2016-04-01
  • 哈尔滨工业大学研究生导师简介-郑中玉
    基本信息郑中玉(1977—),汉族,山东安丘人。社会学博士,副教授,博士生导师;民主同盟成员,哈尔滨市南岗区政协委员。联系方式郑中玉副教授电  话:**传  真: E-mail:zheng_zhyu@163.com邮  编:150001通信地址:哈尔滨工业大学244信箱人文与社会科学学院社会学系 教
    基本信息郑中玉(1977—),汉族,山东安丘人。社会学博士,副教授,博士生导师;民主同盟成员,哈尔滨市南岗区政协委员。联系方式郑中玉副教授电  话:**传  真: E-mail:zheng_zhyu@163.com邮  编:150001通信地址:哈尔滨工业大学244信箱人文与社会科学学院社会学系 教
    讲授课程经济社会学, 本科三年级课程社会学名著选读, 本科三年级课程政治社会学, 本科二年级课程社会学专业导论, 本科一年级课程社会理论名著研读, 硕士生课程旅游社会学理论前沿,博士生课程(预开)研究生招生与毕业生去 ...
    哈尔滨工业大学 免费考研网 2016-04-01
  • 哈尔滨工业大学研究生导师简介-赵博
    个人信息 赵博,男,汉族,1979年生。哈尔滨工业大学微特电机与控制研究所,助理研究员。 联系方式 电  话:**-604传  真:**-600E-mail:zhaobo_ren@163.com邮  编:150001通信地址:黑龙江省哈尔滨市南岗区西大直街92号哈尔滨工业大学350信箱 个人
    个人信息 赵博,男,汉族,1979年生。哈尔滨工业大学微特电机与控制研究所,助理研究员。 联系方式 电  话:**-604传  真:**-600E-mail:zhaobo_ren@163.com邮  编:150001通信地址:黑龙江省哈尔滨市南岗区西大直街92号哈尔滨工业大学350信箱 个人
    研究领域一体化电机系统电机综合物理场分析电机振动噪声分析与抑制团队成员邹继斌,教授,研究方向:一体化电机系统的理论与技术,新型电磁机构的理论与技术。徐永向,教授,研究方向:特种环境永磁电机系统,永磁同步电机新型驱动与控制策略,永磁同步电机无位置传感器技术,多相化/多单元永磁同步电机系统。李 勇,
    讲授课程本科教学:电气工程及自动化学院,本科项目学习平台课《MATLAB在电气工程中应用》指导学生1.硕士生 唐南君. 复合螺旋运动永磁执行器机理分析. 2015年2.本科生 吕亚洲. 200kW永磁同步牵引电动机的电磁设计及分析. 2013年毕业 唐
    出版物 出版物作者出版日期出版社 Ansoft12在电气工程中的应用赵博,张洪亮2010年1月水利水电出版社 论文期刊 论文标题作者发表/完成日期期刊名称 A New End Windings Transposition to Reduce Windings Eddy Loss for 2 MW ...
    哈尔滨工业大学 免费考研网 2016-04-01