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邮 编:150090
地 址:哈尔滨市南岗区黄河路73号
2006.12 至今 哈尔滨工业大学交通科学与工程学院教授/博士生导师2006.12-2014.05 哈尔滨工业大学交通科学与工程学院副院长2007.08-2008.08 美国伊利诺伊大学厄本那-香槟分校(UIUC)土木与环境工程系高级访问学者2002.10-2006.11 哈尔滨工业大学交通科学与工程学院副教授、院长助理2000.08-2002.09 哈尔滨工业大学交通科学与工程学院副教授、道路教研室主任1996.08-2000.07 哈尔滨建筑大学交通学院讲师、道路教研室主任1991.07-1996.07 哈尔滨建筑工程学院道路与交通工程系、助教
2001年-2006年 哈尔滨工业大学道路与铁道工程专业 工学博士1994年-1997年 哈尔滨建筑大学道路与铁道工程专业 工学硕士1987年-1991年 哈尔滨建筑工程学院公路与城市道路工程专业 工学学士
中国公路学会道路工程分会理事黑龙江公路学会理事国家留学基金评审专家黑龙江省交通基础设施建设项目设计审查专家International Journal of Pavement Engineering(SCI、EI) 编委《公路交通科技》 编委
2013年 获得黑龙江省归国留学人员“报国奖”2008年 入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”2003年 被评为黑龙江省高教工委“优秀共产党员”2002年 被评为哈尔滨工业大学“优秀共产党员”2000年 被评为哈尔滨工业大学“优秀教师”1998年 被评为哈尔滨建筑大学“优秀共产党员”
祝贺荆儒鑫硕士获得国家留学基金委全额资助赴Delft University of Technology攻读博士学位!2014-05-13
电 话:**
传 真:**
邮 编:150090
地 址:哈尔滨市南岗区黄河路73号
2006.12 至今 哈尔滨工业大学交通科学与工程学院教授/博士生导师2006.12-2014.05 哈尔滨工业大学交通科学与工程学院副院长2007.08-2008.08 美国伊利诺伊大学厄本那-香槟分校(UIUC)土木与环境工程系高级访问学者2002.10-2006.11 哈尔滨工业大学交通科学与工程学院副教授、院长助理2000.08-2002.09 哈尔滨工业大学交通科学与工程学院副教授、道路教研室主任1996.08-2000.07 哈尔滨建筑大学交通学院讲师、道路教研室主任1991.07-1996.07 哈尔滨建筑工程学院道路与交通工程系、助教
2001年-2006年 哈尔滨工业大学道路与铁道工程专业 工学博士1994年-1997年 哈尔滨建筑大学道路与铁道工程专业 工学硕士1987年-1991年 哈尔滨建筑工程学院公路与城市道路工程专业 工学学士
中国公路学会道路工程分会理事黑龙江公路学会理事国家留学基金评审专家黑龙江省交通基础设施建设项目设计审查专家International Journal of Pavement Engineering(SCI、EI) 编委《公路交通科技》 编委
2013年 获得黑龙江省归国留学人员“报国奖”2008年 入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”2003年 被评为黑龙江省高教工委“优秀共产党员”2002年 被评为哈尔滨工业大学“优秀共产党员”2000年 被评为哈尔滨工业大学“优秀教师”1998年 被评为哈尔滨建筑大学“优秀共产党员”
祝贺荆儒鑫硕士获得国家留学基金委全额资助赴Delft University of Technology攻读博士学位!2014-05-13
王彩霞, 副教授/学士, 研究方向:寒区路基稳定技术
王 龙, 副教授/博士, 研究方向:路面基层材料与结构
解晓光, 教授/博士, 研究方向:路面抗滑理论与方法
王东升, 副教授/博士, 研究方向:路面结构设计方法;抗冻设计;桥面铺装材料与结构
张 锋, 讲师/博士, 研究方向:冻融土力学性能;汽车-路面-路基动力相互作用;边坡防护与加固
易军艳, 讲师/博士, 研究方向:路面先进功能材料;路面结构与表面特性;路面安全技术
周长俊, 讲师/博士, 研究方向:长寿命路面设计理论与方法;环保型筑路材料性能;路面数据管理与应用
国家自然科学基金面上项目,正冻饱和路基土的结构损伤弹塑性模型与冻胀变形研究, 2016.01-2019.12.黑龙江省科技厅自然科学基金重点项目, 深季节冻土区长期重载作用下路基永久变形机理研究, 2013. 01~2015. 12河北省高速公路京秦管理处, 京哈高速公路京秦段沥青路面加铺层的层间处治技术研究, 2013. 01~2014. 06交通运输部科技项目, 《公路工程抗冻设计与施工技术细则》修订与编制, 2012. 04~2014. 12交通运输部西部交通科技建设项目, 季冻区公路应对极端气候的快速维护与安全保障技术研究, 2011. 10~2014. 10教育部博士点基金项目, 季节冻土区重载车辆行驶路基稳定性研究, 2010. 01~2012. 12黑龙江省交通运输厅重点科技项目, 机制砂在沥青路面工程中的推广应用, 2010. 06~2012. 12教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目, 基于降低城市“热岛效应”的路面材料与结构研究, 2009. 06~2012. 06交通运输部西部交通科技建设项目, 多指标沥青路面设计方法研究低温设计指标专题, 2009. 06~2011. 12齐泰高速公路建设指挥部项目, 齐泰高速公路路面材料与结构控制, 2009. 03~2011. 12教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金, 降低城市“热岛效应”的路面热反射涂层技术研究, 2009. 05~2012. 05辽宁省交通重点科技项目, 重载交通下长寿命沥青路面结构应用技术研究, 2008. 06~2011. 06吉林省交通科技项目, 沥青路面下封层设计方法与施工关键技术研究, 2008. 06~2010. 08交通运输部西部交通科技建设项目, 滨海公路潮差侵蚀路段路基、路面及防护工程技术研究, 2007. 06~2010. 12交通运输部西部交通科技建设项目, 沥青路面热阻与热反射技术研究, 2007, 06~2010. 10交通运输部西部交通科技建设项目, 轮迹路面设计与施工技术研究, 2006. 06~2008. 06交通运输部西部交通科技建设项目, 东北地区高速公路路面典型结构及路面材料指标的研究, 2005. 06~2009. 06黑龙江省交通厅重点交通科技项目, 水泥沥青混合料基层与面层研究, 2003. 06~2008. 06吉林省交通厅科技项目, 寒冷地区桥面铺装技术研究, 2003. 06~2006. 12
