

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-08-15

姓 名:
 谢平 性 别:
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 研究员 学 历:
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  谢平研究员长期从事以淡水生态学为核心的交叉与整合研究,特别是系统研究了有害蓝藻及其次生代谢产物——微囊藻毒素(简称藻毒素或MC)在生态系统中的行为、归趋和生态环境效应,探寻针对蓝藻的有效的营养盐与生态学控制原理,解析MC的健康效应及控制标准。先后主持国家重点基金、973课题等,取得了一系列具有重要国际影响力的成就:数十篇关于微囊藻毒素的论文被欧洲食品安全局、美国环境总署和加拿大卫生部以及十多个欧美地方政府列为制定藻毒素控制标准的技术支撑文献;以第一或通讯作者发表SCI论文200余篇,共被SCI它引6000多次(H指数=40);CNKI及CSCD他引3300余次;在科学出版社出版专著9部;连续四年入选Elsevier Scopus(2014-1017)中国高被引****榜单,是生态/环境领域的高影响力****。  
  4)提出了性腺是MC 的第 2 个靶器官的新观点,引发了国际上大量的跟踪研究,证实了MC具有传代肝毒性;
  1)提出了解释遗传密码子起源的ATP中心假说(ATP-centric hypothesis);
  2)提出了解释真核起源的DNA压缩与结构化假说(packing and structurization hypothesis);
  3)提出了进化四因说(doctrine of four causes for evolution);
  4)提出了光合作用起源的“膜偶联的ATP中心假说”(membrane-coupled ATP centric hypothesis)
  5)提出了地球生命起源的光养偶联假说(photosynthesis-coupling hypothesis);
  6)提出了有性生殖的休眠事件假说(accident dormancy hypothesis)。





  1) 专著(9本)
   (2) 谢平。进化理论之审读与重塑。科学出版社,2016,北京。
    (3) 谢平。生命的起源-进化理论之扬弃与革新。科学出版社,2014,北京。
    (4) 谢平。从生态学透视生命系统的设计、运作与演化——生态、遗传和进化通过生殖的融合。科学出版社,2013,北京。
    (5) 谢平。 翻阅巢湖的历史—蓝藻、富营养化及地质演化。科学出版社,2009,北京。
    (6) 谢平。太湖蓝藻的历史发展与水华灾害。科学出版社,2008,北京。
    (7) 谢平。论蓝藻水华的发生机制—从生物进化、生物地球化学和生态学视点。科学出版社,2007,北京。
    (8) 谢平。水生动物体内的微囊藻毒素及其对人类健康的潜在威胁。科学出版社,2006,北京。
    (9) 谢平。鲢、鳙与藻类水华控制。科学出版社,2003,北京。
  (1)Chen L, Hu YF, He J, Chen J*, Giesy JP, Xie P*. Responses of the proteome and metabolome in livers of zebrafish exposed chronically to environmentally relevant concentrations of microcystin-LR. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2017, 51: 596-607.
  (2)He J, Li G, Chen J, Lin J, Zeng C, Chen J, Deng J, Xie P*. Prolonged exposure to low-dose microcystin induces nonalcoholic steatohepatitis in mice: a systems toxicology study. Arch. Toxicol. 91 (2017): 465-480.
  (3)Li Y, Xie P*, Zhang J, Tao M, Demg XW. Effects of filter-feeding planktivorous fish and cyanobacteria on structuring the zooplankton community in the eastern plain lakes of China. Ecol. Eng. 99(2017):238-245.
  (4)Li W, Zhong JY, Yuan GX, Fu H, Fan HB, Ni LY, Xie P, Cao T. Stoichiometric characteristics of four submersed macrophytes in three plateau lakes with contrasting trophic statuses. Ecol. Eng. 99(2017):265-270.
  (5)Chen L, Chen J*, Zhang X, Xie P*. A review of reproductive toxicity of microcystins. J. Hazard. Mater. 301(2016): 381-99.
  (6)Wang W, Shen H, Shi P, Chen J, Ni L, Xie P*. Experimental evidence for the role of heterotrophic bacteria in the formation of Microcystis colonies. J. Appl. Phycol. 28 (2016): 1111-23.
  (7)Hu Y, Chen J, Fan H, Xie P*, He J. A review of neurotoxicity of microcystins. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2016): 1-9.
