本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-25
姓 名:崔晟
Email: cuisheng@hust.edu.cn
Sheng Cui
Associate Professor
Phone: (027) **
Email: cuisheng@hust.edu.cn
Academic Areas: Optical Communication
Sheng Cui is the associate professor of Optical Communication at School of Optical and Electrical Information in Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST). His research spans nonlinear fiber optics, optical amplifiers and coherent optical communication systems. He got Ph D degree in Xidian Univesity in China (2004) and conducted research in the University Southern California in USA as a government-sponsored visiting scholar (Dec 2011~Dec 2012). He is widely published in the leading scholarly journals in optical communication and fiber technology, including Optical Express, Photonics Technology Letter, Optical Fiber Technology and Optics Communications. He teaches in HUST’s national excellent resource sharing class programs as well as fundamental and compulsory courses. He have conducted and is conducting about 20 research projects such as National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program), National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program) as project principal or main researcher.
Academic Degrees
PhD in Wireless Physics, 2004, Xidian University, Xi’an, China;
BA in Physical Electronics, 2002, Xidian University, Xi’an, China.
Professional Experience
At HUST since 2005. School of Optical and Electrical Information, Associate Professor (2011-present); School of Optical and Electrical Information, Lecturer (2005-2010);
Selected Publications
· Sheng Cui, Liu D, Yu S, et al. Downhill simplex algorithm based approach to holey fiber design for tunable fiber parametric wavelength converters[J]. Optics express, 2010, 18(10): 9831-9839.
· Sheng Cui, Deming Liu, Ying Wang et al.. Method for effectively utilizing tunable one pump fiber parametric wavelength converters as an enabling device for WDM routers. Optics Express,2009,17(3):1454-1465(SCI)
· Sheng Cui, Sun S, Li L, et al. All-optical highly sensitive chromatic dispersion monitoring method utilizing phase-matched four-wave mixing[J]. Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE, 2011, 23(22): 1724-1726. (SCI)
· Sheng Cui, Jinsong Liu, Xiaoming Ma. A novel efficient optimal design method for gain-flatterned multiwavelength pumped fiber Raman amplifier. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2004, 16(11):2451-2453 (SCI)
· Sun S, Sheng Cui, Ke C, et al. Improved all optical chromatic dispersion monitoring method for WDM systems. Optical Fiber Technology, 2013, 19(2): 115-120. (SCI)
· Sheng Cui, He S, Sun S, et al. Format transparent, wide range and independent dispersion monitoring method based on four-wave mixing[J]. Optics Communications, 2013, 309: 180-186.(SCI)
· Sun S, Sheng Cui, Li J, et al. Simultaneous chromatic dispersion monitoring, extinction ratio enhancement and wavelength conversion using four-wave mixing[J]. Optics Communications, 2012, 285(16): 3519-3523. (SCI)
· Sheng Cui, Sun S, Li L, et al. All-optical in-band optical signal-to-noise monitoring method based on degenerated four-wave mixing[J]. Optoelectronics, IET, 2012, 6(2): 107-109. (SCI)
· Sheng Cui, Deming Liu, Ying Wang et al.. Optimal design of tunable parametric wavelength converters based on degenerated four-wave mixing in optical fibers. Optical Engineering, 2009,48(2):025 (SCI)
· Sheng Cui, Xiaoming Ma, Jinsong Liu. Statistics of Gain Fluctuations in a bi-directionally pumped fiber Raman amplifier. Optical Engineering, 2004, 43(10): 2353-2357 (SCI)
Courses Taught
· Fiber-Optic Communications Systems
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