陈 剑,研究方向:JPCP传荷性能的动力评价
刘 秀,研究方向:桥面铺装材料与结构响应分析
权 磊,研究方向:耐久性水泥混凝土路面(与田波研究员联合指导)
林 波,研究方向:冻融土动力细观演化与动力性能
2015级 周 志 李芸禄 许芸熙 解赛楠
2014级 陈松强 初建鹏 李建军 裴忠实 吴小双 臧宏阳 瓦洛佳 阿拉木
张 锋,研究方向:寒区路基动力稳定性评价
2010级 陈亮亮
2009级 曹 鹏 《沥青路面多尺度力学分析方法及模型研究》
2008级 易军艳 《基于界面行为的多孔沥青混合料冻融损伤特性研究》
2007级 张 鑫 《水泥稳定级配碎石排水基层胶浆合理稠度研究》
张 锋 《深季节冻土区重载汽车荷载下路基动力响应与永久变形》
马 季 (Mammam Merhej)
2006级 田 林 《骨架-密实型水泥稳定级配碎石抗裂特性的研究》
2004级 王东升 《沥青路面流动型车辙的理论研究》
2013级 许 勐 王史记 牛力达 庞骁奕
2012级 荆儒鑫 曹一翔 孙朝杰 唐 浩
2011级 于 飞 詹苏涛 王 赫 巩春伟 白 杨
2010级 赵 银 魏文鼎 胡伟超
2009级 马宏岩 左文锌 权 磊
2008级 汪鸿山 陈亮亮 王孙富
2007级 黄宇强 周长俊
2006级 易军艳 杨振丹 王广伟
2005级 张 鑫 黄碧中 王 磊 郑天鸣 李星海
2004级 梁满杰 王新磊 邢真真 高 畅 陈琳娜 马季(Mammam Merhej)
2003级 曾过生 尹吉州 宋 宇 周紫君 邵 丽
2002级 王东升 杨 阳
2001级 林平东 刘 君
2000级 王志永
2012级 董淑慧
冯德成, 解晓光. 环境友好型路面铺装技术, 北京: 科学出版社, 2013.郭大智, 冯德成. 层状弹性体系力学, 哈尔滨: 哈尔滨工业大学出版社, 2001.沙爱民. 路基路面工程, 北京: 高等教育出版社, 2011.(参编)沈金安. 国外沥青路面设计方法总汇, 北京: 人民交通出版社, 2004.(参编)城市道路沥青路面. 北京: 中华人民共和国建设部, 2005.(参编)公路沥青路面设计规范. 北京: 人民交通出版社, 2006.(参编)公路工程抗冻设计与施工技术指南. 北京: 人民交通出版社, 2005.(参编)《公路沥青路面设计规范》释义手册. 北京: 人民交通出版社, 2008.(参编)
易军艳, SHEN Shihui, MUHUNTHAN Balasingam, 冯德成. 多孔沥青混合料粘弹塑性损伤模型, 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2014, 46(2): 66-71.Feng Zhang, Decheng Feng, Xianzhang Ling, Qionglin Li. Numerical Simulation of Dynamic Response of Subgrade under Moving Heavy Truck in Cold Regions. Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions, 2013, 5(4): 468-477.曹鹏, 冯德成, 曹一翔, 左文锌. 三点弯曲纤维增强混凝土缺口梁的断裂性能试验研究, 工程力学, 2013, 30(s): 221-225.冯德成, 赵银, 陈剑. 水泥稳定RAP材料劈裂应力-应变特性, 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2013, 45(4): 74-78.荆儒鑫, 李新凯, 唐浩, 冯德成. 半刚性基层尺寸效应对水泥路面板响应. 辽宁工程技术大学学报(自然科学版), 2013, 11: 1484-1488.荆儒鑫, 王东升, 冯德成. 辽宁省典型沥青混合料动态模量. 辽宁工程技术大学学报(自然科学版), 2013, 09: 1246-1251.冯德成, 权磊, 田波, 李新凯. 水泥混凝土路面固化翘曲试验研究. 建筑材料学报, 2013, (5): 812-816.张 锋, 冯德成, 凌贤长, 等. 长平高速公路典型原状粉质粘土静动力学特性. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2012, 44(8): 11-16.Ning Xie, Xianming Shi, Decheng Feng, Boqiang Kuang, Hui Li. Percolation backbone structure analysis in electrically conductive carbon fiber reinforced cement composites. Composites: Part B, 2012. 43, 3270-3275.Feng Decheng, Zuo Wenxin, Cao Peng. The prospect and review of dem model using in saturated and unsaturated soil. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2012, 105-107: 1371-1375.Cao Peng, Feng Decheng, Jing, Ruxin. Based on FE method to research resistant rutting ability of pavement structure in Heilongjiang province. