本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-26
出生年月: 1963年1月
1982.9-1986.6 西北师范大学生物系 本科
1995.9-1998.12 甘肃农业大学动物医学院 硕士
2005.9-2009.6 中国科学院水生生研究所 博士
2014年6月—至今 武汉理工大学 化学化工与生命科学学院 副教授
2005年6月—2014年5月 武汉理工大学 理学院 副教授
1992年3月—1994年1月 北京大学基础医学院 访问****
1986年7月—2005年6月 西北师范大学 生命科学学院 助教、讲师、副教授
(1) 动物药理与毒理机制:研究动物行为、动物脏器的生理生化功能、细胞与分子水平对药物和毒物的响应、代谢以及解毒机制,为药物作用与代谢机制,安全评价提供实验依据。(2)药用动物与新药研发:针对特殊疾病,研究开发药用动物新资源和新技术。(3)动物生理机能与发育调控:研究动物生理机能与发育的神经与内分泌调控,机体微循环与微环境的调控机理。(4)动物对环境变化的响应:研究动物机体环境变化对动物影响的生理机制。(5)新能源生物培养与研发:培育和研发新的能源生物。
科研概况:主要从事动物药理学与毒理学、动物新药研发。主持国家重大专项专题2项、国家863子课题1项、校中青年基金1项。作为骨干参与完成国家973项目专题1项、国家自然基金4项、省科技攻关项目1项、省青年基金1项、企业合作项目1项、校创新基金3项等10余项科研项目。相关研究在《Aquatic toxicology》、《Environmental toxicology》、《Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety》、《中国科学》、《科学通报》、《解剖学报》、《畜牧兽医学报》、《湖泊科学》、《水生生物学报》、《兰州大学学报(自然版)》、《动物学杂志》、《西北师范大学学报》 等相关刊物上发表论文80余篇。获省高校科技进步1、2、3等奖3项。
1、2013-2016 主持完成国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)子课题:利用沙漠产油微藻开发藻渣为高蛋白精细饲料的技术研究。No.(2013AA065804-03), 经费28万.
2、2009-2012,主持完成国家重大专项专题:我国湖泊营养盐生态分区的指标体系研究,No. 2009ZX07106-001,并参与国家重大水专项基于区域差异的我国湖泊营养物生态分区技术。经费48万.
3、2008-2011主持完成国家重大专项专题:经济高效氮磷去除机制的研究与示范,No. 2008ZX07103-004,经费:50万.
4、2010-2011 参与完成浙江荣怀环保科技有限公司委托的技术研发项目:新型环保用微生物菌剂的开发, 经费: 100万
1. 武汉理工大学2017年ESI面上项目-材料科学,01/2017-12/2017,主持
2. 基于3D打印的毛囊化皮肤模型的构建和应用基础研究,中央高校基本科研基础学科重点项目(2017IB004),01/2017-12/2018,主持
3. 生物3D打印平台的建设(20162h0262),企业委托,01/2017-12/2018,主持
4. 武汉理工大学第二轮“15551人才工程”青年拔尖人才第一层次,12/2016-11/2021,主持
5. 半月板增材组织制造的研究,中央高校基本科研基础学科重点项目(2015IB004),01/2015-12/2016,主持
1)Zhang Delu, Liu Siyi, Zhang Jing., Zhang Jiankun, Hu Chunxiang, Liu Yongding. In vivo effects of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae DC-1 aphantoxins on gas exchange and ion equilibrium in the zebrafish gill.Aquatic Toxicology,2016, 177, 484–493. (SCI,IF=3.557,JCR1区)
2) Zhang Delu, Liu Siyi, Zhang Jing., Zhang Jiankun, Hu Chunxiang, Liu Yongding. Respiratory toxicity of cyanobacterial aphantoxins from Aphanizomenon flos-aquae DC-1 in the zebrafish gill. Aquatic Toxicology, 2016, 176 106–115. (SCI,IF=3.557,JCR1区)
3)Zhang Delu, Liu Siyi, Zhang Jing., Hu Chunxiang, Li Dunhai, Liu Yongding. Antioxidative responses in zebrafish liver exposed to sublethal doses Aphanizomenon flos-aquae DC-1 aphantoxins. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2015, 113: 525-532. (SCI, IF=3.13, JCR3区)
4) Zhang Delu, Zhang Jing, Hu Chunxiang, Wang Gaohong, Li Dunhai, Liu Yongding. Morphological alterations and acetylcholinesterase and monoamineoxidase inhibition in liver of zebrafish exposed to Aphanizomenonflos-aquae DC-1 aphantoxins. Aquatic Toxicology 2014,157: 215–224. (SCI,IF=3.557,JCR1区)
5)Zhang Delu, Hu Chunxiang, Wang Gaohong, Li, Dunhai Li Genbao, Liu Yongding. Zebrafish neurotoxicity from Aphantoxins-cyanobacterial paralytic shellfish poisons (PSPs) from Aphanizomenon flos-aquae DC-1. Environmental Toxicology, 2013, 28(5):239-254. (SCI,IF=3.557,JCR2区)
6)Zhang Delu, Hu Chuxiang, Li Dunhai, Liu Yongding. Zebrafish locomotor capacity and brain acetylcholinesterase activityis altered by Aphanizomenon flos-aquae DC-1 aphantoxins. Aquatic Toxicology 2013,138: 139– 149. (SCI,IF=3.557,JCR1区)
7)Zhang Delu , Hu Chunxiang, Li Dunhai, Liu Yongding. Lipid peroxidation and antioxidant responses in zebrafish braininduced by Aphanizomenon flos-aquae DC-1 aphantoxins. Aquatic Toxicology, 2013, 144 : 250–256. (SCI,IF=3.557,1区)
