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唐涛 研究员博士研究生

职  称: 研究员
学  历: 博士研究生
联系方式: 86-
电子邮件: tangtao#ihb.ac.cn(请改#为@)
办公室: 3号实验楼218

1991.9-1995.7 武汉大学生态学专业 本科
1998.9-2003.7 中国科学院水生生物研究所 水生生物学专业 博士(硕博连读)

1995.7-1998.9 华南热带农业大学(现海南大学)助教
2003.7-2007.7 中国科学院水生生物研究所 助理研究员
2007.7-2019.12 中国科学院水生生物研究所 副研究员
2019.12-至今 中国科学院水生生物研究所 研究员


1. 河流生物多样性格局及集合群落构建机制
2. 河流生物多样性与生态系统功能关系
3. 淡水生态评价与生态系统管理

1. 2021.1-2024.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目:网络位置对河流底栖生物群落构建及多样性格局的影响,70.8万元,项目负责。
2. 2020.1-2023.12,科技基础资源调查项目:西江流域资源环境与生物多样性综合科学考察,50万元,子课题负责。
3. 2016.7-2021.6,国家重点研发计划项目:生态环境损害鉴定评估业务化技术研究,45万元,子课题负责。
4. 2019.6-2021.6,中国环境科学研究院委托课题:金沙江上段浮游生物和着生藻类多样性调查、观测与评估,42万元,课题负责。