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2012, 128-129: 1349-1354.Ning Xie, Decheng Feng, Hui Li, Chunwei Gong, Liang Zhen, Shape-controlled Synthesis of zinc phosphates nanostructures by an aqueous solution route at room temperature. Materials letters. 2012. 82, 26-28.冯德成, 于飞, 巩春伟. 基于体积法的水泥稳定级配碎石配合比设计方法. 公路交通科技, 2012, 29(10): 22-32.权磊, 田波, 冯德成, 李新凯. 基于成熟度理论的水泥混凝土早期强度预测模型研究. 公路交通科技(应用技术版), 2012, 02:35-39.曹鹏, 冯德成, 曹一翔. 沥青混凝土小梁断裂路径数值模拟研究. 公路, 2012, 06: 92-95.赵银, 曹鹏, 冯德成, 荆儒鑫. 三点弯曲梁模型模拟半刚性路面的底基层断裂. 中外公路, 2012, 05:62-66.魏文鼎, 冯德成, 赵银, 关彦超. 细集料性质对沥青混合料体积特性影响分析, 中外公路, 2011,6(31):241-243.权磊, 冯德成, 关彦超, 赵银, 胡伟超. 季冻区沥青路面横向裂缝分布规律研究. 低温建筑技术, 2011, (10): 120-122.邵长兰,马宏岩,冯德成,魏文鼎.道路石油沥青质量评价新体系.中外公路, 2011, 31(4): 238-240.Merhej Tammam, Feng Decheng. Polypropylene fiber reinforced concrete for airfield pavements: Modeling of stress-strain curve under compression. 2011, 261-263: 171-177.Cao Peng, Feng Decheng, Ma Hongyan, Zuo, Wenxin. Numerical test of crack propagation path in asphalt beam using coupled extended finite element with field variable method. Advanced Materials Research. 2011, 250-253: 2754-2759.Merhej Tammam, Feng Decheng. Parameter sensitivity analysis of airport rigid pavement thickness using FAARFIELD program. Advanced Materials Research. 2011, 243-249: 4068-4074.Merhej Tammam, Cheng Liangliang, Feng Decheng. Polypropylene fiber reinforced concrete for rigid airfield pavement. Advanced Materials Research. 2011, 228-229: 627-633.Merhej Tammam, Li Xin Kai, Feng Decheng. Polypropylene fiber reinforced concrete for airport rigid pavements: Compressive and flexural strength. 2011, 219-220: 1601-1607.张 锋, 冯德成, 凌贤长, 等. 春融期重载车辆-路面-路基垂向动力分析模型. 中国公路学报, 2011, 24(4): 7-14.曹鹏, 冯德成, 田林,荆儒鑫. 基于弹塑形损伤理论的水泥稳定基层养生期裂缝形成机理分析. 工程力学. 2011, 28(增刊1): 99-103.冯德成, 田林, 曹鹏. 基于扩展有限元方法的路基不均匀沉降纵向裂缝分析. 工程力学. 2011, 28(5): 149-154Decheng Feng, Junyan Yi, Dongsheng Wang, Liangliang Chen. Impact of Salt and Freeze-thaw Cycles on the Performance of Asphalt Mixtures in Coastal Frozen Region of China, Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2010, 62(1): 34-41.冯德成, 易军艳, 王东升. 沥青混合料渗水特性的试验研究, 建筑材料学报, 2010,13(2):182-186.冯德成, 张鑫, 王广伟. 陶瓷热阻磨耗层材料开发及性能验证. 公路, 2010, (11):151-155.冯德成, 张鑫. 热反射涂层开发及路用性能观测研究. 公路交通科技, 2010, 27(10): 17-21.张鑫, 冯德成. 水泥稳定碎石排水基层胶浆合理稠度的评价方法. 公路交通科技, 2010, 27(8): 12-17.冯德成, 张鑫. 缓解城市热岛效应的城市路面铺装简介. 中外公路, 2010, 30(4): 103-105.张 锋, 冯德成, 凌贤长. 季节冻土区车-路耦合作用下路面动力响应数值模拟研究. 中国科技论文在线学报, 2010, 5(10): 797-802.冯德成, 陈亮亮, 魏文鼎.集料比表面积计算在水泥稳定砂砾配合比设计中的应用. 公路, 2010(12):151-155冯德成, 胡伟超, 于飞, 曹鹏, 张鑫. 沥青路面材料热物性参数对温度场的影响及敏感性分析. 