

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-25

张世顺教授 博士生导师

SCI期刊《Advances in Structural Engineering》副主编
SCI期刊《ASCE-Journal of Composites for Construction》编委


博士学位 (2012), 结构工程,香港理工大学
硕士学位 (2005), 结构工程, 华中科技大学
学士学位 (2003), 土木工程, 华中科技大学
辅修学位 (2005), 计算机科学与技术, 华中科技大学

2018/05 ~ 现在, 华中科技大学,教授
2014/08 ~ 2018/05, 澳大利亚伍伦贡大学,讲师
2012/05 ~ 2014/07, 香港理工大学,博士后
2009/11 ~ 2012/04, 香港理工大学,副研究员(Research Associate)
2006/02 ~ 2006/09, 香港理工大学,研究助理(Research Assistant)

2016/12 ~ 2017/01, 香港理工大学, 访问助理教授(Visiting Assistant Professor)
2013/01 ~ 2014/07, 香港理工大学, 研究员(Research Fellow)

张世顺,国家级青年人才计划入选者,华中科技大学土木与水利工程学院教授,博士生导师;SCI期刊《Advances in Structural Engineering》副主编(Associate Editor),美国土木工程师学会SCI期刊《ASCE-Journal of Composites for Construction》编委。在高性能纤维增强复合材料(简称FRP)加固混凝土结构、混凝土结构和钢筋-混凝土界面的本构模型、以及基于FRP的新型组合结构等方面进行了深入的研究,尤其是机理、本构和强度模型方面的研究,解决了这些研究领域的多个具有较大挑战的科学难题。相关研究成果被国家标准《纤维增强复合材料建设工程应用技术规范-GB50608》(修订版)以及即将定稿的香港《纤维增强复合材料加固混凝土结构技术指南》采用。作为主研究者(Chief-Investigator)/联合研究者(Co-Investigator),主持/参与了国家自然科学基金委、澳大利亚研究委员会和香港研究资助局等资助的多项科研项目。目前担任国际复材结构中心(International Centre for Composites in Infrastructure,ICCI)秘书长、国际土木工程复材结构学会(International Institute for FRP in Construction,IIFC)执行委员会委员、以及中国建筑学会建筑结构分会理事;同时也是全国土木工程新材料及新型结构会议学术委员会委员、中国建筑学会新材料及新型结构专业委员会委员、中国城市科学研究会可持续土木工程专业委员会委员等;曾担任国际学术会议主席、联合主席,并多次担任国际学术会议组委会成员以及分会场主席;担任国家自然科学基金委以及澳大利亚研究委员会通讯评审专家。


Prof. Shi-Shun ZHANG (B.Eng, M.Eng, Ph.D)
Associate Editor, Advances in Structural Engineering

Editorial Board Member, ASCE-Journal of Composites for Construction
Email: shishun@hust.edu.cn

Ph.D (2012), Structural Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong. (“FCE Award for Outstanding PhD Theses”, 2012)
M.Eng (2005), Structural Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
B.Eng (2003), Structural Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
Minor B.Eng (2005), Computer Science and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

Professor of Civil Engineering (May 2018 ~ Present)
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China.
Awarded the “Thousand Talents Plan (Young Professional)” of China.
Lecturer in Structural Engineering (Aug. 2014 ~ May. 2018)
The University of Wollongong, Australia
Post-doctoral Fellow (May 2012 ~ Jul. 2014)
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China
Research Associate (Nov. 2009 ~ Apr. 2012)
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China
Research Assistant (Feb. 2006 ~ Sep. 2006)
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China

Visiting Assistant Professor (Dec. 2016 ~ Jan. 2017)
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China
Part-time Research Fellow (Jan. 2013 ~ Jul. 2014)
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China

Main research areas: FRP-strengthened concrete structures, novel hybrid FRP structural members, nonlinear finite element analysis of structures, fibre-optic sensing systems for civil structures, seismic retrofit of RC frames
Grants: Chief investigator or co-investigator of research grants with a total amount of over RMB $ 8 million (according to the exchange rate on May 26, 2018); one of the main contributors of 2 research grants from RGC Hong Kong and 1 research grant from National Natural Science Foundation of China; one of the main contributors of 2 consultancy projects
Research output:Part of my research outputs have been adopted by the draft Hong Kong design guideline Guide for the Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Structures using FRP Composites and the Chinese national standard Technical Code for Infrastructure Application of FRP Composites(in revision)

Awardee, “Thousand Talents Plan (Young Professional)” of China, February 08, 2018.
Best Paper Award, 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on FRP in Structures (APFIS), 19-21 July 2017, Singapore.
FCE Outstanding PhD Theses Awards, Faculty of Construction and Environment, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, 2012 (the only prize-winner in Structural Engineering in 2012)