8)张德禄,胡春香,王高鸿,李敦海,李根保,沈银武,刘永定 斑马鱼脑细胞凋亡基因对束丝藻毒素致毒的响应. 水生生物学报,2011,35(2):238-245.(CSCD)
9)张德禄,刘永定,胡春香 基于营养盐的中国湖泊生态分区框架与指标体系初探. 湖泊科学,2011,23(6):821-827. (CSCD)
10)Yue Tao, Zhang Delu, Hu Chunxiang. Comparative studies on phosphate utilization of two bloom-forming Microcystis sp. (Cyanobacteria) isolated from Lake Taihu (China). Journal of Applied Phycology. 2014, 26:333-339. (SCI,IF=2.492,JCR3区)
11)Wu Li, Lan Shubin, Zhang Delu, Hu Chunxiang. Recovery of chlorophyll fluorescence and CO2 exchange in lichen soil crusts after rehydration. European Journal of Soil Biology, 2013, 55: 77-82. (SCI,IF=2.445, JCR3区)
12) Lan Shubin, Wu Li, Zhang Delu, Hu Chunxiang. Assessing level of development and successional stages in biological soil crusts with biological indicators. Microbial Ecology, 2013, 66(2):394-403. (SCI,IF=3.63,JCR1区)
13)Wu Li, Lan Shubin, Zhang Delu, Hu Chunxiang. Functional reactivation of photosystem II in lichen soil crusts after long-term desiccation. Plant and Soil, 2013, 369 (1): 177-186. (SCI,IF=3.235, JCR2区)
14)Lan Shubin, Wu Li, Zhang Delu, Hu Chunxiang. Composition of photosynthetic organisms and diurnal changes of photosynthetic efficiency in algae and moss crusts. Plant and Soil, 2012, 351(1): 325-336. (SCI,IF=3.235, JCR2区)
15)Lan Shubin, Wu Li, Zhang Delu, Hu Chunxiang. Desiccation provides photosynthetic protection for crust cyanobacteria Microcoleus vaginatus from high temperature. Physiologia Plantrum,2014,152: 345–354. (SCI,IF=3.33, JCR2区
16)Lan Shubin, Wu Li, Zhang Delu, Hu Chunxiang. Successional stages of biological soil crusts and their microstructure variability in Shapotou region (China). Environ. Earth Sci., 2012, 65: 77-88. (SCI,IF=1.57, JCR3区)
17)Wu Li, Lan Shubin, Zhang Delu, Hu Chunxiang. Small-Scale Vertical Distribution of Algae and Structure of Lichen Soil Crusts. Microb Ecol, 2011, 62:715–724. (SCI,IF=3.63, JCR1区)
18)Lan Shubin, Wu Li, Zhang Delu, Hu Chunxiang. Desiccation provides photosynthetic protection for crust cyanobacteria Microcoleus vaginatus from high temperature. Physiologia Plantrum,2014,152: 345–354. (SCI,IF=3.33, JCR2区)
19)Lan Shubin, Wu Li, Zhang Delu, Hu Chunxiang, Liu Yongding. Effects of drought and salt stress on man-made cyanobacterial crusts. European journal of soil biology, 2010,46:381-386.(SCI,IF=2.445, JCR3区)
20)Lan Shubin, Wu Li, Zhang Delu, Hu Chunxiang. Effects of light and temperature on open cultivation of desert cyanobacterium Microcoleus vaginatus. Bioresource Technology 182 (2015) 144–150. (SCI,IF=4.917, JCR1区)
21)Lan Shubin, Wu Li, Zhang Delu, Hu Chunxiang. Analysis of environmental factors determining development and succession in biological soil crusts. Science of the Total Environment, 2015, 538:492–499. (SCI,IF=4.9, JCR1区)
22)Shubin Lan, Li Wu, Delu Zhang, Chunxiang Hu, Yongding Liu Ethanol outperforms multiple solvents in the extraction of chlorophyll-a from biological soil crusts. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 2011, 43:857-861. (SCI,IF=4.857, JCR1区)
23) 岳涛,张德禄,胡春香. 太湖三种优势微囊藻对不同形态磷的吸收利用. 湖泊科学,2014,26( 3) : 379-384.(CSCD)
24) 兰书斌,吴丽,张德禄 胡春香 南四湖沼泽化成因及其驱动因素分析. 湖泊科学,2011,23(4):555-560 (CSCD)
