

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-29

姓名:曾玲琳 联系方式:zenglinglin@mail.hzau.edu.cn;



2006.09-2010.06 中国地质大学(武汉),信息工程学院,学士

2015.07-2019.07 武汉大学,地球信息空间技术协同创新中心
2019.07 ~ 华中农业大学资源与环境学院

担任Remote Sensing of Environment, Journal of Hydrology, Remote Sensing, International Journal of Remote Sensing等国际主流期刊审稿人;

1. Linglin Zeng, Brian Wardlow, Rui Wang, Jie Shan, TsegayeTadesse, Michael Hayes, Deren Li, A hybrid approach for detecting maize and soybean phenology with time-series MODIS data, Remote sensing of Environment, 2016, 18:237-250. (SCI,IF=9.0)
2. Linglin Zeng, Brian Wardlow*, Daxiang Xiang, Shun Hu, Deren Li, A review of vegetation phenological metrics extraction using time-series, multispectral satellite data, Remote sensing of Environment, 2020 (SCI,IF=9.0)
3. Linglin Zeng, Brian Wardlow, Jie Shan, Michael Hayes,TsegayeTadesse, Deren Li, Daxiang Xiang, Estimation of daily maximum and minimum air temperature based on both daytime and nighttime MODIS land surface temperature products over the Corn Belt in US, Remote Sensing, 2015, 7(1):951-970. (SCI, IF=4.2)
4. Linglin Zeng, Shun Hu*, Daxiang Xiang, Xiang Zhang, Deren Li, Multi-layer soil moisture mapping at regional scale from multi-source data via machine learning method, 2019,11(3),284, Remote Sensing (SCI, IF=4.2)
5. Deren Li, Linglin Zeng*, Nengcheng Chen, Jie Shan, Liangming Liu, Yida Fan, Wei Li, A framework design for the Chinese National Disaster Reduction System of Systems(CNDRSS), International Journal of Digital Earth, 2013, 7(1):68-87. (SCI, IF=3.02)
6. Linglin Zeng,Daxiang Xiang, A study on corn phenology detection with remote sensing data, In: Recent Advances and Applications in Remote Sensing, edited by Ming Hung, 2018, InTech (ISBN 978-953-51-5564-5) (专著章节)

1. 结合农学物候信息的玉米产量遥感估计研究,国家自然科学青年基金,2020.01-2022.12,24万,主持
2. 顾及农作物物候期的冬小麦干旱损失遥感定量评估方法研究, 2020-01 至 2022-12,15 万元,主持
3. 基于卫星遥感数据的广西香蕉种植面积时空分布研究,广西水利科学研究院,2019.01-2020,12,5万,主持
4. 农业遥感监测云平台算法开发,校企合作,35万,2018.12-2019.5,主持
5. 广西重大研发计划,基于天空地一体化的糖料蔗旱情监测预警研究,2020.01-022.12,27.79万,课题主持

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