女,博士讲师,1988 年 12 月出生,河北邯郸人。
2018 年 6 月毕业于中国农业大学遗传学专业,获理学博士学位。2018 年 9 月起在河北工程大学园林与生态学院园艺系任教。
Li,X., Feng, H., Wen, J.Q., Dong, J.L.* and Wang, T.* (2018) MtCAS31 aidssymbiotic nitrogen fixation by protecting the leghemoglobin MtLb120-1 underdrought stress in Medicago truncatula.Front. Plant Sci. 9, 633. (IF 4.29)
Hao Feng, Xin Li, Hong Chen, Jie Deng, Chaojun Zhang, Ji Liu, Tao Wang,Xueyan Zhang and Jiangli Dong. (2018)GhHUB2, a ubiquitin ligase, controls cotton fiberdevelopment. Journal of Experimental Botany. (IF 5.35)
Feng, H., Li, X., Song, W.B., Duan, M., Chen, H., Wang, T. and Dong, J.L.*(2017) Oral administration of a seed-based bivalent rotavirus vaccinecontaining VP6 and NSP4 induces specific immune responses in mice. Front. PlantSci. 8, 910. (IF 4.29)
Ma, L., Zhu, F.G., Li, Z.W., Zhang, J.F.,
TALEN-Basedmutagenesis of lipoxygenase LOX3 enhances the storage tolerance of rice (