姓 名 鲁昊 性 别 男
职 称 副教授 毕业学校
个人主页 http://tlar.co.nf/
联系方式 **
邮 箱 haolu@hust.edu.cn
通讯地址 华中科技大学能源学院动机系
浙江杭州人。师从北京大学力学与工程科学系教授,第三届周培源力学奖获得者黄永念;国际知名燃烧学专家,美国威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校机械工程系教授,发动机研究中心(ERC)前主任,美国机械工程协会会士,美国汽车工程协会会士Christopher Rutland;以及国际知名湍流研究专家,美国威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校数学系和工程物理系教授,数学系前任主任,美国物理学会会士Leslie Smith。在多项美国、瑞士自然科学基金项目的连续资助下,近几年来一直专注于工程热物理和能源环境工程领域的高级数值模拟及理论研究工作,在湍流数值模拟方面取得了一系列突出研究成果,提出了新的非线性亚格子应力数学模型和亚格子通量数学模型。已在本领域权威学术期刊(包括美国物理学会会刊《Physics of Fluids》, 《Boundary-Layer Meteorology》等)上发表学术论文,其中被SCI收录11篇,被EI收录7篇,且在近五年被国内外****引用330多次,SCI引用120多次(他引90多次)。并担任《Journal of Fluid Mechanics》、《Physics of Fluids》等多个学术期刊的审稿专家。
1. 美国物理学会会员,美国汽车工程协会会员,美国气象学会会员,欧洲气象学会会 员,欧洲地球科学联合会会员
2. 《Physics of Fluids》,《Journal of Fluid Mechanics》,《Journal of Turbulence》, 《Boundary-Layer Meteorology》,《Energies》,《Wind Energy》,《Renewable Energy》, 《Journal of Solar Energy Engineering》,《Water Environment Research》,《SAE International Journal of Engines》等学术期刊审稿专家
Ph.D. (Mechanical Engineering, Engine Research Center), University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA, 2007
M.S. (Mechanical Engineering, State Key Laboratory of Turbulence and Complex Systems), Peking University, China, 2002
B.S. (Mechanical Engineering), Peking University, China, 1999
Employment Experience:
1. Scientist, Wind Engineering and Renewable Energy Laboratory (WIRE), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology – Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, 2012.11-2014.11
Development of a large-eddy simulation framework for wind energy studies
Improved wind energy assessment based on wind, terrain and vegetation modeling
National Science Foundation (NSF), Swiss National Science Foundation, Minnesota Supercomputing Institute (MSI)
2. Postdoctoral Research Associate, Saint Anthony Falls Laboratory, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, USA, 2008.10-2012.11
Large-eddy simulation of atmospheric boundary layer flows and its interaction with wind turbines
Effects of topography on turbulent fluxes in stable boundary layers using a new generation large-eddy simulation
NSF, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Department of Energy (DOE), Swiss National Science Foundation, Xcel Energy, MSI
3. Postdoctoral Research Associate, Engine Research Center, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, 2007.8-2008.9
Direct numerical simulation and large-eddy simulation of stably stratified rotating turbulence
NSF and NSF Scientific Computing Research Environments in the Mathematical Sciences (SCREMS)
研究方向 Direct Numerical Simulation and Large-Eddy Simulation of Boundary Layer Turbulence, Stratified Turbulence, Isotropic Turbulence, Rotating Turbulence, Compressible Flow, Reacting Flow, Active and Passive Scalar Transport; Wind Energy Application; Statistical Theory; Turbulence Modeling; Experimental Fluid Mechanics; Numerical Analysis; Parallel Computing 科研项目 代表性论文与专利
1. On the impact of wind farms on a convective atmospheric boundary layer, Hao Lu and Fernando Porté-Agel, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 2015
2. On the development of a dynamic non-linear closure for large-eddy simulation of the atmospheric boundary layer, Hao Lu and Fernando Porté-Agel, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 2014
3. Interaction between large wind farms and the atmospheric boundary layer, Fernando Porté-Agel, Hao Lu and Yu-Ting Wu, proceedings of the 23rd International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM2012), Procedia IUTAM, 10, 2014
