王小青,男,江苏南通人,号“三青将军”,华中科技大学教育科学研究院讲师,北京大学教育学博士(2019)、南京大学教育学硕士(2010)、兰州大学教育学学士(2007),北京大学“多元·本土·创新”教育学术沙龙发起人、联合创始人。兼任湖北省北京大学校友会副秘书长。Routledge出版社图书评审专家,Education Journal(TSSCI核心)、Journal of International Students(WoS ESCI, Scopus, Scimago Q2)期刊审稿人。研究兴趣:国际高等教育、高等教育影响力与学生发展、教育政策和质的研究方法研究。曾在南京航空航天大学先后从事学生辅导员、大学生职业生涯发展与规划课程教师、机关部门行政干事等工作(2010-2015),期间在江苏省教育厅社政处锻炼学习一年(2011-2012年),另外,南大研究生期间赴新疆伊犁师范大学支教半年负责心理学课程教学。
著有《中国大学生学习评估项目的影响机制》(2021或2022,独著,待版,华中科技大学出版社)、教育散文集《天山脚下的青鸟》(2017,独著, 南京大学出版社)、《乐享思辨——大学生网络引导工作理论与实践》(2015,第一副主编,南京大学出版社)。2010年以来在《比较教育研究》、《复旦教育论坛》、《江苏高教》、《学位与研究生教育》、《中国教育报》等重要期刊共发表20余篇论文,部分研究成果(含译作)被《中国社会科学文摘》、人大复印资料《高等教育》、中国社会科学网、中国教育新闻网等转载;至今10项研究成果获奖。参与或主持国家级、省部级、厅级和校级课题10余项,其中,个人分别主持1项厅级、3项校级和1项横向。曾获得北京大学优秀毕业生(2019)、博士研究生国家奖学金(2018)、北京大学学术类创新奖(2016、2017年),北京大学三好学生(2017、2018年)、全国高校教育学研究生学术论坛一等奖(2018年)、第八届首都高校教育学研究生学术论坛论文博士生组一等奖(2017年)、第二届全国高校高等教育学研究生学术论坛论文二等奖(2019年)、第七届清华大学教育研究院暨第二届清华大学未来教育论坛二等奖(2018年)、首都高校教育学研究生学术论坛论文二等奖(2016年)、中国高等教育学会教育评估分会年度优秀论文奖(2017年)、高等教育青年****论坛“十佳论文”奖(2018年)、北京大学教育学院优秀博士论文(2019年)等36项奖项,其中北大期间获得17项奖项。
English Edition of Personal Profile
Dr. Xiaoqing Wang is a Lecturer at School of Education, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST). He holds a Ph.D. of Education from Peking University (2019), a Master of Education from Nanjing University (2010), and a Bachelor of Education from Lanzhou University (2007). He is a Co-founder & the first rotating chairman of “Diversity, Local & Innovation” Education Academic Salon (DLIEAS) in Peking University, 2017-2018 (Four months). He also now is the deputy secretary of the Alumni Association of Peking University, Hubei Province. He is the book review expert at some world leading academic publisher like Routledge. He also serves as the reviewer of Education Journal (TSSCI) under the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and reviewer of Journal of International Students (WoS ESCI, Scopus, Scimago Q2) of the US. His research interests include International Higher Education, Higher Education’s Impact and Student Development, Educational Policy and Qualitative research methods. He once worked as a student counselor, a career development and career planning course teacher, and an administrative teacher of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (2010-2015). During 2011-2012, he also worked in the Education Department of Jiangsu Province. In addition, as a graduate student of NJU, he was chosen to Xinjiang Yili Normal University to teach psychology courses for half a year.
