1.Chunhui Shen,Wei Li, Ling Zhang, Chao Wan, Shanjun Gao*, Synthesis of cyanoethyl KGM and its liquid crystalline behavior in an ionic liquid,J.Polym.Res.,2012,19, 9758-9766.
2.Jiahui Yu,Fujin Ai, Alain Dufresne, Shanjun Gao,Jin Huang, Peter R. Chang, Structure and mechanical properties of poly(lactic
acid) filled with (starch nanocrystal)-graft-poly(epsilon-caprolactone), Macromol. Mater. Eng., 2008, 293(9),763-770.
3.Chunhui Shen, Denian Li, Ling Zhang, Chao Wan, Shanjun Gao*, Dissolution of KGM with Room Temperature Ionic Liquids,J. Wuhan University of Technology-Materials Science Edition,2011,26(4), 703-709.
4.Dan Shen, Chao Wan, Shanjun Gao*, Molecular Weight Effects on Gelation and Rheological Properties of KGM–Xanthan Mixtures, J. Polym. Sci. Part B: Polym. Phys.,2009, 48, 313-321.
5.Jin Huang, Shanjun Gao,* Xiaomeng Shen, KGM nanocrystals prepared by acid hydrolysis, e-Polymers,2010,002,10-8.
6.Shanjun Gao*, Jinming Guo, Lili Wu, Shan Wang,Gelation of KGM Crosslinked by Organic-Borate, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2008, 73, 498-505.
7.Shanjun Gao,* Chengdong Wu, Katsuyoshi Nishinari, In situ pH-decrease induced gelation of carboxymethylated KGM / sodium alginate, J.Appl. Polym. Sci.,2008, 108,2825-2832.
8.Shanjun Gao,* Jinming Guo, Katsuyoshi Nishinari, Thermoreversible KGM gels crosslinked by borax, Carbohydrate Polymers,2008, 72,315-325.
9.Shanjun Gao,* Katsuyoshi Nishinari,Effect of Degree of Acetylation on Gelation of KGM”, Biomacromolecules, 2004, 5(1), 175-185.
10.Shanjun Gao, Lina Zhang,*Molecular weight effects on properties of polyurethane / nitrokonjac glucomannan semi-interpenetrating polymer networks, Macromolecules,2001,34(7), 2202-2207.
1.Name:Shanjun Gao
2.Brief introduction:
1)Date of birth: Feb., 1974
2)Degree: Ph. D.
3)Title: Professor of Material Sciences
4)Working department: Department of Polymer and Composite Materials
3.Education experience:
1997-2002: College of Chemistry and Molecular Sciences, Wuhan University, Polymer Chemistry and Physics, Ph. D.
1991-1994: Department of Chemistry, Hubei University, Applied Chemistry
4.Working experience:
2004-present: School of Material Sciences and Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology
2002-2004: Japan Society For the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Postdoctoral Fellow, Osaka City University
1994-1997: Coating Engineer, Hubei Special Automobile Manufacturer
5.Research field:
Synthesis and Properties of Fine Polymers
Functionalization of Biopolymers
Polymer Gels and Rheology
6.Research project:
l)Development of organic phosphorous flame retardants and their application in flame retarded Engineering domain, NCET of Ministry of Education, (NCET-12-0912),2012, in principal
2)High-effective and environmental internal mould-releaser for pultrusion FRP materials, Ministry of Science and Technology's Program of Technological Innovation Fund for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises(10C),2010, in principal
3)Preparation and rheological properties of thermoreversible gels based on konjac glucomannan, NSFC, (**), 2008, in principal
4)Novel konjac glucomannan / inorganic small molecules composite gel materials, The Project-sponsored by SRF for ROCS, SEM, 2006, in
5)Preparation and rheological properties of thermoreversible gels based on derivatives of konjac glucomannan, The Science Fund for
Distinguished Young Scholars of Hubei Province (2007ABB035), 2007, in principal
7.Representative papers and works:
l.Chunhui Shen,Wei Li, Ling Zhang, Chao Wan, Shanjun Gao*, Synthesis of cyanoethyl KGM and its liquid crystalline behavior in an
ionic liquid, J. Polym. Res., 2012,19, 9758-9766.
2.Jiahui Yu,Fujin Ai, Alain Dufresne, Shanjun Gao,Jin Huang, Peter R. Chang, Structure and mechanical properties of poly(lactic
acid) filled with (starch nanocrystal)-graft-poly(epsilon-caprolactone), Macromol. Mater. Eng., 2008, 293(9),763-770.
3.Chunhui Shen,Denian Li, Ling Zhang, Chao Wan, Shanjun Gao*, Dissolution of KGM with Room Temperature Ionic Liquids,J. Wuhan University of Technology-Materials Science Edition, 2011,26(4), 703-709.
4.Dan Shen, Chao Wan, Shanjun Gao*, Molecular Weight Effects on Gelation and Rheological Properties of KGM–Xanthan Mixtures, J. Polym. Sci. Part B: Polym.Phys., 2009, 48, 313-321.
5.Jin Huang, Shanjun Gao,* Xiaomeng Shen, KGM nanocrystals prepared by acid hydrolysis, e-Polymers, 2010, 002, 10-8.
6.Shanjun Gao*, Jinming Guo, Lili Wu, Shan Wang,Gelation of KGM Crosslinked by Organic-Borate, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2008, 73, 498-505.
7.Shanjun Gao,* Chengdong Wu, Katsuyoshi Nishinari, In situ pH-decrease induced gelation of carboxymethylated KGM / sodium alginate, J.Appl. Polym. Sci.,2008, 108,2825-2832.
8.Shanjun Gao,* Jinming Guo, Katsuyoshi Nishinari, Thermoreversible KGM gels crosslinked by borax, Carbohydrate Polymers,2008, 72,315-325.
9.Shanjun Gao,* Katsuyoshi Nishinari,Effect of Degree of Acetylation on Gelation of KGM”, Biomacromolecules, 2004, 5(1), 175-185.
l0.Shanjun Gao, Lina Zhang,* Molecular weight effects on properties of polyurethane / nitrokonjac glucomannan semi-interpenetrating polymer networks, Macromolecules,2001,34(7), 2202-2207.
8.Contact information:
1) Tel: 86-
2) E-mail: sjgao@whut.edu.cn
3) Location of lab: 301 room, composite materials building, eastern campus
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-26
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