  (8)Zhu T, Cao T*, Ni L, Ni L, He L, Yi C, Yuan C, Xie P. Improvement of water quality by sediment capping and re-vegetation with Vallisneria natans L.: A short-term investigation using an in situ enclosure experiment in Lake Erhai, China. Ecol. Eng. 86 (2016): 113-119.
  (9)Yu D, Xie P, Zeng C, Xie L, Chen J*. In situ enclosure experiments on the occurrence, development and decline of black bloom and the dynamics of its associated taste and odor compounds. Ecol. Eng. 87(2016): 246-53.
  (10)Cai Y, Zhang C, Hao L, Chen J, Xie P, Chen Z*. Systematic identification of seven ribosomal protein genes in bighead carp and their expression in response to microcystin-LR. The Journal of Toxicological Sciences 41 (2016): 293-302.
  (11)Chen L, Xie P*. 2016. Mechanisms of microcystin-induced cytotoxicity and apoptosis. Mini-ReviewsinMedicinalChemistry.
  (12)Shi PL, Shen H*, Wang WJ, Yang Q, Xie P*. 2016. Habitat-specific differences in adaptation to light in freshwater diatoms. Journal of Applied Phycology 28: 227-239
  (13)Wang WJ, Shen H, Shi PL, Chen J, Ni LY, Xie P*, Experimental evidence for the role of heterotrophic bacteria in the formation of Microcystis colonies, Journal of Applied Phycology, 2016, 28:1111-1124
  (14)Su HJ, Wu Y, Xie P*, Chen J, Cao T, Xia WL. 2016. Effects of taxonomy, sediment, and water column on C:N:P stoichiometry of submerged macrophytes in Yangtze floodplain shallow lakes, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23: 22577-22585.
  (15)Zhao SJ, Xie P*, Chen J, Liu LY, Fan HH. 2016. A proteomic study on liver impairment in rat pups induced by maternal microcystin-LR exposure. Environmental Pollution 212: 197-207.
  (16)Chen L, Li SC, Guo XC, Xie P, Chen J*. 2016. The role of GSH in microcystin-induced apoptosis in rat liver: involvement of oxidative stress and NF-kB. Environmental Toxicology 31: 552-560.
  (17)Li Y, Xie P*, Zhao DD, Zhu TS, Guo LG, Zhang J. 2016. Eutrophication strengthens the response of zooplankton to temperature changes in a high-altitude lake. Ecol. Evol. 6(18):6690-6701.
  (18) Lin J, Chen J, He J, Chen J, Yan QY, Zhou JZ, Xie P*. Effects of microcystin-LR on bacterial and fungal functional genes pro?le in rat gut. Toxicon 96 (2015): 50-56.
  (19) Yang X, Xie P*, Yu YZ, Shen H, Deng XW, Ma ZM, Wang PL, Tao M, Niu Y. Microcystis aeruginosa/Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes interaction effects on off-flavors in algae/bacteria co-culture system under different temperatures. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China 1 (2015): 38-43.
  (20) Shi PL, Shen H*, Wang WJ, Chen WJ, Xie P*. The relationship between light intensity and nutrient uptake kinetics in six freshwater diatoms. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China 1 (2015): 28-36.
  (21) Xiong W, Xie P*, Wang SR*, Liu Y, Yang X, Chen WJ. Sources of organic matter affect depth-related microbial community composition in sediments of Lake Erhai, Southwest China. Journal of Limnology 2 (2015): 310-323.
  (22) Guo LG, Wang Q, Xie P*, Tao M, Zhang J, Niu Y, Ma ZM. A non-classical biomanipulation experiment in Gonghu Bay of Lake Taihu: control of Microcystis blooms using silver and bighead carp. Aquaculture Research 46 (2015):2211-24.
  (23) Li J, Zhou Q*, Yuan GL, He XG, Xie P. Mercury bioaccumulation in the food web of Three Gorges Reservoir (China): Tempo-spatial patterns and effect of reservoir management. Science of the Total Environment: 527-528 (2015): 203-210.
  (24) Li SC, Chen J*, Xie P, Guo XC, Fan HH, Yu DZ, Zeng C, Chen L. The role of glutathione detoxification pathway in MCLR-induced hepatotoxicity in SD rats. Environmental Toxicology 30 (2015): 1470-1480.
