

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-23

摘要:采用尼龙网袋研究法,研究了不同形态氮素对油菜秸秆腐解及养分释放规律的影响,以期为农业秸秆循环利用和改善秸秆还田效果提供理论依据。试验设置4个处理:不添加氮素(CK)、添加尿素(PU)、添加尿素硝酸铵(UAN)和添加石灰氮(CaCN2),周期120 d。结果表明,油菜秸秆腐解表现为前期快(0~30 d)、后期慢(30~120 d)的特征。120 d时,油菜秸秆累积腐解率为46.08%~52.34%,碳、氮、磷和钾的释放率分别为44.25%~51.52%、51.19%~54.87%、52.82%~58.45%和96.61%~97.46%。添加氮素可以显著促进油菜秸秆腐解。120 d时,添加氮素处理较CK处理油菜秸秆的累积腐解率提高10.80%~13.59%。不同形态氮素对秸秆的腐解特征和碳氮磷钾释放速率的效应不同。其中,PU处理秸秆腐解过程分两个阶段,快速腐解(0~30 d)和缓慢腐解(30~120 d);30 d时油菜秸秆的腐解率达40.39%,30 d后腐解速率逐渐趋于稳定,120 d时腐解率达51.06%。UAN处理腐解过程分3个阶段,快速腐解(0~30 d)、腐解减缓(30~60 d)和缓慢腐解(30~120 d);30 d时腐解率达40.67%,30~60 d腐解率上升7.54%,120 d时腐解率为51.63%。CaCN2处理的秸秆腐解过程分两个阶段,快速腐解(0~30 d)和缓慢腐解(30~120 d);其促进腐解作用主要表现在60 d后,60 d时油菜秸秆腐解率达44.37%,120 d时腐解率为52.34%。与不施氮处理相比,120 d时UAN处理秸秆累积腐解率提高12.04%,碳、氮和磷累积释放率分别提高9.33%、7.19%和6.97%。各处理对秸秆钾的释放率影响不显著。综合来看,以UAN促进油菜秸秆腐解的效果较为显著。
Abstract:Excess rape straw causes unreasonable straw processing, such as burning, resulting in resource waste and serious environmental pollution. Returning straw to the soil is an effective way to improve this situation. Previous studies have found that nitrogen can regulate the soil microbial carbon-nitrogen ratio to promote straw decomposition. At present, much research has focused on the effects of nitrogen rate on straw decomposition, whereas the effects of different forms of nitrogen have rarely been proposed. In this experiment, rape straw was returned to soil for 120 days with different forms of nitrogen:urea (PU), urea ammonium nitrate (UAN), and lime nitrogen (CaCN2), at a 90 kg·hm-2 application rate in nylon net bags. The effects of different forms of nitrogen on the decomposition and nutrient release of rape straw were studied. The straw weight and carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium contents of straw residues were investigated at 5, 10, 30, 60, 90, and 120 d after straw mixtures were buried into soil to explore characteristics of straw decomposition and nutrient release with the application of different nitrogen forms. The aim of the study was to optimize straw incorporation into soil to improve straw utilization efficiency. The results showed that the decomposition of rape straw was fast in the early stage (0-30 d) and slow in the later stage (30-120 d). At 120 d, the cumulative decomposition rate of rape straw was 46.08%-52.34%. The release rates of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium were 44.25%-51.52%, 51.19%-54.87%, 52.82%-58.45%, and 96.61%-97.46%, respectively. The addition of nitrogen significantly promoted the decomposition of rape straw. At 120 d, the cumulative decomposition rate of nitrogen treatments increased by 10.80%-13.59% than that of the control treatment. Different forms of nitrogen have different effects on straw decomposition and release rates of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Among them, the PU treatment decomposition process was divided into two stages, rapid decomposition (0-30 d) and slow decomposition (30-120 d); at 30 d, the decomposition rate of rape straw reached 40.39%. After 30 d, the decomposition rate gradually became stable and reached 51.06% at 120 d. The UAN treatment decomposition process was divided into three stages, rapid decomposition (0-30 d), slowing decomposition (30-60 d), and slow decomposition (30-120 d); the decomposition rate reached 40.67% at 30 d. The decomposition rate increased by 7.54% from 30 to 60 d, and it was 51.63% at 120 d. The decomposition effect of the CaCN2 treatment was mainly manifested after 60 d. At 60 d, the decomposition rate of rape straw reached 44.37%, and was 52.34% at 120 d. Overall, the effect of UAN was more significant. Compared with no nitrogen treatment, the cumulative decomposition rate of straw in the UAN treatment increased by 12.04%; the cumulative release rates of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus increased by 9.33%, 7.19%, and 6.97%, respectively. The effect of each treatment on the potassium release rate of straw was not significant. Therefore, this study provided the basis for enhancing rape straw decomposition to promote straw resource utilization.
Key words:Nitrogen forms/
Rape straw/
Nutrient release


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