

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-08-15

姓 名:
刘贵华 性 别:

职 务:
博导 职 称:
学 位:
博士 通讯地址:
湖北武汉磨山 中科院武汉植物园
电 话:
传 真:


2000.7—2002.8 中国科学院武汉植物园助理研究员
2002.8—2008.8 中国科学院武汉植物园副研究员
2008.8— 中国科学院武汉植物园研究员




2009年 教育部自然科学二等奖
2008年 上海市自然科学二等奖
2006年 湖北省自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖
2005年 中国科学院院长优秀奖

.Liu, W.Z., Yao, L., Jiang, X.L., Guo, L.D., Cheng, X.L., Liu, G.H*. 2018. Sediment denitrification in Yangtze lakes is mainly influenced by environmental conditions but not biological communities. Science of the Total Environment, 616-617: 978-987
.Xiong, Z.Q., Guo, L.D., Zhang, Q.F., Liu, G.H*., Liu, W.Z*. 2017. Edaphic conditions regulate denitrification directly and indirectly by altering denitrifier abundance in wetlands along the Han River, China. Environmental Science & Technology, 51: 5483-5491
.Xing, W., Bai G.L., Wu, H.P., Liu, H., Liu, G.H*. 2017. Effect of submerged macrophytes on metal and metalloid concentrations in sediments and water of the Yunnan Plateau lakes in China. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 17: 2566–2575
.Jiang, X.L., Yao, L., Guo, L.D., Liu, G.H., Liu, W.Z. 2017. Multi-scale factors affecting composition, diversity, and abundance of sediment denitrifying microorganisms in Yangtze lakes. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 101: 8015–8027
.Liu, Y., Liu, G.H., Xiong, Z.X., Liu, W.Z. 2017. Response of greenhouse gas emissions from three types of wetland soils to simulated temperature change on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Atmospheric Environment, 171: 17–24
.Jiang, X.L., Wu, Y.J., Liu, G.H., Liu, W.Z., Lu, B. 2017. The effects of climate, catchment land use and local factors on the abundance and community structure of sediment ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms in Yangtze lakes. AMB Express, 7:173
.Jiang, X.L., Xiong, Z.Q., Liu, H., Liu, G.H., Liu, W.Z. 2017. Distribution, source identification, and ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in wetland soils of a river-reservoir system. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24, 436-444
.Xing, W., Wu, H.P., Hao, B.B., Liu, H., Liu, G.H*. 2017. Trace element stoichiometry of submerged macrophytes in Yangtze floodplain lakes and Yunnan plateau lakes (China). Aquatic Sciences, 79, 89-98
.Yao, L., Jiang, X.L., Chen, C.R., Liu, G.H., Liu, W.Z. 2016. Within-lake variability and environmental controls of sediment denitrification and associated N2O production in a shallow eutrophic lake. Ecological Engineering, 97, 251-257
.Liu, H., Xiong, Z.Q., Jiang, X.L., Liu, G.H., Liu, W.Z. 2016. Heavy metal concentrations in riparian soils along the Han River, China: The importance of soil properties, topography and upland land use. Ecological Engineering, 97, 545-552
.Xing, W., Shi, Q., Liu, H., Liu, G.H. 2016. Growth rate, protein: RNA ratio and stoichiometric homeostasis of submerged macrophytes under eutrophication stress. Knowledge & Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 417, 25
.Liu, W.Z., Xiong, Z.Q., Liu, H., Zhang, Q.F., Liu, G.H*. 2016. Catchment agriculture and local environment affecting the soil denitrification potential and nitrous oxide production of riparian zones in the Han River Basin, China. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 216, 147-154
.Liu, W.Z., Yao, L., Xiong, Z.Q., Liu, G.H.* 2015. Human land uses enhance sediment denitrification and N2O production in Yangtze lakes primarily by influencing lake water quality. Biogeosciences, 12, 6059-6070
.Liu, H., Bu, H.M., Liu, G.H., Wang, Z.X., Liu, W.Z. 2015. Effects of surrounding land use on metal accumulation in environments and submerged plants in subtropical ponds. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22, 18750-18758
.Xiong, Z.Q., Li, S.C., Yao, L., Liu, G.H., Zhang, Q.F., Liu, W.Z. 2015. Topography and land use effects on spatial variability of soil denitrification and related soil properties in riparian wetlands. Ecological Engineering, 83, 437-443
.Xing, W., Wu, H. P., Shi, Q., Hao, B.B., Liu, H., Wang, Z.X., Liu, G.H*. 2015. Multielement stoichiometry of submerged macrophytes across Yunnan plateau lakes (China). Scientific Reports, 5:10186
.Liu, W.Z., Wang, Z.X., Zhang, Q.F., Cheng, X.L., Lu, J., Liu, G.H.* 2015. Sediment denitrification and nitrous oxide production in Chinese plateau lakes with varying watershed land uses. Biogeochemistry, 123, 379-390
.Song, Y., Ke, X.S., Liu, W.Z., Davy, A.J., Liu, G.H*. 2015. Life-history plasticity of riparian annuals pre-adapted to extreme variations in water level: mesocosm experiments. River Research and Applications, 31, 1311-1318
