

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-25

姓 名 李松 性 别 女
职 称 副教授 毕业学校
邮 箱 songli_hust@163.com
通讯地址 华中科技大学能源与动力工程学院动力楼107
李松,女,汉族。2006年6月本科毕业于山东大学生物技术系,2009 年 2月毕业于韩国成均馆大学化工系, 获工学硕士学位。2009年8月在美国范德堡大学化工系攻读博士学位,师从 Peter T. Cummmings教授。博士期间在美国能源部下辖、美国橡树岭国家实验室主导的 FIRST 能源前沿研究中心从事离子液体超级电容器的工作, 于2014年获得博士学位, 并获得范德堡大学化工系博士研究生杰出科研奖和教育部国家优秀自费留学生奖学金。2014年3月至2015年8月在美国西北大学从事全球气候与能源项目的博士后工作,合作导师Randall Snurr教授(http://www.iec.northwestern.edu)。2015年8月任华中科技大学能源与动力工程学院副教授。至2017年9月已在国际权威SCI期刊上发表论文34篇, 申请发明专利6项, 论文总引用超过730次, H-index为17。荣获2015/2016年度美国“李氏基金会杰出成就奖”、2017年华中科技大学“学术新人奖”。

教育及工作经历 2014年3月-2015年8月 美国西北大学 (Northwestern University)化工与生物工程系博士后, 导师: Prof. Randall Snurr
2009年8月 -2014年3月, 美国范德堡大学(Vanderbilt University)化工与生物分子工程系博士, 导师: Prof. Peter T. Cummings
2007年3月-2009年2月,韩国成均馆大学(Sungkyunkwan University)化工系硕士,导师: Prof. Woo-Seok Choe

研究方向 储能材料开发:高性能新型储能材料的开发,主要包括金属有机骨架(MOFs)、碳材料、沸石(Zeolite)以及高分子有机膜材料等,从热力学与动力学角度提高能源储存性能。
科研项目 1. 2017/01-2019/12 国家自然科学基金青年项目(主持)
2. 2017/01-2018/12 深圳市基础研究项目(主持)
3. 2016/01-2017/12 华中科技大学自主创新基金(主持)
4. 2016/02-2017/02 美国李氏基金会项目(主持)
5. 2017/01-2019/12 国家自然科学基金面上项目(参与)
代表性论文与专利 1. Wei Li, Xiaoxiao Xia, Meng Cao, Song Li,* “Structure-Property Relationship of Metal-Organic Frameworks for Adsorption Cooling by High-throughput Computational Screening”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019,DOI: 10.1039/C8TA07909A (in press).
Zhilu Liu#, Wei Li#, Hao Liu, Xudong Zhuang, Song Li, “Research Progress of High-throughput Computational Screening of Metal-Organic Frameworks”, Acta Chimica Sinica, 2019, DOI: 10.6023/A** (in press).
2. Xiaoxiao Xia, Wei Li, Song Li,* “On the Water Stability of Ionic Liquids/Cu-BTC Composites: An Experimental Study”, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2019, 21:39.
3. Wei Li, Song Li,* “CO2 Adsorption Performance of Functionalized Metal-Organic Frameworks of Varying Topologies by Molecular Simulations”, Chemical Engineering Science, 2018, 189: 65-74.
4. Jia Li, KangLiu, Guobin Xue, Tianpeng Ding, PeihuaYang, Qian Chen, Yue Shen, Song Li, GuangFeng, Aiguo Shen, Ming Xu, Jun Zhou “Electricity generation from water droplets via capillary infiltrating” Nano Energy, 2018, 28, 211-216.
5. Lei Bian,# Wei Li,# Zhenzhen Wei, Song Li,* “Formaldehyde Adsorption Performance of Selected Metal-Organic Frameworks from High-throughput Computational Screening”, Acta Chimica Sinica, 2018, 76(4), 303-310. (Selected Cover Paper)
6. Song Li, Yongchul G. Chung, Cory Simon, Randall Snurr, “High-throughput Computational Screening of Multivariate Metal-Organic Frameworks (MTV-MOFs) for CO2 Capture”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2017, 8, 6135-6141.
7. Huanghuan Zhang, Mengyang Zhu, Wei Zhao, Song Li, Guang Feng, “Molecular Dynamics Study of Room Temperature Ionic Liquids with Water at Mica Surface” Green Energy & Environment, 2018,3(2):120-128.
8. Wei Li, Zizhen Rao, Yongchul. G. Chung, Song Li,* “The Role of Partial Atomic Charges Assignment Methods on the Computational Screening of Metal-Organic Frameworks for CO2 Capture under Humid Conditions”, ChemistrySelect, 2017,2, 9458-9465.
