

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-25







武汉市洪山区珞喻路 华中科技大学船舶与海洋工程学院




1、 主持国家自然科学基金重点项目:面向振动控制的船舶大型进轴系智能安装理论与技术,编号:**,时间:2019.1-2023.12.
2、 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于不同模型和潜深差异的水下圆柱壳声振性能辨析研究,编号:**,时间:2016.1-2019.12.
3、 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目:有限浸深流场中圆柱壳结构的声振模型及特性研究,编号:**,时间:2014.1-2017.12.
4、 主持高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金项目:潜浮状态圆柱壳结构的声振耦合机理研究,编号:051,时间:2013.1-2015.12.
5、 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目:水下流场-圆柱壳耦合系统的振动能量流特性研究,编号:**,时间:2010.1-2012.12.
6、 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于振动能量流分析的损伤结构波动特性与损伤识别,编号:**,时间:2004.1-2006.12.
7、 主持国家自然科学基金青年项目:埋地供水管漏损的声信号特征及检漏定位装置,编号:**,时间:2001.1-2003.12.
8、 主持武汉市、湖北省自然科学基金项目及国家重点实验室开放基金项目;主持原总装基金项目;主持多项“九五”“十五”“十一五”“十二五”“十三五”纵向项目;主持及参加多项研究所、企业的应用研究、产品项目。

1、 李天匀, 李威, 朱翔, 李家盛, 船体结构振动与声学基础, 华中科技大学出版社, 2020.
2、 朱翔, 李天匀, 赵耀, 裂纹损伤结构的振动能量流特性与损伤识别, 华中科技大学出版社, 2017.
3、 X.Zhu, T.Y.Li, Y.Zhao, J.X.Liu, Research on the Cracked Plate’s Structure-borne Intensity Fields Using Solid Finite Elements, in New Research on Acoustics, edited by Benjamin N. Weiss, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2008.
4、 国家发明专利,一种水润滑橡胶艉轴承及其设计方法,专利号9.6(排名第1).
5、 国家发明专利,一种采用自动调心轴承的轴系实验台架,专利号1.5(排名第1).
6、 国家发明专利,船用推力轴承共振转换器,专利号CN5.1(排名第2).
7、 国家发明专利,推力轴承共振转换器的柱塞位置监控系统,专利号9.X(排名第3).
8、 国家发明专利,船舶推进轴系纵向振动模拟试验台,专利号CN6.3(排名第3).
9、 国家发明专利,滑动推力轴承推力负荷的测量装置、方法及其应用,专利号1.8(排名第4).
1、 Yida Mao, C.W. Lim, Tianyun Li, Xiang Zhu, Thermo-magnetic induced monodirectional periodic acoustic emission from free-standing nano-thin film, Journal of Sound and Vibration ,2021, 490: 115569.
2、 Wenjie Guo, Qingsong Feng, Tianyun Li, Xiang Zhu, Yuyue Miao, A new solution for vibroacoustic analysis of two-dimensional cylindrical shells partially liquid-filled or partially submerged in fluid, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2020, 140: 106685.
3、 李天匀, 李维嘉, 朱翔, 孙江龙, 向先波, 研究型大学构建省级实习实训基地的实践研究, 大学教育, 2019(10): 30-33.
4、 潘露燕, 朱翔, 李天匀, 韩越洋, 梁孝天, 考虑晃动效应时充液圆柱壳的振动特性, 中国舰船研究, 2019, 14(S1): 126-133.
5、 Yida Mao, C.W. Lim, Tianyun Li, Thermo-acoustic radiation of free-standing nano-thin ?lm in viscous ?uids, International Journal of Engineering Science, 2019, 139: 11–23.
6、 Yida Mao, C. W. Lim, Tianyun Li, Multi-field coupling thermo-acoustic radiation using free-standing nano-thin films in a static magnetic field, Journal of Thermal Stresses, 2019, 42(6): 769–786.
7、 W.J.Guo,T.Y.Li,X.Zhu1,Y.Y.Miao, Acoustic Analysis of a Finite Cylindrical Shell in an Acoustic Half?Space Based on Fourier Transform Technique, Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, 2019, 7: 611–627.
8、 Yongou Zhang, Stefan G. Llewellyn Smith, Tao Zhang, Tianyun Li, A Lagrangian approach for computational acoustics with particle-based method, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2019, 108: 459-471.
9、 张冠军, 朱翔, 李天匀, 翁章卓, 双层加筋板水下声振耦合特性研究, 船舶力学, 2019, 23(1): 78-87.