  (25) Chen J, Xie P, Lin J, He J, Zeng C, Chen J*. Effects of microcystin-LR on gut microflora in different gut regions of mice. Journal of Toxicological Sciences 40 (2015): 485-494.
  (26) Guo XC, Chen L, Chen J*, Xie P*, Li SC, He J, Li W, Fan HH, Yu DZ, Zeng C. Quantitatively evaluating detoxification of the hepatotoxic microcystin-LR through the glutathione (GSH) pathway in SD rats. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22 (2015): 19273-19284.
  (27) Wang WJ, Zhang YL, Shen H*, Xie P*, Chen L, Yu J. Ch·anges in the bacterial community and extracellular compounds associated with the disaggregation of Microcystis colonies. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 61 (2015): 62-66.
  (28) He L, Zhu TS, Cao T*, Li W, Zhang M, Zhang XL, Ni LY, Xie P. Characteristics of early eutrophication encoded in submerged vegetation beyond water quality: a case study in Lake Erhai, China. Environmental Earth Sciences 74 (2015): 3701-8.
  (29) Fu H, Zhong JY*, Yuan GX, Guo CJ, Lou Q, Zhang W, Xu J,Ni LY, Xie P, Cao T. Predicting Changes in Macrophyte Community Structure from Functional Traits in a Freshwater Lake: A Test of Maximum Entropy Model. PLoS One: 10 (2015):11.
  (30) Chen L, Zhang X, Chen J, Zhang XZ, Fan HH, Li SC, Xie P*. NF-kappa B plays a key role in microcystin-RR-induced HeLa cell proliferation and apoptosis. Toxicon 87 (2014): 120-130.
  (31) Zhao YY, Xie P*, Fan HH, Zhao SJ. Impairment of the mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation system and oxidative stress in liver of crucian carp (Carassius auratus L.) exposed to microcystins. Environ. Toxicol. 29 (2014): 30-39.
  (32) Okogwu OI*, Xie P*, Zhao YY, Fan HH. Organ-dependent response in antioxidants, myoglobin and neuroglobin in goldfish (Carassius auratus) exposed to MC-RR under varying oxygen level. Chemosphere 112 (2014): 427-434.
  (33) Fan HH, Cai Y, Xie P*, Xiao WH*, Chen J, Ji W, Zhao SJ. Microcystin-LR stabilizes c-myc protein by inhibiting protein phosphatase 2A in HEK293 cells. Toxicology 319 (2014): 69-74.
  (34) Guo XC, Xie P*, Chen J*, Tuo X, Deng XW, Li SC, Yu DH, Zeng C. Simultaneous quantitative determination of microcystin-LR and its glutathione metabolites in rat liver by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. J. Chromatogr. B. 963 (2014): 54-61.
  (35) Jiang Y*, Xie P*, Nie Y. Concentration and bioaccumulation of cyanobacterial bioactive and odorous metabolites occurred in a large, shallow Chinese lake. Bull Environ Contam. Toxicol. 93 (2014): 643-648.
  (36) Pang XH, Shen H*, Niu Y, Sun XX, Chen J, Xie P*. Dissolved organic carbon and relationship with bacterioplankton community composition in 3 lake regions of Lake Taihu, China. Can. J. Microbiol. 60 (2014): 669-680.
  (37) Hui TX, Xie P*, Guo LG, Chu ZS, Liu MH. Phytoplankton dynamics and their equilibrium phases in the Yanghe Reservoir, China. J. Freshwat. Ecol. 29 (2014): 1-15.
  (38) Hu CL, Wang SR, Guo LG, Xie P*. Effects of the proximal factors on the diel vertical migration of zooplankton in a plateau meso-eutrophic Lake Erhai, China. J. Limnol. 73 (2014): 375-386.
  (39) Fu H, Zhong JY, Yuan GX, Xie P, Guo LG, Zhang XL, Xu J, Li ZQ, Li W, Zhang M. Trait-based community assembly of aquatic macrophytes along a water depth gradient in a freshwater lake. Freahwat. Biol. 59 (2014): 2462-2471.