.Xing, W., Huang, W.M., Liu, G.H., Liu, Y.D. 2014. Effects of temperature, light, nitrate and ammonium on growth and photosynthesis of Microcystis aeruginosa (cyanobacteria) under iron-limited and iron-replete conditions. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 23, 1934-1941
.Wang, Z.X., Yao, L., Liu, G.H., Liu, W.Z. 2014. Heavy metals in water, sediments and submerged macrophytes in ponds around Dianchi Lake, China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 107, 200-206.
.Zhou, W., Wang, Z.X., Xing, W., Liu, G.H*. 2014. Plasticity in latitudinal patterns of leaf N and P of Oryza rufipogon in China. Plant Biology, 16, 917-923.
.Liu, W.Z., Liu, G.H., Zhang, Q.F. 2014. Shoreline vegetation in the Danjiangkou Reservoir: characteristics, related factors, and differences with adjacent riverine wetlands. Clean-Soil, Air, Water, 42, 1014-1021.
.Liu, W.Z., Liu, G.H., Liu, H., Song, Y., Zhang, Q.F. 2013. Subtropical reservoir shorelines have reduced plant species and functional richness compared with adjacent riparian wetlands. Environmental Research Letters, 8, 044007.
.Hao, B.B., Wu, H.P., Shi. Q., Liu, G.H., Xing, W. 2013. Facilitation and competition among foundation species of submerged macrophytes threatened by severe eutrophication and implications for restoration. Ecological Engineering, 60, 76– 80.
.Xia, J., Sun, S.G., Liu, G.H. 2013. Evidence of a component Allee effect driven by predispersal seed predation in a plant (Pedicularis rex, Orobanchaceae). Biology Letters, 9, **.
.Xing, W., Wu, H.P., Hao, B.B., Liu, G.H*. 2013. Metal accumulation by submerged macrophytes in eutrophic lakes at the watershed scale. Environmental Sciences and Pollution Research, 20, 6999-7008.
.Zhou, W., Wang, Z.X., Davy, A.J., Liu, G.H*. 2013. Geographic variation and local adaptation in perennial Oryza rufipogon across northern border. Journal of Ecology, 101, 1498-1508.
.Xiao, C., Liu, G.H*. 2013. The relationship of seed banks to historical dynamics and reestablishment of standing vegetation in an aquaculture lake. Aquatic Botany, 108, 48-54.
.Xing, W., Wu, H.P., Hao, B.B., Huang, W.M., Liu, G.H*. 2013. Bioaccumulation of heavy metals by submerged macrophytes: looking for hyperaccumulator in eutrophic lakes. Environmental Science & Technology, 47, 4695?4703.
.Xing, W., Wu, H.P., Hao, B.B., Liu, G.H*. 2013. Stoichiometric characteristics and responses of submerged macrophytes to eutrophication in lakes along the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Ecological Engineering, 54, 16–21.
.Lu, J., Wang, Z.X., Xing, W., Liu, G.H*. 2013. Effects of substrate and shading on the growth of two submerged macrophytes. Hydrobiologia, 700, 157–167.
.Xia, J., Lu, J., Wang, Z.X., Hao, B.B., Wang, H.B., Liu, G.H*. 2013. Pollen limitation and Allee effect caused by population size and sex ratio in the endangered Ottelia acuminata (Hydrocharitaceae): implications for conservation and reintroduction. Plant Biology, 15, 376–383.
.Wang, X.F., Zhou, W., Lu, J., Wang, H.B., Xiao, C., Xia, J., Liu, G.H*. 2012. Effects of population size on synchronous display of female and male flowers and reproductive output in two monoecious Sagittaria species. PLOS ONE, 7(10): e48731.
.Lu, J., Wang, H.B., Pan, M., Xia, J., Xing. W., Liu, G.H*. 2012.Using sediment seed banks and historical vegetation change data to develop restoration criteria for a eutrophic lake in China. Ecological Engineering, 39, 95-103.
.Liu, W.Z., Zhang, Q.F., Liu, G.H*. 2012. Influences of watershed landscape composition and configuration on lake water quality in the Yangtze River basin of China. Hydrological Processes, 26, 570-578.
.Liu, W.Z., Li, S.Y., Bu, H.M., Zhang, Q.F., Liu, G.H*. 2012. Eutrophication in the Yunnan Plateau lakes: the influence of lake morphology, watershed land use, and socio-economic factors. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 19, 858-870.
.Liu, W.Z., Zhang, Q.F., Liu, G.H*. 2011. Effects of watershed land use and lake morphometry on trophic state of Chinese lakes: Implications for eutrophication control. Clean - Soil, Air, Water, 39, 35-42.
.Xing, W., Liu, G.H*. 2011. Iron biogeochemistry and its environmental impacts in freshwater lakes. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 20, 1339-1345.
.Xing, W., Li, D.H., Liu, G.H*. 2010. Antioxidative responses of Elodea nuttallii (Planch.) H. St. John to short-term iron exposure. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 48, 873-878.