10、张帅, 李天匀, 郭文杰, 朱翔等, 水下环肋圆锥壳临界压力—频率特性分析, 中国舰船研究, 2019, 14(2): 77-82.
11、许学强, 李天匀, 张旭, 朱翔, 基于不同规范的双臂艉轴架轻量化分析, 中国舰船研究, 2019, 14(4): 67-73.
12、王鹏, 李天匀, 朱翔, 声介质对有限潜深圆柱壳自振特性的影响机理分析, 中国造船, 2019, 60(3): 35-45.
13、余桐泉, 李天匀, 刘圣超, 朱翔, 水下航行体推进轴系多状态下的变形特征分析, 中国舰船研究, 2019, 14(5): 64-69.
14、张俊, 李天匀, 朱翔, 郭文杰, 基于改进Rayleigh-Ritz法的复杂形状平面薄板自振特性分析, 振动与冲击, 2019, 38(19): 45-51.
15、Wenjie Guo, Tianyun Li, Xiang Zhu, Yuyue Miao, Sound-structure interaction analysis of an infinite-long cylindrical shell submerged in a quarter water domain and subject to a line-distributed harmonic excitation, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2018, 422, 48-61.
16、Wang Peng,Li Tianyun, Zhu Xiang, GuoWenjie,Nie Rui. An analytical solution for free flexural vibration of a thin cylindrical shell submerged in acoustic half-space bounded by a free surface. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics,2018, 18, **.
17、Han Y, Zhu X, Li T, et al., Free vibration and elastic critical load of functionally graded material thin cylindrical shells under internal pressure, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2018.18, **.
18、郭文杰, 李天匀, 朱翔, 屈凯旸, 部分浸没圆柱壳声固耦合计算的半解析法研究, 物理学报, 2018, 67, 084302.
19、张俊,李天匀,朱翔,等. 中心典型形状开口的矩形薄板自由振动特性分析[J]. 中国舰船研究, 2018, 13(02): 76-83.
20、Li Tianyun, Wang Peng,Zhu Xiang, Yang Jian,Ye Wenbing. Prediction of Far-field Sound pressure of a Semi-submerged Cylindrical Shell with Low-frequency Excitation. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 2017, 139, 041002.
21、Wenjie Guo, Tianyun Li, Xiang Zhu, Far-field acoustic radiation and vibration of a submerged finite cylindrical shell below the free surface based on energy functional variation principle and stationary phase method. Noise Control Engineering Journal, 2017, 65, 565-576.
22、Wang Peng,Li Tianyun, Zhu Xiang. Free Flexural Vibration of a Cylindrical Shell Horizontally Immersed in Shallow Water Using the Wave Propagation Approach. Ocean Engineering, 2017, 142, 280-291.
23、郭文杰, 李天匀, 朱翔, 散射对近水面有限长圆柱壳自振特性影响. 振动工程学报, 2017, 30, 730-737.
24、G.J. Zhang, T.Y. Li, X. Zhu, J. Yang, Y.Y. Miao, Free and forced vibration characteristics of submerged finite elliptic cylindrical shell, Ocean Engineering, 2017, 129, 92–106.
25、Wenjie Guo, Tianyun Li, Xiang Zhu, Yuyue Miao, Guanjun Zhang, Vibration and acoustic radiation of a finite cylindrical shell submerged at finite depth from the free surface, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2017, 393, 338–352.
26、李天匀, 王鹏, 朱翔, 牛清勇, 声吸收边界附近圆柱壳自振特性分析, 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2017, 42, 1-6.
27、王鹏, 李天匀, 朱翔, 郭文杰, 近水面状态有限长圆柱壳受迫振动的输入功率流和声辐射特性, 振动工程学报, 2017, 30, 596-602.
28、王鹏, 李天匀, 朱翔, 张冠军, 缪宇跃, 浅水域中圆柱壳固有振动特性分析, 中国造船, 2016, 57, 72-82.
29、Zhang Yongou, Zhang Tao, Ouyang Huajiang, Li Tianyun. Efficient SPH simulation of time domain acoustic wave propagation. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2016, 62: 112-122.
30、Yingbin Chai, Wei Li, Tianyun Li, Zhixiong Gong, Xiangyu You, Analysis of underwater acoustic scattering problems using stable node-based smoothed finite element method, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2016, 72, 27–41.
31、Wei Li, Xiangyu You, Yingbin Chai, Tianyun Li, Edge-Bas ed Smoothed Three-Node Mindlin Plate Element, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 2016, 142, **-(1-20).
