

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-20

单 位

职 称 教授
学 历

E-mail ycwu@whu.edu.cn

1986.12-1991.07 北京科技大学材料物理系 博士 ( 导师:中科院院士肖纪美教授)
1983.09-1986.12 北京科技大学材料物理系 硕士 ( 导师:中科院院士肖纪美教授 )
1979.09-1983.07 北京科技大学材料物理系 学士

2003.01-至今 武汉大学物理科学与技术学院 副教授、教授
2008.09-2009.08 英国巴斯大学 访问教授
2000.11-2002.08 美国密苏里大学化学系 Research Associate
(师从美国密苏里大学资深教授、化学系系主任Y.C. Jean教授)
1995.01-1995.04 日本理化学研究所 访问****
1993.12-2002.12 中山大学物理系 副教授
1991.09-1993.12 南京大学物理系 博士后
(合作导师:俄罗斯外籍院士 夏元复教授)

1. 核电站材料辐照损伤及无损检测技术
2. 正电子湮没谱学其在材料科学中的应用
3. 金属和合金的辐照、腐蚀与防护

1. 2020-2023:锆合金腐蚀及辐照相关缺陷的正电子湮没研究,(国家自然科学基金项目),项目负责人,No. **。
2. 2019-2024:研究动量空间谱学的纳米结构和纳米薄膜的多参数正电子谱学表征新方法(国家重点研发计划:纳米科技),主要参加者,No.2019YFA**。
3. 2017-2020:高注量辐照条件下RPV钢退火及再辐照损伤的正电子湮没研究(国家自然科学基金项目),项目负责人,No. **。
4. 2016-2018:***正电子的冷却、约束和储存的研究,武器装备探索研究项目“基于超强激光的正电子产生研究”合作项目子课题,国防科大合作项目,项目负责人,结题。
5. 2012-2015:应用慢正电子束研究纯铝和铝合金腐蚀相关的缺陷及铜富集(国家自然科学基金项目),项目负责人,No. **。
6. 2011-2013:国产反应堆压力容器钢辐照损伤的正电子湮没研究(国家自然科学基金项目),项目负责人,No. **。
7. 2011-2014:正电子无损探伤仪器开发及移动平台采购合同 (苏州热工研究院有限公司), 项目负责人。
8. 2011-2012:核电站结构材料辐照损伤的纳米尺度微结构及力学性能关联研究(国家科技计划重点重大项目建议项目), 项目负责人。
9. 2011-2012:正电子湮没作为RPV钢辐照损伤的无损检测新技术调研及设计方案(苏州热工研究院有限公司), 项目负责人。
10. 2010-2012:高分辨冷正电子束研究低能正电子散射(国家自然科学基金项目),项目负责人,No.**。
11. 2010-2011:ZnO 薄膜氢相关的缺陷对电学和光学性能的影响(西北工业大学凝固技术国家重点实验室开放课题), 项目负责人,No. SKLSP201004。
12. 2008-2009: 低能正电子束研究材料近表面和薄膜微结构 (英国自然科学基金和国家留学基金委项目), 主要承担者。
13. 2007-2008: 正电子作为反物质能源在深空探测中的应用研究 (CAST创新基金项目),项目负责人, CAST200730。
14. 2006-2008:正电子热化、约束和冷正电子产生的研究(国家自然科学基金项目),项目负责人,No.**。
15. 2005-2006:新型正电子束设计及材料表面特性研究(教育部留学回国人员基金项目),项目负责人。
16. 2005-2006:一种用于慢正电子束的新型正电子寿命测量系统的研究(湖北省自然科学基金项目),项目负责人,No. 2004ABA006。
17. 2005-2007:具有高慢化效率和寿命测量功能的正电子束研究 (国家自然科学基金项目),主要承担者,No.**。
18. 2004-2005:正电子能量转换若干关键问题的预研究(国家自然科学主任基金项目),主要承担者,No. A**。
19. 2003-2005:新型慢正电子束及材料表面界面缺陷研究(武汉大学科研启动基金项目),项目负责人。
20. 2000-2002: 正电子寿命谱作为材料无损检测新技术的研究 (广东省"千百十”优秀人才基金项目) ,项目负责人。
21. 2000-2002:结构钢高聚物涂层的物理及化学老化机理研究 (美国自然科学基金和美国空军研究暑基金项目),参加者
22. 2000-2002:纯铁及不锈钢腐蚀及氢损伤早期过程研究(美国自然科学基金和美国空军研究暑基金),参加者