1. Tao Tang*, R. Jan Stevenson, James B. Grace. The importance of natural versus human factors for ecological conditions of streams and rivers. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 704: 135268.
2. Shuhan Guo, Fengzhi He, Tao Tang*, Lu Tan, Qinghua Cai. Intra-annual fluctuations dominating temporal dynamics of benthic diatom assemblages in a Chinese mountainous river. Annales de Limnologie - International Journal of Limnology. 2020, 56: 22.
3. Zhengfei Li, Zhenyuan Liu, Jani Heino, Xiaoming Jiang, Jun Wang, Tao Tang*, Zhicai Xie*. Discriminating the effects of local stressors from climatic factors and dispersal processes on multiple biodiversity dimensions of macroinvertebrate communities across subtropical drainage basins. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 711: 134750.
4. Jun Wang, Jiancheng Hu, Tao Tang*, Jani Heino, Xiaoming Jiang, Zhengfei Li, Zhicai Xie*. Seasonal shifts in the assembly dynamics of benthic macroinvertebrate and diatom communities in a subtropical river. Ecology and evolution, 2020, 10: 692-704.
5. Fengzhi He, Naicheng Wu, Xiaoyu Dong, Tao Tang, Sami Domisch, Qinghua Cai, Sonja C J?hnig. Elevation, aspect, and local environment jointly determine diatom and macroinvertebrate diversity in the Cangshan Mountain, Southwest China. Ecological Indicators, 2020, 108:105618.
6. Tao Tang, Shuhan Guo, Lu Tan, Tao Li, Ryan M. Burrows, Qinghua Cai. Temporal effects of groundwater on physical and biotic components of a karst stream. Water, 2019, 11: 1299.
7. Shuxin Mao, Shuhan Guo, Hongbing Deng, Zhicai Xie, Tao Tang*. Recognition of patterns of benthic diatom assemblages within a river system to aid bioassessment. Water, 2018, 10: 1559.
8. R. Jan Stevenson, Tao Tang, Dana M. Infante. Advancing evaluation of bioassessment methods: A reply to Liu and Cao. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 645: 895-900.
9. Tao Tang, Ting Tang, Lu Tan, Yuan Gu, Wanxiang Jiang, Qinghua Cai. Identifying community thresholds for lotic benthic diatoms in response to human disturbance. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 4134.
10. Bin Li, Tao Tang*, Qinghua Cai*, Min Zhang, Xiaoyu Dong, Meiling Shao, Lu Tan. Stability of macroinvertebrate communities in a newly formed large reservoir with recurrent impoundment events. Quaternary International, 2017, 440: 71-77.
11. Tao Tang, R. Jan Stevenson, Dana M. Infante. Accounting for regional variation in both natural environment and human disturbance to improve performance of multimetric indices of lotic benthic diatoms. Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 568: 1124-1134.
12. Tao Tang, Xinhuan Jia, Wanxiang Jiang, Qinghua Cai. Multi-scale temporal dynamics of epilithic algal assemblages: evidence from a Chinese subtropical mountain river network. Hydrobiologia, 2016, 770: 289-299
13. Xiaoyu Dong, Xinghuan Jia, Wanxiang Jiang, Naicheng Wu, Tao Tang*, Qinghua Cai*. Development and testing of a diatom-based index of biotic integrity for river ecosystems impacted by acid mine drainage in Gaolan river, China. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2015, 24: 4114-4124.
14. Fengzhi He, Wanxiang Jiang, Tao Tang, Qinghua Cai. Assessing impact of acid mine drainage on benthic macroinvertebrates: can functional diversity metrics be used as indicators? Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 2015, 30: 513-524.
15. Ze Ren, Fengqing Li, Tao Tang, Qinghua Cai. The influences of small dam on macroinvertebrates diversity and temporal stability in stream ecosystem. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2014, 23: 1510-1518.
16. Tao Tang, Naicheng Wu, Fengqing Li, Xiaocheng Fu, Qinghua Cai. Disentangling the roles of spatial and environmental variables in shaping benthic algal assemblages in rivers of central and northern China. Aquatic Ecology, 2013, 47: 453-466.
17. Tao Tang, Sophia Qian Niu, David Dudgeon. Responses of epibenthic algal assemblages to water abstraction in Hong Kong streams. Hydrobiologia, 2013, 703: 225-237.
18. Shunyi Yang, Qinghua Cai, Tao Tang, Xingzhong Wang, Fengqing Li. Spatial distribution of benthic algae in the Erhai basin of southwestern China. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2013, 22: 2731-2739.