His monographs include “The Impact Mechanism of the Chinese College Student Learning Assessment Project” (2021 or 2022, Author, pending edition, Huazhong University of Science and Technology Press), a collection of educational essays "A Blue Bird at the Foot of the Tianshan Mountains" (2017) (author), “The Enjoyment of Thinking and Arguing: The theory and practice of college students’ network guidance work” (2015) (chief deputy editor) , both of which were published by Nanjing University Press. Since 2010, he has published more than 20 papers on important journals such as International and Comparative Education, Fudan Education Forum, Jiangsu Higher Education, Academic Degrees & Graduate Education and China Education Daily, and some of them have been reprinted by China Social Science Digest, National People’s University photocopy “Higher Education”, China Social Science Network, China Education News Web, etc. Until now ten researches have received academic awards. He has been a co-investigator or a principal investigator (PI) of more than 10 national, provincial, and school-level research projects. He personally presided an Education Department-level research projects, three school-level research projects and one horizontal research project. He has won 36 awards since 2004, such as Excellent Graduates of Peking University (2019), National Scholarship for Outstanding Students (2018), The innovation Award for Excellent Academic Work of Peking University (2016, 2017), Excellent Student Awards of Peking University (2017, 2018), The First-class Award of Doctoral students of the 8th Capital University Academic Forum for Graduate of Education (2017), The First-class Award of the National University Academic Forum for Graduate of Education (2018), The Second Award of the Second National University Higher Education Graduate Academic Forum (2019), the 7th Tsinghua University Education Research Institute and The Second Award of the 7th Institute of Education of Tsinghua University and the 2nd Tsinghua University Future Education Forum (2018), The Second Award of Capital University Academic Forum for Graduate of Education (2016), Outstanding Paper Award of 2017 Academic Annual Meeting of the Education Evaluation Branch of China Association of Higher Education (2017), “Top Ten Papers” Award for Higher Education Young Scholars Forum (2018), and Excellent Doctoral Thesis of Graduate School of Education of the Peking University (2019).
教学情况 《质的研究方法》(研究生课程,与蔺亚琼老师合上)、《高校学生事务管理理论与方法》(研究生课程,与张俊超老师合上)、《大学生批判性思维》(本科生课程,团队授课)。
He teaches three courses, including Qualitative research methods (Cooperate with Dr. Lin Yaqiong) and The Theory and Method of College Student Affairs Management (Cooperate with Dr. Zhang Junchao) for master students, Critical Thinking of College Students (Team teaching) for undergraduate students.
研究课题 参与或主持10余项,主要如下:
6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,博士毕业生的初职获得与早期生涯发展追踪研究(**),2021年开始参与,以通讯作者的身份撰写论文1篇。
7. 教育部科技司高等学校中长期(2021-2035年)和“十四五”科技发展规划战略研究课题“高校高水平科技人才队伍建设研究”(后期资助),2020年开始参与,参与撰写调研报告约3000字,撰写1篇第一作者论文,已结题。
8.2014 年教育部哲学社会科学研究重大委托项目“高考改革试点方案跟踪与评估研究”(14JZDW004),我主要参与浙江高考改革项目余姚市调研方案完善,以及浙江高考改革实地调研以及后续的相关研究。同时,我于2018年底通过课题组组长给浙江省考试院院长转达浙江高考改革的五项建议,已结题。
16.南京航空航天大学青年科技创新基金重大项目培育基金(人文社科类)(NR**):大学生网络成瘾的预防研究,参与撰写论文《我国高校“学困生”的成因分析及对策研究 ——基于对“学习困难”定义回归解读的视角》(二作)并发表,已结题。
1)The Impact of the College Students Learning Assessment Project of China (2020kfyXJJS024), sponsored by the Independent Innovation Research Fund Project of Huazhong University of Science and Technology,2020-,PI.
2)The Convergence Management Mode of International Students from Research Universities in China under the Background of the New Era (2020WKYXQN002), sponsored by the Independent Innovation Research Fund Project of Huazhong University of Science and Technology,2020-,PI.
3)The Educational Action of College Teachers and Students in Fighting against the Epidemic of COVID-19 (H**), sponsored by Professor Du Zuyi Educational Biology Research Project of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2020-, PI.
4) The Application of Three-stage Transformation Model (TSTM) in College Students with Learning Difficulties (2012SJDFDY108), sponsored by Jiangsu University Philosophy and Social Science Research Fund, 2012-2016, PI.
5) Students’ International Competence Improvement of Yenching Academy in Peking University under Different Accommodation Modes, sponsored by Peking University, 2015-2017, PI.
6) A Follow-Up Research on the First Job Acquisition and Early Career Development of Doctoral Graduates (**), 2021-, sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Co-investigator.
7) The construction of high-level scientific and technological talents in colleges and universities (subsequent funding), sponsored by The Ministry of Education Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Education, Co-investigator.
8) Research and Tracking of the Pilot Program of the Gaokao Reform (14JZDW004), sponsored by Philosophy and Social Science Research of the Ministry of Education, 2017-, Co-investigator.
