

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-08-11

主要研究方向:科学计算方法及其应用,计算系统生物学。在Sci. Rep.、Sci.CHINA.Inform.Sci、Plos.One.、Bioinformatics、Comput.Math.Method.M等国际主流SCI期刊发表论文10篇。现主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目一项,完成校科学研究基金项目一项,湖北省教育厅基金项目一项,校青年青年科学基金项目一项。
lLiYuanyuan,Luo Ping, Lu Yi, Wu Fang-Xiang. Identifying celltypes from single?celldata based on similarities and dissimilarities between cells[J]. BMCBioinformatics, 2021, 22:255.
lDaiJineng,Li Yuanyuan.The Bergman kernel and projection on theFock–Bargmann–Hartogs domain[J]. Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations,2020:1-15.
lLiYuanyuan,Luo Ping, Lu Yi, et al.Improved Spectral Clustering Method for IdentifyingCell Typesfrom Single-Cell Data[C].2019 International Conference on Intelligent Computing, 2019:177-189.
lLuoPing,Li Yuanyuan, Tian Li-Ping, et al. Enhancing the predictionof disease-gene associations with multimodal deep learning[J]. Bioinformatics,2019.
l Wang Gang,LiYuanyuan, Zou Xiufen. Several Indicators of Critical Transitionsfor Complex Diseases Based on Stochastic Analysis[J]. Computational andMathematical Methods in Medicine, 2017, 2017.
lZhangWei, Xu Jia,Li Yuanyuan, et al. A new two-stage method forrevealing missing parts of edges in protein-protein interaction networks[J].PloS one, 2017, 12(5): e**.
lZhangWei, Xu Jia,Li Yuanyuan, et al.. Detecting Essential ProteinsBased on Network Topology, Gene Expression Data and Gene OntologyInformation[J]. IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology andbioinformatics, 2016.
lZhangWei, Xu Jia,Li Yuanyuan. A New Method for IdentifyingInfluential Nodes and Important Edges in Complex Networks[J]. Wuhan UniversityJournal of Natural Sciences, 2016, 3: 014.
lLiYuanyuan, Zou Xiufen. Identifying disease modules andcomponents of viral infections based on multi-layer networks[J]. Science ChinaInformation Sciences, 2016, 59(7): 070102
lLiYuanyuan, Jin Suoqin, Lei Lei, et al. Decipheringdeterioration mechanisms of complex diseases based on the construction ofdynamic networks and systems analysis[J]. Scientific reports, 2015, 5.
lLiYuanyuan, Cui Shuanglong. Identification of EssentialProteins in Inflammatory Network during Influenza A Virus Infection[C]. 20152nd international symposium on engineering technology, education andmanagement, 2015:405-413
lLiuZhihui,Li Yuanyuan, Bian Jiawen, et al. Noise subspace approachfor frequency estimation of two-dimensional harmonics in zero-meanmultiplicative and additive noise[J]. Journal of Statistical Computation andSimulation, 2014, 84(11): 2378-2390.
lJinSuoqin,Li Yuanyuan, Pan Ruangang, et al. Characterizing andcontrolling the inflammatory network during influenza A virus infection[J].Scientific reports, 2014, 4: 3799.
l 武汉工程大学青年科学基金项目,项目号:Q201208,项目名称:“甲型流感病毒-宿主相互作用的数据整合分析和建模”,项目时间:2013.01-2014.12,项目金额:0.8万元。
l 湖北省教育厅科学研究计划项目,项目号:Q**,项目名称:“基于动态网络识别疾病标记物的方法研究”,项目时间:2015.01-2017.12,项目金额:2万元。
l 武汉工程大学科学研究基金项目,项目号:K201746,项目名称:“基于网络的复杂疾病的研究”,项目时间:2017.06- 2020.12,项目金额:5万元。
l 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,项目号:**,项目名称:“基于单细胞数据的聚类分析与网络研究”,项目时间:2021.12- 2023.12,项目金额:24万元。

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