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殷战 研究员博士研究生

职  称: 研究员
学  历: 博士研究生
联系方式: 86-
电子邮件: zyin#ihb.ac.cn(请改#为@)
办公室: 2号实验楼502

1982.9-1986.7 武汉大学 微生物专业 本科
1986.9-1989.7 中国科学院水生生物研究所 水生生物学专业 硕士
1994.8-1999.5 新加坡国立大学 动物学专业 博士

1989.7-1994.6 中国科学院水生生物研究所 助理研究员
1999.5-2003.4 Case Western Reserve University(USA) 博士后
2003.5-2005.4 University of Pennsylvania (USA) 博士后
2005.5至今 中国科学院水生生物研究所 研究员


自2005年回国组建学科组以来,主要通过转基因、基因编辑等技术,围绕鲤科鱼类生长代谢和繁育的内分泌调控、优良等位变异的分子标记辅助育种等方面开展研究,通过基因编辑技术,率先构建了3种单基因敲除的鱼类生长模型,发现促进鱼类生长的2种内分泌调控方式:1)提升脂肪利用能力,为个体生长期提供能量,可促进鱼类生长;2)钝化鱼类应激反应,降低基础运动和代谢率,可促进鱼类生长。近期也通过基因编辑技术实现了黄河鲤的雄、雌单性性别稳定遗传群体的构建,获得的全雌黄河鲤群体养殖可较普通性别混养群体提升产量约30%。已在Nat. Med.、PNAS、Cell Reports、Sci Bull.、Redox Biol.、Engineering、Sci China?Life Sci.、J Mol. Cell. Biol.、Human Mol. Genetics、Mol. Cell. Biol.、Endocrinology、Biol.Reprod.、J. Biol. Chem.等重要国际学术刊物发表第一或通讯作者文章50余篇,其引用超过1400余次。

2010年获得国家自然科学基金委****基金资助,2014年领衔“鱼类生物学及渔业生物技术研究创新团队”入选科技部重点领域创新团队,2016年入选中组部“****科技创新领军人才”。曾主持多个国家973项目课题、国家自然科学基金委重点项目等,现主持有“蓝色粮仓”科技专项 “水产养殖生物性别和发育的分子基础与调控机制”项目等科研项目。

