2017.08 ~ 至今 武汉理工大学,机电工程学院机自系,讲师、副教授;
2015.08 ~ 2017.08 Florida State University,工学院,博士后;
2012.09 ~ 2015.12 武汉理工大学,机械制造及其自动化专业,工学博士。
(1)NSF-funded XSEDE Program: Probing the Soft and Nano-Ductile Mechanical Nature of
Single and Polycrystalline Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Perovskites for High-Toughness Flexible
Functional Devices (MSS160025) 2017.01-2017.12 主持
1.Jingui Yu, Mingchao Wang, Shangchao Lin. Probing the soft and nano-ductile mechanical nature of single and polycrystalline organic-inorganic hybrid perovskites for flexible functional devices[J]. ACS nano, 2016,10(12),11044–11057.
2. Pengcheng Wang, Jingui Yu*, Qiaoxin Zhang . Nano-cutting mechanical properties and microstructure evolution mechanism of amorphous/single crystal alloy interface[J]. Computational Materials Science, 2020, 184:109915.
3. Chao Dong, Xianlei Bi, Jingui Yu*, Qiaoxin Zhang, Rong Liu. Microstructural evolution and sintering kinetics during spark plasma sintering of pure tantalum powder[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 781: 84-92.
4.Jingui Yu, Mingchao Wang, Shangchao Lin. Slower icosahedral cluster rejuvenation drives the brittle-to-ductile transition in nanoscale metallic glasses[J]. Computational Materials Science, 2017, 140:235–243.
5. Jingui Yu, Chao Dong, Qiaoxin Zhang, Ben Li, Rong Liu. Temperature and crystal orientation dependence of dislocation slip and twin nucleation in bilayer Ni/Ni3Al interface[J]. Computational Materials Science, 2019, 162:162–170.
6.Mingchao Wang,Jingui Yu, Shangchao Lin. Lithiation-Assisted Strengthening Effect and Reactive Flow in Bulk and Nano-Confined Sulfur Cathodes of Lithium-Sulfur Batteries[J]. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2017, 121(31).
7. Jingui Yu, Shiming Zhang, Qiaoxin Zhang, Rong Liu, Mingkai Tang and Xuewu Li. Simulation study and experiment verification of the creep mechanism of a nickel-based single crystal superalloy obtained from microstructural evolution[J]. RSC Advances, 2016,6: 107748-107758.
8.Jingui Yu, Qiaoxin Zhang, Zhufeng Yue, Rong Liu, Mingkai Tang and Xuewu Li. Molecular dynamics simulation ofdislocation and phase transition for Ni-based superalloys with twist grain boundary[J]. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 2015,12(6):1002-1005.
9. Jingui Yu, Qiaoxin Zhang, Rong Liu, Zhufeng Yue, Mingkai Tang and Xuewu Li.Microstructure evolution and mechanical behaviorof the Ni/Ni3Al interface under thermal-mechanical coupling[J].Materials Express, 2015, 5(4):343-350.
10.Jingui Yu, Qiaoxin Zhang, Zhufeng Yue. Tensile mechanical properties of Ni3Al nanowires at intermediate temperature[J]. RSC Advances, 2014,4(40): 20789-20796.
11.Jingui Yu,Qiaoxin Zhang. Tension–compression asymmetry in mechanical behavior and crystal defect of the thin Ni/Ni3Al (001) nanowires[J].Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2014,43(8):1803-1808.
12. Jingui Yu, Qiaoxin Zhang, Rong Liu, Zhufeng Yue, Mingkai Tang and Xuewu Li. Molecular dynamics simulation of crack propagation behaviors at the Ni/Ni3Al grain boundary[J]. RSC Advances, 2014, 4(62): 32749-32754.
13. Ben Li, Shiming Zhang, F. A. Essa, Chao Dong, Jingui Yu*, Qiaoxin Zhang. Crack propagation and microstructural evolution of ni-based single crystal alloy under shear loads[J]. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2018, 47(5): 1370-1376.
14. Ben Li,Chao Dong, Jingui Yu*,Qiaoxin Zhang, Hongyan Zhou and Rong Liu. Mechanical behaviour and microstructural evolution of Ni-based single crystal alloys under shock loading [J]. RSC Advances 8.39(2018):22127-22135.
15. Ben Li, Chao Dong, Jingui Yu*, Qiaoxin Zhang, Hongyan Zhou, Yong Xiao and Rong Liu. Nano-indentation simulation on mechanical properties and microstructural evolutions of Ni-based single crystal alloy [J]. Materials Express 5 (2018) 056533.
16. Essa FA, Jingui Yu*, Qiaoxin Zhang, Xingjiu Huang. Experimental Study to Improve the Tribological Behaviors of M50 Steel via WS2 Solid Lubricant under High Temperatures [J]. Research & Development in Material Science 2(2). RDMS.000531. 2017.
17. Ben Li, Chao Dong, Jingui Yu*, Qiaoxin Zhang*, Hongyan Zhou, Yong Xiao, Rong Liu. Tribological properties of TiAl-Ag-ZnO self-lubricating composites from room temperature to 800°C [J]. Materials Research Express, 5 (2018) 056533.
18.BenLi, RongLiu,WujunZhu, QiaoxinZhang, Jingui Yu*, YanxunXiang, HongyanZhou. Research on the interaction between surface laser-pit of Ni-based single crystal alloy and Lamb wave under micro-conditions. [J].Applied Surface Science, 2019 (483) 840-848.
19. Chao Dong, Jingui Yu*, Rong Liu, Qiaoxin Zhang. Tension-compression asymmetry of bilayer Ni/Ni3Al affected by dislocation formation-decomposition and twinning size. Materials Express, 2020.
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