.Liu, W.Z., Zhang, Q.F., Liu, G.H*. 2010. Lake eutrophication associated with geographic location, lake morphology and climate in China. Hydrobiologia, 644, 289-299.
.Xing, W., Huang, W.M., Liu, G.H*. 2010. Effect of excess iron and copper on physiology of aquatic plant Spirodela polyrrhiza (L.) Schleid. Environmental Toxicology, 25, 103-112.
.Xiao, C., Xing, W., Liu, G.H*. 2010. Seed germination of 14 wetland species in response to cold-wet stratification duration and outdoor burial. Aquatic Biology, 11, 169-177.
.Xiao, C., Dou, W.F., Liu, G.H*. 2010. Variation in vegetation and seed banks of freshwater lakes with contrasting intensity of aquaculture along Yangtze River, China. Aquatic Botany, 92, 195-199.
.Xiao, C., Wang, X.F., Xia, J., Liu, G.H*. 2010. The effect of temperature, water level and burial depth on seed germination of Myriophyiium spicatum and Potamogeton malaianus. Aquatic Botany, 92, 28-32.
.Wang, B., Song, Z.P., Liu, G.H., Lu, F., Li, W. 2010. Comparison of the extent of genetic variation of Vallisneria natans and its sympatric congener V. spinulosa in lakes of the middle–lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Aquatic Botany, 92, 233-238.
.Dou, W.F., Wang, H.B., Xu, Y., Xing, W., Liu, G.H*. 2009. Effects of water depth and substrate type on growth dynamics and biomass allocation of Oryza rufipogon. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 30, 16-21.
.Wang X.F., Xing W., Wu S.H., Liu G.H*. 2009. Allelopathic effects of seed exudates of four selected wetland species on seed germination and seedling growth of Brassica rapa spp. pekinensis, Oryza rufipogon and Monochoria korsakowii. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin,18, 1832-1838.
.Liu W.Z., Zhang Q.F., Liu G.H*. 2009. Seed bank of a river-reservoir wetland system and their implications for vegetation development. Aquatic Botany, 90, 7-12.
.Liu G.H.*, Li E.H., Yuan L.Y., Li W. 2008. Occurrence of aquatic macrophytes in a eutrophic subtropical lake in relation to toxic wastewater and fish overstocking. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 23, 13-19.
.Li, E.H., Liu, G.H., Li, W., Yuan, L.Y., Li, S.C. 2008. The seed bank of a lakeshore wetland in Lake Honghu: implications for restoration. Plant Ecology, 195, 69-76.
.Li, E.H., Li, W., Liu, G.H., Yuan, L.Y. 2008. The effect of different submerged macrophyte species and biomass on sediment resuspension in a shallow freshwater lake. Aquatic Botany, 88, 121-126.
.Yuan, L.Y., Liu, G.H., Li, W., Li, E.H. 2007. Seed bank variation along a water depth gradient in a subtropical lakeshore marsh, Longgan Lake, China. Plant Ecology, 189, 127-137.
.Liu G.H., Li W., Li E.H., Yuan L. Y., Davy A. J. 2006. Landscape-scale variation in the seed banks of floodplain wetlands with contrasting hydrology in China. Freshwater Biology, 51, 1862-1878.
.Liu G.H., Luo L.M., Wang B., Li W., Song Z.P. 2006. Comparison of genetic variation in populations of wild rice, Orzya rufipogon, plants and their soil seed banks. Conservation Genetics, 7, 909-917.
.Liu G.H.*, Li W., Zhou J., Liu W.Z., Yang D., Davy A.J. 2006. How does the propagule bank contribute to cyclic vegetation change in a lakeshore marsh with seasonal drawdown? Aquatic Botany, 84, 137-143.
.Liu G.H., Zhou J., Li W., Cheng Y. 2005. The seed bank in a subtropical freshwater marsh: implications for wetland restoration. Aquatic Botany, 81, 1-11.
.Liu G.H.*, Zhou J., Huang D.S., Li W. 2004. Spatial and temporal dynamics of a restored population of Oryza rufipogon in Huli Marsh, South China. Restoration Ecology, 12, 456-463
.汪秀芳, 邢伟, 萧蒇, 王海宾, 周雯, 刘贵华*. 2011. 湿地植物普通野生稻和慈姑之间的化感作用. 植物科学学报, 29, 307-311.
.萧蒇, 刘文治, 刘贵华*. 2011. 丹江口库区滩涂与入库支流植被与土壤种子库:水传播潜力探讨. 植物生态学报, 35, 247-255.
.王海宾, 鲁静, 刘贵华*. 2011. 顶芽、节数和埋藏深度对六种沉水植物断枝再生能力的影响. 湖泊科学, 23, 61-66.
.鲁静, 周虹霞, 田广宇, 刘贵华*. 2011. 洱海流域44种湿地植物的氮磷含量特征. 生态学报, 31, 709-715.
.徐洋, 刘文治, 刘贵华*. 2009. 生态位限制和物种库限制对湖滨湿地植物群落分布格局的影响. 植物生态学报, 33, 546-554.
.刘贵华, 肖蒇, 张全发. 2007. 土壤种子库在长江中下游受损湿地恢复与生物多样性保护中的潜在作用. 自然科学进展, 17, 741-747.
.刘贵华, 刘幼平, 李伟. 2006. 淡水湿地种子库的小尺度空间格局. 生态学报, 26, 2739-2743.
.刘文治, 张全发, 李天煜, 李伟, 吴文颖, 刘贵华*. 2006. 丹江口库区湿地植被的数量分类和排序. 武汉植物学研究, 24, 220-224.
.刘文治, 张全发, 刘贵华*, 李天煜, 李伟, 吴文颖. 2005. 丹江口库区湿地水生维管束植物的区系研究. 武汉植物学研究, 23, 449-454.
.刘贵华,袁龙义,苏睿丽,李伟. 2005. 储藏条件和时间对六种多年生湿地植物种子萌发的影响. 生态学报, 25, 371-374.
.刘贵华, 李伟, 王相磊, 张学江. 2004. 湖南茶陵湖里沼泽种子库与地表植被的关系. 生态学报, 24, 450-456.
.刘贵华, 周进, 李伟, 郭友好. 2002. 普通野生稻种群恢复的生态学研究 II. 种群动态. 植物生态学报, 26, 372-376.
.刘贵华, 王海洋, 周进, 郭友好. 2001. 湖南茶陵普通野生稻保护区优势种的空间分布和生态位分析. 植物生态学报, 25, 65-70.
.刘贵华, 周进, 王海洋, 郭友好. 2000. 不同处理对普通野生稻种子萌发及水位对幼苗存活的影响. 武汉植物学研究, 18, 146-150.