公路交通科技, 2010,28(11):12-19.Feng Decheng, Yu fei, Gong Chunwei, Zhan Sutao. Evaluation Method of Reasonable Cement Slurry Consistency of Cement Treated Crushed Stone Permeable Base. 公路交通科技(英文版).邵长兰, 马宏岩, 冯德成, 赵银. 浇注式橡胶沥青混凝土的研究. 低温建筑技术, 2010, (12): 124-126.FENG Decheng, ZHANG Xin. Thermal Resistance Wearing Course Materials Design and Performance. International Journal of Civil & Environmental Engineering. 2010, 10(6).Feng Decheng, Zhang Xin. Heat reflection coating design and performance. The 9th International Conference of Chinese Transportation Professionals, Harbin, P.R.C., 2009. U.S.A, ASCE, 2009: Vol. 358: 2519-2525Feng Decheng, Yi Junyan, Wang Lei, Wang Dongsheng. Impact of gradation types on freeze-thaw performance of asphalt mixtures in seasonal frozen region. The 9th International Conference of Chinese Transportation Professionals, Harbin, P.R.C., 2009. U.S.A, ASCE, 2009: Vol.2336-2342Zhou-Changjun, Feng Decheng, Zuo Wenxin; Quan Lei. Research on relationship between fine aggregate angularity and asphalt mixture's anti-shear ability. The 9th International Conference of Chinese Transportation Professionals, Harbin, P.R.C., 2009. U.S.A, ASCE, 2009: Vol. 358: 2310-2315Feng Decheng, Zhang Xin, Shi Chenglin. Research on reasonable cement slurry consistency of cement stabilized crushed stone permeable base. 8th International Conference of Chinese Logistics and Transportation Professionals-Logistics: The Emerging Frontiers of Transportation and Development in China: 2444-2452Feng Decheng, Wang Dongsheng, Shao Li. Research on the asphalt mortar's mechanical performance of the guss asphalt concrete. 8th International Conference of Chinese Logistics and Transportation Professionals - Logistics: The Emerging Frontiers of Transportation and Development in China: 4754-4761易军艳, 冯德成, 杨振丹. 基于渗水特性的沥青混合料空隙率标准, 公路交通科技, 2009, 26(9): 17-20.Junyan Yi, Decheng Feng, Dongsheng Wang. Impact of Freeze-Thaw Cycles on the Performance of Asphalt Mixture Based Permeability, 7th International RILEM Symposium on Advanced Testing and Characterization of Bituminous Materials (ATCBM09), Greece, 2009.5: 205-214.易军艳, 冯德成, 王广伟, 于志双. 超声波测试方法在沥青混合料冻融试验中的应用, 公路交通科技, 2009,26(11):6-10.易军艳, 冯德成. 沥青混凝土路面表面层混合料渗水特性的试验分析, 公路, 2009,(10):114-117.冯德成, 易军艳. 沥青路面热阻粘封层机理及性能研究, 公路交通科技, 2009,26(5):1-5王彩霞, 马兆有, 冯德成, 等. 东部温润季冻区公路三级自然区划方法. 哈尔滨工业大学学报,2008,40(2):250-254.冯德成, 宋宇. 沥青路面层间结合状态与试验与评价方法研究. 哈尔滨工业大学学报. 2007, 39(4): 627-631.Feng Decheng, Liu Jun. Comprehensive Fuzzy Evaluation Model of Highway Network in West China. ASCE: Proceedings of The 8th International Conference, Beking 2004: 323-327林平东, 冯德成. 纤维加筋材料在寒冷地区道路的适用性研究. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2004,36(10):1414-1416.