9. Jie Gong, Wei Li, Song Li,* “Influence of Functional Groups and Modification Sites of Metal-Organic Frameworks on CO2/CH4 Separation: A Monte Carlo Simulation Study”, Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 2018, 31(1):52-60.
10. Mingbing Wu, Wei Li, Song Li,* Guang Feng “Capacitive performance of amino acid ionic liquid electrolyte-based supercapacitors by molecular dynamics simulation” RSC Advances, 2017, 7, 28945-28950.
11. Ming Chen, Song Li,* Guang Feng, “The Influence of Anion Shape on the Electrical Double Layer Microstructure and Capacitance of Ionic Liquids-Based Supercapacitors by Molecular Simulations” Molecules, 2017, 22, 241.
12. Song Li, Yongchul. G. Chung, Randall Snurr, “High-throughput Screening of Metal-organic Frameworks for CO2 Capture in the presence of water”, Langmuir, 2016 32 (40): 10368–10376.
13. Peihua Yang, Kang Liu, Qian Chen, Xiaobao Mo, Yishu Zhou, Song Li, Guang Feng, Jun Zhou, Wearable Thermocells Based on Gel Electrolytes for the Utilization of Body Heat, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 2016, 55(39):12050-12053.
14. Peihua Yang,# Kang Liu,# Song Li,# Jia Li, Tianpeng Ding, Qian Chen, Guang Feng and Jun Zhou, “Induced Potential in Porous Carbon Film Through Water Vapor Adsorption”, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 2016, 55:8003-8007.
15. Song Li, Mengyang Zhu, Guang Feng, “The Effects of Dication Symmetry on Ionic Liquids Electrolytes in Supercapacitors” Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2016, 28,464005.
16. Guang Feng, Wei Zhao, Peter T. Cummings, Song Li,* “Molecular simulation study of dynamical properties of room temperature ionic liquids with carbon pieces”, Science China Chemistry 2016, 59(5):594-600.
17. Jesse G. McDaniel, Song Li, Emmanouil Tyllianakis, Randall Snurr, and Jordan R. Schmidt, “Evaluation of Force Field Performance for High-Throughput Screening of Gas Uptake in Metal-Organic Frameworks”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2015, 119 (6), 3143–3152.
18. Guang Feng, Song Li, Wei Zhao, Peter Cummings, “Microstructure of Room Temperature Ionic Liquids at Stepped Graphene Electrodes”, AIChE Journal, 2015 61: 3022–3028.
19. Pravas Deria,# Song Li,# Hongda Zhang, Randall Snurr, Omar K. Farha, Joseph T. Hupp, “A MOF Platform for Incorporation of Complementary Organic Motifs for CO2 Binding”, Chemical Communication. 2015, 51, 12478-12481.
20. Song Li, Wei Zhao, Guang Feng, Peter T. Cummings, “A Computational Study of Dicationic Ionic Liquids/CO2 Interfaces”, Langmuir, 2015, 31(8):2447-2454.
21. Song Li, José Leobardo Ba?uelos, Guang Feng, Peter T. Cummings, “Toward Understanding the Structural Heterogeneity and Ion Pair Stability in Dicationic Ionic Liquids”, Soft Matter. 2014, 10, 9193-9200.
22. Ahmet Uysal, Hua Zhou, Guang Feng, Sang Soo Lee, Song Li, Paul Fenter, Peter T. Cummings, Pasquale F. Fulvio, Sheng Dai, John McDonough, Yury Gogotsi, “Interfacial Ionic “Liquids”: Connecting Static and Dynamic Structures”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2015: 27(3):032101.
23. José Leobardo Ba?uelos, Guang Feng, Pasquale F. Fulvio, Song Li, Gernot Rother, Nikolas Arend, Antonio Faraone, Sheng Dai, Peter Cummings, David J. Wesolowski, “The Influence of a Hierarchical Porous Carbon Network on the Coherent Dynamics of a Nanoconfined Room Temperature Ionic Liquid: A Neutron Spin Echo and Atomistic Simulation Investigation”, Carbon, 2014,78,415-427.
24. Song Li, Guang Feng, Peter T. Cummings, “Interfaces of Dicationic Ionic Liquids and Graphene: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2014,26, 284106.