  (40) Li W, Xie P, Chen J*, He J, Guo XC, Yu DZ, Chen L. Quantitative liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method for determination of microcystin-RR and its glutathione and cysteine conjugates in fish plasma and bile. J. Chromatogr. B. 963 (2014): 113-118.
  (41) Fu H, Zhong JY, Yuan GX, Ni LY, Xie P, Cao T*. Functional traits composition predict macrophytes community productivity along a water depth gradient in a freshwater lake. Ecol. Evol. 4 (2014): 1516-1523.
  (42) Xu J*, Wen ZR, Ke ZX, Zhang M, Zhang M, Guo NC, Hasson LA, Xie P. Contrasting energy pathways at the community level as a consequence of regime shifts. Oecologia 175 (2014): 231-241.
  (43) Zeng C, Sun H, Xie P, Wang JH, Zhang GR, Chen N, Yan W*, Li GY*. The role of apoptosis in MCLR-induced developmental toxicity in zebrafish embryos. Aquat. Toxicol. 149 (2014): 25-32.
  (44) Li W, Chen J*, Xie P, He J, Guo XC, Tuo X, Zhang W, Wu LY. Rapid conversion and reversible conjugation of glutathione detoxification of microcystins in bighead carp (Aristich-thys nobilis). Aquat. Toxicol. 147 (2014): 18-25.
  (45) Zou X, Wan J, Pan XJ, Wan CY*, Peng JH, Chang JB, Xie P. Nitrogen and phosphorus relationships to chlorophyll a in 139 reservoirs of China. Fresen. Environ. Bull. 23 (2014): 1689-1696.
  (46) Zhang J, Xie P*, Tao M, Guo LG*, Chen J, Li L, Zhang XZ, Zhang L. The impact of fish predation and cyanobacteria on zooplankton size structure in 96 subtropical lakes. PLoS ONE 8 (2013): e76378.
  (47) Zhang D, Deng XW, Xie P*, Chen J, Guo LG. Risk assessment of microcystins in silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) from eight eutrophic lakes in China. Food Chem. 140 (2013): 17-21.
  (48) Zhang W, Liang GD, Wu LY, Tuo X, Wang WJ, Chen J, Xie P*. Why mammals more susceptible to the hepatotoxic microcystins than fish: evidences from plasma and albumin protein binding through equilibrium dialysis. Ecotoxicology 22 (2013): 1012-1019.
  (49) Yang X, Xie P*, Ma ZM, Wang Q, Fan HH, Shen H. Decrease of NH4+-N by bacterioplankton accelerated the removal of cyanobacterial blooms in aerated aquatic ecosystem. J Environ. Sci. –China. 25 (2013): 2223-2228.
  (50) Li HY, Cai Y, Xie P*, Li GY, Hao L, Xiong Q. Identification and expression profiles of IL-8 in bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis) in response to microcystin-LR. Arch. Environ. Contamin. Toxicol. 65 (2013): 537-545.
  (51) Zhang X, Xie P*, Zhang XZ*, Zhou WS, Zhao SJ, Zhao YY, Cai Y. Toxic effects of microcystin-LR on the HepG2 cell line under hypoxic and normoxic conditions. J. Appl. Toxicol. 33 (2013): 1180-1186.
  (52) Zhou WS, Zhang XZ*, Xie P*, Liang HL, Zhang X. The suppression of hematopoiesis function in Balb/c mice induced by prolonged exposure of microcystin-LR. Toxicol. Lett. 219 (2013): 194-201.
  (53) Wang HY, Ni LY*, Xie P*. The mitigating effect of calcification-dependent of utilization of inorganic carbon of Chara vulgaris Linn on NH4-N toxicity. Chemosphere 93 (2013): 373-379.
  (54) Wu LY, Wang Q, Tao M, Chen J, Ma ZM, Xie P*. Preliminary study of the distribution and accumulation of GSH/Cys metabolites of hepatotoxic microcystins-RR in common carp from a lake with protracted cyanobacterial bloom (Lake Taihu, China). Bullt. Environ. Contamin. Toxicol. 90 (2013): 382-386.
  (55) Zhang H, Wu GG, Zhang H, Xie P*, Xu J*, Zhou Q. Role of body size and temporal hydrology in the dietary shifts of shortjaw tapertail anchovy Coilia brachygnathus (Actinopterygii, Engraulidae) in a large floodplain lake. Hydrobiologia 703 (2013): 247-256.