战略性先导科技专项(A类): 水稻起源传播遗传学 2011-2015
重点学科领域及院开放实验室经费: 引江济汉对植物影响 2011-2013
中国科学院项目:生物对全球变化的响应与适应规划研究 2010-2015
财政部战略生物资源科技支撑运行专项:湿地植物专类园 2010-2011
国家自然科学基金:种子水播格局及其对消落区种子库和地表植被的影响 2010-2012
云南省社会发展科技计划项目:弥苴河河口湿地恢复关键技术研究及工程示范 2009-2010
国家水专项-湖泊主题-滇池项目:湖泊生态系统自然修复途径、关键技术与工程示范 2008-2010
国家自然科学基金:湿地植物对水环境的繁殖适应对策 2007-2009
中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目:迁地保护水生植物的传粉障碍及其对适合度的影响 2007-2009
国家科技支撑计划项目:重大工程建设区生态恢复整治技术研究 2006-2010
中国科学院“院长奖获得者科研启动专项资金”:水生植物种子对水环境变化的生态适应策略 2006-2009
国家高技术研究发展计划:滇池入湖河流水环境治理技术与工程示范 2006-2008
湖北省科技基础条件专项:水生植物种质资源圃和基因库建立 2004-2006
中国科学院重要方向项目:水生植物对富营养化响应与湖泊稳态转换机制研究 2002-2005
国家重点基础研究发展规划项:湖泊富营养化过程与蓝藻水华暴发机理研究 2002-2007

