本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-26
研究技术:SEM,FTIR,TEM,XRD,FPLC,TGA/DSC,Flow Cytometry,QRT-PCR,AFM等。 教学、科研概况:
2012--2014,国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目《手性响应性生物界面材料及其在多肽及蛋白质构象调控中的应用(**)》。 近年代表性论文与专利:
[1] Jingjing Xie, Hang Ping, Tiening Tan, Liwen Lei, Hao Xie, Xiao-Yu Yang, Zhengyi Fu*, Bioprocess-inspired fabrication of materials with new structures and functions. Progress in Materials Science , 2019, 105, 100571 (SCI)
[2] Tiening Tan, Jingjing Xie, Wenxuan Wang, Hang Ping, Peiyan Ma, Hao Xie, Weimin Wang, Zhengyi Fu*, A bio-inspired strategy for enhanced hydrogen evolution: carbonate ions as hole vehicles to promote carrier separation. Nanoscale, 2019,11, 11451-11456 (SCI)
[3] Baoli Chen, Hao Xie*, Ao Zhang, Nian Liu, Qichang Li, Junhui Guo, Baolian Su. Synthesis of PEI-Functionalized Magnetic Nanoparticles for Capturing Bacteria. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology – Materials Science Edition, 2019, 34(1), 236–242 (SCI)
[4] Lin Wang; Haixing Xu; Ze wen Liu; Taolei Sun; Chengqing Yuan; Ying Yang; Junhui Guo; Hao Xie*. Magnetic immobilization of a quorum sensing signal hydrolase, AiiA. MicrobiologyOpen, 2019, e797 (SCI)
[5] Junhui Guo; Yun Zhao; Xingpeng Jiang; Rui Li; Hao Xie; Leixin Ge; Bo Xie; Xu Yang*; Luoping Zhang*. Exposure to Formaldehyde Perturbs the Mouse Gut Microbiome. Genes, 2018, 9(4), 192 (SCI)
[6] Hang Ping, Yamin Wan, Hao Xie*, Jing jing Xie, Weimin Wang, Hao Wang, Zuhair A. Munir, and Zhengyi Fu*. Organized arrangement of calcium carbonate crystals, directed by a rationally designed protein. Crystal Growth & Design, 2018, 18 (6): 3576-3583 (SCI)
[7] Liu, Nian; Xie, Hao*; Ping, Hang; Wang, Lin; Liu, Zewen; Tao, Fei; Guo, Junhui; Su, Bao-Lian*. Shape and structure controlling of calcium oxalate crystals by a combination of additives in the process of biomineralization. RSC Advances, 2018, 8(20): 11014-11020 (SCI)
[8] Ping, Hang; Xie, Hao*; Fu, Zhengyi*. Novel synthesis approaches for new structures in confined space inspired by natural structure-forming processes. Journal of Materiomics, 2017, 3(2): 83-95 (SCI)
[9] Menghu Wang, Hao Xie, Jingjing Xie, Hing Pang, Tiening Tan, Wei Ji, Zhengyi Fu*. Fast Mineralization of Densely Packed Hydroxyapatite Layers in the Presence of Over-expressed Recombinant Amelogenin. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology – Materials Science Edition. 2017, 32(2), 256-263 (SCI)
[10] Yanke Chen, Qichang Li, Jun Yang*, Hao Xie*, Promoting Tag Removal of a MBP-Fused Integral Membrane Protein by TEV Protease. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2017, 181(3): 939-947 (SCI)
[11] Ao Zhang, Hao Xie*, Nian Liu, Baoli Chen, Hang Ping, Zhengyi Fu, Bao-Lian Su*, Crystallization of Calcium Carbonate under the Influences of Casein and Magnesium Ions. RSC Advances, 2016, 6,110362–110366 (SCI)
[12] Hang Ping, Hao Xie*, Mingyu Xiang, Bao-Lian Su, Yucheng Wang, Jinyong Zhang, Fan Zhang, Zhengyi Fu*. Confined-Space Synthesis of Nanostructured Anatase, Directed by Genetically Engineered Living Organisms for Lithium-ion Batteries. Chemical Science, 2016,7, 6330-6336. (Inside Cover) (SCI, IF 9.14)