  (56) Ma ZM, Xie P*, Chen J, Niu Y, Tao M, Qi M, Zhang W, Deng XW. Microcystis blooms influencing volatile organic compounds concentrations in Lake Taihu. Fresen. Environ. Bullet. 22 (2013): 95-102.
  (57) Li W, Cao T*, Ni LY, Zhang XL, Zhu GR, Xie P. Effects of water depth on carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry of five submersed macrophytes in an in situ experiment. Ecol. Engin. 61 (2013): 358-365.
  (58) Yuan GX, Cao T*, Fu H, Ni LY, Zhang XL, Li W, Song X, Xie P, Jeppesen E. Linking carbon and nitrogen metabolism to depth distribution of submersed macrophytes using high ammonium dosing tests and a lake survey. Freshwat. Biol. 58 (2013): 2532-2540.
  (59) Chen J, Xu QQ, Wang TH, Collet B, Corripio-Miyar Y, Bird S, Xie P, Nie P, Secombes CJ, Zou J*. Phylogenetic analysis of vertebrate CXC chemokines reveals novel lineage specific groups in teleost fish. Dev. Comp. Immun. 41 (2013): 137-152.
  (60) Li L*, Xie P, Lei HH, Zhang XZ. Renal accumulation and effects of intraperitoneal injection of extracted microcystins in omnivorous crucian carp (Carassius auratus). Toxicon 70 (2013): 62-69.
  (61) Guo L*, Xie P, Deng D, Yang H, Zhou Q. Seasonal changes in icefish diel feeding patterns in Lake Chaohu, a large shallow eutrophic lake of China. Iran. J. Fisher. Sci. 12 (2013): 561-576.
  (62) Fu H, Yuan GX, Zhong JY, Cao T*, Ni LY, Xie P. Environmental and ontogenetic effects on intraspecific trait variation of a macrophyte species across five ecological scales. PLOS ONE 8 (2013): e62794.
  (63) Ma ZM, Niu Y, Xie P, Chen J*, Tao M, Deng XW. Off-flavor compounds from decaying cyanobacterial blooms of Lake Taihu. J. Environ. Sci.-China. 25 (2013): 495-501.
  (64) Zhong AW, Cao T, Ni LY*, Xie P. Growth and membrane permeability of two submersed macrophytes in response to ammonium enrichment. Aquat. Biol. 19 (2013): 55-64.
  (65) Zhao YY, Xie P*, Fan HH. Genomic profiling of microRNAs and proteomics reveals an early molecular alteration associated with tumorigenesis induced by MC-LR in mice. Environ Sci. Technol. 46 (2012): 34-41.
  (66) Yang Q, Xie P*, Shen H, Xu J, Wang PL, Zhang B. A novel flushing strategy for diatom bloom prevention in the lower-middle Hanjiang River. Water Res. 46 (2012): 2525-2534.
  (67) He J, Chen J*, Wu LY, Li GY, Xie P*. Metabolic response to oral mcrocystin-LR exposure in the rat by NMR-Based metabonomic study. J. Proteom. Res. 11 (2012): 5934-5946.
  (68) Deng XW, Xie P*, Qi M, Liang GD, Chen J*, Ma ZM, Jiang Y. Microwave-assisted purge-and-trap extraction device coupled with gas chromatography and mass spectrometry for the determination of five predominant odors in sediment, fish tissues, and algal cells. J Chromatogr. A 1219 (2012): 75-82.
  (69) Zhao SJ, Xie P*, Li GY, Cai Y, Xiong Q, Zhao YY. The proteomic study on cellular responses of the testes of zebra?sh (Danio rerio) exposed to microcystin-RR. Proteomics 12 (2012): 300-312.
  (70) Tao M, Xie P*, Chen J, Qin BQ, Zhang DW, Niu Y, Zhang M, Wang Q, Wu LY. Use of a generalized additive model to investigate key abiotic factors affecting microcystin cellular quotas in heavy bloom areas of Lake Taihu. PLoS ONE 7 (2012): e32020.
  (71) Qi M, Chen J, Sun XX, Deng XW, Niu Y, Xie P*. Development of models for predicting the predominant taste and odor compounds in Taihu Lake, China. PLOS ONE 7 (2012): e51976.
