研究方向: 环境安全;火生态
[1] 本科生课程:职业安全卫生;矿山安全与职业健康(留学生)
[2] 研究生课程:安全工程学(留学生)
[1] 国家自然科学基金青年项目(**),基于原子力显微术的氧化矿物/水界面的
[1] Wang, Wei, Yanyan Liu*, Xian-feng Chen, and Shao-xian Song. “Facile Synthesis of NaOH-Modified Fishbone Charcoal (FBC) with Remarkable Adsorption towards Methylene Blue.” Procedia Engineering, 2018, 211 (January): 495–505.
[2] Zhang C, Wang P, Liu Y, et al. Synergistic effect of graphene as electron-transfer mediator and Ni(II) as interfacial catalytic active site for enhanced H2-production performance of TiO2. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2017) 33(7): 1132-1138.
[3] Yi H, Zhang X, Zhao Y, Liu Y, Song S. A novel method for the quantitative determination of defects on graphene surfaces. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (2017) 499:62-66.
[4] Peng, Weijun, Hongqiang Li, Yanyan Liu, and Shaoxian Song. 2017. “Review: A Review on Heavy Metal Ions Adsorption from Water by Graphene Oxide and Its Composites.” Journal of Molecular Liquids 230 (March): 496–504.
[5] Yi, Hao, Xian Zhang, Yanyan Liu, and Shaoxian Song. 2018. “AFM Study on the Wettability of Mica and Graphite Modified with Surfactant DTAB.” Journal of Dispersion Science & Technology39 (7): 1060–64.
[7] Peng, Weijun, Hongqiang Li, Yanyan Liu, and Shaoxian Song. 2017. “Effect of Oxidation Degree of Graphene Oxide on the Electrochemical Performance of CoAl-Layered Double Hydroxide/Graphene Composites.” Applied Materials Today 7 (June): 201–11.
[8] Peng, Weijun, Yu Hu, Chenger Wang, Hongqiang Li, Yanyan Liu, and Shaoxian Song. 2017. “Enhanced Adsorption Performance of the Graphene Oxide with Metallic Ion Impurities by Elution.” Surface & Interface Analysis: SIA 49 (8): 728–34.
[9] Wang, Wei, Yanyan Liu*, Shaoxian Song, and Weiquan Cai. 2017. “Facile Pyrolysis of Fishbone Charcoal with Remarkable Adsorption Performance towards Aqueous Pb (II).” Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 5 (October): 4621–29.
[10] Xiaoqing Weng, Hongqiang Li, Shaoxian Song, and Yanyan Liu. 2017. “Reducing the Entrainment of Gangue Fines in Low Grade Microcrystalline Graphite Ore Flotation Using Multi-Stage Grinding-Flotation Process.” Minerals (2075-163X) 7 (3): 38.
[11] Li, Xuewei, Qiwu Zhang, Shaoxian Song, and Yanyan Liu. 2017. “Transforming Hematite into Magnetite Using Mechanochemical Approach as a Pretreatment of Oolitic Hematite.” Mineral Processing & Extractive Metallurgy Review 38 (1): 24–29.
[12] Peng, Weijun, Hongqiang Li, Yanyan Liu, and Shaoxian Song. 2016. “Adsorption of Methylene Blue on Graphene Oxide Prepared from Amorphous Graphite: Effects of PH and Foreign Ions.” Journal of Molecular Liquids 221 (September): 82–87.
[13] Peng, Weijun, Hongqiang Li, Yang Hu, Yanyan Liu, and Shaoxian Song. 2016. “Characterisation of Reduced Graphene Oxides Prepared from Natural Flaky, Lump and Amorphous Graphites.” Materials Research Bulletin 78 (June): 119–27.
[14] Peng, Weijun, Hongqiang Li, Yanyan Liu, and Shaoxian Song. 2016. “Comparison of Pb(II) Adsorption onto Graphene Oxide Prepared from Natural Graphites: Diagramming the Pb(II) Adsorption Sites.” Applied Surface Science 364 (February): 620–27.