Updated date: 2013-7-16

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  • 中国科学院武汉植物园导师教师师资介绍简介-王伟
    姓名:王伟性别:男职务:无职称:副研究员学位:博士通讯地址:武汉市东湖新技术开发区九峰一路201号武汉植物园电话:无邮政编码:430074传真:电子邮件:wangwei@wbgcas.cn导师简介:王伟,男,博士,副研究员,硕士生导师。2015年毕业于中国科学院南京土壤研究所,获得博士学位。主要从事 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-08-15
  • 中国科学院武汉植物园导师教师师资介绍简介-黄文敏
    姓名:黄文敏性别:女职务:硕士生导师职称:副研究员学位:博士通讯地址:湖北省武汉市中国科学院武汉植物园电话:**邮政编码:430074传真:无电子邮件:huangwm@wbgcas.cn导师简介:黄文敏,女,博士,副研究员,硕士生导师。2009年毕业于中国科学院水生生物研究所,获得环境科学博士学位。 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-08-15
  • 中国科学院武汉植物园导师教师师资介绍简介-陈良
    姓名:陈良性别:男职务:无职称:研究员学位:博士通讯地址:武汉.武昌.磨山.中国科学院武汉植物园电话:无邮政编码:430074传真:无电子邮件:chenliang888@wbgcas.cn导师简介:陈良,博士,研究员,博士生导师,草坪草与牧草分子育种学科组组长。2011年6月毕业于华中师范大学,获植 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-08-15
  • 中国科学院武汉植物园导师教师师资介绍简介-杨玉义
    姓名:杨玉义性别:男职务:无职称:研究员学位:博士通讯地址:湖北省武汉市中国科学院武汉植物园光谷园区电话:邮政编码:430074传真:无电子邮件:yangyy@wbgcas.cn导师简介:男,1985年生,博士,研究员,博士生导师,环境基因组学学科组长。长期从事湿地的环境化学分析、环境微生物学、分子 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-08-15