  (72) Xu J*, Wen ZR, Gong ZJ, Zhang M, Xie P*, Hasson LA. Seasonal trophic niche shift and cascading effect of a generalist predator fish. PLOS ONE 7 (2012): e49691.
  (73) Tan XY, Xie P*, Luo Z*, Lin H Z, Zhao Y H, Xi W Q. Dietary manganese requirement of juvenile yellow catfish Pelteobagrus fulvidraco, and effects on whole body mineral composition and hepatic intermediary metabolism. Aquaculture 326-329 (2012): 68-73.
  (74) Wang PL, Shen H, Xie P*. Can hydrodynamics change phosphorus strategies of diatoms? – Nutrient levels and diatom blooms in lotic and lentic ecosystems. Microbiol. Ecol. 63 (2012): 369-382.
  (75) Yuan GL, Xie P*, Zhang XZ, Tang R, Gao Y, Li DP, Li L. In vivo studies on the immunotoxic effects of microcystins on rabbit. Environ. Toxicol. 27 (2012): 83-89.
  (76) Qiu T, Xie P*, Li L, Guo LG, Zhang DW, Zhou Q. Nephrotoxic effects from chronic toxic cyanobacterial blooms in fishes with different trophic levels in a large Chinese lake. Environ. Toxicol. Pharm. 33 (2012): 252-261.
  (77) Li H, Cai Y, Xie P*, Chen J, Hao L, Li G, Xiong Q. Identification and expression profile of Id1 in bighead carp in response to microcystin-LR. Environ. Toxicol. Pharmacol. 34 (2012): 324-333.
  (78) Sun XX, Tao M, Qin BQ, Qi M, Niu Y, Zhang J, Ma ZM, Xie P*. Large-scale field evidence on the enhancement of small-sized cladocerans by microcystis blooms in Lake Taihu, China. J. Plankton Res. 34 (2012): 853-863.
  (79) Li M, Wan CY, Pan XJ, Zhou Y, Chang JB, Xie P*. Acute toxic effects of zinc, cadmium and mercury on the growths of three unicellular green microalgae with relatively high initial densities. Fresen. Environ. Bullet. 21 (2012): 1349-1356.
  (80) Zhou WS, Liang HL, Xie P*. Zhan XZ*. Toxic effects of microcystin-LR on mice erythrocytes in vitro. Fresen. Environ. Bull. 21 (2012): 2274-2281.
  (81) Zhang DW, Yang Q, Xie P, Deng XW, Chen J*, Dai M. Detoxification pathway of MC-LR in liver of bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis): A field and laboratory study. Ecotoxicology 21 (2012): 244-252.
  (82) Yang H, Xie P, Ni LY, Flower R J. Pollution in the Yangtze. Science 337 (2012): 410.
  (83) Cai Y, Li HY, Hao L, Li GY, Xie P, Chen J*. Identificationof cda gene in bighead carp and its expression in response to microcystin-LR. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf. 79 (2012): 206-213.
  (84) He J, Chen J*, Xie P, Zhang D W, Li G Y, Wu L Y, Zhang W, Guo X C, Li S C. Quantitatively evaluating detoxification of the hepatotoxic microcystins through the glutathione and cysteine pathway in the cyanobacteria-eating bighead carp. Aquat. Toxicol. 116–117 (2012): 61-68.
  (85) Yuan JF, Su NA, Wang M, Xie, P, Shi ZL, Li LJ*. Down-regulation of heme oxygenase-1 by SVCV infection. Fish Shellfish Immun. 32 (2012): 301-306.
  (86) Cai YJ, Gong ZJ*, Xie P. Community structure and spatiotemporal patterns of macrozoobenthos in Lake Chaohu (China). Aquat. Biol. 17 (2012): 35-46.
  (87) Niu Y, Shen H, Chen J, Xie P*, Yang X, Tao M, Ma ZM, Qi M. Phytoplankton community succession shaping bacterioplankton community composition in Lake Taihu, China. Water Res. 45 (2011): 4169-4182.
  (88) Li GY, Chen J, Xie P*, Jiang Y, Wu LY, Zhang XZ. Protein expression profiling in the zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos exposed to the microcystin-LR. Proteomics 11 (2011): 2003-2018.