[13] Hang Ping, Hao Xie*, Yamin Wan, Zhixiao Zhang, Jing Zhang, Mingyu Xiang, Jingjing Xie, Hao Wang, Weimin Wang, Zhengyi Fu*. Confinement controlled mineralization of calcium carbonate within collagen fibrils, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2016, 4, 880-886 (SCI, IF 4.87)
[14] Menghu Wang, Hang Ping, Hao Xie*, Baoli Chen, Min Yan, Weijian Fang, Zhengyi Fu*. Confined-Space Synthesis of Hierarchical SnO2 Nanorods Assembled by Ultrasmall Nanocrystals for Energy Storage, RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 81809-81813 (SCI)
[15] Tiening Tan, Hao Xie, Jingjing Xie, Hang Ping, Bao-Lian Su, Weimin Wang, Hao Wang, Zuhair A. Munir, Zhengyi Fu*. Photo-Assisted Synthesis of Au@PtAu Core-Shell Nanoparticles with Controllable Surface Composition for Methanol Electro-oxidation. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016, 4(48), 18983-18989 (SCI)
[16] Jingjing Xie, Hao Xie, Bao-Lian Su, Yi-Bing Cheng, Xiaodong Du, Hui Zeng, Menghu Wang, Hao Wang, Zhengyi Fu*. Mussel-Directed Synthesis of Nitrogen-Doped Anatase TiO2. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2016, 128, 3083-3087 (SCI, IF 11.71)
[17] Shuang-Hong Xue, Hao Xie*, Hang Ping, Xiao-Mei Xu, Jing Li, Xiao-Yu Yang, Zheng-Yi Fu, Bao-Lian Su*. Controlled Synthesis of Mesoporous Nanostructured Anatase TiO2 on Genetically Modified Escherichia coli Surface for High Reversible Capacity and Long-life Lithium-ion Batteries. RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 59422-59428 (SCI, IF 3.29)
[18] Ping Liu, Bao-Li Chen, Kan Liu, Hao Xie*. Magnetic nanoparticles research: a scientometric analysis of development trends and research fronts. Scientometrics, 2016, 108(3), 1591-1602 (SCI, SSCI)
[19] Ping Liu, Xiangming Mu, Hao Xie*. China's Scientific Footprint in the Global HIV/AIDS Research: Productivity, Impact and Collaboration. Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, 2016, 21(1), 83-108. (SSCI)
[20] Xiao-Li Wang, Hao Xie*, Bao-Lian Su, Yi-Bing Cheng, Jing-Jing Xie, Hang Ping, Meng-Hu Wang, Jin-Yong Zhang, Fan Zhang, Zhengyi Fu*. A bio-process inspired synthesis of vaterite (CaCO3), directed by a rationally designed multifunctional protein, ChiCaSifi, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2015, 3: 5951-5956. (Back Cover, SCI, IF 4.87)
[21] Hang Ping, Hao Xie*, Bao-Lian Su, Yi-bing Cheng, Weimin Wang, Hao Wang, Yucheng Wang, Jinyong Zhang, Fan Zhang, Zhengyi Fu*. Organized intrafibrillar mineralization, directed by a rationally designed multi-functional protein, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2015, 3(22): 4496-4502. (Back Cover, SCI, IF 4.87)
[22] Shuang-Hong Xue, Hao Xie*, Hang Ping, Qichang Li, Bao-Lian Su, Zhengyi Fu*, Induced Transformation of Amorphous Silica to Cristobalite on Bacterial Surface, RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 71844-71848 (SCI, IF 3.29)
[23] Cheng Yang, Hao Xie*, Qi-Chang Li, En-Jie Sun, Bao-Lian Su*, Adherence and interaction of cationic quantum dots on bacterial surfaces, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2015, 450: 388-395. (SCI, IF 3.78)
