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姓 名:
杨春锋 性 别:

职 务:
博导 职 称:
学 位:
博士 通讯地址:
电 话:
传 真:

中国科学院武汉植物园植物繁殖生态学学科组组长。当前研究主要集中在传粉事件在被子植物花的分化中的作用,传粉者介导的植物间相互作用以及城市环境中植物与传粉者多样性等方面。先后主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目1项,面上项目5项,湖北省自然科学基金面上项目1项,作为学术骨干参与国家自然科学基金重点项目、面上项目、973项目专题、中科院先导专项子课题等数项。发表研究论文40余篇。湖北省自然保护地专家委员会成员、《亚热带植物科学》编委,十余个国际学术期刊的审稿人。参编出版专著1部、国家级教材1部(高教出版社《植物生物学》)。  招生专业:生态学 (欢迎博士后加盟)  招生方向:植物繁殖生态学

  2015年3月-2016年3月,Department of Biology, University of Maryland, College Park, Visiting Scholar;
2015年6月,Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory, Crested Butte, Colorado, Visiting Scientist


1 植物繁殖生态学
2 植物进化生态学



Xiang G-J, Guo Y-H*, Yang C-F*. 2021. Diversification of floral orientation in Lonicera is associated with pollinator shift and flowering phenology. Journal of Systematics and Evolution doi.org/10.1111/jse.12554
Ye Z-M, Jin X-F*, Wang Q-F, Yang, C-F*. 2020. Co-flowering neighbor alters pollinator composition and influences reproductive success in a plant pollinated by multiple insects. Plant Ecology 221: 219–228.
Ye Z-M, Jin X-F, Yang J, Wang Q-F, Yang C-F*. 2019. Accurate position exchange of stamen and stigma by movement in opposite direction resolves the herkogamy dilemma in a protandrous plant, Ajuga decumbens (Labiatae). AoB PLANTS 11: plz052.
Ye Z-M, Jin X-F, Inouye DW, Wang Q-F*, Yang C-F*. 2018. Variation in composition of two bumble bee species across communities affects nectar robbing but maintains pollinator visitation rate to an alpine plant, Salvia przewalskii. Ecological Entomology 43: 363–370.
Ye Z-M, Jin X-F, Wang Q-F*, Yang C-F*, Inouye DW. 2017. Nectar replenishment maintains the neutral effects of nectar robbing on female reproductive success of Salvia przewalskii (Lamiaceae), a plant pollinated and robbed by bumble bees. Annals of Botany 119: 1053–1059.
Jin X-F, Ye Z-M, Amboka GM, Wang Q-F*, Yang C-F*. 2017. Stigma sensitivity and the duration of temporary closure are affected by pollinator identity in Mazus miquelii (Phrymaceae), a Species with Bilobed Stigma. Frontiers in Plant Science 8: 783.
Xiao C-L, Deng H, Xiang G-J, Luguba KE, Guo Y-H*, Yang C-F*. 2017. Sequential stamen maturation and movement in a protandrous herb: mechanisms increasing pollination efficiency and reducing sexual interference. AoB PLANTS 9: plx019.
Ye Z-M, Jin X-F, Wang Q-F*, Yang C-F*, Inouye DW. 2017. Pollinators shift to nectar robbers when florivory occurs, with effects on reproductive success in Iris bulleyana (Iridaceae). Plant Biology 19: 760–766.
Dai W-K, Luguba KE, Wang Q-F*, Yang C-F*. 2017. Pollen limitation, plasticity in floral traits, and mixed mating system in an alpine plant Pedicularis siphonantha (Orobanchaceae) from different altitudes. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 55: 192-199.
Dai W-K, Amboka GM, Luguba KE, Wang Q-F*, Yang C-F*. 2017. Phenotypic plasticity of floral traits and pollination adaption in an alpine plant Pedicularis siphonantha D. Don when transplanted from higher to lower elevation in Eastern Himalaya. Journal of Mountain Science 14: 1995-2002.
Jin X-F, Ye Z-M, Wang Q-F*, Yang C-F*. 2015. Relationship of stigma behaviors and breeding system in three Mazus (Phrymaceae) species with bilobed stigma. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 53: 259–265.
