姓 名 陈应泉 性 别 男
职 称 毕业学校 华中科技大学
个人主页 http://sklccfbg.energy.hust.edu.cn
邮 箱 chenyingquan@hust.edu.cn
通讯地址 华中科技大学煤燃烧国家重点实验室409
教育及工作经历 2003.09-2007.06 武汉,华中科技大学,热能工程专业,本科
2007.09-2014.01 武汉,华中科技大学,热能工程专业,博士,导师:陈汉平
2014.02-2016.05 武汉,华中科技大学,材料科学专业,博士后,合作导师:黄云辉
2018.07-直径 武汉,华中科技大学煤燃烧国家重点实验室,讲师
研究方向 1) 生物质基碳材料制备与应用,如超级电容器、非对称锂钠电池等
2) 生物质热解机理
3) 生物质热解多联产
科研项目 国家自然科学基金面上项目,生物质选择性富氮热解过程中氮素迁徙与功能化调控机制的基础研究,63万元,2019.1-2022.12
代表性论文与专利 第一作者论文:
1.Chen, Y.Q., et al., Biomass Pyrolytic Polygeneration System: Adaptability for Different Feedstocks. Energy & Fuels, 2016. 30(1): p. 414-422.
2.Chen, Y.Q., et al., Biomass-based pyrolytic polygeneration system on cotton stalk pyrolysis: Influence of temperature. Bioresource Technology, 2012. 107: p. 411-418.
3.Chen, Y., et al., Effect of volatiles interaction during pyrolysis of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin at different temperatures. Fuel, 2019. 248: p. 1-7.
4.Chen, Y.Q., et al., Evolution of functional groups and pore structure during cotton and corn stalks torrefaction and its correlation with hydrophobicity. Fuel, 2014. 137: p. 41-49.
5.Chen, Y.Q., et al., Generalized two-dimensional correlation infrared spectroscopy to reveal the mechanisms of lignocellulosic biomass pyrolysis. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2019. 37(3): p. 3013-3021.
6.Chen, Y.Q., et al., The structure evolution of biochar from biomass pyrolysis and its correlation with gas pollutant adsorption performance. Bioresource Technology, 2017. 246: p. 101-109.
7.Chen, Y.Q., et al., Torrefaction of agriculture straws and its application on biomass pyrolysis poly-generation. Bioresource Technology, 2014. 156: p. 70-77.
1.Wang, L., et al., Investigation of the pyrolysis characteristics of guaiacol lignin using combined Py-GC× GC/TOF-MS and in-situ FTIR. Fuel, 2019. 251: p. 496-505.
2.Tang, Z.Y., et al., Co-pyrolysis of microalgae and plastic: Characteristics and interaction effects. Bioresource Technology, 2019. 274: p. 145-152.
3.Liu, H., et al., Hydrothermal carbonization of natural microalgae containing a high ash content. Fuel, 2019. 249: p. 441-448.
4.Xia, S.W., et al., Pyrolysis behavior and economics analysis of the biomass pyrolytic polygeneration of forest farming waste. Bioresource Technology, 2018. 270: p. 189-197.
5.Wang, X.H., et al., Comparative study of wet and dry torrefaction of corn stalk and the effect on biomass pyrolysis polygeneration. Bioresource Technology, 2018. 258: p. 88-97.
6.Chen, W., et al., Influence of Biochar Addition on Nitrogen Transformation during Copyrolysis of Algae and Lignocellulosic Biomass. Environmental Science & Technology, 2018. 52(16): p. 9514-9521.
7.Chen, W., et al., Catalytic deoxygenation co-pyrolysis of bamboo wastes and microalgae with biochar catalyst. Energy, 2018. 157: p. 472-482.
8.Zhu, D.C., et al., Fouling and Slagging Characteristics during Co-combustion of Coal and Biomass. Bioresources, 2017. 12(3): p. 6322-6341.
9.Wu, K., et al., Characterization of dairy manure hydrochar and aqueous phase products generated by hydrothermal carbonization at different temperatures. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2017. 127: p. 335-342.
10.Li, J., et al., Correlation of Feedstock and Bio-oil Compound Distribution. Energy & Fuels, 2017. 31(7): p. 7093-7100.
11.Hu, J.H., et al., Evolution of char structure during mengdong coal pyrolysis: Influence of temperature and K2CO3. Fuel Processing Technology, 2017. 159: p. 178-186.
12.Gao, Y., et al., Pyrolysis of rapeseed stalk: Influence of temperature on product characteristics and economic costs. Energy, 2017. 122: p. 482-491.
13.Chen, X., et al., Catalytic fast pyrolysis of biomass to produce furfural using heterogeneous catalysts. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2017. 127: p. 292-298.
14.Chen, W., et al., Algae pyrolytic poly-generation: Influence of component difference and temperature on products characteristics. Energy, 2017. 131: p. 1-12.
15.Chen, W., et al., Transformation of Nitrogen and Evolution of N-Containing Species during Algae Pyrolysis. Environmental Science & Technology, 2017. 51(11): p. 6570-6579.
16.Chen, H.P., et al., NOx precursors from biomass pyrolysis: Distribution of amino acids in biomass and Tar-N during devolatilization using model compounds. Fuel, 2017. 187: p. 367-375.
17.Yang, H.P., et al., Application of biomass pyrolytic polygeneration technology using retort reactors. Bioresource Technology, 2016. 200: p. 64-71.
18.Yang, H.P., et al., Biomass-Based Pyrolytic Polygeneration System for Bamboo Industry Waste: Evolution of the Char Structure and the Pyrolysis Mechanism. Energy & Fuels, 2016. 30(8): p. 6430-6439.
19.Gao, Y., et al., Use of Extreme Vertices Method for Analysis of How Proportional Composition Affects Component Interactions and Product Distribution during Hydrothermal Treatment. Bioresources, 2016. 11(2): p. 4899-4920.
20.Chen, W., et al., Biomass pyrolysis for nitrogen-containing liquid chemicals and nitrogen-doped carbon materials. Journal Of Analytical And Applied Pyrolysis, 2016. 120: p. 186-193.
21.Chen, H.P., et al., Biomass Pyrolytic Polygeneration of Tobacco Waste: Product Characteristics and Nitrogen Transformation. Energy & Fuels, 2016. 30(3): p. 1579-1588.
22.Yang, H.P., et al., Influence of Inherent Silicon and Metals in Rice Husk on the Char Properties and Associated Silica Structure. Energy & Fuels, 2015. 29(11): p. 7327-7334.
所获荣誉和奖励 1) 生物质热解联产联供高值化综合利用技术 全球可再生能源领域最具投资价值的领先技术蓝天奖 联合国工业发展组织 2014年 排名2
2) 一种连续式生物质热解炭气油多联产系统 中国专利优秀奖 国家知识产权局 2015年 排名2
3) 含碳固体燃料高效低耗综合利用关键技术及应用 中国侨界贡献奖-创新 成果奖 中国侨联 2014年 排名7
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-25
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