本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-25
姓 名:张桢
职 称:教授 、博士生导师
1. 微观力学及材料结构疲劳断裂
2. 极端环境下材料与结构响应
3. 多尺度力学与实验表征
4. 系统识别与健康监测、结构的长期响应与安全预警
邮箱: z.zhang@hust.edu.cn
Professor Zhen Zhang (BEng, MEng, PhD)
Email: z.zhang@hust.edu.cn
Contact address:
School of Aerospace Engineering
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
Zhen graduated from Huazhong University of Science and Technology and Wuhan University of Technology, China, with BEng and MEng degrees, respectively. After obtaining PhD degree, from National University of Singapore, Dr Zhang worked as research associate and research fellow at Singapore, London and Bristol, respectively. Dr Zhang was appointed as full professor at the School of Civil Engineering and Mechanics in 2018 and at the School of Aerospace Engineering in 2020, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China. His research interests are in the areas of fracture and fatigue, micromechanics, multiscale experiment and characterization, materials and structures under extreme conditions, structural integrity and health monitoring.
Selected publications
[1] Zhang, Z. and Dunne, F. P. E. (2018). Phase morphology, variants and crystallography of alloy microstructures in cold dwell fatigue. International Journal of Fatigue, 113:324-334. [SJR ranking,Q1, Impact factor, 3.132.] (Elsevier Most Downloaded (Top25) papers)
[2] Zhang, Z., Lunt, D., Abdolvand, H., Preuss, M., Wilkinson, A. J. and Dunne, F. P. E. (2018). Quantitative investigation of micro slip and localization in polycrystalline materials under uniaxial tension. International Journal of Plasticity, 108: 88-106. [SJR ranking, Q1,Impact factor, 5.502.] (Elsevier Most Downloaded (Top25) papers)
[3] Zhang, Z. and Dunne, F. P. E. (2017). Microstructural heterogeneity in rate dependent plasticity of multiphase titanium alloys. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 103:199-220. [SJR ranking, Q1, Impact factor, 3.566.]
[4] Zhang, Z., Jun, T-S, Britton, T. B., Dunne, F. P. E. (2016). Intrinsic anisotropy of strain rate sensitivity in single crystal alpha titanium. Acta Materialia, 118:317-330. [SJR ranking, Q1, Impact factor, 7.293.]
[5] Zhang, Z., Jun, T-S, Britton, T. B., Dunne, F. P. E. (2016). Determination of Ti-6242 alpha and beta slip properties using micro-pillar test and computational crystal plasticity. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 95:393-410. [SJR ranking, Q1, Impact factor, 3.566.]
[6] Zhang, Z., Eakins, D., Dunne, F. P. E. (2015). On the formation of adiabatic shear bands in textured HCP polycrystals. International Journal of Plasticity, 79:196-216. [SJR ranking, Q1, Impact factor, 5.502.] (Elsevier Most Downloaded (Top25) papers)
[7] Zhang, Z., Cuddihy, M., Dunne, F. P. E. (2015). On rate-dependent polycrystal deformation: the temperature sensitivity of cold dwell fatigue. Proceedings of the Royal Society A- Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences, 471: **. [SJR ranking, Q1, Impact factor, 2.818.]
[8] Zhang, Z.,Wang, C. M. and Challamel, N. (2014). Eringen’s length scale coefficient for buckling of nonlocal rectangular plates from microstructured beam-grid model. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 51(25-26): 4307-4315. [SJR ranking, Q1, Impact factor,2.566.]
[9] Challamel, N., Zhang, Z., Wang, C. M., Reddy, J. N., Wang, Q., Michelitsch, T. and Collet,B. (2014). On nonconservativeness of Eringen’s nonlocal elasticity in beam mechanics: correction from a discrete-based approach. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 84(9-11):1275-1292. [SJR ranking, Q1, Impact factor, 1.467.]
[10] Zhang, Z., Wang, C. M., Challamel, N. and Elishakoff, I. (2014). Obtaining Eringen's length scale coefficient for vibrating nonlocal beams via continualization method. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 333(20): 4977-4990. [SJR ranking, Q1, Impact factor, 3.123.]
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