姓 名
性 别
民 族
职 称
职 务
1. 吸波与隐身材料
2. 电磁超材料
3. 其它电磁功能材料相关:电磁屏蔽材料;材料电磁性能测试方法;先进光学材料。
2005.9–2011.6, 武汉理工大学, 材料学, 博士
2000.9–2004.7, 武汉理工大学, 高分子材料与工程, 学士
(1) 2014.11-至今, 武汉理工大学, 材料复合新技术国家重点实验室, 副研究员
(2) 2012.12-2013.12, 美国Purdue University, Birck纳米科技中心, 访问****
(3) 2011.9-2014.11, 武汉理工大学, 理学院, 助理研究员
(4) 2011.7-2014.11, 武汉理工大学, 博士后, 合作导师: 翟鹏程
1) 装发部“十三五”预研,201722YY02, 2017/12-2020/12,250万元,在研,主持。
2) 武汉理工大学“15551”人才计划,青年拔尖人才第二层次(第一批),2016年。
3) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,**,三维超材料的电磁双激发协同作用机制与宽带吸波性能,2016/01-2019/12,60万元,在研,主持。
4) 国家自然科学基金青年基金,**,基于复数坐标变换法的无阴影隐身装置的优化设计及原理分析,2013/01-2015/12,25万元,已结题,主持。
5) 总装“十二五”预研,201522YY02, 2014/8-2015/12,220万元,已结题,主持。
6) 中国博士后科学基金特别资助,2013T60751,超材料与磁性吸波涂层的复合超宽频吸波材料,2013/6-2014/6,15万元,已结题,主持。
7) 中国博士后科学基金面上项目, 2012M521483,增益补偿型隐身装置的优化设计及初步实现研究,2012/11-2014/6,5万元,已结题,主持。
[1] Hu Dawei, Cao Jie, Li Wei*, Zhang Cheng, Wu Tianlong, Li Qifan, Chen Zhihong, Wang Yilong, and Guan Jianguo. "Optically Transparent Broadband Microwave Absorption Metamaterial by Standing-up Closed-Ring Resonators." Advanced Optical Materials 5(13), **(2017).
[2] Li Wei#, Guler Urcan#, Kinsey Nathaniel, Naik Gururaj V., Boltasseva Alexandra, Guan Jianguo*, Shalaev Vladimir M., and Kildishev Alexander V.* "Refractory Plasmonics with Titanium Nitride: Broadband Metamaterial Absorber." Advanced Materials 26(47), 7959-7965(2014).ESI高被引
[3] Li Wei, Wei Jia, Wang Wei, Hu Dawei, Li Yukun, and Guan Jianguo*. "Ferrite-Based Metamaterial Microwave Absorber with Absorption Frequency Magnetically Tunable in a Wide Range." Materials & Design 110, 27-34(2016).
[4] Li Yukun, Li Wei*, Wang Yi, Cao Jie, and Guan Jianguo*. "Refractory Metamaterial Microwave Absorber with Strong Absorption Insensitive to Temperature." Advanced Optical Materials 0(0), **. doi:10.1002/adom..
[5] Long Chang, Yin Sheng, Wang Wei, Li Wei*, Zhu Jianfei, and Guan Jianguo*. "Broadening the Absorption Bandwidth of Metamaterial Absorbers by Transverse Magnetic Harmonics of 210 Mode." Scientific Reports 6, 21431(2016).
[6] Li Wei, Wu Tianlong, Wang Wei, Guan Jianguo, and Zhai Pengcheng. "Integrating Non-Planar Metamaterials with Magnetic Absorbing Materials to Yield Ultra-Broadband Microwave Hybrid Absorbers." Applied Physics Letters 104(2), 022903(2014).
[7] Li Wei, Wu Tianlong, Wang Wei, Zhai Pengcheng, and Guan Jianguo. "Broadband Patterned Magnetic Microwave Absorber." Journal of Applied Physics 116(4), 044110(2014).
[8] Li Wei, Guan Jianguo, Sun Zhigang, Wang Wei, and Zhang Qingjie. "A near-Perfect Invisibility Cloak Constructed with Homogeneous Materials." Optics Express 17(26), 23410-16(2009).
[9] Li Wei, Guan Jianguo, and Wang Wei. "Homogeneous Materials Constructed Electromagnetic Field Concentrators with Adjustable Concentrating Ratio." Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 44(12), 125401(2011).