Yang C-F, Wang Q-F. 2015. Nectarless flowers with deep corolla tubes in Pedicularis: does long pistil length provide an arena for male competition? Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 179: 526–532.
Wang H, Tie S, Yu D, Guo Y-H*, Yang C-F*. 2014. Change of floral orientation within an inflorescence affects pollinator behavior andpollination efficiency in a bee-pollinated plant, Corydalis sheareri. PLoS ONE 9: e95381.
Wang H, Xiao C-L, Gituru RW, Xiong Z, Yu D, Guo Y-H*, Yang C-F*. 2014. Change of floral orientation affects pollinator diversity and their relative importance in an alpine plant with generalized pollination system, Geranium refractum (Geraniaceae). Plant Ecology 215: 1211–1219.
Li X-X, Wang H, Gituru RW, Guo Y-H*, Yang C-F*. 2014. Pollen packaging and dispensing: Adaption of patterns of anther dehiscence and flowering traits to pollination in three Epimedium species. Plant Biology 16: 227–233.
Ye Z-M, Dai W-K, Jin X-F, Gituru RW, Wang Q-F*, Yang C-F*. 2014. Competition and facilitation among plants for pollination: Can pollinator abundance shift the plant-plant interactions? Plant Ecology 215: 3–13.
Yang C-F, Wang Q-F, Guo Y-H. 2013. Pollination in a patchy-distributed lousewort is facilitated by presence of a co-flowering plant due to enhancement of quantity and quality of pollinator visits. Annals of Botany 112: 1751-1758.
Li X-X, Zou-Y, Xiao C-L, Gituru RW, Guo Y-H*, Yang C-F*. 2013. The differential contributions of herkogamy and dichogamy as mechanisms of avoiding self-interference in four self-incompatible Epimedium species. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26: 1949-1958.
Yang C-F, Li J, Gituru RW, Wang Q-F, Guo Y-H. 2013. Asymmetric pollen–pistil interactions contribute to maintaining floral colour polymorphism in a clonal aquatic plant (Butomus umbellatus L.). Aquatic Botany 106: 29-34.
Zhang X-L, Gituru RW, Yang C-F*, Guo Y-H*. 2010. Exposure to water increased pollen longevity of pondweed (Potamogeton spp.) indicates different mechanisms ensuring pollination success of angiosperms in aquatic habitat. Evolutionary Ecology 24: 939-953.
Zhang X-L, Gituru RW, Yang C-F*, Guo Y-H*. 2009. Variations of floral traits among different life forms illustrate the evolution of pollination systems in Potamogeton species from China. Aquatic Botany 90: 124-128.
Han Y, Dai C, Yang C-F*, Wang Q-F*, Motley TJ. 2008. Anther appendages of Incarvillea trigger a pollen-dispensing mechanism. Annals of Botany 102: 473-479.
Yang C-F, Gituru RW, Guo Y-H. 2007. Reproductive isolation of two sympatric louseworts, Pedicularis rhinanthoides and P. longiflora (Orobanchaceae): How does the same pollinator type avoid interspecific pollen transfer? Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 90: 37-48.
Yang C-F, Guo Y-H. 2007. Pollen-ovule ratio and gamete investment in Pedicularis (Orobanchaceae). Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 49: 238-245.
Yang C-F, Guo Y-H. 2005. Floral evolution: beyond traditional viewpoint of pollinator mediated floral design. Chinese Science Bulletin 50: 2413-2417.

1. 熊蜂在同时开花植物之间的分配式样及其与植物群落构成的关系(国家自然科学基金面上项目**,2020-2023)
2. 群落环境下传粉者介导的选择作用与马先蒿属代表植物的花部性状分异(国家自然科学基金面上项目**,2018-2021)
3. 传粉者组成及丰度对开花植物之间传粉相互作用的影响(国家自然科学基金面上项目**,2014-2017)
4. 虫媒两性花植物传粉受限后繁育系统的适应性进化(国家自然科学基金面上项目**,2011-2013)
5. 同域植物传粉互作机制及其对濒危植物有性生殖的影响(国家自然科学基金面上项目**,2010-2012)
6. 传粉系统对植物花部构成和开放式样的综合影响(国家自然科学基金青年基金项目**,2006-2008)
7. 渐危药用植物黄连的繁殖生物学研究(湖北省自然科学基金项目2005ABA096,2006-2007)

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