9) Deciphering the Impact of the New Mechanism of Funding for Rural Compulsory Education (**), sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2016-, Co-investigator.
10) National University Teaching Quality and Student Development Monitoring Program, sponsored by Beijing Municipal Education Commission, Co-investigator.
获奖及专利 本科以来(2003年-至今)共获得36项荣誉奖项。
12. 2018年全国高校教育学研究生学术论坛论文一等奖(中国人民大学颁发,201806)
1) Excellent Graduates, Peking University (2019)
2) National Scholarship for Outstanding Students, Ministry of Education in China (2018)
3) “Advanced Learning Style” Class, Peking University (2016)
4) The innovation Award for Excellent Academic Work, Peking University (2016, 2017)
5) Weifang, Min Scholarship for Outstanding Students, Peking University (2017)
6) Excellent Student Awards, Peking University (2017, 2018)
7) Scholarship of Graduate School of Education, Peking University (2017)
8) The First-class Award of Doctoral students of the 8th Capital University Academic Forum for Graduate of Education, Beijing Normal University (2017)
9) The First-class Award of the National University Academic Forum for Graduate of Education, Renmin University of China (2018)
10) The Second Award of the 7th Institute of Education of Tsinghua University and the 2nd Tsinghua University Future Education Forum, Tsinghua University (2018)
11) The Second Award of Capital University Academic Forum for Graduate of Education, Renmin University of China (2016)
12) Outstanding Paper Award of 2017 Academic Annual Meeting of the Education Evaluation Branch of China Association of Higher Education , China Association of Higher Education (2017)
13) “Top Ten Papers” Award for Higher Education Young Scholars Forum, the Higher Education Research magazine and editorial department of Suzhou University Journal (2018)
14) Excellent doctoral thesis, Graduate School of Education, Peking University (2019)
15) The Second Award of the Second National University Higher Education Graduate Academic Forum, Huazhong University of Science & Technology, Xiamen University and Nanjing University (2019)
16) The Third Award of Outstanding Papers of the 3rd World-class University and First-class Discipline Construction and Evaluation Forum, Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and Technology, Jiangxi Normal University (2019)
主要论文 (一)期刊论文:20余篇(18篇一作或独作,1篇通讯作者,不含译文)
1. 新冠肺炎疫情下湖北大学生是如何“持志”的,《复旦教育论坛》(CSSCI核心,北大核心、AMI核心),2021年第3期,通讯作者。
6.研究型大学本科师生课外沟通的实证研究——以某 C9 大学调查为例,《教育学术月刊》(北大核心,现为CSSCI扩展版、AMI核心),2016年第8期,独作。
7.高等教育国际借鉴与本土阐释的文化逻辑——以“中国大学模式命题”为例,《高教发展与评估》(北大核心,CSSCI扩展版, AMI核心),2020年第1期,独作;获第二届全国高校高等教育学研究生学术论坛论文二等奖,华中科技大学、厦门大学和南京大学颁发。
22.我国高校“学困生”的成因分析及对策研究 ——基于对“学习困难”定义回归解读的视角,《高等理科教育》, 2011年第2期,第二作者;
2. 科研诚信管理:“问责”与“问政”良性互动,《高校教育管理》(CSSCI)的本周话题栏目(约稿),独作,2019年11月20日。
(1)American Educational Research Association 2021,2021年4月8日-12日,在线,受邀口头汇报论文“The Influencing Factors in the Effects of Career Education for Chinese Senior High School Students”(通讯作者)(语言:英文)
(2)Comparative and International Education Society 2020,2020年3月22日-26日,美国迈阿密(在线),受邀口头汇报论文“How Does a Program Manager become the ‘MR Clutch’—Based on a College Student Learning Assessment Program”(独作)(语言:英文,因新冠疫情影响选择海报形式分享)
(3)China and Higher Education Network2020,2020年12月7日-11日,英国曼彻斯特(在线),受邀口头汇报论文“Hotspots and Trends of Domestic Literature Research on Academic Returnees of Chinese Universities from CNKI Database during 2004-2020: A Visualized Analysis Based on Citespace”(通讯作者)(语言:英文);第20届比较教育年会,2020年11月7日-8日,中国重庆,受邀口头报告。