Chunwei GONG, Yunzhe Zhu, Jing Zhong, Decheng Feng, Ning Xie. Microstructure of Portland cement paste with nano-TiO2 particles. 20th Annual International Conference on Composites or Nano Engineering. Bei Jing, 2012.Lichao Feng, Chunwei Gong, Yunpeng Wu, Decheng Feng, Ning Xie. The Study on Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Cement Paste with Nano-TiO2. 2012 International Conference on Applied Physics and Materials Science. Da Lian, 2012.荆儒鑫, 曹鹏, 冯德成, 林星艳. 沥青路面计算中的弹性层状连续体系理论与有限元对比分析研究. 2011ABAQUS年会. 苏州. 2011.曹鹏, 冯德成, 田林. 基于弹塑形损伤理论的水泥稳定基层养生期裂缝形成机理分析. 第19届全国结构工程学术会议. 济南: 山东建筑大学 .2010.曹鹏, 冯德成, 马宏岩. ABAQUS中网格划分对于橡胶材料自接触-大变形的收敛性研究. 2010 ABAQUS年会. 青岛 . 2010.曹鹏, 冯德成, 黄宇强. 对于沥青混凝土与水泥混凝土梁的三点弯曲数值模拟. 2009 ABAQUS年会. 四川 . 2009.Junyan Yi, Decheng Feng, Dongsheng Wang. Impact of Freeze-Thaw Cycles on the Performance of Asphalt Mixture Based Permeability, 7th International RILEM Symposium on Advanced Testing and Characterization of Bituminous Materials (ATCBM09), Greece, 2009.5: 205-214.
博士后: 按照教育部及学校有关博士后管理工作的规定,接收优秀博士毕业生入站(交通运输工程博士后工作站)合作开展博士后研究工作。
博士招生: 照教育部及学校有关博士招生工作的规定,通过“报名考试”方式接受全国重点大学优秀硕士毕业生入学。
硕士招生: 照教育部及学校有关硕士招生工作的规定,通过“推荐免试”和“报名考试”两种方式接收全国重点大学优秀本科毕业生入学。
Dr. Feng joined Harbin Architectural and Civil Engineering Institute as Teaching Assistant in July 1991, and as Associate Professor in July 2000. He visited the UIUC from Aug. 2007 to Aug. 2008 as senior visiting scholar, and supported by the New Century Excellent Talaents Program in 2008. He is currently Professor of Road and Railway Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology.
Dr. Feng’s expertise is in pavement and subgrade engineering, particular interests on cold region-related issues. He has published more than 60 papers, including about 50 journal articles. Dr. Feng has received research funding in pavement and subgrade engineering from Ministry of Transport of the People’s Republic of China, Ministry of Education, Communication Department of Liaoning Province, Communication Department of Jilin Province, Natural Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province and so on.
Ph.D. Road and Railway Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, 2006.