1. Shi, C., Lou, Q., Fu, B., Jin, J., Huang, J., Lu, Y., Zhai, G., Xie, S., Tong, J., Gui, G., Yin, Z*. 2021. Genomic polymorphisms at thecrhr2locus improve feed conversion efficiency through alleviation of hypothalamus-pituitary-interrenal axis activity in Gibel carp (Carassius gibelio). SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences. published online on Apr 30, 2021.
2. Zhai, G., Shu, T., Chen, K., Lou, Q., Jia, Y., Huang, J., Shi, C., Jin, X., He, J., Jiang, D., Qian, X., Hu, W., Yin, Z*. 2021. Successful Production of an All-female Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) Population Using cyp17a1-deficient Neomale Carp. Engineering. In press
3. Dai, X., Cheng, X., Huang, J., Gao, Y., Wang, D., Feng, Z., Zhai, G., Lou, Q., He, J., Wang, Z*., Yin, Z*. 2021. Rbm46, a novel germ cell specific factor, modulates meiotic progression and spermatogenesis. Biology of Reproduction. Published ahead print.
4. Shi, X., Guan, K., Peng, X., Xu, B., Zhou, X., Wang, S., Xu, S., Zheng, M., Wan, X., Guan, W., Su, K., Ye, M., Gao, X.*, Yin, Z*., Li, X*. 2021. Ghrelin Modulate Neuron Formation and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder-like Behaviors: From Animals to Human Models. Brian, Behavior, and Immunity. Available online 4 Jan.2021.
5. Shi, C., Lu, Y., Zhai, G., Huang, J., Shang, G., Lou, Q., Li, D., Jin, X., He, J., Du, Z., Gui, J., Yin, Z.* 2020. Hyperandrogenism in POMCa-deficient zebrafish enhances somatic growth without increasing adiposity. Journal of Molecular Cell Biology. 12(4): 291-304.
6. Luo, J., Zhang, X., He, S., Lou, Q., Zhai, G., Shi, C., Yin, Z.*, Zheng, F.* 2020. Deletion of narfl leads to increased oxidative stress mediated abnormal angiogenesis and digestive organ defects in zebrafish. Redox Biology. Vol: 28 UNSP 101355
7. Shang G., Peng, X., Ji, C., Zhai, G., Ruan, Y., Lou, Q., Jin, X., He, J., Wang, H., Yin Z.* 2019. Steroidogenic acute regulatory protein and luteinizing hormone are required for normal ovarian steroidogenesis and oocyte maturation in zebrafish. Biology of Reproduction. 101(4):760-770.
8. Shu, T., Shu, Y., Gao, Y., Jin, X., He, J., Zhai, G., Yin, Z.* 2018. Depletion of Tissue-Specific Ion Transporters Causes Differential Expression of PRL Targets in Response to Increased Levels of Endogenous PRL. Frontiers in Endocrinology. Vol. 9: fendo. 2018.00683
9. Zhai, G., Shu, T., Xia, Y., Lu, Y., Shang, G., Jin, X., He, J., Nie, P., Yin, Z.* 2018. Characterization of the sexual traits development in the cyp17a1-deficient zebrafish. Endocrinology. 159(10): 3549-3562.(杂志年度top10%高被引文章)
10.Zhai, G., Song, J., Shu, T., Yan, J., Jin, X., He, J., Yin, Z.* 2017. LRH-1 sense signaling form phosphatidylcholine to regulate the expansion growth of digestive organs via synergy with Wnt/β-catenin signaling in zebrafish. Journal of Genetics and Genomics. 44(6): 307-318. (封面文章)
11.Dai X., Shu, Y., Lou, Q., Tian, Q., Zhai, G., Song, J., Lu, S., Yu, H., He, J., Yin, Z.* 2017. Tdrd12 is essential for germ cell development and maintenance in zebrafish. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 18: (6):1127.