(4)Comparative & International Education Society (CIES)2019,2019年4月,美国旧金山,受邀口头汇报论文“The Impacts of Different Accommodation Patterns on the Intercultural Competence of Chinese Post-graduate Students: A Case Study of Hopkins-Nanjing Center”(一作)(语言:英文)。
(5)WERA-HKERA International Conference 2017,2017年12月,中国香港,受邀口头汇报论文“Vocational Education or General Education: Evidence from China Family Panel Studies (CFPS) of 2010 and 2012”(一作)(语言:英文)。
(6)HKERA International Conference 2018,2018年12月,中国香港,受邀口头汇报“拨开‘迷雾’:中职教师究竟有怎样的教学观?——基于扎根理论的方法分析”(独作)。
(7)第七届清华大学教育研究院博士生论坛暨第二届清华大学未来教育论坛,2018年5月,北京,受邀口头汇报论文“The Pragmatism Teaching Conception of Secondary Vocational Schools Teachers: From the Dualistic Opposition of Social Orientation and Individual Orientation to Pluralism——Method Analysis Based on Grounded Theory”(独著)(语言:英文),获得论文二等奖。
(8)第五届亚洲高等协会博士生论坛&北大-清华博士生论坛,2017年4月,北京,受邀口头汇报论文“Comparing Studies of the Terminologies of International Competence, Global Competence and Intercultural Competence”(独作)(语言:英文)。
(9)第八届清华大学教育研究院暨第三届清华大学未来教育论坛博士生论坛,2019年5月,受邀汇报论文“The Game between Ideal and Reality: Analysis of the Implementation of the College Application System for the Reform of Zhejiang New Gaokao”(独作)(语言:英文);高等教育学博士生论坛,2018年11月,宁波,受邀口头汇报。
(10)华中科技大学教育科学研究院第六届学术年会,2021年3月20日-21日,中国武汉,受邀口头汇报论文“中国高科技公司跨国战略如何决胜千里之外—关于国际化的科技法律类硕博项目的构想”(How does the Transnational Strategy of Chinese High-tech Companies Win?——The Conception of Establishing an International Master and Doctoral Program for the Cultivation of Scientific and Technological Legal Talents)(第一作者)。
(11)第七届“实践-反思的质性研究”学术研讨会,2019年10月,天津,受邀汇报“项目负责人何以成为“关键先生”?——以中国某大学生学习评估项目为例”(How Does a Program Manager become the “MR Clutch”?—Based on a College Student Learning Assessment Program)(独作)。
(12)第三届世界一流大学和一流学科建设与评价论坛,2019年9月,南昌,受邀汇报“大学生学习评估项目对本科教育质量产生了何种影响?——基于中国A项目15所院校的质性研究分析”(What’s the Impact of the Assessment Program of College Student Learning on the Quality of Undergraduate Education? ——Based on the Qualitative Research of the 15 Institutions of Chinese Program A)(一作);华中科技大学教育科学研究院第五届学术年会,2020年1月,武汉,受邀口头报告。
(15)中国高等教育学会教育评估分会2017年学术年会,2017年12月,上海,受邀口头汇报论文《高等教育增值评价方法的比较与应用——从奥斯汀的教育增值理念说起》(Value-added Evaluation Methods in Higher Education)(独作),获得优秀论文奖。
(16)高等教育青年****论坛,2018年6月,苏州,受邀口头汇报论文《中国大学生学业成就评估研究:二十年的回顾(1998-2017)》(The Academic Achievement Assessment of Chinese University Students: A Two-decade Review (1998-2017))(一作),获论坛“十佳论文”奖;第17届大学教育思想研讨会,2018年11月,常德,受邀口头汇报。
(17)2016年首都高校教育学研究生学术论坛,2016年6月,北京,受邀口头汇报论文《资源依赖理论视角下高校院系权力差距原因分析——基于2010-2015年“C9联盟”校领导学科背景的调查》(The Reason Analysis of College Subunit Power Distance Under The Perspective of Resource Dependence Theory:
Based on The investigation of The Discipline Background of University Leaders of C9 League During 2010-2015)(独作),并获得论文二等奖。
(18)“中国高等教育的改革与发展”清华大学教育研究院第五届博士生论坛,2016年5月,北京,受邀口头汇报论文《我们的大学生到底需要什么?——基于某C9大学本科课外师生沟通调查分析》(What do Our College Students Need? ——Based on the Investigation and Analysis of the Extracurricular Communication between Teachers and Undergraduate Students in a C9 University)(独作)。
1) Chen, Y., Zhou, Z., Pang, Z., Wang, X.*. (2021) . University Students' Persistence in Academic or Career Goals under the COVID-19 Epidemic in Hubei Province. Fudan Education Forum,3:45-53.