[24] Xiaoyan Ren, Xiuqin Bai, Chengqing Yuan, Ying Yang, Hao Xie, Pan Cao, Chunying Ma, Xuejun Wang and Xinping Yan, Protein engineering of a new recombinant peptide to increase the surface contact angle of the stainless steel, RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 101309-101318 (SCI)
[25] Hui Zeng, Jingjing Xie, Hao Xie, Bao-Lian Su, Menghu Wang, Hang Ping, Weimin Wang, Hao Wang and Zhengyi Fu*, Bioprocess-inspired synthesis of hierarchically porous nitrogen-doped TiO2 with high visible-light photocatalytic activity, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015, 3, 19588-19596 (SCI)
[26] P. Cao, C.Q. Yuan*, C.Y. Ma, Y. Yang, X.Q. Bai, X.J. Wang, X.Y. Ren, H. Xie, X.P. Yan, Preparation and Analysis of a New Bioorganic Metallic Material, RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 78030-78037 (SCI)
[27] Jing Zhang, Yu Li, Hao Xie, Bao-Lian Su, Bin Yao, Yixia Yin, Shipu Li, Fang Chen, Zhengyi Fu*, Calcium Carbonate Nanoplate Assemblies with Directed High-Energy Facets: Additive-Free Synthesis, High Drug Loading, and Sustainable Releasing, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2015, 7 (29): 15686–15691 (SCI)
[28] Hui Zeng, Jingjing Xie, Hang Ping, Menghu Wang, Hao Xie, Weimin Wang, Zhengyi Fu*, Phase transformation of amorphous calcium carbonate to single-crystalline aragonite with macroscopic layered structure in the presence of egg white protein and zinc ion, Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed., 2015, 30(1): 65-70. (SCI)
[29] Hui Luo, Xi Li, Tingting Fang, Peng Liu, Chaocan Zhang, Hao Xie, Enjie Sun. The toxicity of binary mixture of Cu (II) ion and phenols on Tetrahymena thermophila. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2015, 113, 412-417. (SCI)
[30] Yamashita Masao, Mark Shepherd, Wesley I. Booth, Hao Xie, Vincent Postis, Yvonne Nyathi, Svetomir B. Tzokov, Robert K. Poole, Stephen A. Baldwin, and Per A. Bullough, Structure and Function of the Bacterial Heterodimeric ABC Transporter CydDC Stimulation of ATPase Activity by Thiol and Heme Compounds, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2014, 289, 33: 23177-23188. (SCI)
[31] Huan Wang, Ping Liu, Hao Xie*, An empirical molecular docking study of a di-iron binding protein with iron ions, Journal of Zhejiang University Science C (Computers & Electronics), 2013, 14(2): 118-124 (SCI)
[32] Cheng Yang, Hao Xie*, Yu Li, Jian-Kun Zhang, Bao-Lian Su*, Direct and rapid quantum dots labelling of Escherichia coli cells, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2013, 393: 438-444. (SCI)
[33] Tao Fei, Xie Hao*, Su Bao-Lian, A simultaneous thermal study in quantitative analysis of calcium oxalate hydrates, Analytical Methods, 2013, 5: 6900-6903 (SCI)
[34] Cheng Yang, Hao Xie*, Jian-Kun Zhang, Bao-Lian Su*, Anchoring proteins to Escherichia coli cell membranes using hydrophobic anchors derived from a Bacillus subtilis integral membrane protein, Protein Expression and Purification, 2012, 85: 60-65 (SCI)
[35] 程晓航,易华伟,白秀琴,袁成清,谢浩*,动物黏液:屏障效应及黏附机制,科学通报,2012,57(22):2051-2057
[36] Meunier CF, Rooke JC, Léonard A, Xie H, Su Bao-Lian*. Living hybrid materials capable of energy conversion and CO2 assimilation. Chemical Communications, 2010, 46(22), 3843-59. (SCI)