12.Peng, X., Shang, G., Wang, W., Chen, X., Lou, Q., Zhai, G., Li, D., Du, Z., Ye, Y., Jin, X., He, J., Zhang, Y., Yin, Z.* 2017. Fatty acid oxidation in zebrafish adipose tissue is promoted by 1α,25(OH)2D3. Cell Reports. 19(7): 1444-1455. (国际维生素D学会年会点评的2017-2018年间最具影响的12篇文章)
13.Zhai, G., Shu, T., Xia, Y., Jin, X., He, J., Yin, Z.* 2017. Androgen signaling regulates the transcription of anti-Müllerian hormone via synergy with SRY-Related Protein SOX9A. Chinese Sciences Bulletin. 62(3):197-203.
14.Gao, Y., Dai, Z., Shi, C., Zhai, G., Jin, X., He, J., Lou, Q.*, Yin, Z.* 2016. Depletion of Myostatin b Promotes somatic Growth and Lipid Metabolism in Zebrafish. Frontiers in Endocrinology. 7: 10.3389/ fendo.2016.00088
15.Dai, X., Zhang, W., Zhuo, Z., He, J., Yin, Z.* 2015. Neuroendocrine regulation of somatic growth in fishes (review). Science China. Life Sciences. 58: 137-147.
16.He, W., Dai, X., Chen, X., He, J., Yin, Z.* 2014. Zebrafish Pituitary Gene Expression Before and After Sexual Maturation. Journal of Endocrinology. 221(3):429-440.
17.Li, D., Lou, Q., Zhai, G., Peng, X., Cheng, X., Dai, X., Zhuo, Z., Shang, G., Jin, X., Chen, X., Han, D., He, J., Yin, Z.* 2014. Hyperplasia and Cellularity Changes in IGF-1-Overexpressing Skeletal Muscle of Crucian Carp. Endocrinology. 155 (6):2199-2212.
18.Zhai, G., Gu, Q., He, J., Lou, Q., Chen, X., Jin, X., Bi, E*., Yin, Z.* 2014. Sept6 is required for ciliogenesis in Kupffer’s vesicle, pronephros and neural tube during early embryonic development. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 34(7): 1310-1321.
19.Mei, Y., Yin, N., Jin, X., He, J., Yin, Z.* 2013. The regulatory role of the adrenergic agonists phenylephrine and isoproterenol on fetal hemoglobin expression and erythroid differentiation. Endocrinology. 154 (12):4640-4649.
20.Chen, D., Li, L., Tu, X., Yin, Z.*, Wang, Q.* 2012. Functional characterization of Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome gene AGGF1 identifies a novel angiogenic signaling pathway for specification of vein differentiation and angiogenesis during embryogenesis. Human Molecular Genetics. 22 (5):963-976.
21.Jiang, N., Jin, X., He, J., Yin, Z*. 2012. The roles of follistatin1 in regulation of zebrafish fecundity and sexual differentiation. Biology of Reproduction. 87(3):54.1-8.
22.Ji, C., Jin, X., He, J., Yin, Z*. 2012. Use of TSHβ:EGFP transgenic zebrafish as a rapid in vivo model for assessing thyroid-disrupting chemicals. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. 262(2):149-155.
23.Lou, Q., He, J., Hu, L., Yin, Z*. 2012. Role of lbx2 in the noncanonical Wnt signaling pathway for convergence and extension movements and hypaxial myogenesis in zebrafish. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Cell Research. 1823(5): 1024-1032. (通讯作者).
24.Sun, L., Xu, W., He, J., Yin, Z*. 2010. In vivo alternative assessment of the chemicals that interferre with anterior pituitary POMC expression and interregnal steroidogenesis in POMC:EGFP transgenic zebrafish. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. 248(3): 217-225.(
25.Li, X., He, JY., Hu, W., Yin, Z*. 2009. The essential role of endogenous ghrelin in growth hormone expression during zebrafish adenohypophysis development. Endocrinology. 150(6): 2767-2774.
26.Ma, L., Li, D., Wang, J., He, J., Yin, Z*. 2009. Effects of Adrenergic Agonists on the Extrahepatic Expression of Vitellogenin Ao1 in Heart and Brain of the Chinese Rare Minnow (Gobiocypris rarus). Aquatic Toxicology. 91 (1): 19-25.
27.Trivedi, CM.*, Luo, Y*., Yin, Z*., Zhang, M., Zhu, W., Wang, T., Floss, T., Goettlicher, M., Noppinger, PR., Wurst, W., Ferrari, VA., Abrams, CS., Gruber, PJ., Epstein, JA. (2007). HDAC2 regulates the cardiac fetal gene program and hypertrophic responsiveness by modulating GSK3?. Nature Medicine. 13(3): 324-331. (*等同第一作者).
28.Yin, Z.*, Gonzales, L*., Kolla, V., Rath, N., Zhang, Y., Lu, MM., Kimura, S., Ballard, PL., Beers, MF., Epstein, JA. & Morrisey, EE. (2006). Hop functions downstream of Nkx2.1 and Gata6 to mediate HDAC-dependent negative regulation of pulmonary gene expression. Am. J. Physiol. Lung Cell Mol. Physiol. 291:L191-199. (*等同第一作者)
29.Yin, Z., Jeni Haynie, Bryan R. Williams and Yu-Chung Yang. (2003). C114 is a novel IL-11-inducible nuclear dsRNA-binding protein that inhibits Protein Kinase R. J. Biol. Chem. 278, 22838-22845.
30.Yin, Z. Haynie, J., Yang, X.,. Han, B., Kiatchoosakun, S., Restivo, J., Yuan, S., Prabhakar, N. R., Herrup, K., Conlon, R. A., Hoit, B. D., Watanabe, M and Yu-Chung Yang. (2002) The essential role of Cited2, a negative regulator for HIF-1 in heart development and neurulation. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA. 99, 10488-10493.


Engineering、Frontiers in Endocrinology、PLoS ONE等期刊编委



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