2) Wang, X., Qu, Y., Lu, W. (2019). The Influence of Different Accommodation Patterns on the Intercultural Competence of Chinese Post-graduate Students: A Case of the Center for Chinese and American Studies. International and Comparative Education, 3: 31-38.
3) Wang, X. (2017). Comparing Studies of the Terminologies of International Competence, Global Competence and Intercultural Competence. International and Comparative Education, 4: 23-30.
4) Wang, X. (2018). The Reason Analysis of College Subunit Power Distance under The Perspective of Resource Dependence Theory: Based on the investigation of The Discipline Background of University Leaders of C9 League During 2010-2015. Jiangsu Higher Education, 12: 27-33.
5) Wang, X. (2018). Value-added Evaluation Methods in Higher Education. Higher Education Development and Evaluation, 34(5): 6-71.
6) Wang, X. (2016). The Analysis of the Extracurricular Communication between Undergraduates and Teachers in Chinese Research Universities: Based on a Survey of a C9 University. Education Research Monthly, 8: 81-92.
7) Wang, X. (2020). The Cultural Logic of International Learning and Local Interpretation of Chinese Higher Education: A Case of Chinese University Model Proposition. Higher Education Development and Evaluation,36(1):69-80+115.
8) Wang, X. Wang, J. (2018). The Academic Achievement Assessment of Chinese University Students: A Two-decade Review (1998-2017). Journal of Suzhou University (educational science edition), 3: 63-73.
9) Li, J., Wang, X. (2020). Doctoral Education in Ethiopia: Development Process, Problems and Reference from China's Experience. Academic Degrees & Graduate Education, 2: 71-77.
10) Wang, X., Yao, R. (2016). What Does the Abolition of Education Discipline Reflect? China Education Daily.
11) Wang, X., Shi, X. (2016). Seek for the Ideal World of Modern Universities---Review of Gu Mingyuan’s Thoughts about University Education. Shandong Higher Education, 2: 84-92.
12) Wang, X. (2018). Are we really "exquisite egoists"? Beijing Education, 3: 24-27.
13) Wang, X., Zou, C. (2016). Comparative Investigation on the Family Background of Chinese College Students with Learning Disabilities and with High-achievement: Taking College Students in School of Computer Science and Technology in One National Key University in Jiangsu Province. Meitan Higher Education, 34(6): 93-99.
14) Wang, X. (2015). The Enlightenment of Three- Stage Transition Model on College Students with Learning Difficulties in China. Meitan Higher Education, 33(6): 102-106.
*I have published altogether over 20 papers since 2010, 10 of them on core journals. Here, I only present 14 published papers from 2015-the beginning of my study at PKU.
1)Wang, X*. (2021).The Influencing Factors in the Effects of Career Education for Chinese Senior High School Students. Presented at American Educational Research Association 2021,online.
2)Wang, X. (2021). How Does a Program Manager become the “MR Clutch”?—Based on a College Student Learning Assessment Program. Presented at Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) 2020, Miami, America, online.
3) Wang, X*. (2020) Hotspots and Trends of Domestic Literature Research on Academic Returnees of Chinese Universities from CNKI Database during 2004-2020: A Visualized Analysis Based on Citespace. Presented at China and Higher Education Network 2020, Manchester, England. Online. It also presented at the 20th Annual Conference on Comparative Education 2020,Chongqing, China.
4) Wang, X., Qu, Y.,& Lu, W. (2019). The Influence of Different Accommodation Patterns on the Intercultural Competence of Chinese Post-graduate Students: A Case of the Center for Chinese and American Studies. Presented at Comparative & International Education Society (CIES)2019,California, America. We won The First-class Award of the National University Academic Forum for Graduate of Education in 2018.
5) Wang, X. (2019). How Does a Program Manager become the “MR Clutch”?—Based on a College Student Learning Assessment Program. Presented at the 7th Symposium on "Practical-Rethinking Qualitative Research", Tianjin, China.