1. 本科生课程:《近代物理实验》(实验课);《人类生存发展与核科学》(通识课);《诺贝尔奖物理实验》(通识课);《材料科学与现代科技》;《现代材料分析技术》。
2. 研究生课程:《核能与核工程概论》;《宏观材料学》;《凝聚态物理》。
3. 培养研究生:已培养硕士生20余名,博士生7名。
4. 教学研究:主持或参加省级及教育部教学研究项目5项,已在《大学物理》、《物理实验》等正式刊物上发表教学论文12篇。
5. 教学管理工作:2016年起任物理国家级实验教学示范中心(武汉大学)主任,《近代物理实验》校精品课负责人。主要社会兼职为全国高校物理实验教学研讨会常务理事会副理事长,教育部高等学校大学物理课程教学指导委员会大学物理实验专项委员,高等学校物理演示实验教学研究会理事,《物理实验》杂志编委。

1. 已在PRL, PRB, JAP,JNM, Corrosion Science, CrysEngComm等国际刊物上发表论文120篇,出版专著2本,获批发明专利3项。多次赴美国、英国、日本和德国等参与国际合作研究和学术交流。
2. 1996-2001年 中山大学重点培养教师
3. 1998年9月 获广东省“南粤教坛新秀”
4. 2000年3月 获霍英东教育基金会第七届高等院校青年教师奖(教学类)三等奖
5. 2002年获广东省科技进步奖三等奖
6. 2018年,获2017-2018学年武汉大学本科优秀教学业绩奖
7. 2018年,指导的本科生郑航同学参加第十届全国高校物理实验教学研讨会本科生公开发表的教学论文评比,获二等奖(教学类)。

Curriculum vitae

Prof. Wu Yichu (or Y.C.Wu)
School of Physics and Technology, Wuhan University
Wuhan 430072
P.R. China
E-mail: ycwu@whu.edu.cn
Personal Data Date of Birth: Feb. 7, 1964 Place of Birth: Fujian
Sex: Male Nationality: Chinese
Marital Status: Married Health: Excellent
Professional Experience 1/2003—Present School of Physics and Technology, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China
Position: Professor(2006-present), Associate professor (2003-2006)
Researches: Worked on application of positron annihilation spectroscopy on materials science.
Taught courses: Modern physics experiment, nuclear science and human subsistence and development, introduction of nuclear energy and nuclear engineering, macro-materialogy, and Nobel prize physics experiment.

9/2008-8/2009 Department of Physics, University of Bath, Bath BA2 7AY UK
Position: Visiting Professor
Researches: Worked with Prof. P.G. Coleman on near-surface and thin film structure probed by low-energy positron beams

12/1993—12/2002 Department of Physics, Zhongshan University, Guangzhou, China Position: Associate professor, Director of Modern Physics Lab
Researches: (1) Positron annihilation study on the deformation and hydrogen effect in metals and alloys. (2) The study of microstructure and defects in nanocrystalline oxides by PAT and Mossbauer spectroscopy. (3) Introduction of nano-size flux pinning centers to the textured YBa2Cu3O7 bulk materials
Taught courses: Modern physics experiment, materials science, analysis methods in materials science, and condensed physics.

11/2000—8/2002 Department of Chemistry, University of Missouri-Kansas City, Kansas City, MO 64110, USA
Position: Research associate
Researches: Worked with Dr. Y.C. Jean on experiments involving positrons in research on coating of polymer, hydrogen damage and corrosion in iron and steels investigated by slow positron beam techniques.

1/1995--4/1995 The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN), Japan
Position: Visiting scientist.
Researches: Participated in research on slow positron beam production using the RIKEN AVF cyclotron.

9/1991--12/1993 Department of Physics, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China
Position: Post-doctoral fellow.
Researches: Worked with Prof. Y.Hsia on microstructure and defects in the materials by positron annihilation and Mossbauer spectroscopy.
Educational Background 12/1986--8/1991 University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing, China
Ph. D.: Material Physics
Thesis: Positron annihilation techniques study on the interaction between hydrogen and defect in metals

9/1983--12/1986 University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing, China
M.S. Metal Physics
Thesis: Positron annihilation techniques study on the deformation and hydrogen effect in Al and Al-alloy.

9/1979--8/1983 University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing, China
B.S.: Metal Physics
Thesis: Hydrogen permeation in 40 MnNb steel.

