男,讲师,博士研究生;1986年 10月出生,河北邱县人。2017年 7月毕业于中国农业科学院植物病理学专业,获农学博士学位;2018年 9月至今在河北工程大学园林与生态工程学院园艺系任教。
1Nan-Yang Li,Xue-Feng Ma, Dylan P. G. Short,Ting-Gang Li, Lei Zhou, Yue-JingGui, Zhi-Qiang Kong, Dan-Dan Zhang, Wen-QiZhang, Jun-Jiao Li, Krishna V. Subbarao,Jie-Yin Chen, Xiao-Feng Dai. Theisland cotton NBS-LRR gene GbaNA1 confersresistance to the non-race 1 Verticillium dahliae isolate Vd991.molecular plant pathology. 2018; 19(6):1466-1479.
2Li Nan Yang, Lei Zhou, Dandan Zhang, Steven J. Klosterman, Tinggang Li, Yuejing Gui, Zhiqiang Kong, Xuefeng Ma,Dylan P. G. Short, Wenqi Zhang, Junjiao Li, Jie-Yin Chen, Krishna V. Subbarao and Xiao-Feng Dai. HeterologousExpression of the Cotton NBS-LRR Gene GbaNA1 Enhances Verticillium wilt Resistance in Arabidopsis. Frontiers in plantscience. 2017; 9: 119.
3Jie-Yin Chen*, Nan-Yang Li*, Xue-Feng Ma, Vijai KumarGupta, Dan-Dan Zhang, Ting-Gang Li, Xiao-Feng Dai. Theectopic overexpression of the cotton Ve1 andVe2-homolog sequences leads toresistance response to Verticillium wiltin Arabidopsis. Frontiers in plantscience. 2017, 8:844. (co-first author).
4Jie-Yin Chen*, Jin-Qun Huang*, Nan-YangLi*, Xue-Feng Ma, Jin-Long Wang,Chuan Liu, Yong-Feng Liu, Yong Liang, Yu-Ming Bao and Xiao-Feng Dai. Genome-wide analysis of the genefamilies of resistance gene analogues in cotton and their response to Verticillium wilt. BMC Plant Biology.2015, 15:148. (co-first author).
5李楠洋,陈钰辉,刘富中,张映,连勇. 托鲁巴姆(Solanum torvumSw.)在茄子嫁接栽培上的应用研究.中国蔬菜. 2013, 1(10):1-8.