6) Wang, X. & Shi, X.(2019). What’s the Impact of the Assessment Program of College Student Learning on the Quality of Undergraduate Education? ——Based on the Qualitative Research of the 15 Institutions of Chinese Program A. Presented at the 3rd World-class University and First-class Discipline Construction and Evaluation Forum, Nanchang, China. We got the Third Award of Outstanding Papers. It also presented at The Fifth Annual Conference of School of Education at the Huazhong University of Science and Technology 2020, Wuhan, China.
7) Wang, X., Lu, W., Min, W., &Ha, W.( 2017). Vocational Education or General Education: Evidence from China Family Panel Studies (CFPS) of 2010 and 2012. Presented at WERA-HKERA International Conference 2017, Hongkong, China. We won the First-class Award of Doctoral students of the 8th Capital University Academic Forum for Graduate of Education in 2017.
8) Wang, X. (2018). Beyond Smoke: What is The Teaching Conception of Secondary Vocational School Teachers on Earth? A Qualitative Analysis Based on Grounded Theory. Presented at HKERA International Conference 2018, Hongkong, China. This paper won the second award of the 7th Institute of Education of Tsinghua University and the 2nd Tsinghua University Future Education Forum in 2018.
9) Wang, X. (2017). Comparing Studies of the Terminologies of International Competence, Global Competence and Intercultural Competence. Presented at the 5th Asian Association of Higher Education Doctoral Forum & Peking University-Tsinghua Doctoral Forum, Beijing, China.
10) Wang, X. (2021). How does the Transnational Strategy of Chinese High-tech Companies Win?——The Conception of Establishing an International Master and Doctoral Program for the Cultivation of Scientific and Technological Legal Talents. Presented at The Sixth Annual Conference of School of Education at the Huazhong University of Science and Technology 2020.Wuhan,China.
11) Wang, X. (2017). Value-added Evaluation Methods in Higher Education. Higher Education Development and Evaluation. Presented at Academic Annual Meeting of the Education Evaluation Branch of China Association of Higher Education, Shanghai, China. I won Outstanding Paper Award.
12) Wang, X. &Wang, J. (2018). The Academic Achievement Assessment of Chinese University Students: A Two-decade Review (1998-2017). Presented at Higher Education Young Scholars Forum, Suzhou, China. We won “Top Ten Papers” Award.
13) Wang, X. (2016). The Reason Analysis of College Subunit Power Distance under The Perspective of Resource Dependence Theory: Based on The investigation of The Discipline Background of University Leaders of C9 League During 2010-2015. Presented at Capital University Academic Forum for Graduate of Education, Beijing, China. I won the second award.
14) Wang, X. (2018). The Game between Ideal and Reality: Analysis of the Implementation of the College Application System for the Reform of Zhejiang New Gaokao. Presented at Higher Education Doctoral Student Forum, Ningbo, China.
著作教材 编著3部
2.天山脚下的青鸟,独著,系教育散文集(本人对教育教学朴素的观点之起源),南京大学出版社,2017年4月,12.9万字。书评《有教无类 读书不二》详见江苏教育报2017年9月第4版。
1) Wang, Xiaoqing. The Impact Mechanism of the Chinese College Student Learning Assessment Project (2021 or 2022, pending edition), Huazhong University of Science and Technology Press.
2) Wang, Xiaoqing (2017). A Bluebird at the Foot of the Tianshan Mountains, Nanjing University Press.
3) Wang, Xiaoqing (2015)[ chief deputy editor]. The Enjoyment of Thinking and Arguing: The Theory and Practice of College Students' Network Guidance Work, Nanjing University Press.
研究生情况 既然大多数人的智商(Intelligence Quotient,“IQ”)处于正态分布,那么基于这个判断,从事学术研究或者类似的创造性活动,愚以为“勤商”(Industry Quotient,“IQ’”)是第一位的即“天道酬勤”,其次是爱好运动(Sports)和读书写作(Reading & Writing),后两者是我从陶行知先生的“人有两个宝,双手和大脑”获得启发和灵感。铁三角“S”、“I”和“R”是要互动、互助和互持,方能促进自我之精进。我希望我们培养出的学生都能成为掌握自我命运的“HEAD”(首脑),这个单词由四个部分组成:“Honesty”(诚信)、“Engagement”(参与)、“Alone”(寂寞)和“Dream”(志向)。
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-25
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