本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-30
1999年6月-2009年12月 助教,讲师
2010年1月-2010年12月 副教授硕士生导师
2011年1月-2016年12月 副教授博士生导师
2012年2月-2013年2月 美国加州大学戴维斯分校 访问****
2015年1月-2015年2月 法国国家自然历史博物馆高级访问****
2017年1月-至今 教授博士生导师
1. 国家自然科学基金项目“微囊藻毒素microcystin-LR通过调节MAPK信号通路影响斑马鱼卵母细胞减数分裂的机制研究(**)”,主持;
2. 湖北省****基金人才项目“微囊藻毒素对鱼类生殖系统致毒机制的研究(2010CDA095)”,主持;
3. 公益性行业(农业)科研专项“典型化学物污染淡水水产品质量安全综合防治技术方案()”,华中区任务主持;
7. 中央高校基本科研业务费“建始县富硒冷水鱼生态养殖研究(**- PY024)”2015年2月-2017年12月,主持;
8. 中央高校基本科研业务费“微囊藻毒素对斑马鱼生殖机能影响的研究(2011PY003)”,主持。
1. Yuanyuan Chen, Jian Li, Jin Wei, Atufa Kawan, Li Wang, Xuezhen Zhang* 2017. Vitamin C modulates Microcystis aeruginosa death and toxin releaseby induced Fenton reaction. Journal of Hazardous Materials.321, 888-895.(SCI论文, IF:4.836(2015),IF:5.641(5年),*通讯作者)
2. Chen, Chuanyue; Liu, Wanjing; Wang, Li; Li, Jian; Chen, Yuanyuan; Jin, Jienan; Kawan, Atufa; Zhang, Xuezhen* 2016. Pathological damage and immunomodulatory effects of zebrafish exposed to microcystin-LR. Toxicon. 118,13-20. (SCI论文, IF:2.309(2015),IF:2.558(5年),*通讯作者)
3. Wang L, Chen CY, Liu WJ, Xia H, Li J, Zhang XZ*. 2016. Effects of toxic cyanobacteria and ammonia on flesh quality of blunt snout bream (Megalobramaamblycephala). Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. DOI:10.1002/jsfa.7850. (SCI论文,IF:2.076(2015),IF:2.221(5年),*通讯作者)
4. Xia, Hu,Liu, Wanjing,Wu, Kang,Wang, Weimin,Zhang, Xuezhen*.2016. sIgZ exhibited maternal transmission in embryonic development and played a prominent role in mucosal immune response of Megalabrama amblycephala. Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 54, 107-117. (SCI论文, IF:3.025(2015),IF:3.227(5年),*通讯作者)
5. Hu, Jun, Ran, Chao, He, Suxu, Cao, Yanan, Yao, Bin, Ye, Yuantu*, Zhang Xuezhen*, Zhou, Zhigang*. 2016. Dietary microbial phytase exerts mixed effects on the gut health of tilapia: a possible reason for the null effect on growth promotion. British Journal of Nutrition. 11:1958-1966. (SCI论文, IF:3.311(2015),IF:3.710(5年),*通讯作者)
6. Liu Wanjing, Chen Chuanyue, Chen Liang, Wang Li, Li Jian, Chen Yuanyuan, Jin Jienan, Kawan Atufa, Zhang Xuezhen*. 2016. Sex-dependent effects of microcystin-LR on hypothalamicpituitary-gonad axis and gametogenesis of adult zebrafish. Scientific Reports | 6:22819 | DOI: 10.1038/srep22819(SCI论文, IF:5.228(2015),IF:5.525(5年),*通讯作者)
7. Liang Hualei, Zhou Wenshan, Zhang Yulei, Qiao Qin, Zhang Xuezhen *. 2015. Are fish fed with cyanobacteria safe, nutritious and delicious? A laboratory study. Scientific Reports | 5:15166 | DOI: 10.1038/srep15166. (SCI论文, IF:5.228(2015),IF:5.525(5年),*通讯作者)
8. Xiao Huang, Liang Chen, Wanjing Liu, Qin Qiao, Kang Wu, Jing Wen,Cuihong Huang, Rong Tang, Xuezhen Zhang*. 2015. Involvement of oxidative stress and cytoskeletal disruption inmicrocystin-induced apoptosis in CIK cells. Aquatic Toxicology. 165 (2015) 41-50. (SCI论文, IF:3.557(2015),IF:4.056(5年),*通讯作者)
9. Liu, Wanjing; Qiao, Qin; Chen, Yuanyuan; Wu, Kang; Zhang, Xuezhen*. 2014. Microcystin-LR exposure to adult zebrafish (Danio rerio) leads to growth inhibition and immune dysfunction in F1 offspring, a parental transmission effect of toxicity. Aquatic toxicology 155,360-367. (SCI论文, IF:3.557(2015),IF:4.056(5年),*通讯作者)
10. Xia, Hu; Wu, Kang; Liu, Wanjing; Gul, Yasmeen; Wang, Weimin; Zhang, Xuezhen* . 2014. Molecular cloning and expression analysis of immunoglobulin M heavy chain gene of blunt snout bream (Megalobrama amblycephala). Fish & shellfish immunology 40,129-135. (SCI论文, IF:3.025(2015),IF:3.227(5年),*通讯作者)