32、Y.B. Chai, W. Li, Z.X. Gong, T.Y. Li, Hybrid smoothed finite element method for two dimensional acoustic radiation problems, Applied Acoustics, 2016, 103, 90-101.
33、Yingbin Chai, Wei Li, Zhixiong Gong, Tianyun Li, Hybrid smoothedfi nite element method for two-dimensional underwater acoustic scattering problems, Ocean Engineering, 2016, 116, 129 – 141.
34、王露, 李天匀, 朱翔, 郭文杰, 浸没边界格子Boltzmann 方法的改进及转动圆柱绕流模拟, 中国舰船研究, 2016, 11(6), 97-103.
35、王鹏, 李天匀, 朱翔, 杨国栋, 近水面状态有限长圆柱壳振动特性分析, 振动工程学报, 2016, 29(5), 774-778.
36、缪宇跃, 李天匀, 朱翔, 郭文杰, 改进型声学边界元级数多频算法, 声学学报, 2016, 41(4), 485-493.
37、MIAO Yuyue, LI Tianyun, ZHU Xiang, GUO Wenjie, An improved series expansion method on the multi-frequency analysis of acoustic boundary element, Chinese Journal of Acoustics, 2016, 35(3), 241-254.
38、杨国栋, 李天匀, 朱翔, 郭文杰, 浸没圆柱壳低频自振频率计算中流固与声固耦合模型统一性分析, 中国舰船研究, 2016, 11(4), 87-92.
39、Li T Y, Zhang G J, Zhu X, et al. The prediction of the elastic critical load of submerged eccentric cylindrical shell based on vibro-acoustic model. Ocean Engineering, 2015, 108: 471-479.
40、H.S. Chen, T.Y. Li, X. Zhu, J. Yang, X.M. Zhu. The Analysis of Dispersion Characteristics of an Infinite Cylindrical Shell Submerged in Viscous Fluids Considering Hydrostatic Pressure. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 2015, 137, 021018(1-14).
41、李天匀, 郭文杰, 朱翔, 陈忱, 水下圆锥壳临界载荷 频率特性分析, 哈尔滨工程大学学报, 2015, 36(6), 746-749.
42、牛清勇, 李天匀, 朱翔, 朱显明, 水下气动发射装置发射性能参数灵敏度分析, 哈尔滨工程大学学报, 2015, 36(7), 877-881.
43、T.Y.Li, Y.Y.Miao, W.B.Ye, X.Zhu, X.M.Zhu, Far field sound radiation of a submerged cylindrical shell at finite depth from the free surface, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2014, 136, 1054-1064.
44、T.Y.Li, L.Xiong, X.Zhu, Y.P.Xiong, G.J.Zhang The prediction of the elastic critical load of submerged elliptical cylindrical shell based on the vibro-acoustic model, Thin-Walled Structures, 2014, 84, 255–262.
45、Jiayi Liu, Xiang Zhu, Tianyun Li, Zhengong Zhou, Linzhi Wu, Li Ma, Experimental study on the low velocity impact responses of all-composite pyramidal truss core sandwich panel after high temperature exposure, Composite Structures, 2014, 116, 670–681.
46、Y.O.Zhang, T.Zhang, H.Ouyang, T.Y.Li, Flow-induced noise analysis for 3D trash rack based on LES/Lighthill hybrid method, Applied Acoustics, 2014, 79, 141-152.
47、H.S.Chen, T.Y.Li, X.Zhu, X.M.Zhu, Analysis of natural frequency of free damping composite cylindrical shell submerged in viscous fluids, Materials Research Innovations, 2014, 18(S2), 971-977.
48、陈忱, 李天匀, 朱翔, 陈浩森, 水下环肋圆柱壳弹性失稳临界载荷无损预报方法, 海洋工程, 2014, 32(4), 89-95.
49、X. Zhu, W.B.Ye, T.Y. Li, C. Chen, The elastic critical pressure prediction of submerged cylindrical shell using wave propagation method, Ocean Engineering, 2013, 58, 22-26.
50、Wenjie Guo, Tianyun Li, Xiang Zhu, Xianming Zhu, Vibrational Frequencies Calculation of Fluid Conveying Pipes Based on Fluid-Structure Coupling and Acoustic- Structure Coupling Models, Applied Mechanics and Materials , 2014, 574, 41-47.
51、Tianyun Li, Xu Wang, Xiang Zhu, Quanzhou Jin, Active control of input power flow to the cylindrical shells based on piezoelectric actuator, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2013, 321-324, 1730-1743.