25. Song Li, Pengfei Zhang, Pasquale F. Fulvio, Guang Feng, Sheng Dai, Peter T. Cummings, “Enhanced Performance of Dicationic Ionic Liquid Electrolytes by Organic Solvent”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2014, 26, 284105. (IOPselect Paper, highlighted by Labtalk: http://iopscience.iop.org/0953-8984/labtalk-article/58014)
26. Song Li, Katherine L. Van Aken, John K. McDonough, Guang Feng, Yury Gogotsi, Peter T. Cummings, “The Electrical Double Layer Structure of Dicationic Ionic Liquids at Onion-Like Carbon Surface”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2014,118 (8), 3901–3909
27. José Leobardo Ba?uelos, Guang Feng, Pasquale F. Fulvio, Song Li, Gernot Rother, Nikolas Arend, Antonio Faraone, Xiqing Wang, Sheng Dai, Peter Cummings, David J. Wesolowski, “Densification of Ionic Liquid Molecules within a Hierarchical Nanoporous Carbon Structure Revealed by Small-Angle Scattering and Molecular Dynamics Simulation”, Chemistry of Materials, 2014, 26 (2), 1144–1153.
28. Katherine L. Van Aken, John K. McDonough, Song Li, Guang Feng, Suresh Chathoth, Eugene Mamontov, Pasquale F Fulvio, Peter T Cummings, Sheng Dai, Yury Gogotsi, “Effect of cation on diffusion coefficient of ionic liquids at onion-like carbon electrodes”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2014, 26, 284104.
29. Ahmet Uysal, Hua Zhou, Guang Feng, Sang Soo Lee, Song Li, Paul Fenter, Peter T. Cummings, Pasquale F. Fulvio, Sheng Dai, John McDonough, Yury Gogotsi, “Structural Origins of Potential Dependent Hysteresis at the Electrified Graphene/Ionic Liquid Interface”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2014, 118 (1): 569–574.
30. Guang Feng, Song Li, Volker Presser, Peter T. Cummings, “Molecular Insights into Carbon Supercapacitors Based on Room Temperature Ionic Liquids”, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2013, 4(19): 3367?3376. (Invited online presentation: http://pubs.acs.org/iapps/liveslides/pages/index.htm?mscNo=jz**, and video: http://pubs.acs.org/page/jpclcd/cummings-video.html for The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters.)
31. Song Li, Guang Feng, José Leobardo Ba?uelos, Gernot Rother, Pasquale F. Fulvio, Sheng Dai, Peter T. Cummings, “Distinctive Nanoscale Organization of Dicationic versus Monocationic Ionic Liquids”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2013, 117(35):18251-18257. (Selected for video presentation by 2013 AIChE as AIChE’s ChemE on Demand)
32. Song Li, Kee Sung Han, Guang Feng, Edwards W. Hagaman, Lukas Vlcek, Peter T. Cummings, “Dynamic and Structural Properties of Room Temperature Ionic Liquids near Silica and Carbon Surfaces”, Langmuir, 2013, 29(31): 9744-9749.
33. Guang Feng, Song Li, Jennifer S. Atchison, Volker Presser, Peter T. Cummings, “Molecular Insights into Carbon Nanotube Supercapacitors: Capacitance Independent of Voltage and Temperature”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2013, 117 (18): 9178–9186.
34. Song Li, Xiongce Zhao, Yiming Mo, Peter T. Cummings, William T. Heller, “Human serum albumin interactions with C60 fullerene studied by spectroscopy, small-angle neutron scattering, and molecular dynamics simulations”, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2013, 15(7):1769.
35. Kee Sung Han, Song Li, Edwards W. Hagaman, Gary A. Baker, Peter T. Cummings, Sheng Dai, “Rotational and Translational Dynamics of N-butyl-N-methylpiperidinium Trifluoromethanesulfonimide Ionic Liquids Studied by NMR and MD Simulations”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2012,116(39): 20779-20786.
36. Song Li, Guang Feng, Pasquale F. Fulvio, Patrick C. Hillesheim, Chen Liao, Sheng Dai, Peter T. Cummings, “Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study of the Capacitive Performance of a Binary Mixture of Ionic Liquids near an Onion-like Carbon Electrode”, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2012, 3(17): 2465-2469. (Invited video presentation as a top 5% article for Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters: http://pubs.acs.org/iapps/liveslides/pages/index.htm?mscNo=jz**)
37. Song Li, José Leobardo Ba?uelos, Jianchang Guo, Larry M. Anovitz, Gernot Rother, Robert. W. Shaw, Patrick. C. Hillesheim, Sheng Dai, Gary. A. Baker, and Peter T. Cummings, “Alkyl Chain Length and Temperature Effects on Structural Properties of Pyrrolidinium-Based Ionic Liquids: A Combined Atomistic Simulation and Small-Angle X-ray Scattering Study”, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2012, 3(1):125?130.
相关话题/博导 工程学院