  (89) Deng XW, Liang GD, Chen J, Qi M, Xie P*. Simultaneous determination of eight common odors in natural water body using automatic purge and trap coupled to gas chromatography with mass spectrometry. J. Chromatogr. A 1218 (2011): 3791-3798.
  (90) Zhao YY, Xiong Q, Xie P*. Analysis of microRNA expression in embryonic developmental toxicity induced by MC-RR. PloS ONE 6 (2011): e22676.
  (91) Shen H, Niu Y, Xie P*, Tao M, Yang X. Morphological and physiological changes in Microcystis aeruginosa as a result of interactions with heterotrophic bacteria. Freshwat. Biol. 56 (2011): 1065-1080.
  (92) Li GY, Xie P*, Li HY, Hao L, Xiong Q, Qiu T. Involment of p53, Bax, and Bcl-2 pathway in microcystins-induced apoptosis in rat testis. Environ. Toxicol. 26 (2011): 111-117.
  (93) Li GY, Xie P*, Li HY, Hao L, Xiong Q, Qiu T, Ying Liu. Acute effects of microcystins on the transcription of 14 glutathione S-transferase isoforms in Wistar Rat. Environ. Toxicol. 26 (2011): 187-194.
  (94) Zhang XZ, Xie P*, Li DP, Shi ZC, Wang J, Yuan GL, Zhao YY, Tang R. Anemia induced by repeated exposure to cyanobacterial extracts with explorations of underlying mechanisms. Environ. Toxicol. 26 (2011): 472-479.
  (95) Liang GD, Xie P*, Chen J*, Yu T. Comparative studies on the pH dependence of DOW of microcystin-RR and -LR using LC-MS. TheScientificWorldJOURNAL 11 (2011): 20-26.
  (96) Guo NC, Xie P*. A study on the effects of food quantity and quality on Glutathione S-transferase (GST) activity and growth rate parameters of Daphnia carinata varying in age. Aquat Ecol. 45 (2011): 63-73.
  (97) Zhang XZ, Ji W, Zhan H, Zhang W, Xie P*. Studies on the toxic effects of microcystin-LR on the zebra?sh (Danio rerio) under different temperatures. J. Appl. Toxicol. 31 (2011): 561-567.
  (98) Xu J, Zhang M, Xie P*. Sympatric variability of isotopic baselines influences modeling of fish trophic patterns. Limnology 12 (2011): 107-115.
  (99) Zhou Q, Xie P*, Xu J*, Liang X, Qin J, Cao T, Chen F. Seasonal trophic shift of littoral consumers in eutrophic Lake Taihu (China) revealed by a two-source mixing model. TheScientificWorldJournal 11 (2011): 1442–1454.
  (100) Li ZQ, Zhang M, Cao T, Zhang M, Ni LY, Xie P*, Xu J*. Variation in stable isotope signatures of the submersed macrophyte Vallisneria natans collected from several shallow lakes in China. J. Freshwat. Ecol. 26 (2011): 429-433.
  (101) Xu J*, Yang Q, Zhang M, Zhang M, Xie P*, Hasson L. Preservation effects on stable isotope ratios and consequences for the reconstruction of energetic pathways. Aquat. Ecol. 45 (2011): 483-492.
  (102) Xu J*, Cao T, Zhang M, Zhang M, Ni LY, Xie P*. Isotopic turnover of a submersed macrophyte following transplant: the roles of growth and metabolism in eutrophic conditions. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 25 (2011): 3267-3273.
  (103) Yang H*, Xie P, Ni LY. Flower RJ. Underestimation of CH4 emission from freshwater lakes in China. Environ Sci. Technol. 45 (2011): 4203-4204.
  (104) Zhang M, Wang ZQ, Xu J, Liu YQ, Ni LY*, Cao T, Xie P. Ammonium, microcystins, and hypoxia of blooms in eutrophic water cause oxidative stress and C–N imbalance in submersed and floating-leaved aquatic plants in Lake Taihu, China. Chemosphere 82 (2011): 329-339.
  (105) Zhang M, Cao T, Ni LY*, Xie P, Zhu GR, Zhong AW, Xu J, Fu H. Light-dependent phosphate uptake of a submersed macrophyte Myriophyllum spicatum L. Aquat. Bot. 94 (2011): 151-157.
