

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-30

E-mail: junwei.liu@mail.hzau.edu.cn,liujunwei4037@163.com

2014.12—2015.12  荷兰瓦赫宁根大学植物生理实验室,交流博士后
2013.08—2014.08  美国能源部-密歇根州立大学植物生物学实验室,博士后
2012.12—2013.05  荷兰瓦赫宁根大学植物生理实验室,交流博士
2010.04—2010.05  意大利都灵大学生物化学学院,交流博士

2009.01—2012.12  意大利都灵大学科学与创新技术学院,博士
2011.07—2012.08  荷兰瓦赫宁根大学植物生理实验室,交流博士
2006.09—2008.07  天津大学农业与生物工程学院(现环境科学与工程学院),硕士
2002.09—2006.07  西北农林科技大学园艺学院,学士

1. 桃树逆境(干旱、盐胁迫、光照和温度等)分子生物学;2. 桃树根系及根际生物(次生代谢物及生物间互作);3. 桃树营养分子生理;4. 植物生长发育的信号分子网络调控;5. 果树栽培生理生态。
With modern molecular, biochemical and cellular approaches, my main research lay in pomology, principally in PEACH. The interests include plant physiological adaptations to stress; root metabolites and rhizospheric interactions;nutrient metabolism and translocation; signals crosstalk governing plant development and interactions. Currently, I am involving in peach gummosis and replant problem projects.


1.Zhu W., Liu J., Ye J., Li G. (2017). Effects of phytotoxic extracts from peach root bark and benzoic acid on peach seedlings growth, photosynthesis, antioxidance and ultrastructure properties.Scientia Horticulturae, 215: 49-58.
2.Liu J., He H., Vitali M., Visentin I., Haider I., Charnikhova T., Schubert A., Ruyter-Spira C., Lovisolo C., Bouwmeester H.J., Cardinale F. (2015). Osmotic stress represses Strigolactone biosynthesis in Lotus japonicus roots: exploring the interaction between Strigolactones and ABA under abiotic stress.Planta, 241(6): 1435-1451.
3. Cardoso C.*, Zhang Y.*, Jamil M.*, Hepworth J.*, Charnikhova T., Dimkpa S.O.N., Meharg C., Wright M.H., Liu J., Meng X., Wang Y., Li J., McCouch S.R., Leyser O., Price A.H., Bouwmeester H.J. and Ruyter-Spira C. (2014). Natural variation of rice strigolactone biosynthesis is associated with the deletion of two MAX1 orthologs.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 111(6):2379-2384 (*equally contributed).
4. Liu J., Novero M., Charnikhova T., Ferrandino A., Schubert A., Ruyter-Spira C., Bonfante P., Lovisolo C., Bouwmeester H.J., Cardinale F. (2013). CAROTENOID CLEAVAGE DIOXYGENASE 7 modulates plant growth, reproduction, senescence, and determinate nodulation in the model legume Lotus japonicas.Journal of Experimental Botany, 64(7): 1967-1981.
5. Liu J., Lovisolo C., Schubert A., Cardinale F. (2013). Signalling role of strigolactones at the interface between plants, microorganisms and a changing environment.Journal of Plant Interactions, 8(1): 17-33.
6. 刘莉,刘翔,焦定量,张秦英,商纪鹏,刘军伟,郭敏. (2009). 西瓜强雌性状的遗传效应分析. 园艺学报,36:1299-1304.
7. 张秦英,刘军伟,刘莉,焦定量,郭富常,郭敏. (2009). 西瓜强雌性性状的遗传分析及分子标记研究.华北农学报,24:138-142.
8. 刘军伟,张秦英,焦定量,郭富常,刘莉.(2008). 西瓜强雌性基因的遗传分析及RAPD标记. 2008园艺学进展(第八辑)——中国园艺学会第八届青年学术讨论会暨现代园艺论坛论文集,No. **.

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