本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-25
Lingyun You, Ph.D., A.M. ASCE
Associate Professor
School of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, 430074, China
E-mail: lingyunyou@hust.edu.cn
游凌云,博士(Ph.D.),男,华中科技大学土木与水利工程学院副教授。游凌云博士于2019年美国密西根理工大学土木与环境工程系取得哲学博士学位(土木工程)。2019.12 – 2020.08在美国密西根理工大学土木与环境工程系担任博士后研究员,主要从事新型可持续路面材料、力学及其参数反演方面的研究。
近5年已共同主持(Co-PI)或骨干参与美国国家自然科学基金委(NSF)、国家自然科学基金委(NSFC)、密歇根州环境厅(EGLE)等科研项目6项;发表SCI检索论文61篇,总影响因子(IF)超过200,第一或通讯作者SCI检索论文27篇,其中ESI高被引论文1篇,中科院一区论文11篇,TOP论文15篇;Google Scholar论文总引用616次,h-指数14,i-10指数22。
Biography: Dr. Lingyun You earned his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, with an emphasis on Transportation Materials, from Michigan Technological University (MTU), United States, in 2019. He continued working at MTU as a research associate before joining the School of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China. Dr. You have served as a principal researcher in the research projects from MnDOT and NSF, and they earned a positive evaluation from the funding agencies. He also prepares to work as the co-principal investigator (Co-PI) in some research projects from MTU, MnDOT, and EGLE - State of Michigan; meanwhile, Dr. You have over seven years of research experience in civil engineering. And his research interests focus on sustainable pavement materials and mechanics, as well as its parameter inversion technologies (ANN, SVM, GEP, et al.). There are over fifty peer-reviewed journal papers and conference proceedings have been published on the topics, which can be found at
1)土木工程材料领域国际期刊 ASTM International - Advances in Civil Engineering Materials 执行编委;
2)交通运输工程领域国际期刊 Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition) 青年编委;
3)美国土木工程师协会 (ASCE) 会员;
4)美国机械工程师协会 (ASME) 会员;
5)国际华人基础设施协会 (IACIP) 会员;
6)ASCE 沥青材料与结构委员会 (BMC) 委员;
7)IJSS, JCLP, CBM, JMCE, IJOG, PSSP 等20余个 SCI 期刊技术/特约评审人
Ten major journal papers as of Fall 2020
1)You, L., Man, J., Yan, K., Wang, D. and Li, H., 2020. Combined Fourier-wavelet transforms for studying the dynamic response of anisotropic multi-layered flexible pavement with linear-gradual interlayers. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 81, pp.559-581.
2)You, L., Spyriouni, T., Dai, Q., You, Z., 2020. Experimental and molecular dynamics simulation study on thermal, transport, and rheological properties of asphalt. Construction and Building Materials, pp.120358.
3)You, L., Jin, D., Guo, S., Wang, J., Dai, Q., You, Z., 2020. Leaching evaluation and performance assessments of asphalt mixtures with recycled cathode ray tube glass: A preliminary study. Journal of Cleaner Production, pp.123716.
4)You, L., Dai, Q., You, Z., Zhou, X., and Washko, S., 2020. Stability and rheology of asphalt-emulsion under varying acidic and alkaline levels. Journal of Cleaner Production, 256, pp.120417.
5)You, L., Yan, K., Shi, T., Man, J. and Liu, N., 2019. Analytical solution for the effect of anisotropic layers/interlayers on an elastic multi-layered medium subjected to moving load. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 172-173, pp.10-20.
6)You, L., You, Z. and Yan, K., 2019. Effect of anisotropic characteristics on the mechanical behavior of asphalt concrete overlay. Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, 13(1), pp.110-122. (Highly Cited Paper of Web of Science)
7)You, L., Jin, D., You, Z., Dai, Q., Xie, X., Washko, S, and Cepeda, S., 2019. Laboratory shear bond test for chip-seal under varying environmental and material conditions. International Journal of Pavement Engineering. pp.1-9.
8)You, L., You, Z., Dai, Q., Guo, S., Wang, J. and Schultz, M., 2018. Characteristics of water-foamed asphalt mixture under multiple freeze-thaw cycles: Laboratory evaluation. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 30(11), pp.**.
9)You, L., Yan, K., Hu, Y., Liu, J. and Ge, D., 2018. Spectral element method for dynamic response of transversely isotropic asphalt pavement under impact load. Road Materials and Pavement Design, 19(1), pp.223-238.
10)You, L., Yan, K., Hu, Y. and Zollinger, D.G., 2016. Spectral element solution for transversely isotropic elastic multi-layered structures subjected to axisymmetric loading. Computers and Geotechnics, 72, pp.67-73.
Updated at September 10, 2020
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