

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-08-11

主要研究方向:泛函分析及其应用,特别是解析函数与算子理论。在ActaMath. Sci. Ser. B、J. Math. Anal. Appl.、Complex Var. Elliptic Equ.、Internat. J. Math.、Ann. Funct. Anal.、Arch. Math. (Basel)等国际主流SCI期刊发表论文8篇。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目一项。
lYao, Xingxing. Toeplitznessof composition operators on a Hilbert space of Dirichlet series.Complex Var. Elliptic Equ.63(2018),625–639.
lWang, Maofa;Yao, Xingxing;Deng, Fangwen. Weightedcomposition operators on the Hilbert space of Dirichlet series.Acta Math. Sci. Ser. B (Engl.Ed.)38(2018),1427–1440.
lYao, Xingxing. Complexsymmetric composition operators on a Hilbert space of Dirichlet series.J. Math. Anal. Appl.452(2017),1413–1419.
lWang, Maocai;Yao, Xingxing;Chen, Fen. Compactdifferences of weighted composition operators on the weighted Bergmanspaces.J. Inequal. Appl.2017,14 pp.
lWang, Maofa;Yao, Xingxing. Topologicalstructure of the space of composition operators on HofDirichlet series.Arch. Math. (Basel)106(2016),471–483.
lWang, Maofa;Yao, Xingxing. Complexsymmetry of weighted composition operators in several variables.Internat. J. Math.27(2016),**,14 pp.
lWang, Maofa;Yao, Xingxing. Invariantsubspaces of composition operators on a Hilbert space of Dirichletseries.Ann. Funct. Anal.6(2015),179–190.
lWang, Maofa;Yao, Xingxing. Someproperties of composition operators on Hilbert spaces of Dirichletseries.Complex Var. Elliptic Equ.60(2015),992–1004.
lWang, Mao Fa;Yao, Xing Xing. Topologicalstructure of the set of composition operators on Fock-Sobolev spaces. (Chinese)Acta Anal. Funct. Appl.19(2017),23–32.
lWang, Mao Fa;Chen, Fen;Yao, Xing Xing;Deng, Fang Wen. Compactdifferences of weighted composition operators on Bergman spaces Apα(Bn). (Chinese)Acta Math. Sci. Ser. A (Chin. Ed.)36(2016),809–820.
l王茂发、姚兴兴.译著《泛函分析》, “十三五”国家重点出版物规划项目——世界名校名家基础教育系列.北京:机械工业出版社. 2019.
l 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,项目号:**,项目名称:“Dirichlet级数空间上复合算子的若干性质研究”,项目时间:2018.01-2020.12,项目金额:23万元。
l 武汉工程大学科学研究基金项目,项目号:K201742,项目名称:“Dirichlet级数Hilbert空间上复合算子的拓扑结构研究”,项目时间:2017.06-2020.12,项目金额:5万元。

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