25)Shubin Lan, Li Wu, Haijian Yang, Delu Zhang, Chunxiang Hu. A new biofilm based microalgal cultivation approach on shifting sand surface for desert cyanobacterium Microcoleus vaginatus. Bioresource Technology,2017,238:602-608. (SCI,IF=4.917, JCR1区)
26)Lv Ying., Xue Xing, Tao Ling., Zhang Delu., Hu Chunxiang., Ren Jun. Extracellular Polymeric Substances of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (EPS-A) Induced Apoptosis in Astrocytes of Zebrafish. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol., 2016, 96(3):320-325. (SCI,IF=1.412, JCR4区)
27)Xia Ling, Zhou Xuping, Ge Hongmei, Zhang Delu, Hu Chunxiang. Photoautotrophic outdoor two-stage cultivation for oleaginous microalgae Scenedesmus obtusus XJ-15. Bioresource Technology, 2013, 144: 261-267. (SCI,IF=4.917, JCR1区)
28)Zhou Xuping, Ge Hongmei, Xia Ling, Zhang Delu, Hu Chunxiang. Feasibility of biodiesel production by microalgae Chlorella sp. (FACHB-1748) under outdoor conditions. Bioresource Technology, 2013, 138, 131-135. (SCI,IF=4.917, JCR1区)
29)Zhou Xuping, Ge Hongmei, Xia Ling, Zhang Delu, Hu Chunxiang. Evaluation of oil-producing algae as potential biodiesel feedstock. Bioresource Technology, 2013, 134: 24-29. (SCI,IF=4.917, JCR1区)
30)Ge Hongmei, Xia Ling, Zhou Xuping, Zhang Delu, Hu Chunxiang. Effects of light intensity on component and topographical structure of extracellular polysaccharide from the cyanobacteria Nostoc sp. The Journal of Microbiology, 2014, 52(2): 179-183. (SCI,IF=2.146, JCR3区)
31)Wu Li, Zhang Gaoke, Lan Shubin, Zhang Delu, Hu Chunxiang. Microstructures and photosynthetic diurnal changes in the different types of lichen soil crusts. European Journal of Soil Biology, 2013, 59: 48-53. (SCI,IF=2.445, JCR3区)
32)Wu Li, Zhang Gaoke, Lan Shubin, Zhang Delu, Hu Chunxiang. Longitudinal photosynthetic gradient in crust lichens’ thalli. Microbial Ecology, 2014, 67:888–896. (SCI,IF=3.63, JCR1区)
33)Xia Ling, Rong Junfeng, Yang Haijian He Qiaoning, Zhang Delu, Hu Chunxiang. NaCl as an effective inducer for lipid accumulation in freshwater microalgae Desmodesmus abundans. Bioresource Technology, 2014, 161:402-409. (SCI,IF=4.917, JCR1区)
34)Lan Shubin, Zhang Qingyi, Wu Li. Liu Yongding, Zhang Delu, Hu Chunxiang. Artificially accelerating the reversal of desertification:cyanobacterial inoculation facilitates the succession of vegetation communities. Environmental Science & Technology, 2014, 48, 307-315. (SCI,IF=5.481, JCR1区)
35)Lv Ying,Xue Xing, Tao Ling, Zhang Delu, Hu Chunxiang. Effect of extracellular polymeric substances from aphanizomenon flos-aquae (EPS-A) on human epidermoid carcinoma (A431 cells).Fresenius Environmental Bulletin,2015,24(10A):3307-3314. (SCI,IF=0.372, JCR4区)
36)Lan Shubin, Ouyang Hailong, Wu Li, Zhang Delu, Hu Chunxiang Biological soil crust community types differ in photosynthetic pigment composition, fluorescence and carbon fixation in Shapotou region of China. Applied Soil Ecology, 2017,111:9-16. (SCI,IF=2.78,JCR3区)
37)Lan Shubin, Hu Chunxiang, Rao Benqiang,Wu Li, Zhang Delu,LiuYongding. Non-rainlfall water sources in the topsoil and their changes during formation of man-made algal crusts at the eastern edge of Qubqi Desert,Inner Mongolia. Science China:Life Sciences, 2010, 53(9):1135-1141. (SCI,IF=1.345, JCR4区)
1、高校教材 《人体组织解剖学》,参编,兰州大学出版社,1998.
2、十一五规划教材 《人体解剖生理学》,参编,兰州大学出版社,2007.3
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