M. S. Road and Railway Engineering, Harbin University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 1997.
B. S. Highway and Urban Road Engineering, Harbin Architectural and Civil Engineering Institute, 1991.
Teaching Responsibilites
Design Theory of Asphalt Pavement
Pavement Mechanics and Analysis Method
Analysis of Asphalt Pavement Structure and Material System
Professional and Departmental Service
Road Engineering of China Highway Society: Commissioner
Heilongjiang Province Highway Society: Commissioner
School of Transportation Science and Engineering in HIT Professor Committee
Reviewer for Professional Journals and Conferences
Research Interests
Pavement Materials and Structure
Subgrade Stability Technology under Complex Environment
Project Construction Cost and Sustainable Development
Journal Paper
YI Junyan, SHEN Shihui, MUHUNTHAN Balasingam and FENG Decheng. Viscoelastic-plastic damage model of porous asphalt mixtures[J]. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 2014, 46(2): 66-71. (in Chinese)Feng Zhang, Decheng Feng, Xianzhang Ling, Qionglin Li. Numerical Simulation of Dynamic Response of Subgrade under Moving Heavy Truck in Cold Regions. Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions, 2013, 5(4): 468-477.CAO Peng, FENG Decheng, CAO Yixiang, ZUO Wenxin. Research on fracture characteristics of Polypropylene Fiber Reinforced Cement Concrete using three-point-bending notch beam experiment[J]. Engineering Mechanics, 2013, 30(s): 221-225. (in Chinese)FENG Decheng, ZHAO Yin, CHEN Jian. Splitting stress-strain properties of cement stabilized reclaimed asphalt pavement[J]. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 2013, 45(4): 74-78. (in Chinese)JING Ruxin, LI Xinkai, TANG Hao, FENG Decheng. Response of cement concrete pavement based size effect of semi-rigid base[J]. Journal of Liaoning Technical University(Natural Science), 2013, 11: 1484-1488(in Chinese)JING Ruxin, WANG Dongsheng, FENG Decheng. Research on master curve of common asphalt mixtures in liaoning province[J]. Journal of Liaoning Technical University(Natural Science), 2013,09:1246-1251. (in Chinese)FENG Decheng, QUAN Lei, TIAN Bo, LI Xinkai. Experimental study on warp of concrete road slab upon curing[J]. Journal of Building Materials, 2013, (5):812-816. (in Chinese)ZHANG Feng, FENG Decheng, LING Xianzhang, LI Qionglin, WANG Jiahui. Static and dynamic mechanics properties of undisturbed silty clay of Changchun-Siping Highway[J]. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 2012, 44(8):11-16. (in Chinese)XIE Ning, SHI Xianming, FENG Decheng, KUANG Boqiang, LI Hui. Percolation backbone structure analysis in electrically conductive carbon fiber reinforced cement composites[J]. Composites: Part B, 2012. 43, 3270-3275.FENG Decheng, ZUO Wenxin, CAO Peng. The prospect and review of dem model using in saturated and unsaturated soil[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2012, 105-107: 1371-1375.CAO Peng, FENG Decheng, JING, Ruxin. Based on FE method to research resistant rutting ability of pavement structure in Heilongjiang province[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2012, 128-129: 1349-1354.XIE Ning, FENG Decheng, LI Hui, GONG Chunwei, ZHEN Liang. Shape-controlled Synthesis of zinc phosphates nanostructures by an aqueous solution route at room temperature[J]. Materials letters. 2012. 82, 26-28.FENG Decheng, YU Fei, GONG Chunwei. Mix Design Method of Cement Stabilized Grade Crushed Stone Based on Volume Method[J]. Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development, 2012, 29(10): 22-32. (in Chinese)QUAN Lei, TIAN Bo, FENG Decheng, LI Xinkai. Study on prediction model of the early strength of cement concrete based on the maturity theory [J]. Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development (Applied Technology Edition), 2012, 02:35-39. (in Chinese)CAO Peng, FENG Decheng, CAO Yixiang. A study on numerical simulation of crack propagation path in asphalt concrete beam[J]. Highway, 2012, 06:92-95. (in Chinese)ZHAO Yin, CAO Peng, FENG Decheng, JING Ruxin. Three-point bending beam model to simulate the cracking of the subbase of semi-rigid pavement[J]. Journal of China & Foreign Highway, 2012, 05: 62-66. (in Chinese)WEI Wending,FENG Decheng,ZHAO Yin,GUAN Yanchao. Analysis on the Influence of the nature of fine aggregate to the Volume features of asphalt mixture [J], Journal of China & Foreign Highway, 2011, 6(31): 241-243. (in Chinese)QUAN Lei, FENG Decheng, GUAN Yanchao, ZHAO Yin, HU Weichao. Research on transverse cracks distribution of asphalt pavement in seasonal frost regions[J]. Low Temperature Architecture Technology, 2011(10): 120-122. (in Chinese)SHAO Chaolan, MA Hongyan, FENG Decheng, WEI Wending. The new evaluation system of road asphalt quality[J]. Journal of China & Foreign Highway, 2011,31(4):238-240. (in Chinese)MERHEJ Tammam, FENG Decheng. Polypropylene fiber reinforced concrete for airfield pavements: Modeling of stress-strain curve under compression. 