A. Design Code/Guideline Development
One of the main contributors, Chinese national standard Technical Code for Infrastructure Application of FRP Composites
One of the main contributors, Hong Kong draft design guideline Guide for the Strengthening of Concrete Structures using FRP Composites
B. Organization of Conferences
Co-Chair of Organizing Committee, International Symposium for Emerging Researchers in Composites for Construction, 10-11 July 2017, Wollongong, Australia.
Member of Organizing Committee, 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on FRP in Structures (APFIS), 19-21 July 2017, Singapore.
Member of Organizing Committee, 8th International Conference on Fibre-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE 2016, 14-16 December 2016, Hong Kong)
Member of Organizing Committee, Annual International Summer School on Composites in Infrastructure, Wollongong, Australia.
Secretary-general and Member of Organizing Committee, 8th and 9th National Conference on FRP in Construction, China
C. Session Organization/Chairmanship
Organizer and Chair, mini-symposium on Near-surface mounted (NSM) Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) Technique for Structural Strengthening at the 8th International Conference on Fibre-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE 2016, 14-16 December 2016, Hong Kong)
Co-organizer and Chair, mini-symposium on Infrastructure Application of FRP Composites at the 24th Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials (ACMSM24, 6-9 December 2016, Perth, Australia)
Co-Chair, mini-symposium on Applications of Sustainable Composites in Civil Infrastructure at the Second International Conference on Performance-based and Life-cycle Structural Engineering (PLSE 2015, 9–11 December 2015, Brisbane, Australia)
D. Membership and Other Services
Secretary, International Centre for Composites in Infrastructure (ICCI)
Member, International Institute of FRP for Construction (IIFC)
Member of the Specialty Committee on Emerging Structural Materials and Systems, Architectural Society of China
One of the lecturers of the 1st International Summer School on Composites in Infrastructure (http://www.compositesaustralia.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/ISSCI-Composites-in-Infrastructure-2016-web.pdf), Wollongong, Australia
One of the main developers, the software package “Composite Strengthening Designer for the strengthening design of concrete structures using FRP composites
Reviewer for a large number of SCI-indexed international journals

过去510篇代表作 (Ten Selected Journal Publications in The Past Five Years)
Nie, X.F., Zhang, S.S.*, Teng, J.G. and Chen, G.M. (2018). “Experimental study on RC T-section beams with an FRP-strengthened web opening”, Composite Structures, 185, 273-285. (IF=3.858, JCR Q1 Journal) (*Corresponding author)
Zhang, S.S.* and Yu, T. (2017). “Effect of groove spacing on bond strength of near-surface mounted (NSM) bonded joints with multiple FRP strips”, Construction and Building Materials, 155, 103-113. (IF=3.169; JCR Q1 Journal) (*Corresponding author)
Zhang, S.S., Yu, T. and Chen, G.M. (2017). “Reinforced concrete beams strengthened in flexure with near-surface mounted (NSM) CFRP strips: current status and research needs”, Composites Part B: Engineering, 131, 30-42. (IF=4.727; JCR Q1 Journal)
Zhang, S.S.* and Yu, T. (2017). “Fibre-reinforced polymer strengthening and fibre Bragg grating–based monitoring of reinforced concrete cantilever slabs with insufficient anchorage length of steel bars.” Advances in Structural Engineering, 20(11):1684–1698. (*Corresponding author)
Zhang, S.S. and Yu T. (2016). “Analytical solution for interaction forces in beams strengthened with near-surface mounted round bars”, Construction and Building Materials, 106, 189-197. (IF=3.169; JCR Q1 Journal)
Zhang, S.S. and Teng, J.G. (2016). “End cover separation in RC beams strengthened in flexure with bonded FRP reinforcement: simplified finite element approach”, Materials and Structures, 49 (6), 2223-2236. (IF=2.607; JCR Q1 Journal)
Zhang, S.S., Teng, J.G., and Yu, T. (2014). “Bond strength model for CFRP strips near-surface mounted to concrete.” Journal of Composites for Construction, ASCE, 18(3), Article Number: A**. (IF=2.648; JCR Q1 Journal)
Zhang, S.S. and Teng, J.G. (2014). “Finite element analysis of end cover separation in RC beams strengthened in flexure with FRP”, Engineering Structures, 75, 550-560. (IF=2.258; JCR Q1 Journal)
Zhang, S.S., Teng, J.G., Yu, T. (2013). “Bond-slip model for CFRP strips near-surface mounted to concrete.” Engineering Structures, 56, 945–953. (IF=2.258; JCR Q1 Journal)
Zhang, S.S. and Teng, J.G. (2013). “Interaction forces in RC beams strengthened with near-Surface mounted rectangular Bars.” Composites Part B: Engineering, 45(1), 697-709. (IF=4.727; JCR Q1 Journal)

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