19. Fengqing Li, Qinghua Cai, Xiaodong Qu, Tao Tang, Naicheng Wu, Xiaocheng Fu, Shugui Duan, Sonja C J?hnig. Characterizing macroinvertebrate communities across China: Large-scale implementation of a self-organizing map. Ecological Indicators, 2012, 23: 394-401.
20. Xingzhong Wang, Qinghua Cai, Tao Tang, Shunyi Yang, Fengqing Li. Spatial distribution of benthic macroinvertebrates in the Erhai basin of southwestern China. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 2012, 27: 89-96.
21. Naicheng Wu, Tao Tang, Xiaocheng Fu, Wanxiang Jiang, Fengqing Li, Shuchan Zhou, Qinghua Cai, Nicola Fohrer. Impacts of cascade run-of-river dams on benthic diatoms in the Xiangxi River, China. Aquatic Sciences, 2010, 72: 117-125.
22. Xiaodong Qu, Naicheng Wu, Tao Tang, Qinghua Cai, Young-Seuk Park. Effects of heavy metals on benthic macroinvertebrate communities in high mountain streams, Annales de Limnologie-International Journal of Limnology, 2010, 46: 291-302.
23. Grace Y Yang, Tao Tang, David Dudgeon. Spatial and seasonal variations in benthic algal assemblages in streams in monsoonal Hong Kong. Hydrobiologia, 2009, 632: 189-200.
24. Naicheng Wu, Tao Tang, Xiaodong Qu, Qinghua Cai. Spatial distribution of benthic algae in the Gangqu River, Shangrila, China. Aquatic Ecology, 2009, 43: 37-49.
25. Naicheng Wu, Tao Tang, Shuchan Zhou, Xinghuan Jia, Daofeng Li, Ruiqiu Liu, Qinghua Cai. Changes in benthic algal communities following construction of a run-of-river dam. Journal of the North American Benthological Society, 2009, 28: 69-79.
26. Shuchan Zhou, Tao Tang, Naicheng Wu, Xiaocheng Fu, Qinghua Cai. Impacts of a small dam on riverine zooplankton. International Review of Hydrobiology, 2008, 93: 297-311.
27. Naicheng Wu, Qingua Cai, Tao Tang, Xiaodong Qu. Benthic Algae of the Gangqu River, Shangrila, China. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 2007, 22, 151-153.
28. Tao Tang, Qinghua Cai, Jiankang Liu. Using epilithic diatom communities to assess ecological condition of Xiangxi River system. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2006, 112, 347.
29. Xiaodong Qu, Tao Tang, Zhicai Xie, Lin Ye, Daofeng Li, Qinghua Cai. Distribution of the Macroinvertebrate Communities in the Xiangxi River System and Relationships with Environmental Factors. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 2005, 20, 233-238.
30. Zhicai Xie, Tao Tang, Kai Ma, Ruiqiu Liu, Xiaodong Qu, Jing Chen, Qinghua Cai. Influence of Environmental Variables on Macroinvertebrates in a Macrophyte-Dominated Chinese Lake, with Emphasis on the Relationships between Macrophyte Heterogeneity and Macroinvertebrate Patterns. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 2005, 20, 503-512.
31. Tao Tang, Xiaodong Qu, Daofeng Li, Ruiqiu Liu, Zhicai Xie, Qinghua Cai. Benthic algae of the Xiangxi River, China. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 2004, 19, 597-604.
32. Zhicai Xie, Qinghua Cai, Tao Tang, Kai Ma, Ruiqiu Liu, Lin Ye. Structure of Macrozoobenthos of the East Dongting Nature Reserve, with Emphasis on Relationships with Environmental Variables. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 2003, 18, 405-413.
33. Tao Tang, Qinghua Cai, Ruiqiu Liu, Daofang Li, Zhicai Xie. Distribution of Epilithic Algae in the Xiangxi River System and Their Relationships with Environmental Factors. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 2002, 17, 345-352.
34. 胡建成, 郭姝含, 唐涛*, 蔡庆华. 基于着生硅藻多参数指标评价赤水河生态状况. 中国环境监测, 2020, 36(3): 94-103.
35. 李涛, 唐涛*, 邓红兵, 吴钢, 蔡庆华.湖北省三峡地区山水林田湖草系统原理及生态保护修复研究. 生态学报, 2019, 39(23): 8896-8902.
36. 汤婷, 任泽, 唐涛*, 蔡庆华. 基于附石硅藻的三峡水库入库支流氮、磷阈值. 应用生态学报, 2016, 27(8): 2670-2678.
37. 孙婷婷, 唐涛*, 申恒伦, 张长群, 孙美琴, 李斌, 蔡庆华. 香溪河流域不同介质中碳、氮、磷的分布特征及相关性研究. 长江流域资源与环境, 2015, 24(5): 853-859.
38. 唐涛, 蔡庆华. 水生态功能分区研究中的基本问题. 生态学报, 2010, 30(22): 6255-6263.
39. 唐涛, 渠晓东, 蔡庆华, 刘建康. 2004. 河流生态系统管理研究--以香溪河为例. 长江流域资源与环境, 13(6): 594-598.
40. 唐涛, 黎道丰, 潘文斌, 渠晓东, 蔡庆华. 2004. 香溪河河流连续统特征研究. 应用生态学报, 15(1): 141-144.
41. 唐涛, 蔡庆华, 刘建康. 2002. 河流生态系统健康及其评价. 应用生态学报, 13(9): 1191-1194.
42. 唐涛, 黎道丰, 刘瑞秋, 蔡庆华. 2002. 江西省余江县水体营养状况分析. 水生生物学报, 26(4): 357-362.


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