2011, 261-263: 171-177.CAO Peng, FENG Decheng, MA Hongyan, ZUO Wenxin. Numerical test of crack propagation path in asphalt beam using coupled extended finite element with field variable method[J]. Advanced Materials Research. 2011, 250-253: 2754-2759.MERHEJ Tammam, FENG Decheng. Parameter sensitivity analysis of airport rigid pavement thickness using FAARFIELD program[J]. Advanced Materials Research. 2011, 243-249: 4068-4074.MERHEJ Tammam, CHEN Liangliang, FENG Decheng. Polypropylene fiber reinforced concrete for rigid airfield pavement[J]. Advanced Materials Research. 2011, 228-229: 627-633.MERHEJ Tammam, LI Xin Kai, FENG Decheng. Polypropylene fiber reinforced concrete for airport rigid pavements: Compressive and flexural strength. 2011, 219-220: 1601-1607.ZHANG Feng, FENG Decheng, LING Xianzhang, WANG Ziyu, ZHU Zhanyuan. Vertical Dynamical Analysis Model of Heavy Vehicle-pavement subgrade During Spring-thawing Period[J]. China Journal of Highway and Transport, 2011, 24(4): 7-14. (in Chinese)CAO Peng,FENG Decheng, TIAN Lin, JING Ru-xin. Research on cracking evolution of cement stabilized base course during maintaining period based on elastic-plastic damage mechanics[J]. Engineering Mechanics. 2011, 28(s1): 99-103. (in Chinese)FENG Decheng, TIAN Lin, CAO Peng. STUDY ON LONGITUDINAL CRACKING DURING SETTLEMENT OF SOIL BASED ON EXTENDED FINITE ELEMENT METHOD[J]. Engineering Mechanics. 2011, 28(5): 149-154 (in Chinese)FENG Decheng, YI Junyan, WANG Dongsheng, CHEN Liangliang. Impact of Salt and Freeze-thaw Cycles on the Performance of Asphalt Mixtures in Coastal Frozen Region of China[J], Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2010, 62(1): 34-41.FENG Decheng, YI Jun-yan, WANG Dongsheng. Experimental Study on Permeability Characteristic of Asphalt Mixture[J],Journal of Building Materials, 2010, 13(2): 182-186. (in Chinese)FENG Decheng, ZHANG Xin, WANG Guangwei. Development of Ceramic Thermal Resistance Wearing CourseMaterials and Performance Test[J]. Highway, 2010, (11): 151-155. (in Chinese)FENG Decheng, ZHANG Xin. Development of Heat Reflection Coating and Observation of Its Road Performance[J]. Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development, 2010, 27(10):17-21. (in Chinese)ZHANG Xin, FENG Decheng. Evaluation Method of Reasonable Cement Slurry Consistency of Cement Treated Crushed Stone Permeable Base[J]. Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development, 2010,27(8):12-17. (in Chinese)FENG Decheng, ZHANG Xin. Brief introduction of the Pavement that mitigation the Urban heat island effect[J]. Journal of China & Foreign Highway, 2010, 30(4):103-105. (in Chinese)Zhang Feng, FENG Decheng, Ling Xianzhang. Numerical simulation of pavement dynamic response induced by interaction of vehicle-road system in seasonally frozen region[J]. Sciencepaper Online, 2010, 5(10): 797-802. (in Chinese)FENG Decheng, CHEN Liangliang, WEI Wending. Application of Calculation of Aggregates Specific Surface Area to Cement Stabilized Sand-Gravel Mix Design[J]. Highway, 2010(12): 151-155(in Chinese)FENG Decheng, HU Weichao, YU Fei, CAO Peng, ZHANG Xin. Impact of Asphalt Pavement Thermophysical Property on Temperature Field and Sensitivity Analysis[J]. Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development, 2010, 28(11):12-19. (in Chinese)FENG Decheng, Yu fei, Gong Chunwei, Zhan Sutao. Evaluation Method of Reasonable Cement Slurry Consistency of Cement Treated Crushed Stone Permeable Base[J]. Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development(English edition).CHAO Changlan, Ma Hongyan, FENG Decheng, ZHAO Yin. Research on casting rubber asphalt concrete[J]. Low Temperature Architecture Technology, 2010, (12):124-126. (in Chinese)FENG Decheng, ZHANG Xin. Thermal Resistance Wearing Course Materials Design and Performance. International Journal of Civil & Environmental Engineering[J]. 