  (106) Cao T, Ni LY*, Xie P, Xu J, Zhang M. Effects of moderate ammonium enrichment on three submersed macrophytes under contrasting light availability. Freshwat Biol. 56 (2011): 1620-1629.
  (107) Wu LY, Xie P*, Chen J*, Zhang DW, Liang GD. Development and validation of a liquid chromatography-tadem mass spectrometry assay for the simultaneous quantitation of microcystin-RR and its metabolites in fish liver. J. Chromatogr. A 1217 (2010): 1455-1462.
  (108) Chen J, Xie P*, Ma ZM, Niu Y, Tao M, Deng XW, Wang Q. A systematic study on spatial and seasonal patterns of eight taste and odor compounds with relation to various biotic and abiotic parameters in Gonghu Bay of Lake Taihu, China. Sci. Total Environ. 409 (2010): 314-325.
  (109) Liu Y, Xie P*, Qiu T, Li HY, Li GY, Hao L, Xiong Q. Microcystin extracts induce ultrastructural damage and biochemical disturbance in male rabbit testis. Environ. Toxicol. 25 (2010): 9-17.
  (110) Hao L, Xie P*, Li HY, Li GY, Xiong Q, Wang Q, Qiu T, Liu Y. Transcriptional alteration of cytoskeletal genes induced by microcystins in three organs of rats. Toxicon 55 (2010): 1378-1386.
  (111) Wang SB, Xie P*, Geng H. The relative importance of physicochemical factors and crustacean zooplankton as determinants of rotifer density and species distribution in lakes adjacent to the Yangtze River, China. Limnologica 40 (2010): 1-7.
  (112) Zhang DW, Xie P*, Chen J*. Effects of temperature on the stability of microcystins in muscle of fish and its consequences for food safety. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 84 (2010): 202-207.
  (113) Wen ZR, Xie P*, Xu J. Mussel isotope signature as indicator of nutrient pollution in a freshwater eutrophic lake: species, spatial, and seasonal variability. Environ. Monit. Assess. 163 (2010): 139-147.
  (114) Li L, Xie P*, Guo LG. Antioxidant response in liver of the phytoplanktivorous bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis) intraperitoneally-injected with extracted microcystins. Fish Physiol. Biochem. 36 (2010): 165-172.
  (115) Ke ZX, Xie P*, Huang LM, Xu J. Predation risk perception in Daphnia carinata induced by the milt of common carp (Cyprinus carpio). J. Freshwat Ecol. 25 (2010): 467-473.
  (116) Li ZQ, Xu J, Cao T, Ni LY, Xie P*. Adaptive responses of a floating-leaved macrophyte, Nymphoides peltata, to a terrestrial habitat. J. Freshwat Ecol. 25 (2010): 481-486.
  (117) Wang Q, Niu Y, Xie P*, Chen J, Ma ZM, Tao M, Qi M, Wu LY, Guo LG. Factors affecting temporal and spatial variations of microcystins in Gonghu Bay of Lake Taihu, with potential risk of microcystin contamination to human health. TheScientificWorldJournal 10 (2010): 1795–1809.
  (118) Li GY, Xie P*, Li HY, Chen J, Hao L, Xiong Q. Quantitative profiling of mRNA expression of glutathione S-transferase superfamily genes in various tissues of bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis). J. Biochem. Mol. Toxic. 24 (2010): 250-259.
  (119) Tan XY, Luo Z*, Xie P*, Li XD, Liu XJ, Xie WQ. Effect of dietary conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) on growth performance, body composition and hepatic intermediary metabolism in juvenile yellow catfish Pelteobagrus fulvidraco. Aquaculture 310 (2010): 186-191.
  (120) Xiong Q, Xie P*, Li HY, Hao, L, Li GY, Qiu T, Liu Y. Acute effects of microcystins exposure on the transcription of antioxidant enzyme genes in three organs (liver, kidney and testis) of male Wistar rats. J. Biochem. Mol. Toxic. 24 (2010): 361-367.
  (121) Zhang M, Cao T*, Ni LY, Xie P, Li ZQ. Carbon, nitrogen and antioxidant enzyme responses of Potamogeton crispus to both low-light and high-nutrient stresses. Environ. Experimental Botany 68 (2010): 44-50.

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