Current Interested Fields 1. Irradiation damage of nuclear materials: The goal of this research is to study on irradiation damages in pure Fe, low Cu model steels and China’s domestic A5083 RPV steels using positron annihilation spectroscopy, a powerful tool to detect vacancy-type defects and defect’s chemical environment, combining with SEM, TEM, APT and nanoindentation measurements.
2. Corrosion and irradiation of metals and alloys using positron annihilation spectroscopy: (a) corrosion and irradiation of Zircaloys; (b) corrosion-related defects and enrichment of copper in aluminium and aluminium alloys; (b) corrosion and protection of AM60B magnesium alloy;
3. Application of positron annihilation techniques as new methods of non-destructive testing for the various materials: Our goal is to develop new non-destructive testing (NDT) methods using positron annihilation spectroscopy. This system can be developed for use both in the laboratory and in the field. Proprietary methods identify damage in metal alloys prior to crack formation. This enables a highly sensitive means for many practical NDT applications of metal alloy condition such as cold working, heat treatment, operational damage, and manufacturing process effects, including differentiating the microstructure variations associated with phase changes.

Recent Research Projects:
1. Studies of corrosion- and irradiation- related defects in zirconium alloys by positron annihilation spectroscopy,National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2020.01--2023.12
2. Effects of post-irradiation annealing and re-irradiation on microstructure in high irradiated RPV steels studied by positron annihilation spectroscopy, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2017.01--2020.12
3. Studies of corrosion-related defects and enrichment of copper in aluminium and aluminium alloys using slow positron beam,National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2012.01--2015.12
4. Positron annihilation study on irradiation damage in China's domestic A5083 RPV steels, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2011.01--2013.12
5. Application of positron annihilation techniques as new methods of non-destructive testing for nuclear materials, Suzhou Nuclear Power Research Institute, 2011.9--2014.8
6. Studies of low energy positron scattering using a high resolution trap-based positron beam, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2009.01--2010.12
7. Application of positron as a new energy source of antimatter, CAST fund, 2007.10--2008.9.
8. Positron thermalization, confinement and cold positron production, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2006.01--2008.12
9. Design of new type positron beam with high moderator efficiency and lifetime measurement function, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2005.01--2007.12
10. Pre-study of some key techniques in positron energy conversion, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2004.01--2005.12
11. Design of new type positron beam and study of surface and interface in materials, Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars, State Education Ministry, 2005.1—2006.12
12. A beam-based positron lifetime spectrometer using secondary electron as starting signal, National Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province, 2005.1--2006.12

Honors 2002 Third prize of science and technology progress of Guangdong province, China
2000 Awarded as an excellent young teacher of State Education Ministry supported by FOK YING TUNG Education Foundation, China
1998 Awarded as an excellent young teacher of Guangdong province, China