52、L.Xiong, T.Y.Li, X.Zhu, X.M.Zhu, Free vibration analysis of fluid-filled elliptical cylindrical shells, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2013, 437, 102-109.
53、Tianyun Li, Xu Wang, Xiang Zhu, Quanzhou Jin, Active control of input power flow to the cylindrical shells based on piezoelectric actuator, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2013, 321-324, 1730-1743.
54、张俊杰, 李天匀, 刘志忠, 流场中板和圆柱壳传递函数相关性研究, 船舶力学, 2013,17(5), 530-538.
55、王鹏,李天匀, 朱翔, 潘国雄, 隔振系统中垫片表面工艺质量与法向接触刚度的关系, 中国舰船研究, 2013, 8(4), 59-63.
56、X. Zhu, W.B.Ye, T.Y. Li, C. Chen, The elastic critical pressure prediction of submerged cylindrical shell using wave propagation method, Ocean Engineering, 2013, 58(1), 22-26.
57、YE Wen-bing, LI Tian-yun, ZHU Xiang, CHEN Chen, Acoustic Radiation of Cylindrical Shells Submerged in the Fluid in Presence of the Seabed or Dock, Journal of Ship Mechanics, 2013, 17(3), 313-325.
58、李天匀, 江丰, 叶文兵, 朱翔, 有限浸没深度无限长圆柱壳辐射声场波动特性研究, 中国舰船研究, 2013, 8(1), 73-79.
59、陈忱, 李天匀, 朱翔, 叶文兵, 基于波传播法的水下圆柱壳临界载荷-频率特性分析, 中国造船, 2012, 53(1), 130-136.
60、Wenbing Ye, Tianyun Li, Xiang Zhu, The Vibro-acoustic Characteristics of the Cylindrical Shell Partially Submerged in the Fluid, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2012, 170-173, 2303-2311.
61、Junjie Zhang, Chunhui Yuan, Xianming Zhu, Tianyun Li, A General Method to Study the Sound Radiation of a Finite Cylindrical Shell Based on Elastic Theory, Journal of Marine Science and Application, 2012, 11, 258-264.
62、李善德, 黄其柏, 李天匀, 新的对角形式快速多级边界元法求解声学Helmholtz方程, 物理学报, 2012, 61(6), 064301(1-8).
63、张维, 李天匀, 赵耀, 李良伟, 朱翔, 陆坡, 基于液压阻尼减振器的轴系纵振控制研究, 中国造船, 2012, 53(1), 18-27(被评为2012年度中国造船工程学会优秀学术论文).
64、李天匀, 刘鹏飞, 朱翔, 王仙, 船用环氧树脂垫片的浇注成型及相关力学性能研究, 中国舰船研究, 2012, 7(1), 100-104.
65、熊路, 李天匀, 朱翔, 几何制造误差对圆柱壳声辐射影响的数值仿真分析, 船海工程2011, 40(6), 73-76.
66、彭华康, 李天匀, 朱翔, 湍流脉动压力下椭球声呐腔水动力自噪声分析, 中国舰船研究, 2011, 6(4), 37-42.
67、Xiang Zhu, Gongyu Xiao, Tianyun Li, Vibrational power flow analysis of stiffened plate and shell structures, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2011, 66-68, 1897-1901.
68、Liu Zhi-zhong, Li Tian-yun, Zhu Xiang, Effect of hydrostatic pressure on input power flow in submerged ring-stiffened cylindrical shells, Journal of Ship Mechanics, 2011, 15(3), 301-312.
69、Jun-jie Zhang, Tian-yun Li, Wen-bing Ye, Acoustic radiation of damped cylindrical shell with arbitrary thickness in the fluid field, Journal of Marine Science and Application, 2010, 9(4), 431-438.
70、Jin Quan-zhou, Li Tian-yun, Zhao Yao, Active control of input power flow to the cylindrical shells, Journal of Ship Mechanics, 2010, 14(9), 1039-1051.
71、Zhi-zhong Liu, Tian-yun Li, Xiang Zhu, The effect of hydrostatic pressure fields on the dispersion characteristics of fluid-shell coupled system, Journal of Marine Science and Application, 2010, (2), 129-136.
72、Li T.Y., Zhu X., Zhao Y., Hu X.F., The wave propagation and vibrational energy ?ow characteristics of a plate with a part-through surface crack, International Journal of Engineering Science, 2009, 47, 1025–1037.
73、金全洲, 李天匀, 赵耀, 严谨, 圆柱壳结构振动功率流和主动力幅值的控制研究, 船舶力学, 2009, 13(2), 305-312.
