

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-30

张晓妍 博士、教授、博士生导师

高尔基体的结构与功能 细胞自噬


2010.8-2015.7 美国密歇根大学,Research Fellow
2015.8-2019.7 美国密歇根大学,Research Laboratory Specialist Intermediate
2019.8至今, 华中农业大学,教授


[1] Zhang X*, Wang Y*. Nonredundant roles of GRASP55 and GRASP65 in the Golgi apparatus and Beyond. Trends in Biochemical Sciences 2020, 45(12): 1065-1079.
[2] Zhang X#, Wang L#, Ireland SC, Ahat E, Li J, Bekier II ME, Zhang Z, Wang Y*. GORASP2/GRASP55 collaborates with the PtdIns3K UVRAG complex to facilitate autophagosome-lysosome fusion. Autophagy 2019, 15(10): 1787-1800.
[3] Zhang X*, Wang L, Lak B, Li J, Jokitalo E, Wang Y*. GRASP55 senses glucose deprivation through O-GlcNAcylation to promote autophagosome-lysosome fusion. Developmental Cell 2018, 45(2): 245-261.
[4] Zhang X*, Wang Y*. The Golgi stacking protein GORASP2/GRASP55 serves as an energy sensor to promote autophagosome maturation under glucose starvation. Autophagy 2018, 14(9):1649-1651
[5] Zhang X*, Wang Y*. GRASP55 facilitates autophagosome maturation under glucose deprivation. Molecular & Cellular Oncology 2018, 5(4): e**.
[6] Xiang Y#, Zhang X#, Nix DB, Katoh T, Aoki K, Tiemeyer M, Wang Y*. Regulation of protein glycosylation and sorting by the Golgi matrix proteins GRASP55/65. Nature Communications 2013, 4:1659.
[7] Zhang X, Wang Y*. Glycosylation Quality Control by the Golgi Structure. Journal of Molecular Biology 2016, 418(16): 3183-3193.
[8] Zhang X, Wang Y*. GRASPs in Golgi Structure and Function. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 2016, 3:84.
[9] Zhang X, Brachner A, Kukolj E, Slade D*, Wang Y*. SIRT2 deacetylates GRASP55 to facilitate post-mitotic Golgi assembly. Journal of Cell Science 2019, 132(21): jcs232389.
[10] Zhang X, Wang Y*. Cell cycle regulation of VCIP135 deubiquitinase activity and function in p97/p47-mediated Golgi reassembly. Molecular Biology of the Cell 2015, 26(12): 2242-2251.
[11] Zhang X, Zhang H, Wang Y*. Phosphorylation regulates VCIP135 function in Golgi membrane fusion during the cell cycle. Journal of Cell Science 2014, 127(1): 172-181.
[12] Zhang X, Chen Q, Feng J, Hou J, Yang F, Liu J, Jiang Q, Zhang C*. Sequential phosphorylation of Nedd1 by Cdk1 and Plk1 is required for targeting of the γTuRC to the centrosome. Journal of Cell Science 2009, 122(13): 2240-2251.
[13] Ma S, Rong Z, Liu C, Qin X, Zhang X, Chen Q*. DNA damage promotes microtubule dynamics through a DNA-PK-AKT axis for enhanced repair, Journal of Cell biology 2021, 220(2): e.
[14] Ireland S, Ramnarayanan S, Fu M, Zhang X, Zhang J, Li J, Emebo D, Wang Y*. Cytosolic Ca2+ Modulates Golgi Structure Through PKCα-Mediated GRASP55 Phosphorylation. iScience 2020, 23(3): 100952.
[15] Ahat E, Xiang Y, Zhang X, Bekier ME II, Wang Y*. GRASP depletion-mediated Golgi destruction decreases cell adhesion and migration via the reduction of α5β1 integrin. Molecular Biology of the Cell 2019, 30(6): 766-777.
[16] Bekier, M, Wang L, Li J, Huang H, Tang D, Zhang X, Wang Y*. Knockout of the Golgi stacking proteins GRASP55 and GRASP65 impairs Golgi structure and function. Molecular Biology of the Cell 2017, 28(21): 2833-2842.
[17] Tang D, Zhang X, Huang S, Yuan H, Li J, Wang Y*. Mena-GRASP65 interaction couples actin polymerization to Golgi ribbon linking. Molecular Biology of the Cell 2016, 27(1): 137-152.
[18] Zhuo X, Guo X, Zhang X, Jing G, Wang Y, Chen Q, Jiang Q, Liu J, Zhang C*. Usp16 regulates kinetochore localization of Plk1 to promote proper chromosome alignment in mitosis. Journal of Cell Biology 2015, 210(5): 727-735.
[19] Zhang X, Gui L, Zhang X, Bulfer SL, Sanghez V, Wong DE, Lee Y, Lehmann L, Lee JS, Shih PY, Lin HJ, Iacovino M, Weihl CC, Arkin MR, Wang Y, Chou TF*. Altered cofactor regulation with disease-associated p97/VCP mutations. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2015, 112(14): E1705-E1714.
[20] Wang G, Chen Q, Zhang X, Zhang B, Zhuo X, Liu J, Jiang Q, Zhang C*. PCM1 recruits Plk1 to the pericentriolar matrix to promote primary cilia disassembly before mitotic entry. Journal of cell science 2013, 126(6): 1355-1365.
[21] Chen Q, Zhang X, Jiang Q, Clarke PR, Zhang C*. Cyclin B1 is localized to unattached kinetochores and contributes to efficient microtubule attachment and proper chromosome alignment during mitosis. Cell Research 2008, 18(2): 268-280.



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