1981.9~1985.7 武汉工业大学复合材料专业本科,获工学学士学位
1985.9~1988.7 武汉工业大学复合材料专业硕士研究生,获工学硕士学位
1988.7 ~ 2000.3 武汉工业大学材料科学与工程学院副教授
2000.4 ~ 2002.4 东南大学交通学院 博士后
2002.5 ~ 2011.10 武汉理工大学材料科学与工程学院教授博导
2011.11 ~至今 硅酸盐建筑材料国家重点实验室 副主任
2014.9 ~ 至今 武汉理工大学学科首席教授
1. 沥青基道路建筑材料
2. 路面结构设计
3. 固体废弃物利用
2.国家自然科学基金面上项目:融雪化冰用多相复合导电沥青混凝土的制备和服役行为研究(项目编号 **),2009-2011。
5.交通运输部建设科技项目:沥青路面紫外老化防治技术应用研究(项目编号 2013 318 811 250), 2013-2015。
1.Shaopeng Wu, Pan Pan, Mingyu Chen, Yuan Zhang. Analysis of characteristics of electrically conductive asphalt concrete prepared by multiplex conductive materials, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2013, 25 (7):871-879.
2.Shaopeng Wu, Jun Han, Ling Pang, Man Yu, Teng Wang. Rheological properties for aged bitumen containing ultraviolate light resistant materials, Construction and Building Materials, 2012, 33: 133-138.
3.Shaopeng Wu, Guojun Zhu,Gang Liu and Ling Pang. Laboratory research on thermal behavior and characterization of the ultraviolet aged asphalt, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2009, 95(2):595-599.
4.Shaopeng Wu, Liantong Mo, Peiliang Cong, Jianying Yu, Xiaofeng Luo.Flammability and rheological behavior of mixed flame retardant modified asphalt binders, Fuel, 2008,87 (1): 120-124.
5.Shaopeng Wu, Qunshan Ye, Ning Li. Investigation of rheological and fatigue properties of asphalt mixtures containing polyester fibers, Construction and Building Materials, 2008, 22(10): 2111-2115.
6.Shaopeng Wu, Jian Qiu, Liantong Mo. Investigation of temperature characteristics of recycled hot mix asphalt mixtures, Resources, Conservation and Recycling,2007.51 (3): 610-620.
7.Shaopeng Wu, Yongjie Xue, Qunshan Ye. Utilization of steel slag as aggregates for stone mastic asphalt (SMA) mixtures, Building and Environment, 2007,42 (7):2580-2585.
8.Shaopeng Wu, Peiliang Cong, Jianying Yu, et al. Experimental investigation of related properties of asphalt binders containing various flame retardants, Fuel, 2006, 85 (9): 1298-1304.
9.Yongjie Xue, Shaopeng Wu, Haobo Hou, Jin Zha. Experimental investigation of basic oxygen furnace slag used as aggregate in asphalt mixture, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2006,138 (2): 261-268.
10.Shaopeng Wu, Liantong Mo, Zhonghe Shui, Zheng Chen. Investigation of the conductivity of asphalt concrete containing conductive fillers, Carbon, 2005, 43 (7): 1358-1363.
1、Tel: (office),**(mobile)
1.Name: Wu Shao-peng
2.Brief introduction:
[1]Date of birth: 02-1965
[2]Degree: Ph.D
[3]Title: Professor, Ph.D Supervisor
[4]Working department: State Key Laboratory of Silicate Materials for Architectures
3.Education experience(after entering university):
1981.9~1985.7 Wuhan University of Technology, B.S.
1985.9~1988.7 Wuhan University of Technology, M.S.
1995.9~1999.12 Wuhan University of Technology, Ph.D.
4.Working experience:
1988.7 ~ 2000.3Wuhan University of Technology, Associate Professor
2000.4 ~ 2002.4Southeast University, Post doctor
2002.5 ~ 2011.10Wuhan University of Technology, Professor, Ph.D Supervisor
2011.11 ~ State Key Laboratory of Silicate Materials for Architectures, Vice director
2014.11 ~ Wuhan University of Technology, Chair Professor
5.Research field(no more than 3):
[1]Aspahlt-based Road Building Mateirals
[2]Pavement Structure Design
[3]Utilization of Solid Wastes
6.Research project(no more than 5):
[1]National Natural Science Foundation Project: VOC Releasing Mechanism and Preventing Technology in Bituminous Materials, 2013-2016.
[2]National Natural Science Foundation Project: Service Behavior and Preparation on Electrically Conductive Asphalt Concrete for Deicing and Snow-melting, 2009-2011.
[3]National Major Scientific Instrument and Equipment Development Project: Research on Develop Multi-Functional System to Predict Service Life of Asphalt Pavement, 2013-2016.
[4]National Ministry of Science and Technology Project: Research on the Design and Application Technologies of Anti-ageing Bituminous Materials and Asphalt pavement, 2012-2014.
[5]Department of transportation construction Project: Research on the Application Innovations for Anti-UV Ageing of Asphalt Pavement, 2013-2015.
7. Representative papers and works(no more than 10):
[1]Shaopeng Wu, Pan Pan, Mingyu Chen, Yuan Zhang. Analysis of characteristics of electrically conductive asphalt concrete prepared by multiplex conductive materials, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2013, 25 (7):871-879.
[2]Shaopeng Wu, Jun Han, Ling Pang, Man Yu, Teng Wang. Rheological properties for aged bitumen containing ultraviolate light resistant materials, Construction and Building Materials, 2012, 33: 133-138.
[3]Shaopeng Wu, Guojun Zhu,Gang Liu and Ling Pang. Laboratory research on thermal behavior and characterization of the ultraviolet aged asphalt, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2009, 95(2):595-599.
[4]Shaopeng Wu, Liantong Mo, Peiliang Cong, Jianying Yu, Xiaofeng Luo.Flammability and rheological behavior of mixed flame retardant modified asphalt binders, Fuel, 2008,87 (1): 120-124.
[5]Shaopeng Wu, Qunshan Ye, Ning Li. Investigation of rheological and fatigue properties of asphalt mixtures containing polyester fibers, Construction and Building Materials, 2008, 22(10): 2111-2115.
[6]Shaopeng Wu, Jian Qiu, Liantong Mo. Investigation of temperature characteristics of recycled hot mix asphalt mixtures, Resources, Conservation and Recycling,2007.51 (3): 610-620.
[7]Shaopeng Wu, Yongjie Xue, Qunshan Ye. Utilization of steel slag as aggregates for stone mastic asphalt (SMA) mixtures, Building and Environment, 2007,42 (7):2580-2585.
[8]Shaopeng Wu, Peiliang Cong, Jianying Yu, et al. Experimental investigation of related properties of asphalt binders containing various flame retardants, Fuel, 2006, 85 (9): 1298-1304.
[9]Yongjie Xue, Shaopeng Wu, Haobo Hou, Jin Zha. Experimental investigation of basic oxygen furnace slag used as aggregate in asphalt mixture, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2006,138 (2): 261-268.
[10]Shaopeng Wu, Liantong Mo, Zhonghe Shui, Zheng Chen. Investigation of the conductivity of asphalt concrete containing conductive fillers, Carbon, 2005, 43 (7): 1358-1363.
8. Contact information:
[1]Tel: 86-(office); 86-**(mobile)
[2]E-mail: wusp@whut.edu.cn
[3]Location of lab: Room 309, South Building, State Key Laboratory of Silicate Materials for Architectures
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-26
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