11. Qin Qiao, Wanjing Liu, Kang Wu, Ting Song, Jun Hu, Xiao Huang, Jing Wen, Liang Chen, Xuezhen Zhang*. 2013. Female zebrafish (Danio rerio) are more vulnerable than males to microcystin-LR exposure, without exhibiting estrogenic effects. Aquatic Toxicology 142-143, 272-282. (SCI论文, IF:3.557(2015),IF:4.056(5年),*通讯作者)
12. Zhou Wenshan, Zhang Xuezhen*, Xie Ping, Liang Hualei, Zhang Xin. 2013.The suppression of hematopoiesis function in Balb/c mice induced by prolonged exposure of microcystin-LR. Toxicology Letters. 219, 194-201.(SCI论文, IF:3.522(2015),IF:3.571(5年),*通讯作者)
13. Chen L, Zhang X*, Zhou W, Qiao Q, Liang H, Li G, Wang J, Cai F. 2013.The Interactive Effects of Cytoskeleton Disruption and Mitochondria Dysfunction Lead to Reproductive Toxicity Induced by Microcystin-LR. PLoS ONE 8(1): e53949. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.**. (SCI论文, IF:3.057(2015),IF:3.535(5年),*通讯作者)
14.Qiao Q, Liang HL, Zhang XZ*. 2013. Effect of cyanobacteria on immune function of crucian carp (Carassius auratus) via chronic exposure in diet. Chemosphere, 90:1167-1176. (SCI论文, IF:3.698(2015),IF:4.068(5年),*通讯作者)
15. Xin Zhang, Ping Xie*, Xuezhen Zhang*, Wenshan Zhou, Sujuan Zhao, Yanyan Zhao,Yan Cai. 2013. Toxic effects of microcystin-LR on the HepG2 cell line under hypoxic and normoxic conditions. Journal of Applied Toxicology. 33,1180-1186. (SCI论文, IF:2.722(2015),IF:2.848(5年),*通讯作者)
16. Wei Ji, Hualei Liang, Wenshan Zhou and Xuezhen Zhang*. 2013. Apoptotic responses of zebrafish (Danio rerio) after exposure with microcystin-LR under different ambient temperatures. Journal of Applied Toxicology. 33, 799-806. (SCI论文, IF:2.722(2015),IF:2.848(5年),*通讯作者)
17. Li G, Yan W, Qiao Q, Chen J, Cai F, He Y, Zhang X *. 2012. Global effects of subchronic treatment of microcystin-LR on rat splenetic protein levels. Journal of Proteomics 77:383-393. (SCI论文, IF:3.876(2015),IF:3.986(5年),*通讯作者)
18. Zhou, WS, Liang, HL, Zhang, XZ*. 2012. Erythrocyte damage of crucian carp (Carassius auratus) caused by microcystin-LR: in vitro study. Fish Physiol Biochem. 38: 849-858. (SCI论文, IF:1.442(2015),IF:1.730(5年),*通讯作者)
19. Zhou, WS, Liang, HL, Xie, P*, Zhang, XZ*. 2012.Toxic effects of microcystin-LR on mice erythrocytes in vitro. Fresen Environ Bull. 21, 2274-2281. (SCI论文, IF:0.372(2015),IF:0.413(5年),*通讯作者)
20. Zhang XZ, Xie P*, Li DP, Shi ZC, Wang J, Yuan G, ZhaoYY, Tang R. 2011. Anemia induced by repeated exposure to cyanobacterial extracts with explorations of underlying mechanisms. Environ. Toxicol. 26:472-479 (SCI论文, IF:2.868(2015),IF:2.637(5年),第一作者)
21. Zhang XZ, Xie P*, Ji W, Zhang H, Zhang W. 2011. Studies on the toxic effects of microcystin-LR on the zebrafish (Danio rerio) under different temperatures. J. Appl. Toxicol. 31, 561-567. (SCI论文, IF:2.722(2015),IF:2.848(5年),第一作者)
22. Zhang XZ, Xie P*, Li DP, Tang R, Lei HH, Zhao YY. 2009. Time-dependent oxidative stress responses of crucian carp (Carassius auratus) to intraperitoneal injection of extracted microcystins. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol, 82:574-578.
23. Liang HL, Zhang XZ*, Yinquan Liang. 2009. Threatened fishes of the world: Leptobotia elongata (Bleeker, 1870) (Botiidae) Enoviron. Biol. Fish. 85, 287-288.
24. Zhang XZ*, Li DP.2009. Threatened fishes of the world: Acipenser schrenckii Brandt, 1869 (Acipenseridae). Enoviron. Biol. Fish. 85, 187.
25. Zhang X Z, Xie P*, Wang WM, Li DP, Li L., Tang R, Lei HH, Shi ZC. 2008. Dose dependent effects of extracted microcystins on embryonic development, larval growth and histopathological changes of southern catfish Silurus meridionalis. Toxicon. 51, 449-456.