2010,10(6).FENG Decheng, ZHANG Xin. Heat reflection coating design and performance. The 9th International Conference of Chinese Transportation Professionals, Harbin, P.R.C., 2009, (358): 2519-2525.FENG Decheng, YI Junyan, WANG Lei, WANG Dongsheng. Impact of gradation types on freeze-thaw performance of asphalt mixtures in seasonal frozen region. The 9th International Conference of Chinese Transportation Professionals, Harbin, P.R.C., 2009, (358): 2336-2342ZhOU Changjun, FENG Decheng, ZUO Wenxin, Quan Lei. Research on relationship between fine aggregate angularity and asphalt mixture's anti-shear ability. The 9th International Conference of Chinese Transportation Professionals, Harbin, P.R.C., 2009, (358): 2310-2315FENG Decheng, ZHANG Xin, SHI Chenglin. Research on reasonable cement slurry consistency of cement stabilized crushed stone permeable base. 8th International Conference of Chinese Logistics and Transportation Professionals-Logistics: The Emerging Frontiers of Transportation and Development in China: 2444-2452FENG Decheng, WANG Dongsheng, SHAO Li. Research on the asphalt mortar's mechanical performance of the guss asphalt concrete. 8th International Conference of Chinese Logistics and Transportation Professionals - Logistics: The Emerging Frontiers of Transportation and Development in China: 4754-4761YI Junyan, FENG Decheng, YANG Zhendan. Criterion of Air Voids Based on Permeability Characteristic of Asphalt Mixture[J],Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development,2009,26(9):17-20. (in Chinese)YI Junyan, FENG Decheng, WANG Dongsheng. Impact of Freeze-Thaw Cycles on the Performance of Asphalt Mixture Based Permeability,7th International RILEM Symposium on Advanced Testing and Characterization of Bituminous Materials (ATCBM09),Greece,2009.5: 205-214.YI Junyan, FENG Decheng, WANG Guangwei, YU Zhishuang. Application of Ultrasonic Test Method in Freeze thaw Test of Asphalt Mixture[J],Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development,2009,26(11):6-10. (in Chinese)YI Junyan,FENG Decheng. Experimental analysis on the seepage properties of the surface layer of asphalt concrete pavement[J], Highway, 2009, (10): 114-117. (in Chinese)FENG Decheng, YI Junyan. Study on Mechanism and Performance of Tack and Seal Coat of Thermal Resistance for Asphalt Pavement[J], Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development, 2009, 26(5): 1-5. (in Chinese)WANG Caixia, MA Zhaoyou, FENG Decheng, LUAN Hai. Method of the third rank division of highway in east seasonal frost region[J]. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 2008, 40(2): 250-254. (in Chinese)FENG Decheng, SONG Yu. Study of test and evaluation method on interfacial combining state of asphalt pavement [J]. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology. 2007, 39(4):627-631. (in Chinese)FENG Decheng, Liu Jun. Comprehensive fuzzy evaluation model of highway network in west china. ASCE: Proceedings of The 8th International Conference, Beking 2004: 323-327LIN Pingdong, FENG Decheng. Applicability study of fiber reinforced material in frigid region road[J]. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 2004, 36(10):1414-1416. (in Chinese)
Conference Paper
GONG Chunwei, ZHU Yunzhe, ZHONG Jing, FENG Decheng, XIE Ning. Microstructure of Portland cement paste with nano-TiO2 particles. 20th Annual International Conference on Composites or Nano Engineering. Bei Jing, 2012.FENG Lichao, GONG Chunwei, WU Yunpeng, FENG Decheng, XIE Ning. The Study on Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Cement Paste with Nano-TiO2. 2012 International Conference on Applied Physics and Materials Science. Da Lian, 2012.JING Ruxin, CAO Peng, FENG Decheng,LIN Xingyan. Contrastive analysis of layered elastic system theory and finite element in Mechanical calculation of asphalt pavement. 2011ABAQUS Annual Meeting. suzhou. 2011. (in Chinese)CAO Peng, FENG Decheng, TIAN Lin. Research on cracking evolution of cement stabilized base course during maintaining period based on elastic-plastic damage mechanics[J]. 19th National Conference on Structural Engineering. Jinan: Shandong Jianzhu University. 2010. (in Chinese)CAO Peng, FENG Decheng, MA Hongyan. Research on the convergence of self contact -large deformation of rubber material in ABAQUS meshing. 2010 ABAQUS Annual Meeting. Qindao. 2010. (in Chinese)CAO Peng, FENG Decheng, HUANG Yu-iang. Numerical simulation of three-point bending of asphalt concrete and cement concrete beam. 2009 ABAQUS Annual Meeting. Sichuan Province. 2009. (in Chinese)YI Junyan, FENG Decheng, WANG Dongsheng. Impact of Freeze-Thaw Cycles on the Performance of Asphalt Mixture Based Permeability, 7th International RILEM Symposium on Advanced Testing and Characterization of Bituminous Materials (ATCBM09), Greece, 2009.5: 205-214.
Prof. FENG Decheng
Office STSE B7418-1
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Email fengdecheng@hit.edu.cn
Add. 73 Huanghe Road Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, China
P. C. 150090