[15] Liu, Yanyan*, Shaoxian Song, and Heiko Timmers. 2016. “Correlation of Polymer Wear-Debris Generation between Microscratching and Macroscopic Wear.” Tribology International 93 (Part A): 202–13.
[16] Peng, Weijun, Hongqiang Li, Yang Hu, Yanyan Liu, and Shaoxian Song. 2016. “Does Silicate Mineral Impurities in Natural Graphite Affect the Characteristics of Synthesized Graphene?” Materials Research Bulletin 74 (February): 333–39.
[17] Hu, Yang, Zhuang Li, Hongqiang Li, Yanyan Liu, and Shaoxian Song. 2016. “Roles of Hydrocarbon Chain-Length in Preparing Graphene Oxide from Mildly-Oxidized Graphite with Intercalating Anionic Aliphatic Surfactants.” RSC Advances 6 (18): 14859.
[18] Yang, Lie, Zhulei Chen, Xiong Zhang, Yanyan Liu, and Ying Xie. 2019. “Comparison Study of Landfill Gas Emissions from Subtropical Landfill with Various Phases: A Case Study in Wuhan, China.” JOURNAL OF THE AIR & WASTE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION 65 (8): 980–86.
[19] Yang, Guangcheng, Yanyan Liu*, and Shaoxian Song. 2015. “Competitive Adsorption of As(V) with Co-Existing Ions on Porous Hematite in Aqueous Solutions.” Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 3 (September): 1497–1503.
[20] Yanyan Liu* and Heiko Timmers. 2013. “Micro-Scratching of Polyethylene Terephthalate: Mechanisms of Wear Debris Generation.” European Polymer Journal 49 (August): 1984–93.
[21] Yanyan Liu*, Jacob A. Warner, Laura G. Gladkis, Jennie M. Scarvell, Paul N. Smith, and Heiko Timmers. 2013. “Microscratching Characterization of the Wear-in of UHMW Polyethylene in Prostheses.” Tribology Letters, 49 (2): 439–50.
[22] Changsheng Peng*, Yanyan Liu, Jingjing Bi, Huizhen Xu, Abou-Shady Ahmed, Recovery of copper and water from copper-electroplating wastewater combination process of electrolysis and electrodialysis, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011, 198: 814-820.
[1] Xiufeng Xia, Yanyan Liu*,et al., Effects of biochar and heat on bioavailability of heavy metals in polluted forest soil. The International Conference on Forest Fire Research, the 8th international Conference on Forest Fire Research- ICFFR 2018, Coimbra ,9 to16th November 2018.
[2] Yanyan. Liu*, J.A.Warner,L.G.Gladkis, J.M.Scarvell, P.N.Smith, H.Timmers, Localized wear measurementsusing micro-scratching on the backside of a UHMWPE knee prosthesis insert. 36thAnnual Condensed Matter and Materials Meeting, 31 Jan – 3 Feb 2012.pp.WP09:1-4. Wagga Wagg-a, Australia, 2012
[3] Yanyan Liu*, H. Timmers,Possible lubrication and temperature effects in the microscratching ofpolyethylene terephthalate. 35th Annual Condense Matter and Materials Meeting,Jan31- Feb3 2011. pp62-65. Wagga Wagga, Australia
[4] Yanyan Liu*, L.G.Gladkis,H.Timmers, Microscratching of UHMW polyethylene surfaces, Materials ScienceForum, 1-4Aug 2010. pp2455-2458. Cairns, Australia, 2010 (EI)
[5] Yanyan Liu*, Laura G. Gladkis,H. Timmers, Micro-scratching of UHMW Polyethylene surfaces with 90 cube cornersilicon tips. 34th Annual Condensed Matter and Materials Meeting, 2-5 Feb 2010.pp1-4. Waiheke Island, New Zealand, 2010
[1] 中国专利, 刘艳艳 ; 詹露梦; 林理量; 鄢圣金; 任杰; 王卫; 宋少先, 一种鱼骨炭除氟电极的制作方法,申请 , 2017.7.31,CN1.4
[2] 中国专利, 宋少先; 彭伟军; 李洪强; 刘艳艳, 一种钴铝水滑石/氟化石墨烯复合材料及其制备方法,授权,2018.1.23-,CN7.2
[3] 中国专利, 宋少先 ; 贾菲菲; 杨炳乔; 苏静; 赵云良; 刘艳艳, 一种二维纳米白云母的制备方法,授权, 2016.6.1-,CN1.9
[4] 中国专利,毛卫康,周睿莉,刘艳艳,数据偏离点标识与分析软件V1.0. 计算机软件著作权,2018.06.03,软著登字第**号.
