李瓅 (Li Li,PhD, Professor) 博士、教授、博士生导师
Education (教育经历):
2008-2015, Ph.D. (医学博士), Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, and Department of Medical Biophysics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto (2020泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名#18).
2004-2008, Honours Bachelor of Science Degree (本科,荣誉理科学士), Immunology Specialist Program, Department of Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto.
2000-2004, Ontario Secondary School Diploma, Ontario Scholar, Canadian International School (Singapore).
Professional Experiences (科研工作经历):
2021-present,Professor, College of Biomedicine and Health & College of Life Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University (华中农业大学, 生物医学与健康学院, 生命科学技术学院,教授).
2019-2020,Research Fellow, Arthur and Sonia Labatt Brain Tumor Research Centre, The Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto (加拿大多伦多大学儿童医院脑肿瘤研究中心研究员).
2015-2018,Postdoctoral Fellow, Structural Genomics Consortium and University of Toronto(加拿大多伦多大学结构基因组学研究所博士后).
2007 Summer, Research Assistant, Immunology Specialist Summer Research Program, Department of Immunology, University of Toronto.
2004-2006 Summers, Research Assistant, Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, Huazhong Normal University.
Research Interests (研究方向):
通过跨学科的多种实验策略研究癌症起源与致癌机理,免疫学, 遗传学,DNA损伤修复landscape,免疫治疗及新型抗癌疗法,蛋白质学以及有关对人类生理与疾病具有重要作用的生物分子非共价相互作用的机理等。
Selected Publications(代表论文):
Zhang H #, Dong C#, Li L#, Wasney GA, Min J. Structural insights into the modulatory role of the accessory protein WYL1 in the Type VI-D CRISPR-Cas system. Nucleic Acids Research, 2019, 47: 5420–5428. (#co-first author, equal contributions)
Li L#, Guturi KKN#, Gautreau B, Patel PS, Saad A, Morii M, Mateo F, Palomero L, Barbour H, Gomez A, Ng D, Kotlyar M, Pastrello C, Jackson HW, Khokha R, Jurisica I, Affar EB, Raught B, Sanchez O, Alaoui-Jamali M, Pujana MA, Hakem A, Hakem R. Ubiquitin ligase RNF8 suppresses Notch signaling to regulate mammary development and tumorigenesis. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2018, 128: 4525–4542. (#equal contributions)
Dong C#, Zhang H#, Li L#, Tempel W, Loppnau P, Min J. Molecular basis of GID4-mediated recognition of degrons for the Pro/N-end rule pathway. Nature Chemical Biology (2018) 14: 466–473. (#co-first author, equal contributions)
Ghamrasni SE, Cardoso R, Li L, Guturi KKN, Bjerregaard VA, Liu Y, Venkatesan S, Hande MP, Henderson JT, Sanchez O, Hickson ID, Hakem A, Hakem R. Rad54 and Mus81 cooperation promotes DNA damage repair and restrains chromosome missegregation. Oncogene, 2016, 35: 4836–4845.
Halaby M, Hakem A, Li L, Ghamrasni SE, Venkatesan S, Hande MP, Sanchez O, Hakem R. Synergistic interaction of Rnf8 and p53 in the protection against genomic instability and tumorigenesis. PLoS Genetics, 2013, 9(1):e**.
Li L, Halaby M, Hakem A, Cardoso R, Ghamrasni SE, Harding S, Chan N, Bristow R, Sanchez O, Durocher D, Hakem R. Rnf8 deficiency impairs class switch recombination, spermatogenesis, and genomic integrity and predisposes for cancer. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 2010, 207: 983–997.
Funding & Awards(资助与奖项):
1. Huazhong Agricultural University Startup Grant, China.
2. Restracomp Fellowship 2019-2020, Canada.
3. University of Toronto Doctoral Completion Award 2013-2014, Canada.
4. 2 MBP UTF Excellence Awards 2011-2013, Canada.
5. Keystone Symposium Scholarship 2011, the USA.
6. Ontario Graduate Scholarship 2011-2012, Canada.
7. Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad 2010 (中国“国家优秀自费留学生奖学金”), China.
8. Full Scholarship for PhD program in Biomedical Sciences at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, 2008, New York, the USA. (Declined; 2007 GRE scores above 90 percentiles).
9. 2 Shou-Yun Pang Scholarships 2006-2008, the University of Toronto, Canada.
10. New College Student Council In-Course OSOTF Scholarship 2005-2006, the University of Toronto, Canada.
11. Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge Honour Roll (international student category), 2002,the Canadian Mathematical Society, Canada.
Immunobiology (免疫生物学等, 全英文教学)
Research Opportunities (实验室人员招聘信息):
The lab currently has opportunities opening for graduate students, postdoctoral trainees, bioinformaticians,technicians and research assistants. All interested people are encouraged to contact me by email with a detailed CV, plus any other related materials (Any relevant skill including programming or academic qualification is an asset, and please provide a brief description).本实验室现招募博士和硕士研究生、博士后、科研助理及volunteer实习生等科研人员。本实验室对学生采取小而精的双语或全英语培养模式,鼓励学生pursue academic excellence, 开展自己感兴趣的科学研究成长为independent scientists; 欢迎大家联系我(Email: lili.johnny@mail.hzau.edu.cn),加盟实验室或合作研究,共同发展科研事业, 探索宇宙奥秘!
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-30
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