[10] Li Wei, Guan Jian-Guo, Wang Wei, Tong Guo-Xiu, and Fan Xi-An. "Synthesis and Formation Mechanism of Hematite Hollow Microspheres by a One-Pot Templateless Surfactant-Free Hydrothermal Process." Materials Chemistry and Physics 118(2-3), 496-500(2009).
Prof. Wei Li
Address: 122 Luoshi Rd., Wuhan, Hubei 430070, China
Email:wellee@whut.edu.cn Tel: +86 **
Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, China
Ph.D., Material Science
Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, China
B.S., Polymer Materials and Engineering
2014 to present
Associate Professor
State Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Materials Synthesis and Processing, Wuhan University of Technology
Visiting scholar
Birck Nanotechnolog Center, Purdue University
School of Science, Wuhan University of Technology
Jan 2016-Dec 2019
Electromagnetic absorbing mechanism and broadband absorption of 3D
metamaterials by resonances from both electric and magnetic
Jan 2013-Dec 2015
Optimization design and principle analysis of shadowless cloaking
devices based on complex coordinate transformation method
[1] Hu Dawei, Cao Jie, Li Wei*, Zhang Cheng, Wu Tianlong, Li Qifan, Chen Zhihong, Wang Yilong, and Guan Jianguo. "Optically Transparent Broadband Microwave Absorption Metamaterial by Standing-up Closed-Ring Resonators." Advanced Optical Materials 5(13), **(2017).
[2] Li Wei#, Guler Urcan#, Kinsey Nathaniel, Naik Gururaj V., Boltasseva Alexandra, Guan Jianguo*, Shalaev Vladimir M., and Kildishev Alexander V.* "Refractory Plasmonics with Titanium Nitride: Broadband Metamaterial Absorber." Advanced Materials 26(47), 7959-7965(2014). ESI Highly Cited.
[3] Li Wei, Wei Jia, Wang Wei, Hu Dawei, Li Yukun, and Guan Jianguo*. "Ferrite-Based Metamaterial Microwave Absorber with Absorption Frequency Magnetically Tunable in a Wide Range." Materials & Design 110, 27-34(2016).
[4] Li Yukun, Li Wei*, Wang Yi, Cao Jie, and Guan Jianguo*. "Refractory Metamaterial Microwave Absorber with Strong Absorption Insensitive to Temperature." Advanced Optical Materials 0(0), **. doi:10.1002/adom..
[5] Long Chang, Yin Sheng, Wang Wei, Li Wei*, Zhu Jianfei, and Guan Jianguo*. "Broadening the Absorption Bandwidth of Metamaterial Absorbers by Transverse Magnetic Harmonics of 210 Mode." Scientific Reports 6, 21431(2016).
[6] Li Wei, Wu Tianlong, Wang Wei, Guan Jianguo, and Zhai Pengcheng. "Integrating Non-Planar Metamaterials with Magnetic Absorbing Materials to Yield Ultra-Broadband Microwave Hybrid Absorbers." Applied Physics Letters 104(2), 022903(2014).
[7] Li Wei, Wu Tianlong, Wang Wei, Zhai Pengcheng, and Guan Jianguo. "Broadband Patterned Magnetic Microwave Absorber." Journal of Applied Physics 116(4), 044110(2014).
[8] Li Wei, Guan Jianguo, Sun Zhigang, Wang Wei, and Zhang Qingjie. "A near-Perfect Invisibility Cloak Constructed with Homogeneous Materials." Optics Express 17(26), 23410-16(2009).
[9] Li Wei, Guan Jianguo, and Wang Wei. "Homogeneous Materials Constructed Electromagnetic Field Concentrators with Adjustable Concentrating Ratio." Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 44(12), 125401(2011).
[10] Li Wei, Guan Jian-Guo, Wang Wei, Tong Guo-Xiu, and Fan Xi-An. "Synthesis and Formation Mechanism of Hematite Hollow Microspheres by a One-Pot Templateless Surfactant-Free Hydrothermal Process." Materials Chemistry and Physics 118(2-3), 496-500(2009).
1. Wei Li, Jia Wei, Tianlong Wu, Dawei Hu, Yukun Li, Jie Cao, Jianguo Guan, Ultra-wide Tuning Frequency Range of a Ferrite-based Metamaterial Microwave Absorber, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) 2017 in St Petersburg, Invited.