

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-29

姓名:朱强 职称:副研究员电话:**

个人简介2017年于美国佛罗里达大学(University of Florida)获得博士学位,参与的研究集中在土壤肥力和植物营养方向,包括水稻-绿肥轮作体系下土壤养分管理,氮磷钾营养的平衡施肥与水肥管理,新型肥料(缓释尿素以及铜基叶面肥)的研发与推广,以及土壤厌氧灭菌法(Anaerobic soil disinfestation)的研究。研究成果主要发表在“Soil Science Society of America Journal”“Agronomy Journal”“HortScience”等期刊,并有多篇推广论文及会议论文发表。
工作经历2018.9至今 华中农业大学资源与环境学院副研究员

教学情况本科生 《土壤肥料学B》
研究生 《现代植物营养研究技术》


主要论文1. Zhu, Q., Y.C. Li, R.S. Mylavarapu, K. Morgan, and M. Geng. 2019. Comparison of extractants for calibrating phosphorus application rates in a calcareous soil. HortScience 54:1391-1396.
2. Zhu, Q., M. Ozores-Hampton, Y.C. Li, and K.T. Morgan. 2018. Phosphorus application rates affected phosphorus partitioning and use efficiency in tomato production. Agronomy Journal 110:2050-2058.
3. Zhu, Q., M. Ozores-Hampton, Y.C. Li, and R.S. Mylavarapu. 2017. Comparing extractants for calibrating potassium rates for tomato grown on a calcareous soil. Soil Science Society of America Journal 81:1621-1628.
4. Zhu, Q., M. Ozores-Hampton, Y.C. Li, K. Morgan, and Y. Lu. 2017. Potassium rates affected potassium uptake and use efficiency in drip-irrigated tomato. Agronomy Journal 109:2945-2956.
5. Zhu, Q., M. Ozores-Hampton, Y. Li, K. Morgan, G. Liu, and R.S. Mylavarapu. 2017. Effect of phosphorus rates on growth, yield, and postharvest quality of tomato in a calcareous soil. HortScience 52:1406-1412.
6. Zhu, Q., M. Ozores-Hampton, Y. Li, K. Morgan, G. Liu, and R.S. Mylavarapu. 2017. Responses of tomato to potassium rates in a calcareous soil. HortScience 52:764-769.
7. Zhu, Q., M. Ozores-Hampton, and Y. Li. 2016. Comparison of Mehlich-3 and ammonium bicarbonate-DTPA for extraction of phosphorus and potassium in calcareous soils from Florida. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 47:2315-2324.
8. Zhu, Q., M. Zhang, and Q. Ma. 2012. Copper-based foliar fertilizer and controlled release urea improved soil chemical properties, plant growth and yield of tomato. Scientia Horticulturae 143:109-114.
9.朱强,马丽,马强,李丽等。不同浸提剂以及保存方法对土壤矿质氮测定的影响。 中国生态农业学报,2012,20(2):138-143.

获得奖励1. 2018年, Student Best Paper 1stplace award from Florida State Horticultural Society(佛罗里达州园艺学会学生论文竞赛第一名).
2. 2017年, Best Paper Award in the Vegetable Section of Florida State Horticultural Society(佛罗里达州园艺学会蔬菜分部的最佳论文)
3. 2015年, A.S. Herlong Sr. Graduate Scholarship at University of Florida/College of Agricultural and Life Sciences(佛罗里达大学A.S. Herlong Sr.研究生奖学金)
4. 2014年, Dade County Agri-Council Warren Wood Sr. Memorial Fellowship at University of Florida/Tropical Research and Education Center(佛罗里达州迈阿密戴德县农业委员会奖学金)

研究生培养情况2019级硕士研究生:赵琳琳,Tahir Shah

相关话题/资源与环境学院 华中农业大学