4. A modulated gradient model for scalar transport in large-eddy simulation of the atmospheric boundary layer, Hao Lu and Fernando Porté-Agel, Physics of Fluids, 25, 2013
5. Large-eddy simulation of atmospheric boundary layer flow through wind farms, Fernando Porté-Agel, Hao Lu and Yu-Ting Wu, proceedings of the 10th UK Conference on Wind Engineering, 2012
6. A novel in vitro flow system for changing flow direction on endothelial cells, Chong Wang, Hao Lu, and Martin A. Schwartz, Journal of Biomechanics, 2012
7. Application of large-eddy simulation to atmospheric flows, Fernando Porté-Agel, Hao Lu, and Yu-Ting Wu, von Karman Institute Lecture Series: "Large-eddy simulation and related techniques, theory and application," 2012
8. Large-eddy simulation of a very large wind farm in a stable atmospheric boundary layer, Hao Lu and Fernando Porté-Agel, Physics of Fluids, 23, 2011
9. Assessment of the modulated gradient model in decaying isotropic turbulence, Hao Lu, Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters, 1: 041005, 2011
10. Large-eddy simulation of atmospheric boundary layer flow through wind turbines and wind farms, Fernando Porté-Agel, Yu-Ting Wu, Hao Lu, and Robert J. Conzemius, Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 99: 154-168, 2011
11. A modulated gradient model for large-eddy simulation: Application to a neutral atmospheric boundary layer, Hao Lu and Fernando Porté-Agel, Physics of Fluids, 22, 2010
12. Breaking of progressive internal gravity waves: convective instability and shear instability, Wei Liu, Francis Bretherton, Zhengyu Liu, Leslie Smith, Hao Lu, and Christopher J. Rutland, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 40: 2243-2263, 2010
13. Development and testing of a wind simulator at an operating wind farm, Robert J. Conzemius, Hao Lu, Leonardo Chamorro, Yu-Ting Wu, and Fernando Porté-Agel, American Wind Energy Association conference proceedings, 2010
14. A large-eddy simulation framework for wind energy applications, Fernando Porté-Agel, Hao Lu, and Yu-Ting Wu, proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering, 2010
15. Application of large-eddy simulation to atmospheric boundary-layer flows, Fernando Porté-Agel, Hao Lu, Yu-Ting Wu, and Leonando Chamorro, von Karman Institute Lecture Series, “Large-eddy simulation and related techniques, theory and application,” 2010
16. A-posteriori tests of one-equation LES modeling of rotating turbulence, Hao Lu, Christopher J. Rutland, and Leslie M. Smith, International Journal of Modern Physics C, 19(12): 1949-1964, 2008
17. A-priori tests of one-equation LES modeling of rotating turbulence, Hao Lu, Christopher J. Rutland, and Leslie M. Smith, Journal of Turbulence, 8(37): 1-27, 2007 (a correction, Taylor microscale is defined as: lambda_{ij}^k=sqrt(2/))
18. Discussion of vortex identification, Hao Lu and Yong-Nian Huang, the Collection for the 8th Annual Conference of Beijing Mechanics Association, 12-14, 2002
19. Dyadic Method for Tensor Functions, Yong-Nian Huang and Hao Lu, Acta Mech. Sin., 18(4): 398-406, 2002 所获荣誉和奖励
1. Top Cited Paper: "Large-eddy simulation of atmospheric boundary layer flow through wind turbines and wind farms", Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics
2. Top Downloaded Paper: " Large-eddy simulation of a very large wind farm in a stable atmospheric boundary layer", Physics of Fluids
3. Name Listed in Who's Who in Science and Engineering
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-25
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