

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-25

姓 名: 徐学才
通信地址: 华中科技大学土木与水利工程学院
邮 编: 430074
电子邮件: xuecai_xu@hust.edu.cn
2013-2014 香港大学、高级研究助理
2006-2010 内华达大学(美国) 、博士学位
2001-2004 西南交通大学、硕士学位
1997-2001 西安理工大学、学士学位
研究方向 交通安全、智能交通、交通规划与管理、交通系统分析等
招生专业 硕士生专业:交通安全、智能交通、交通规划与管理、交通系统分析
1. 基于AM策略的城市道路系统规划关键理论与方法研究,中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(华中科技大学校基金), 主持,2015.1-2016.12 ;
2. 过饱和条件下交叉口群传播与疏散关键理论与方法研究,中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(华中科技大学校基金),主持,2013.1-2014.12 ;
3. 信号交叉口行人安全分析, 香港特别行政区研究基金/香港大学,合作,2013.6-2014.12;
4. 城市道路出入口管理技术的安全性影响评估,教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金,主持,2012.9 -2014.9;
5. 车道限制策略下高速公路交通安全评价,国家自然科学基金委员会青年科学基金,主研,2013.1-2015.12;
6. 基于车辆定位数据的公交集成调度研究,国家自然科学基金委员会面上项目,主研,2012.1-2015.12 ;
7. 基于出入口管理的城市干道安全性和动态性交互作用机理,中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(华中科技大学校基金),主持,2011.6-2012.12 ;
8. 城市快速路匝道机器毗邻交叉口协调优化控制理论及应用研究,厦门市公路局,主研,2012.8-2014.3;
9. 城市综合管廊养护管理关键技术研究,厦门公路局,主研,2012.8-2014.3;
10. 宁波市出租车智能服务平台,宁波市现代物流规划研究院, 主研,2012.9-2013.5
1. Xuecai Xu, S.C. Wong, Keechoo Choi. Quasiinduced Exposure Method for Pedestrian Safety at Signalized Intersections. Journal of Transportation Safety and Security, Jan. 2015. DOI: 10.1080/**.2014.**.
2. Xuecai Xu, Ahmad Kouhpanejade. Simultaneous Equation Tobit Analysis of Arterial Crash Rates. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Transport, 168(4), 346-355, 2015.
3. Xuecai Xu, S.C. Wong, Keechoo Choi. A Two-stage Bivariate Logistic-Tobit Model for the Safety Analysis of Signalized Intersections. Analytic Methods in Accident Research, Vo. 3-4, 1-10, 2014.
4. Xuecai Xu, HualiangTeng, Valerian Kwigizile, EnelikoMulokozi. Modeling SignalizedIntersection Safety with Corner Clearance. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 140(6), 2014.
5. Xuecai Xu, ?eljko?ari?, Ahmad Kouhpanejade. Freeway Incident Frequency Analysis Based on CART Method. Promet-Traffic & Transportation, 26(14), 191-199, 2014.
6. HualiangTeng, Xuecai Xu, VenkatesanMuthukumar, A. Reed Gibby. Test A Queue Detection System for Special Events in Nevada. Journal of Transportation Technologies, 2014, 4, 126-139.
7. Valerian Kwigizile, EnelikoMulokozi, Xuecai Xu, HualiangTeng, Caiwen Ma. Investigation of the Impact of Corner Clearance on Urban Intersection Crash Occurrence. Journal of Transportation and Statistics, 10(1), 35-48, 2014.
8. Weihua Liu, Xuecai Xu, Yanping Liu. Analysis on Relationship between Supplydemand Coordination and Performance of Logistics Service Supply Chain: An Empirical Study from China, Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 7(2), 251-262, 2014.
9. Weihua Liu, Chunling Liu, Xuecai Xu, Xing Bao. An order allocation model in multiperiod logistics service supply chain based on cumulative prospect theory and capacity matching constraint, International Journal of Production Research, 52(22), 6608-6626, 2014.
10. Zhiyun Zou, Jinlong Wu, Jianzhi Gao, Xuecai Xu. Cascade defense in urban road network by inserting modular topologies. Kybernetes, Vol. 43, No.5, 750-763, 2014.
11. Xuecai Xu, Valerian Kwigizile, HualiangTeng. Identifying Access Management Factors Associated with Safety of Urban Arterials Mid-blocks: A Panel Data Simultaneous Equation Models Approach. Traffic Injury Prevention, Vol.14, No.7, 734-742, 2013.
12. Xuecai Xu, Ahmad Kouhpanejade, ?eljko?ari?. Analysis of Influencing Factors Identification of Crash Rates Using Simultaneous Equation Tobit Model. Journal Promet-Traffic & Transportation, Vol.25, No.3, 217-224, 2013.
13. Xuecai Xu, Li Duan, Na Li. Exploratory Analysis of Corner Clearance on Safety at Signalized Intersections. IEEE-2012 International Conference on Electric Technology and Civil Engineering (ICETCE), May 18th-20th 2012, 2405-2408, Three Gorges, China, 2012.
14. Xuecai Xu, HualiangTeng, Valerian Kwigizile. Safety Impact of Access Management Techniques at Signalized Intersections. The 1st International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety (ICTIS), June 30th-July 2nd 2011, 403-416, Wuhan, China, 2011.
15. Weihua Liu, Xuecai Xu, Zhengxu Ren, Yan Peng. An Emergency Order Allocation Model Based on Multiprovider in TwoEchelon Logistics Service Supply Chain.Supply Chain Management: an International Journal, Vol.16, No.6, pp. 391-400, 2011.

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