[5] 中国专利,刘艳艳,毛卫康,一种猪骨和竹材共热解生物炭的制备方法及其应用,2019.03.25,申请号:7.8.
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-26
相关话题/管理学院 科学
职称:副教授 电话:** 邮箱:@qq.com 研究方向:工程与项目管理 个人简介 刘隽,男,1970年05月生,武汉市人,2000年毕业于武汉理工大学大学管理科学与工程专业,获管理学硕士学位。现任武汉理工大学安全科学与应急管理学院,副教授,硕士生导师。 主要荣誉及学术任职: [1]武 ...武汉理工大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-07-26武汉理工大学安全科学与应急管理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-苏芳
职称:副研究员 电话:** 邮箱:sufang419@163.com 研究方向:安全经济 个人简介 苏芳,女,1980年8月生,湖北荆州人,2007年毕业于武汉理工大学产业经济学专业,获经济学博士学位。现任武汉理工大学安全科学与应急管理学院硕士生导师。 主讲课程 [1]本科生课程:世界 ...武汉理工大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-07-26武汉理工大学安全科学与应急管理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-刘燕武
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职称:副教授 电话:** 邮箱:zhnping@126.com 研究方向:安全科学与应急管理,技术经济及管理 个人简介 张乃平,男,1969年7月生,陕西扶风人,2003年毕业于武汉理工大学大学管理科学与工程专业,获管理学博士学位。现任武汉理工大学安全科学与应急管理学院,副教授,硕士生导师 ...武汉理工大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-07-26武汉理工大学安全科学与应急管理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-李庭洋
职称:副教授 电话:** 邮箱:lisir715@126.com 研究方向:深度学习的应急资源管理 个人简介 李庭洋,男,1983年01月生,武汉人,2013年毕业于法国马赛商学院工商管理专业,获管理学博士学位。现任武汉理工大学安全科学与应急管理学院博士后。 主要荣誉及学术任职: [1 ...武汉理工大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-07-26武汉理工大学安全科学与应急管理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-袁必和
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职称:副教授 电话:** 邮箱:lxf@whut.edu.cn 研究方向:风险管理 个人简介 罗险峰,男,1968年11月生,湖北石首人,2013年毕业于武汉理工大学管理科学与工程专业,获管理学博士学位。现任武汉理工大学安全科学与应急管理学院,副教授,硕士生导师。 主讲课程 [1]本科 ...武汉理工大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-07-26武汉理工大学安全科学与应急管理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-王喆
职称:副教授 电话: 邮箱:wangzhe@whut.edu.cn 研究方向:应急决策,人工智能,系统分析与集成 个人简介 王喆,男,1980年07月生,湖北武汉人,2012年毕业于华中科技大学控制科学与工程专业,获工学博士学位。现任武汉理工大学中国应急管理研究中心副教授,硕士生导师。 ...武汉理工大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-07-26武汉理工大学安全科学与应急管理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-程斌武
职称:副教授 邮箱:chengbinwu@whut.edu.cn 研究方向:产业市场营销,战略管理,企业价值评估 个人简介 程斌武,男,1970年元月生,湖北省天门市人,2002年毕业于大学华中科技大学管理科学与工程专业,获管理学博士学位;2014年在英国国杜伦大学商学院访学。现任武汉理工大 ...武汉理工大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-07-26武汉理工大学安全科学与应急管理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-牛奕
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