26. Zhang XZ, Xie P*, Wang WM, Li DP, Shi ZC.2008. Plasma biochemical responses of the omnivorous crucain carp Carassius auratus to crude cyanobacterial extracts. Fish Physiol Biochem. 34, 323-329.
27. Zhang XZ, Xie P*, Li DP, Shi ZC. 2007. Haematological and plasma biochemical responses of crucian carp (Carassius auratus) to intraperitoneal injection of extracted microcystins with the possible mechanisms of anemia. Toxicon. 49, 1150-1157.
28. Chen, Liang, Chen, Jun, Zhang, Xuezhen, Xie, Ping*, 2016. A review of reproductive toxicity of microcystins. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 301,381-399.
29. Kueltz, Dietmar*, Li, Johnathon, Zhang, Xuezhen, Villarreal, Fernando, Tuan Pham, Paguio, Darlene. 2015. Population-specific plasma proteomes of marine and freshwater three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Proteomics. 23-24, 3980-3992.
30. Chen, Liang, Zhang, Xin, Chen, Jun, Zhang, Xuezhen, Fan, Huihui, Li, Shangchun, Xie, Ping*. 2014. NF-kappa B plays a key role in microcystin-RR -induced HeLa cell proliferation and apoptosis. Toxicon. 87, 120-130.
31. Li L, Xie P , Lei HH, Zhang XZ. 2013. Renal accumulation and effects of intraperitoneal injection of extracted microcystins in omnivorous crucian carp (Carassius auratus). Toxicon. 70, 62-69.
32. Yuan, GL ; Xie, P* ; Zhang, XZ ; Tang, R ; Gao, Y ; Li, DP ; Li, L. 2012. In vivo studies on the immunotoxic effects of microcystin on rabbit. Environmental Toxicology. 27, 83-89.
33. Li GY, Chen J, Xie P*, Jiang Y, Wu LY, Zhang XZ. 2011. Protein profiles in zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos exposed to microcystin-LR. Proteomics. 11, 2003-2018.
34. Li DP, Xie P*, Zhang XZ, Zhao YY. 2009. Intraperitoneal injection of extracted microcystins results in hypovolemia and hypotension in crucian carp (Carassius auratus). Toxicon 53,638-644.
35. Zhao YY, Xie P*, Zhang XZ. 2009. Oxidative stress response after prolonged exposure of domestic rabbit to a lower dosage of extracted microcystins. Environ Toxicol Phar. 27,195-199.
36. Li DP, Xie P*, Zhang XZ. 2008. Changes in plasma thyroid hormones and cortisol levels in crucian carp (Carassius auratus) exposed to the extracted microcystins. Chemosphere 74, 13-18.
37. Zhao YY, Xie P*, Tang R, Zhang XZ. Li L , Li DP. 2008. In vivo studies on the toxic effects of microcystins on mitochondrial electron transport chain and ion regulation in liver and heart of rabbit. Comp Biochem Phys, Part C 148, 204-210.
38. Sun YH, Tang R, Li DP, Zhang XZ, Fu J, Xie P*. 2008. Acute effects of microcystins on the transcription of antioxidant enzyme genes in crucian carp Carassius auratus. Environ Toxicol. 23,145-152.
39. Lei HH, Xie P*, Chen J, Liang GD, Dai D, Zhang XZ. 2008. Distribution of toxins in blood, heart, gill, liver, gallbladder, intestine, spleen, gonad, brain and kidney of the ominivorous crucian carp intraperitoneally injected with hepatotoxic microcystins. Environ Toxicol Chem. 27, 1167-1174.
40.金洁南,宋长江,王力,李建,黄晓声,张学振*.2016.. 杂交鳢( 斑鳢♀ × 乌鳢♂ ) 溃疡病病原菌的分离、鉴定及其防治中草药的筛选.淡水渔业. 46(5), 49-54.
41.吴 康,黄晓声,金洁南,李 男, 张学振*.2015. 饲喂蚕豆对草鱼抗氧化能力及免疫机能的影响. 水生生物学报.39(2)250-258.
42.吴康; 胡俊; 黄晓声; 夏虎; 陈亮; 李男; 张学振*. 2015. 饲喂蚕豆的草鱼肠道细菌群落的PCR-DGGE分析. 淡水渔业. 44(5)21-26.
43.刘婉婧,张学振*,2015. 蓝藻水华及其毒素的生态毒性研究. 中国毒理学会第七次全国毒理学大会暨第八届湖北科技论坛论文集.
44.张学振,李大鹏. 2009. 微囊藻毒素对家兔部分血液生理生化指标的影响. 华中农业大学学报. 2,183-187.
45.李大鹏,刘松岩,谢从新*,张学振. 2008. 水温对中华鲟血清活性氧含量及抗氧化防御系统的影响. 水生生物学报,3,327-332.
46.石小涛,李大鹏*,庄平,张学振,聂芬. 2008. 养殖密度对史氏鲟消化率、摄食率和生长的影响. 应用生态学报. 17(8):1517-1520.
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