Recent Selected Publications:
1. J.J. Shi, W. Yang, Z.J. Zhu, X.B. Liu, J. Jiang, R.S. Wang, Y.C. Wu, Slow positron beam study of highly irradiated RPV steel under proton and ion impact, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 156, (2019)199-204
2. J.J. Shi, W.Z. Zhao, Y.C. Wu, X.B. Liu, J. Jiang, X.Z. Cao, B.Y. Wang, Evolution of the microstructures and mechanical properties of Chinese A508-3-type RPV steels after proJton irradiation, post-irradiation annealing and re-irradiation studied by slow positron beam, transmission electron microscopy and nanoindentation,Journal of Nuclear Materials,523(2019)333-341
3. J. Shi, W.Z. Zhao , Y.C. Wu, X.B. Liu , J. Jiang,Characterization of proton-irradiated Chinese A508-3-type reactor pressure vessel steel by slow positron beam, TEM, and nanoindentation,Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research B 443 (2019) 62–69
4. Zhejie Zhu,Jianjian Shi,Chunlong Yao,Xiangbing Liu,Jing Jiang,Chunxu Pan,Yichu Wu, Positron Annihilation Study of High-Temperature Oxidation Behavior of Zr–1Nb Alloy,Oxidation of Metals, 90,(2018) 657-669.
5. Zhejie Zhu, Meiyi Yao, Jianjian Shi, Chunlong Yao, Eryang Lu, Xingzhong Cao, Baoyi Wang, Yichu Wu,Study of corrosion-related defects of zirconium alloys with slow positron beam,Journal of Nuclear Materials 508 (2018) 12-19
6. W. Yang, Z.J. Zhu, J.J Shi, B. Zhao, Z.Q. Chen, Y.C. Wu, Characterizations of the thermal decomposition of nano-magnesium hydroxide by positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy. Powder Technol. 2017, 311: 206-212.
7. W. Yang, Z.J. Zhu, J.J. Wang, Y.C. Wu, T. Zhai, G. -L. Song, Slow positron beam study of corrosion behavior of AM60B magnesium alloy in NaCl solution, Corrosion Science, 106(2016), 271-280
8. Panpan Gao,Zhejie Zhu,Xinglong Ye,Yichu Wu,Haijun Jin,Alex A. Volinsky,Lijie Qiao,Yanjing Su,Defects evolution in nanoporous Au(Pt) during dealloying, Scripta Materialia,113,(2016), 68-70
9. Panpan Gao, Xinglong Ye, Zhejie Zhu, Yichu Wu, Alex A. Volinsky, Lijie Qiao, Yanjing Su, Defects evolution of nanoporous AuAg(Pt) during thermal coarsening, Scripta Materialia, 119 (2016) 51–54
10. J. Jiang, Y. C. Wu, X. B. Liu, R. S. Wang, Y. Nagai, K. Inoue and T.Toyama, Microstructural evolution of RPV steels under irradiation studied by positron beam spectroscopy and atom probe tomography, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 458 (2015) 326–334
11. Z.Q. Chen, J.J. Shi, J.Jiang, X.B. Liu, R.S. Wang, Y.C. Wu, A modified positron lifetime spectrometer as method of non-destructive testing in materials, Apply. Surf. Sci., 327 (2015) 418–423.
12. Xiangbing Liu, Rongshan Wang, Jing Jiang, Yichu Wu, Chonghong Zhang, Ai Ren, Chaoliang Xu, Wangjie Qian,Slow positron beam and nanoindentation study of irradiation-related defects in reactor vessel steels,Journal of Nuclear Materials, 451(2014) 249-254
13. Xiangbing Liu , Rongshan Wang, Ai Re, Jing Jiang, Chaoliang Xu, Ping Huang, Wangjie Qian, Yichu Wu, Chonghong Zhang,Evaluation of radiation hardening in ion-irradiated Fe based alloys by nanoindentation,Journal of Nuclear Materials, 444 (2014) 1–6.
14. Y.F. Liu, W. Yang, Q.L.Qin, Y.C. Wu, W. Wen, T. Zhai, B. Yu, D.Y. Li, A. Luo, G.-L. Song, Microstructure and corrosion behavior of die-cast AM60B magnesium alloys in a complex salt solution: a slow positron beam study, Corrosion Science, 81(2014) 65-74.
15. Xudong Xue, Tao Wang, Xudong Jiang, Jing Jiang, Chunxu Pan and Yichu Wu,Interaction of hydrogen with defects in ZnO nanoparticles – studied by positron annihilation, Raman and photoluminescence spectroscopy, CrystEngComm, 16(2014), 1207-1216.
16. Xudong Xue, Liangliang Liu, Zhu Wang and Yichu Wu,Room-temperature ferromagnetism in hydrogenated ZnO nanoparticles,Journal of Applied Physics, 115 (2014),033902
17. Yi Hu, Xudong Xue and Yichu Wu,Slow positron beam study of hydrogen ion implanted ZnO thin films,Radiation Physics and Chemistry,101 (2014) 20-24
18. X.D. Xue, T.Wang, J. Jiang, Y.C. Wu, Hydrogen- and corrosion- induced defects characterization of ZnO single crystal: a slow positron beam study, Physica Status Solidi (a).210 (2013) 1418-1423.
19. Rongshan Wang, Xiangbing Liu, Ai Ren, Jing Jiang , Chaoliang Xu, Ping Huang, Yichu Wu, Chonghong Zhang, Xitao Wang. Proton-irradiation-induced damage in Fe-0.3wt.%Cu alloys characterized by positron annihilation and nanoindentation. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 307(2013), 545-551.
20. Xudong Jiang, Yupeng Zhang, Jing Jiang, Yongsen Rong, Yancheng Wang, Yichu Wu, and Chunxu Pan,Characterization of Oxygen Vacancy Associates within Hydrogenated TiO2: A Positron Annihilation Study,J. Phys. Chem. C 116 (2012), 22619?22624
21. Y C Wu, P G Coleman, T Zhai,A Positron Annihilation Study of Corrosion of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy by NaOH, Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 43(2012),2823-2831
22. Xiangbing Liu, RongshanWang, Ai Ren, Ping Huang, Yichu Wu, JingJiang, Chonghong Zhang, Xitao Wang, Positron annihilation study of proton-irradiated reactor pressure vessel steels, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 81 (2012) 1586–1592
23. Y. C. Wu, J. Jiang, S. J. Wang, A. Kallis, P. G. Coleman, Porosity and crystallization of water ice films studied by positron and positronium annihilation, Physical Review B 84 (2011) 064123.
24. Y. C. Wu, A. Kallis, J. Jiang and P. G. Coleman, Structural and Phase Changes in Amorphous Solid Water Films Revealed by Positron Beam Spectroscopy, Physical Review Letters 105, (2010) 066103.

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