[37] Xie H*, Guo XM, Chen H. Making the Most of Fusion Tags Technology in Structural Characterization of Membrane Proteins. Molecular Biotechnology, 2009, 42, 135-145. (SCI, EI)
[38] Liu K, Chen F, Liu P*, Xie H. SPSAS:A Segment-Based Protein Sequence Analyzing System. The 3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE2009), 2009, Beijing, China (EI)
[39] 谢浩*,杨程,陈丽娥.多肽融合标签的移除策略.生物化学与生物物理进展,2009, 36(10), 1364-1369.(SCI)
[40] Xie H*. Activity assay of membrane transport proteins. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica, 2008, 40(4), 269-277. (SCI)
[41] Reig N, del Rio C, Casagrande F, Ratera M, Gelpí JL, Torrents D, Henderson PJ, Xie H, Baldwin SA, Zorzano A, Fotiadis D, Palacín M*. Functional and structural characterization of the first prokaryotic member of the L-amino acid transporter (LAT) family: a model for APC transporters. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2007, 282(18):13270-81 (SCI)
[42] Xie H, Patching SG, Gallagher MP, Litherland GJ, Brough AR, Venter H, Yao SYM, Ng AML, Young JD, Herbert RB, Henderson PJF, Baldwin SA*. Purification and properties of the Escherichia coli nucleoside transporter NupG, a paradigm for a major facilitator transporter sub-family. Molecular Membrane Biology, 2004, 21(5): 323-336 (cover) (SCI)
[43] Liang WJ, Wilson KJ, Xie H, Knol J, Suzuki S, Rutherford NG, Henderson PJH*, Jefferson RA*. The gusBC genes of Escherichia coli encode a glucuronide transport system. Journal of Bacteriology, 2005, 187(7): 2377-2385 (SCI)
[44] Tsuboi T, Ravier MA, Xie H, Ewart MA, Gould GW, Baldwin SA, Rutter GA*. Mammalian Exocyst Complex Is Required for the Docking Step of Insulin Vesicle Exocytosis. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2005, 280(27): 25565-25570 (SCI)
[45] Ward A, O'Reilly J, Rutherford NG, Ferguson SM, Hoyle CK, Palmer SL, Clough JL, Venter H, Xie H, Litherland GJ, Martin, GE, Wood JM, Roberts PE, Groves MA, Liang WJ, Steel A, McKeown, BJ, Henderson PJ*. Expression of prokaryotic membrane transport proteins in Escherichia coli. Biochemical Society transactions, 1999, 27(6): 893-9
[46] Lu R*, Qiu T, Xiang C, Xie H, Zhang J. RAPD and AFLP techniques for the analysis of genetic relationships in two genera of Decapoda. Crustaceana, 2000, 73(9): 1027-1036 (SCI)
[49]特邀报告,“Bioprocess Inspired Synthesis of Advanced Materials: The Design and Implementation”, the 43rd International Conference & Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC), Daytona Beach, Florida, USA, January 26 -31, 2019
[50]分会报告,“Bioprocess Inspired Synthesis of Functional Materials”, 14th International Ceramics Congress, Perugia, Italy, June 4-8, 2018
[51]分会报告,“Bioprocess Inspired Synthesis of Electrode Materials on Genetically Modified Bacterial Surface for Lithium Ion Batteries”, 12th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology, Hawaii, USA, May 21-26, 2017
2018级 贺盼盼,王芳,(双一流:赵梓淞)
2017级 刘泽文,(双一流:殷强)
2015级 刘念(公派法国攻博)
2014级 陈保利,张坳(公派法国攻博)
2013级 薛双红(公派法国攻博),徐晓梅(公派法国攻博)
2012级 郑浩,李威,吴瑞倩
2011级 程儒进(美国全奖攻博),赵永祥(中科院攻博)
2010级 陶菲,许碧超
2009级 杨程,陈丽娥,张丽娟
2008级 方晓雨
2007级 陈艳可(中科院攻博)
2006级 郭小明
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