74、朱翔, 李天匀, 赵耀, 刘敬喜, 基于有限元的损伤结构功率流可视化研究, 机械工程学报, 2009, 45(2), 132-137.
75、J.Yan, F.Ch.Li. T.Y.Li. Vibrational power flow analysis of a submerged viscoelastic cylindrical shell with wave propagation approach, Journal of Sound and Vibration,2007,303(1-2),264-276.
76、X. Zhu, T.Y. Li, Y. Zhao, J. Yan, Vibrational power flow analysis of thin cylindrical shell with a circumferential surface crack, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2007, 302(1-1), 332-349.
77、朱翔,李天匀,赵耀,刘敬喜,含表面裂纹板的振动功率流特性研究,工程力学, 2007, 24(2), 62-67.
78、朱翔,李天匀,赵耀,刘敬喜,含环向表面裂纹圆柱壳的波传播特性研究,力学学报, 2007, 39(1), 119-124.
79、李天匀, 朱翔,赵耀,严谨,含环向表面裂纹管道的功率流特性与裂纹识别,海洋工程, 2007, 25(1), 57-63.
80、J. Yan, T.Y. Li, J.X. Liu, X. Zhu, Space harmonic analysis of sound radiation from a submerged periodic ring-stiffened cylindrical shell, Applied Acoustics 2006, 67(8), 743–755.
81、J.Yan, T.Y.Li, T.G.Liu and J.X.Liu, Characteristics of the vibrational power flow propagation in a submerged periodic ring-stiffened cylindrical shell, Applied Acoustics, 2006, 67(6), 550-569.
82、X. Zhu, T.Y. Li, Y. Zhao, J.X. Liu, Structural power flow analysis of Timoshenko beam with an open crack, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2006, 297(1-2), 215-226.
83、朱翔,李天匀,魏强,船舶辅机舱振动与声辐射的计算与试验研究,华中科技大学学报, 2005,33(10), 19-21.
86、苗兰森, 李天匀, 赵耀等, 深潜器大开口球形耐压操纵舱结构模型的力学性能, 海洋技术, 2005, 24(2), 20-24.
87、J.X.Liu, T.Y.Li, T.G.Liu and J.Yan, Vibration characteristic analysis of buried pipes using the wave propagation approach, Applied Acoustics, 2005, 66(3), 353-364.
89、T.Y.Li, J.X.Liu and T.Zhang, Vibrational power flow characteristics of circular plate structures with peripheral surface crack, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2004,276(3~5),1081-1091.
90、T.Y.Li, T.Zhang, J.X.Liu and W.H.Zhang, Vibrational wave analysis of infinite damaged beams using structural-borne power flow, Applied Acoustics, 2004, 65(1), 91-100.
91、李天匀,刘敬喜、周健,基于格林函数的无障板结构的声辐射分析,华中科技大学学报,2003, 31(4), 99-101.
92、T.Y.Li, W.H.Zhang, T.G.Liu, Vibrational power flow analysis of damaged beam structures, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2001,242(1),59-68.
93、李天匀, 刘土光, 施其等, 振动功率流方法诊断梁的损伤, 振动工程学报, 2000, 13(4), 638-643.
94、李天匀,刘理, 刘土光, 圆板结构周向表面裂纹识别的振动功率流方法, 海洋工程, 2000, 18(2), 68-73.
95、李天匀, 刘理, 刘土光, 结构噪声源识别的能量流分析方法, 机械工程学报, 1999, 35(3), 29-33.
96、T.Y.Li, X.M.Zhang, Y.T.Zuo,etc.,Structural power flow analysis for a floating raft isolation system consisting of constrained damped beam, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 1997, 202(1), 47-54.
97、李天匀, 维衡, 张小铭, L形加筋板结构的导纳功率流研究, 振动工程学报, 1997, 10(1), 112-117.
98、李天匀, 张维衡, 张小铭, 有不连续材料层的组合板结构振动功率流研究, 声学学报, 1997, 22(3), 274-281.
99、李天匀, 郑衍双, 均匀外压下非完善球壳的非线性稳定分析, 华中理工大学学报, 1997, 25(11), 89-93.
100、李天匀,熊伟,王平,郑衍双,结构不破坏实验的灰色预测方法,华中理工大学学报, 1995, 23(5), 75-78.

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5、 获华中科技大学优秀党员称号
6、 华中科技大学教学质量一等奖
7、 华中科技大学师德先进个人
8、 获华中科技大学三育人奖
9、 华中科技大学研究生优秀指导教师

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